IA-88-305, Final Response to FOIA Request.Request Referred to Another Federal Agency

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Final Response to FOIA Request.Request Referred to Another Federal Agency
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/02/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Fogel J
FOIA-88-305 NUDOCS 8808260246
Download: ML20151Y139 (1)



U.S. NUCLEO RE*ULATORY CO JMISSION uc #0A s toast enve mi T



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%,]/ INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST gg e x n . . . , ~ .ae, g


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idRT 1.-RIC/RDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCAT1015ee checaedbeses)

No egency records swb,ect to the request have toen located.

No additecal agency 'ecords 6wbrect to the roovest have been located Agency ruorus obpect to the rewt that are ioentf ed in Append:s sie skaady avadat4 for pebhc repecten and copeng n the NRC Pee Document Aoom.

1717 H Street. N W , Washegton. DC Agency records C pect to the roovest thrt e's duetded in Append.: are being made avadatde for oubbc :nspecten and copyeg in the NRC Pupe Document McWn.1717 H $treet. N W . Washegton, DC, c 4 fo60er wnder the FOIA number and teowester name The n>npropreta7 verson of the propoWsi that vow agreed to accept en a tetophone corwersaton wth a memter of my staff a non beeg made svetable for pupc rwecten and coyeg at the NRC Pw%c Doewwent Room.1717 H Street. N W . Weshegton. OC. e a to6cee under the FOIA n mber u and 'eowester name Enclosed e rdormaton on how you may obtae access to end the da'ges for copyeg recoces placed e the NRC Punc Document Room.1717 H $rreet. N W., Nahangton. DC.

Agency records esbre ct to the request are enclosed Any appleable c+a*ge for ropes of the recewds proveed and payneet procedwres ars noted en the comments secten Records svbrect to the roovest have teen re' erred to another Feoe a! agencytes) for res e* and detect respor+e to you.

In vow of NRC's resocess to the request. no further act<m a beeg ta' en on appeal lette* dated PART tl. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM Pts 00C DISCtOSURE Certan Wormaton in the requested reco'Os a beg withheld from pw%c d,sclosmo pswuaat to the FOIA esemptons described an and for the reasons stated h Part 11. sec-tone S. C. and O. Any redessed portchs of the dccumeets for v,Nch ody part of the record is toeg wthheio e's bemg made evasable *pr pu%c anscocten aFd copyes e the NRC Pw%c Document Room.1717 H Street. N W., Washeg+on. OC. m a foider under the Fot A nu mber an's reevoster nami Comments l

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William G. Mcdonald Director FREEDOM OF INFORMAil0N Of fice of Administration and Revenue ACT RE Ma nagement f d Q .Q.UE!ig g .,3 Og" U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washing ton, D.C. 20555 b 'd 6.g Q$

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear Mr. Mcdonald:

The undersigned represents Cajun Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. ("Cajun") . Cajun is a L.;uisiana cooperative corporation engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to the following thirteen rural electric cooperatives, which are its members: Beauregard Electric Cooperative, DeRidder, Louisiana; Bossier Rural Electric Membership Corporatior., Bossier City, Louisiana; Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc., Homer, Louisiana; Concordia Electric Cooperative, Inc. , Ferriday, Louisiana; Dixie Electric Membership Corporation, Ba ton Rouge, Louisiana; Jef f erson Davis Elec tric Cooperative, Inc. , Jennings, Louisiana; Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc., Winnsboro, Louisiana; Pointe Coupee Electric Methbership Corporation, New Roads, Louisiana; South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Association, Houma, Louisiana; Southwa nt Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation, Laf ayette, Louisiana Teche Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jeanerette, Lcuisiana; Valley Electr i:: Membership Corporation, Natchitoches, Louisiana; Washing ton-S t. Tanmany Elec tric Cooperative, Franklinton, Louisia na .

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.E.C. S 552 (1986), and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1G C.F.R. SS 9.3 et seq. (1987), please make the documents described below avaTfable at your of fices for inspection and photocopying by the undersigned. For the purposes of this request, the term "documents" is defined as all writings l[GOS/?& 60 ,


l i

and records of every type in your possession, control or custody, l however produced or reproduced, including but not limited to any memoranda, reports, studies, analyses, correspondence, letters, )

telegrams, computer printouts or tapes, workpapers, minutes and l records of meetings, summaries and records of telephonic and personal conversations, notes or other written communications and {

copies of documents where such copies contain notes or other such marginalia. The requested documents are as follows:

All documents f rom January 1,1983 to the present relating to any communication f rom or with any investor owned utility or congressional office concerning Cajun  !

Electric Power Cooperative, I nc .  !

We are willing to pay any necessary costs, including j searches or user fees. If this request is denied in whole or in -

part, we ask that you justify the non-disclosure by reference to one or more of the statutory exemption.-. enumerated in 10 C.F.R. S

9. 5 (a) . We expect that you will make available any nonexempt material that may be segregated f rom exempt material, as required by 10 C.F.R. S 9. 5 t b) . We are willing to work closely with you in scheduling the inspection of the requested material at a j reasonable time, place and manner.

Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. SS 9.8 and 9.9, we ask that you j respond to this request within ten business days of its receipt. '

Sincerely ,

C% i.

J. Cathy Fogel 4
