PNO-I-09-003, A: Indian Point Unit 3 Shutdown Due to Feedpump Issues, Dated 06/08/09

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PNO-I-09-003A: Indian Point Unit 3 Shutdown Due to Feedpump Issues, Dated 06/08/09
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/2009
From: Mel Gray
Reactor Projects Branch 2
Download: ML091590556 (2)

Date: June 8, 2009


This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region I staff on this date.

Facility Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Indian Point Unit 3 Buchanan, NY Docket: 50-286 Licensee Emergency Classification Notification of Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency X Not Applicable


UPDATE - INDIAN POINT UNIT 3 SHUTDOWN DUE TO FEEDPUMP ISSUES This preliminary notification supplements information in PNO-I-09-003, which documented an automatic reactor trip on May 28, 2009, due to high steam generator water level and a manual reactor shutdown on May 31, 2009 due to concerns with the operation of the 31 Main Boiler Feed Pump (MBFP). The 31 MBFP is part of the non-safety related portion of the plant that provides water to the four steam generators.

On May 31, while IP3 was operating at 55% power, operators observed the 31 MBFP was exhibiting speed oscillations. Adjustments were made to reduce the oscillations. However, due to questions about the 31 MBFP operation, Entergy operators performed an orderly reactor shutdown in accordance with plant procedures. Entergy staff investigated the causes of the 31 MBFP speed oscillations and continued to repair the 32 MBFP.

Entergy personnel focused their troubleshooting efforts for the 31 MBFP on issues with the control oil system, identifying particulate contamination in the oil. After cleaning and testing of the control oil system, Entergy performed a reactor startup on June 4, 2009. When the 31 MBFP was started, speed oscillations were again observed. Entergy personnel, with vendor assistance, identified and corrected a mechanical feedback issue with the 31 MBFP high pressure governor valve. The 31 MBFP was then returned to service on June 5, 2009. No speed oscillations were observed. The start-up and power ascension was continued, reaching 56% on June 7, 2009. Entergy is holding at 56% while they continue to perform maintenance on the 32 MBFP.

Resident inspectors also observed portions of the plant startup on June 4, and continue to follow the licensee's corrective maintenance activities.

State and local officials have been informed.

Region I Public Affairs is prepared to respond to media inquiries.

ADAMS Accession Number: ML091590556

CONTACT: Mel Gray (610) 337-5209 2DISTRIBUTION: (PN Recipient List)

Chairman Jazcko Comm. Lyons Comm. Klein Comm. Svinicki OIP OCA OGC OPA EDO OE NRR SECY IRO NMSS ACRS OIG RES NSIR NRO PDR RSLO Regional Offices

By Fax:

DOT:Trans INPO NSAC RI Resident Office Licensee: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc (Indian Point Unit 3)

ADAMS Accession Number:

SUNSI Review Complete: mxg* ___ (Reviewer's Initials)

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\DRP\BRANCH2\EDO Notes, MRs, and PNs\2009\PN_IP3_6-8.doc

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