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Forwards Index to Regulatory History for Final Rule to Amend 10CFR50.55a.All Relevant Documents Compiled & Transmitted to Document Control Desk
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/19/1985
From: Millman G
To: Philips J
Shared Package
ML20058J960 List:
FRN-50FR38970, RULE-PR-50 AA83-02-01, AA83-2-1, NUDOCS 8511250349
Download: ML20136J357 (2)


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11/13/85 NOTE TO: Tom Rehm l FROM: Janet Gorn -

Information request-from Jim Curtiss, Senate Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation:

[Please note-this request has a delivery date to the hill on Monday,. November 18, 1985. It will be used for the LLW Act Amendments markup on November 20, 1985].

1) Legal definition of commercial nuclear power plants-that includes PWR,BWR, and Ft. St. Vrain. Exclude research and test reactors. Definition can be based on

- f)O sale of electricity or reactor size. If by reactor size, also provide a list of reactors excluded.

get 2) Estimate of Pqlo Verde (dry waste reactor) waste for one-year. If there are other reactors considered dry waste reactors,.give their waste estimate also.

pr.t 3) Udall report for LLW Act Amendments99-314, Part 1, Page 18.

' Have NRC staff' review calculations for allocation formula, confirm EPRI estimates, identify from which document EPRI is making estimates.

J rA 4) Udall report for LLW Act Amendments99-314, Part I, Page 19 a) Have NRC staff review estimated dates for receipt of full power licenses reactors - are these utility or NRC estimates?

b) Have NRC staff review the 794,792 disposal capacity figure in paragraph one. What is staff comment regarding what figure is based on, and what is staff general comments?

c) Identify where utilities have generated more than the " average" and what action caused the additional waste.

pA 5) Identify LLW generated b'y reactor maintenance activities. What unusal values would fall under this heading? Give type of action with corresponding value in cubic feet, e.g. steam generator repair, pipe cracking. Footnote if a one-time or periodic action or activity.

ed R. - 6) Provide information and statistics on TMI LLW generated.

0011250402 851118 PDH ADOCK 05000312 EDO --- 001181 U PDR



LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE POLICY AMENDMENTS ACT OF 1985 p Octossa 22,1955 --Ordered to be 3nnted

' Mr. UDAU., from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, submitted the following REPORT

{To accompany H R.1083 which on February 7 1985. was referred jointly to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Interior and Insular AfTairs]


{lncludmg cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office; The Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, to whom was re-

} ferred the bill (H.R.1083) to amend the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act to improve procedures for the implementation of i;

compacts providing for the estaolishment and operation of regional

@ disposal facilities for low-level radioactive waste, and for other pur-

{ poses, having considered the same, report favorably thereon with an amendment and recommend that the bill as amended do pass.

kq .

The amendment is as follows l Page 1, line 3 strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following:

f SECTION 1. SHORT TIT 11 This Act may be cited as the " Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendmenus Act of 1985" SEc.1. AMENDMEvf TO THE LOW-LEVEL RADIO 4(Ti% E W ASTE POLICY 4tT


The lew level Radioactive Waste Policy Act < 42 U S C 2021b et seq > ts amended to read as follows.


' This Act may be cited as the lew-Lesel Radioactive Waste Policy Act'

'* -SEc.1 DEF151710NS.

"For purposes of this Act.

"f1) AcTrvrTY or Tus srcRrrARY -The term ' activity of the Secretary' means any activity of the Secretary of Energy that is conducted at an atomic energy defense, research and development. or demonstration mstallation or institution owned by and operated pnneipally for the Department of Energy or its succes-sor H 34 0 b


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1083 a specific quantity of disposal capacity that its operator can use during the limited period of continued access to the operating disposal sites These allocations are higher for reactors within the regions where the operating sites are located For reactors that were licensed to operate at full power prior to September 1.1934, the bill specifies the total amount of capacity available for the re-actor for the 19 ti-39 and the 1990-92 periods, depending on the re-actor type and location.

For new reactors, the bill specifies a monthly allocation based on reactor type and location, to be credited to the reactor based on months of operation.

Allocations begin being credited to reactors on the sixteenth month after their receipt of a full power operating license This ap-proach was taken because reactor operators usually do not ship low level waste prior to this period. Anticipated credits can be used by reactor operators prior to the sixteenth month, however, so long as the reactor is operating under a full power license An explanation of how the allocations for reactor umts were de-termined follows.

EXPLAN ATION OF FORMUI.As FOR DETERMINING ALL9CATIGNS i1i Allocation for Reactors in Sited Regions. January 1. 19862 through December 31, 1989: EPRI average 2 for i eactor type X25 ito reduce total volume requiring disposal by 17.59 ' = 1,027 cfe month for PWRs,2.300 cf month for BWRs.

i26 Allocation for Reactor in Non-sited regions; January 21,1986 through December 31 1989 .PRI average for reactor type 7 ito


reduce volume requiring asposal by 300 ' = *71 ef month for PWRs,1,952 cf month for I;WRs

@ Allocation for React, ~ in Sited Regions: January 1, 21990 through December 31,199_ EPRI average for reactor ty pe .75 ito reduce total volume requiring disposal by 259 ) = 934 cf/ month of PWRs,2,091 cf' month for BWRs.


' i4) Allocation for Reactors in Non-sited regions. Jamuary 990 aI - through December 31, 1992. EPRI average for reactor type 55 l-

! - ito reduce total volume requiring disposal by 439 > = 685 cf month i ) '


for PWRs,1.533 ef month for BWRs 1 .



.- h = ,e Section ,igi of H R 1083 provides capacity at operating disposal

) sites for low-level waste generated by nuclear power reactors by un-L l . i .


. sual repair or maintenance activities This allecation is available d 4 to reactor operators in addition to alh> cations granted to reactor 0

lAJ' umts under subsections 'c' and ei

' Mect ra Power Re ear <t Institu*e LI W generat o r aserage 'or ' ^ a_ aseragwl bs mm e m;ttee staff EPRI aserages taken tror. / /+m tm a tt n . .r R+t m o t. % , es a mt Renm to m l'e, 4

%::5 miues Gi ll EPRI NP - I t m !a n ua n m r at.on ' PWIb .' t - a tm W per mom h EPRI Aserage f or ;ow ieset a ut.' g, d EPRI Awrage for HW Ib f or Hw lew 4 ute generanon " t ur w teet per month k

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.9 The amount of disposai capacity to be made available This amountunder sub-section g is required not to exceed 79C92 cubic feetto the schedule on which new is required to be adjusted relativeIt a reactor reaches full power three I reactors commence operation the time of this report. for months later than was anticipated ataHocation that would have been avail-c or !e4 example. the three month 3 reactor ow ner or operatorf under tsubsection able to thatwould be made availanN mstead to this additional pool o capaci y. adopted reactor operators under procedures to be dist ributed to The amount of the allocation would be pursuant to subsection .g based on whether the delayed reactor was a PWR or BWR. had wheth-er it was located la a rited or unsited region. and whether itbeen scheduled 199M2 period in order to provide a basis for calculatmg whether reactors are f subsec-on 3chedule. delayed or ahead of schedule meludmg a hst for purposes oof est. mated dates on tion 'g ' the comm;ttee is re-

>wer heenses which have not which reactors will receive full of this report These estimates ceived such heenses as of the d . issume receipt of full power au-are consers ative, they generall3 to one year after receipt of low

) thoraat ton for reactor operation .tticulties that may arise m reac-power aut horization recognuing ae on hne at full power which tor been-ing Should reac ors t were not meluded m the calculat.on base, they wili have no impacof capacity avada on t he amount subsea n g shall not be con-The - provided for purposes of subsection < g ovided under strued ; have any eff ect on allocations f or reactors prw hich wil. be calculated f or each reactor subsect an ' c and .e metudmg unit ba-eo on the crneria -et forth m those -ubmetions i ng t he a< ' am date on w nich a reactor receives its t ul'. pow er opera t .

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\*****/ Nov le 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: John Philips, Chief Rules and Procedures Branch Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration FROM: G. C. Millman, Task Leader, 10 CFR 650.55a Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research


REGULATORY HISTORY FOR FINAL RULE TO AMEND 10 CFR 550.55a In accordance with procedures established by the Executive Director for Operations to ensure that a complete regulatory history is compiled for each rulemaking action undertaken by an office under his purview, I have completed the following actions relevant to establishing a regulatory history for the final rule to amend 10 CFR 550.55a.

o Compiled all documents of central relevance to the proposed rulemaking, and identified all such documents with the designators "AA83-2" and "PDR" in accordance with your October 7, 1985, memorandum to me.

o Transmitted all documents comprising the regulatory history to the Document Control Desk (Phillips 016).

o 'y copy of this memorandum, I am transmitting to you the index to the regulatory history for the final rule to amend 10 CFR 950.55a; see Encissure.

If you have any comments or questions, please call me on extension 37862.

f/btllhtSt??nw G. C. Millman, Task Leader 10 CFR 950.554 Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research


As stated 0511250349 851119 PDR PR 50 DOFR30970 PDR


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' Enclosure Index to Regulatory History for Final Rule to Amend 10 CFR 550.55a Codes and Standards (50 FR 38970, September 26, 1985)

Item Subject Date Letter to J. Byrne Federal Register reference 8/28/85 from R. B. Minogue Memorandum for W. J. Dircks Amendment to 10 CFR 550.55a- 8/29/85 from R. B. Minogue Codes and Standards Memorandum for J. M. Felton Implementation of E00 Action 9/17/85 from R. B. Minogue Federal Register Notice Final rule 9/26/85 (50FR38970)

Memorandum for G. C. Millman Regulatory history procedures 10/7/85 from J. Philips Memorandum for J. Philips Regulatory history for final 11/19/85 from G. C. Millman rule to amend 10 CFR 950.55a (Includes Index)
