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Informs That Scheduled Completion Date for Electrical Distribution Sys Functional Insp Inspector Follow-up Item 92-01-07,Finding #5 941231
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/1994
From: Rehn D
NUDOCS 9408090084
Download: ML20071N942 (1)


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Catawba Nuclear Generation Department Vicehesident -

4800 ConcordRoad (803)M14:05 Office "

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July 21,1994 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555  !


Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2

- Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) j Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 924)l-07, Finding # 5 l


Letter from M.S. Tuckman to NRC, dated May 14, 1992 l i




l Catawba Nuclear Station committed in the referenced letter to complete the simulation of the Emergency Diesel .  ;

Generator (EDG) system under the LOCA/ LOOP loading sequence using a new CYME computer program that will model individual loads. Until the new CYME computer program is developed,' the existing Diesel Generator Modeling Program (DGMP) dynamic calculation fully complies with Regulatory Guide 1,9, " Selection, Design,

. Qualification and Testing of EDGs". He original schedule for completion of this simulation was July 15, 1994. l The purpose of this letter to address the reason for extending the date for completion of this commitment.

! A prerequisite required for this simulation was a detailed field test. The field test results were needed to QA certify f' the new CYME dynamic analysis program. Upon completion of the prerequisite field test, the analysis and assimilation of the test data into a form suitable for certification of the computer program was necessary. This

l. conversion of data into a usable form took significantly longer than expected resulting in an approximate six month i delay in providing this data to our Electrical Engineering Group for the QA certification and completion of the i computer simulation. He final data was available to Electrical Engineering in December,1993.

he original commitment in the referenced letter allocated a year from the time that the test data was expected to be available until the time that this calculation was to be completed. His work is now in progress and it is now l anticipated that the computer simulation for Catawba Nuclear Station will be completed by December 31, 1994.

l Therefore the scheduled completion date for this commitment is December 31,1994.

l If there are any questions, please contact Jeff lowery, Catawba Regulatory Compliance, at 803-831-3414.

s D. L Rehn, Site Vice-President Catawba Nuclear Station i xc: S.D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region 11 R.E. Martin, ONRR

R.JpF,nugntgrggr, Catawba Senior Resident Inspector i 9408090084 940721 PDR 1

G ADOCK 05000413 l- PDR i

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