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Change Request NPF-11/83-01 to License NPF-11,revising Organizational Chart to Reflect Project Manager Position
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/1983
From: Schroeder C
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20071C381 List:
6054N, NUDOCS 8303020012
Download: ML20071C380 (1)



'N Commonwealth ECson

[ ) One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois

-( O ] Addr1ss Riply to: Post Offica Box 767

' (f Cracago, Illinois 60690 p+ February 24, 1983

,-3 9 '-

y Di r,ec to 'r of Nuclear Reactor Regulation A',tention,tJ Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing '.,

U. S. Nuclear' Regulatory Comm1'ssion e Washington, DC 20555 7

.i ,


LaSalle County Station Unit 1 P

Proposed Am<tndment to~NPF-11 Appendix A-Technical Specifications Regarding Project Manager Position NRC Docket'No. 50-373

Dear Sir:

, The purpose of this letter is to request the following change in Technical Specifications for LaSalle County Station Unit 1:

Change Request NPF-11/83-01 y -

Revise organization chart to reflect the position of Project Manager. This change is'purel'y admiriistrative 'in nature and, as such, is one example of a Class III amendment. -

f This proposed change is address?,d in the attachment and has received onsite and of fsite review. and approval. Attachment-B lists the

, status of Technical Specification Change Requests for LaSalle.

  1. +3 D Pursuant to 10 CFR 170, this"/change / reflects one example nf a Class III amendment. A remittance of $1,200.00 is, therefore, enclosed.

Please contact t.his office if there are eny questions in this j matter. -

t Three (3) sign'ed originals, khd fo[rty (40) copies of this transmittal and attachments are provi'd'ed for your use.

y Very tr,uly yours,


C. W.,Schroeder i

Nuclear Licensing Admf;nistrator im .


Attachments # ' '

I cc: NRCf Residerit Inspector - LSCS '

l i SUBSCRIBE 0 and SWORN to before me this W i lday

.o fM h in aXi / , 1983 Q\


c A I't)k  ?/k , -

fId \ g,D U

. / Notary Public 302 4 l - n 0303O g 2O 000 73 1 l 6054N PDR A DR P

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