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Final As-Administered Walkthrough Jpms for the Perry Initial Examination - March 2002
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/2002
From: Dante Johnson
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
50-440/02301, ES-301-2, NUREG-1021, Rev 8
Download: ML021190207 (89)



ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Form-301-2 Facility: Pe Date of Examination: 3/4/2002 Exam Level RO/SROI Operating Test No.: 2002-01 B.1: Control Room Systems System JPM Description Type Safety Code* Function RRS Shift Recirculation Pump B from Slow Speed to SNA 1 S1 202001 Fast Speed and Raise Reactor Power using Recirculation Flow CRDH CRD Alternate Injection for Level Control MSA 2 S2 201001/295031 Control Room HVAC Shift CR HVAC & Emergency Recirculation from SD 9 S3 290003 Emergency to Normal RCIC RCIC Startup from Standby Readiness (CST to MASL 4 S4 217000 CST)

RHR/LPCI Terminate Containment Spray RHR Loop A NS 5 S5 226001 DG Remotely Transfer Bus EH12 to the Alternate SN 6 S6 264000 Preferred Source from the DG MRSS Opening Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve SN 3 S7 239001 B.2: Facility Walk-Through SLCS Commence Alternate Boron Injection DR 1 P1 211000 RHR Perform RHR Loop B Alternate Injection DR 2 P2 203000/295031 Fire Protection Initiate CR Subfloor C02 from Outside CR MA 8 P3 286000

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol Room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA Final - Revision 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8

ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Form-301-2 Facility: Per Date of Examination: 3/4/2002 Exam Level: SROU Operating Test No.: 2002-01 B.1: Control Room Systems System JPM Description Type Safety Code* Function S1 S2 S3 RCIC RCIC Startup from Standby Readiness (CST to MASL 4 S4 217000 CST)

S5 DG Remotely Transfer Bus EH12 to the Alternate SN 6 S6 264000 Preferred Source from the DG MRSS Opening Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve SN 3 S7 239001 B.2: Facility Walk-Through P1 RHR Perform RHR Loop B Alternate Injection DR 2 P2 203000/295031 Fire Protection Initiate CR Subfloor C02 from Outside CR MA 8 P3 286000

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol Room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA Final - Revision 0 NUREG-1021, Revision 8

SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE OF PART B JPMs S1 RRS 202001 Shift Recirculation Pump B from Slow Speed to Fast Speed and Raise Reactor Power using Recirculation Flow This JPM is safety significant because core reactivity is directly affected. Additionally, the operator must coordinate activities having the potential to affect reactivity with NLOs outside the control room.

S2 CRDH 201001/295031 CRD Alternate Injection for Level Control This JPM is safety significant because normal high-pressure injection systems are unavailable, requiring the use of alternate injection systems to maintain adequate core cooling.

S3 CR HVAC 290003 Shift CR HVAC & Emergency Recirculation from Emergency to Normal This JPM is safety significant because failure to properly shift Control Room HVAC from Emergency to Normal could result in the inability of Control Room HVAC to perform its safety related design function.

S4 RCIC 217000 RCIC Startup from Standby Readiness (CST to CST)

This JPM is safety significant because RCIC is required for heat removal. Failure to start and operate RCIC in the CST to CST mode as directed could result in inadequate heat removal and rising reactor pressure.

S5 RHR/LPCI 226001 Terminate Containment Spray RHR Loop A This JPM is safety significant because failure to terminate containment sprays when directed by the EOPs could result in exceeding the negative design pressure of the Containment, which would directly threaten Containment Integrity.

S6 DG 264000 Remotely Transfer Bus EH 12 to the Alternate Preferred Source from the DG This JPM is safety significant because improperly transferring bus EH12 to the alternate preferred source could result in a loss of Division 2 Diesel Generator availability and/or a loss of power to bus EH12.

Final - Revision 0 1

SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE OF PART B JPMs S7 MRSS 239001 Opening Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve This JPM is safety significant because failure to open the Main Steam Line Drain Valve as required by the Severe Accident Guidelines could result in a loss of ability to control reactor pressure and assure adequate core cooling as containment water level rises to the level of the SRVs when the containment is flooded.

P1 SLCS 211000 Commence Alternate Boron Injection This JPM is safety significant because Alternate Boron Injection is required by the EOPs in order to shut down the Reactor following a failure to scram event.

P2 RHR 203000/295031 Perform RHR Loop B Alternate Injection This JPM is safety significant because normal ECCS injection systems are unavailable, requiring the use of alternate injection systems to maintain adequate core cooling.

P3 Fire Protection 286000 Initiate CR Subfloor C02 from Outside CR This JPM is safety significant because failure to initiate the Control Room Subfloor C02 system could result in the spread of the fire, resulting in the failure or misoperation of plant equipment essential to reactor safety.

Final - Revision 0 2

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 202-547-01-01 202-511-01-01 Task


Shift Recirculation Pump B JPM No: 2002 NRC S I from Slow Speed to Fast Speed and Raise Reactor Power using Recirculation Flow (Alt. Path).



202001 A1.07, A1.08, A4.01 202002 A1.07, A1.08. A4.08 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance Performance In simulator Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Initial Conditions: A plant startup is in progress. Recirc Pump A has just been transferred from slow to fast speed in accordance with SOI-B33, Reactor Recirculation System, Section 5.1, Steps 1 through 7.

Task Standard: Candidate transfers Recirc Pump B from slow to fast speed. While increasing core flow, candidate identifies Recirculation Flow Control Valve A will not further open and then successfully opens the FCV by performing recovery from failure to open flow control from minimum position (i.e., raises HPU discharge pressure).

Required Materials: SOI-B33, Rev. 6, PIC 16 General


SOI-B33, Rev. 6, PIC 16 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor, with concurrence from Reactor Engineering, directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to transfer Recirc Pump B from slow to fast speed in accordance with SOI-B33, Section 5.1, Step 8.

Then increase core flow to 58x 106 lbm/hr flow by simultaneously operating the Recirc Loop A and B Flow Control slide switches using 2 second bumps.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 30 minutes

Appendix C Page 3 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk )

Cue: If a reactivity brief is requested, inform the candidate you will provide SRO oversight for the reactivity manipulation.

Performance Step: Transfer RCIRC PUMP B, 1B33-COO1B, from slow to fast speed by 5.1.8 reperforming Steps 2 through 7 for Rcirc Pump B.

Standard: Returns to Step 5.1.2 for Recirc Pump B.


Performance Step: Verify CBs 3B and 4B are closed.

5.1.2 Standard

Confirms CBs 3B and 4B are closed.


Performance Step: Take the CAVITATION/FCV LIMIT RCIRC RESET switch, 5.1.3 1B33-SI 11, to A then to B.

Standard: Takes the CAVITATION/FCV LIMIT RCIRC RESET switch, 1B33-S1 11, to A then to B.

Verifies white lights are out and alarms are clear.

Comment: Note: This step is not critical because it was previously performed prior to shifting Recirc Pump A to fast speed.

Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: If Reactor engineer recommends bypassing the power interlock after 5.1.4 considering the following items:

"* ICS Computer point N27ME008, Total Rx Feedwater Flow (suct-recirc), indication (normally > 3.43 Mlbm/hr), and

"* ICS Computer point C34EAO 13, Total Rx Steam Flow, indication (normally > 3.1 Mlbm/hr), and


Then place the following switches in BYPASS on Auxiliary Relay Panel, 1B33-POO1A and B:

a. POWER INTERLOCK, 1B33-S126A and B.

Standard: Candidate evaluates the above listed items and contacts the Reactor Engineer for his recommendation.

Comment: Cue: Inform the candidate that the Reactor Engineer does not recommend bypassing the power interlock.

Cue: Inform the candidate that I&C is not available for the next step to monitor for positive voltage and that he is to continue the task.

Note: The flow control valve may not open from 8% while in fast speed operation. If this occurs, proceed to Recovery From Failure to Open Flow Control from Minimum Position.

Performance Step: Operate RCIRC LOOP B FLOW CONTROL, 1B33-K603B, slide 5.1.5 switch on P680 to obtain < 10% VALVE TRAVEL.

Standard: Operates 1B33-K603B slide switch to obtain < 10% valve position.

Comment: Cue: If requested, direct the candidate to reposition FCV B to the 9% open position.

Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Deleted

5.1.6 Standard

None Comment:

Performance Step: If RCIRC B TEMP INTERLOCK is locked in, perform SVI-B33 5.1.6a TI 168, Idle Recirculation Loop Temperature and Flow.

Standard: Determines step is not applicable because the alarm is not locked in.

Comment: Note: During slow to fast speed transfer, annunciator E2 on 1H13-P870-1A, Bus H12 BREAKER TRIP will be received due to lB Breaker trip.

Performance Step: Take RCIRC PUMP B BRKR 5B control switch on P680 to START 5.1.7 and verify the following:

b. RCIRC PUMP B BRKR 5B on P680 closes and RCIRC B PUMP SPEED, 1B33-R651B, increases to 1800 RPM.

Standard: Takes RCIRC PUMP B BRKR 5B control switch on P680 to START.

Confirms LFMG B SUPPLY BRKR lB and LFMG B OUTPUT BRKR 2B open. Verifies RCIRC PUMP B BRKR 5B closes and RCIRC PUMP B SPEED increases to 1800 RPM.

Comment: Candidate may announce expected alarm H13-P870-1 (E2).

Appendix C Page 6 of 13 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Transfer RCIRC PUMP A(B), 1B33-COO1A(B), from slow to fast 5.1.8 speed by reperforming Steps 2 through 7 for RCIRC PUMP A(B).

Standard: Determines no operator action is required.


Performance Step: After the transfers are complete, reset bus H 11 and H 12 breaker trip 5.1.9 annunciators by taking LFMG A and B SUPPLY BRKR IA and B control switches to TRIP then back to NORM.

Standard: Takes LFMG A SUPPLY BRKR control switch to TRIP and back to NORM.

Takes LFMG B SUPPLY BRKR control switch to TRIP and back to NORM.

Comment: Cue: Inform the candidate that the Bus Hit breaker trip annunciator was previously reset.

Note: Candidate may announce expected alarm H13-P870-1 (El) and (E2) are reset.

Appendix C Page 7 of 13 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: When ICS Computer point N27ME009, Total Rx Feedwater Flow 5.1.10 (venturi), indicates consistently > 3.43 Mlbm/hr:

a. Verify Recirc Flow Control Cavitation Runback is reset.
b. Verify Feedwater Cavitation Interlock relay contacts closed at 1H13P612, card 1C34K618A(B) as follows:

Terminals 9 & 10 Terminals 13 & 14

c. Verify the following switches in NORMAL on Auxiliary Relay Panel, 1B33-POO1A and B:

Standard: a Confirms Recirc Flow Control Cavitation Runback is reset.

b Contacts I&C to confirm Feedwater Cavitation Interlock Relay contacts (Terminals 9 & 10 (13 & 14)) at 1H13P612, card 1C34K618A(B) are closed.

c Contacts NLO to determine the POWER INTERLOCK, 1B33 S 126Aand B, and TOTAL FEEDWATER LOW FLOW INTERLOCK, 1B33-S 127A and B, are in NORMAL on Auxiliary Relay Panel, 1B33-POO1A and B.

Comment: Note: Candidate confirms FCV Runback is reset by observing alarm window H13-P680-4 (B113) is clear.

Cue: I&C has verified the FDW Cavitation Interlock Relay contacts are closed.


Appendix C Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Perform independent verification of required components.

5.1.11 Standard: Performs independent verification of required components.

Requests second individual to complete the independent verification.

Comment: Cue: Inform the candidate that the independent verification check is completed.

Note: Candidate proceeds to SOI-B33, Section 5.3 in order to increase core flow to 58 x 106 Ibm/hr.

Note: The following step will require the candidate to perform the alternate path.

Performance Step: With RCIRC LOOP A and B FLOW CONTROL, 1B33-K603A and 5.3.1 1B33-K603B, in MAN on the Unit Control Console, 1H13-P680, operate the slide switches to adjust loop flows as required.

Standard: Raises core flow by simultaneously operating both Recirc Loop A and B Flow Control slide switches using 2 second bumps (as directed in the JPM cue).

Candidate observes that FCV A did not move.

Comment: Note: This step may require several core flow adjustments before the candidate is able to determine Recirc Flow Control Valve A is not moving.

Cue: If candidate recommends additional core flow adjustments to confirm the failure, direct the candidate to raise Recirculation flow by operating the Recirc Loop A Flow Control slide switch using a 2 second bump.

Note: Candidate should proceed to SOI-B33, Section 7.9.

Cue: If candidate asks for direction upon recognition of FCV A failure to move, then ask what course of action is recommended to allow the startup to continue.

Appendix C Page 9 of 13 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Prior to adjusting HPU pressure in any of the subsequent steps verify 7.9.1 Servo Error is 0%.

Standard: Takes Flow Controller B33-K603A to lower position until Servo Error indicates 0% on B33-K603A Servo Error indicator.


Performance Step: If Loop A FCV failed to open:

7.9.2.a Increase the pressure setting of HPU 1B33-D003A, Subloop 1, as read on local gauge 1B33-R708A, to 2000 psig by adjusting HPU A Subloop I Pump Discharge Relief, 1B33-F587A.

Standard: Directs NLO to raise pressure to 2000 psig or directs NLO to perform SOI-B33, Section 7.9.2.a for HPU A Subloop 1.

Comment: Note: The Simulator Driver will role play as the NLO.

Cue: If asked, NLO will report an initial pressure of 1900 psig.

Cue: NLO reports pressure has been raised to 2000 psig.

Note: The Simulator Driver must delete Malfunction TH23A before Step 7.9.2.b is performed by the candidate.

Note: When the malfunction is deleted, candidate may observe several small servo error oscillations and take conservative action to shutdown the HPU and lockup Recirc Flow Control Valve A.

Appendix C Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C- I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Increase the VALVE TRAVEL of the control valve using the slide 7.9.2.b switch of RCIRC LOOP A FLOW CONTROL, 1B33-K603A, on P680.

Standard: Operates 1B33-K603A slide switch to increase valve travel.

Determines Recirc FCV A is responding and informs the Unit Supervisor.


Performance Step: If the flow control valve still will not open, consult the Shift 7.9.2.c Supervisor and, at his direction, increase HPU pressure up to a maximum of 2100 psig in 50 psig steps.

Standard: No action is required.


Performance Step: Increase the VALVE TRAVEL of the control valve using the slide 7.9.2.d switch of RCIRC LOOP A FLOW CONTROL, 1B33-K603A.

Standard: No action is required.


Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Restore the pressure setting of HPU 1B33-D003A, to 1850-1950 7.9.2.e psig.

Standard: Directs NLO to restore pressure setting to 1850 to 1950 psig.

Comment: Cue: NLO reports pressure setting restored to 1900 psig.

Cue: Inform candidate core flow adjustments will be suspended until management has reviewed all issues concerning the sticking Recirc Flow Control Valve A.

Note: This step is critical only if the candidate did not previously shutdown the HPU to lockup the Recirc Flow Control Valve.

Terminating Cue:

When SOt-B33, Section 7.9.2 is completed or HPU A has been shutdown, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

Appendix C Page 12 of 13 Form ES-C- I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC Si1 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

Appendix C Page 13 of 13 Form ES-C- I JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL A plant startup is in progress. Recirc Pump A has just been transferred CONDITIONS: from slow to fast speed in accordance with SOI-B33, Reactor Recirculation System, Section 5.1, Steps I through 7.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor, with concurrence from Reactor Engineering, directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to transfer Recirc Pump B from slow to fast speed in accordance with SOI-B33, Section 5. 1, Step 8.

Then increase core flow to 58x 106 ibm/hr flow by simultaneously operating the Recirc Loop A and B Flow Control slide switches using 2 second bumps.

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 201-565-05-01 Task


CRD Pump Alternate JPM No: 2002 NRC S2 Iniection for Level Control (Alt. Path)



2950031 EAI.08/EAI.10 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance Performance In simulator Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The reactor is shutdown. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS) has been entered due to RPV level less than Level 3. Feedwater, HPCS, and RCIC are unavailable and RPV level is slowly decreasing.

Task Standard: Candidate identifies the trip of CRD Pump A during the initial lineup for CRD Alternate Injection, restarts CRD Pump A, and injects into the RPV using CRD Alternate Injection.

Required Materials: Control Room PEI File Cabinet:

PEI-SPI 4.1, Rev 0, PIC 1 Two PEI-SPI keys General


PEI-SPI 4.1, Rev 0, PIC I Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to perform CRD Alternate Injection in accordance with PEI-SPI 4.1.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 15 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 2 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: If any CRD pump is running and any Service Air Compressor or 1.0 Instrument Air Compressor is running, then proceed to step 7 of this instruction.

Standard: Observes CRD Pump A and Service Air Compressor are running.

Proceeds to step 7.


Performance Step: If Instrument Air is isolated to Containment and no known air leak is 7.0 present in Containment, then OPEN INST AIR CNTMT ISOL P52-F200.

Standard: Observes Instrument Air not isolated to Containment; P52-F200 open (red light on, green light off).


Performance Step: Commence injection as follows:


  • Verify the following pushbuttons are armed and depressed:


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 3 of 10 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Verify CRD HYDRAULICS FLOW CONTROL C 1 -R600 is in 8.2 MANUAL.

Standard: Places CRD Hydraulics Flow Controller in MANUAL.

Comment: Note: The following step will require the candidate to perform the alternate path.

Performance Step: Adjust CRD HYDRAULICS FLOW CONTROL C II-R600 output 8.3 slowly to 100 to maximize flow.

Standard: Raises CRD Hydraulics Flow Controller output in MANUAL to 100.

Comment: Note: Drywell leak will result in a LOCA signal. Candidate must recognize CRD pump trip and return to procedure step 2 for additional actions.

Cue: If candidate asks, CRD alternate injection is still required.

Performance Step: If Bus XH1 I is de-energized, then restore Bus XHI I as follows:


  • PLACE BUS XH1I LOCA BYPASS keylock switch in BYPASS.

Standard: Places BUS XH1 1 LOCA BYPASS keylock switch in BYPASS.

Comment: Expected alarm, H13-P877-1 (G5), BUS XHI 1 LOCA BYPASS.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: CLOSE ISOLATING BRKR EH 1116.

2.2 Standard

Closes Isolating Breaker EHI 116. Candidate may match green flag breaker prior to closing the breaker. If breaker green flag is matched, alarm H13-P877-1 (G2) will clear.

Candidate observes breaker closed (red light on, green light off).

Comment: When breaker is closed, these alarms are expected to clear at panel H13-P877-1:

G2, BUS EH 1I BREAKER TRIP G4, BUS XH1 1 STRIPPED UNDERVOLTAGE Performance Step: If Bus XH12 is de-energized, then restore Bus XH12 as follows:


  • PLACE BUS XH12 LOCA BYPASS keylock switch in BYPASS.

Standard: Places BUS XH12 LOCA BYPASS keylock switch in BYPASS.

Comment: Candidate may announce expected alarm, H13-P877-2 (G5), BUS XH12 LOCA BYPASS.

Cue: If asked about the necessity to reenergize Bus X1112, direct candidate to perform procedure as written.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: CLOSE ISOLATING BRKR EH1214.

3.2 Standard

Closes Isolating Breaker EH1214. Candidate may match green flag breaker prior to closing the breaker. If breaker green flag is matched, alarm H13-P877-2 (G2) will clear.

Candidate observes breaker closed (red light on, green light off)

Observes Bus XH12 voltage available lamp lit.

Comment: When breaker is closed, alarms expected to clear at panel H13 P877-2:

G2, BUS EH12 BREAKER TRIP G4, BUS XH12 STRIPPED UNDERVOLTAGE Performance Step: At H13-P970, verify only one of the following is running:




"* NCC PUMP C P43-COOIC Standard: Determines only NCC Pump C is operating.


Performance Step: If no Service Air Compressor is running and no Instrument Air 5.0 Compressor is running, then refer to SOI-P51/52, Service and Instrument Air System, Section 4.3, Serv (Inst) Air Compressor Manual Startup from Standby Readiness.

Standard: Determines Service Air Compressor is running.

No operator action is required.


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: If no CRD pump is running, then start CRD Pump A as follows:


"* Start CRD AUX OIL PUMP A C 11-CO02A.

"* Verify blue PERM light is energized.


"* Start CRD Pump A C11-COO1A.


  • Starts Aux Oil Pump. Observes red light on, green light off, H13-P601-22 (F2), CRD PUMP A TRIP OIL PRESSURE LOW alarm clears.
  • Observes blue permissive light is on.
  • Places CRD Hydraulics Flow Controller in MANUAL and adjusts output to 0.
  • Starts CRD Pump A, observes red light on, green light off.

Candidate may elect to first clear the pump trip alarm (H13-P601-22 (D2) by placing the control switch in STOP prior to starting the pump.

Comment: Alarm H13-P601-22 (D2), CRD PUMP AUTO TRIP is expected to clear when CRD Pump A is started.

Performance Step: If Instrument Air is isolated to Containment and no known air leak is 7.0 present in Containment, then OPEN INST AIR CNTMT ISOL P52-F200.

Standard: Places valve control switch to OPEN position. Observes red light on, green light off, and amber override light on.

Comment: Cue: If asked, no known air leak is present in Containment.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Commence injection as follows:

8.1 0 Verify the following pushbuttons are armed and depressed:

6 RPS MANUAL SCRAM CH A C71A-S3A 0 RPS MANUAL SCRAM CH C C71A-$3C 0 RPS MANUAL SCRAM CH B C71A-S3B 0 RPS MANUAL SCRAM CH D C71A-S3D Standard: Confirms RPS Manual Scram pushbuttons are armed and depressed or confirms white scram solenoid lights are out at H13-P680.


Performance Step: Verify CRD HYDRAULICS FLOW CONTROL C II-R600 is in 8.2 MANUAL.

Standard: Verifies CRD Hydraulics Flow Controller is in Manual.


Performance Step: Adjust CRD HYDRAULICS FLOW CONTROL C 1 -R600 output 8.3 slowly to 100 to maximize flow.

Standard: Raises CRD Hydraulics Flow Controller output in MANUAL to 100%.

Comment: Following alarms may come in as flow is raised:

  • H13-P601-22 (H3)
  • H13-P601-22 (D3)

Performance Step: Open CRD DRIVE PRESS CONTROL VALVE C1 l-F003.

8.4 Standard

Holds control switch in open until red light is on and green light is off.


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At IB 574' C/08, CRD Pump Room, UNLOCK and CLOSE Pump A 8.5 Minimum Flow Isolation IC 1 -FO15A.

Standard: Directs NLO to close 1C I -FO15A.

Comment: Cue: Minimum Flow Isolation 1Cll-FO15A is closed.

Terminating Cue:

When PEI-SPI 4.1 Step 8.5 is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC S2 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL The reactor is shutdown. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS) has been CONDITIONS: entered due to RPV level less than Level 3. Feedwater, HPCS, and RCIC are unavailable and RPV level is slowly decreasing.

INITIATING The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to perform CRD CUE: Alternate Injection in accordance with PEI-SPI 4.1.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 037-532-01-01 Task


Shift Control Room HVAC JPM No: 2002 NRC S3 and Emergency Recirculation System from Emergency Recirculation to Normal K/A


290003 A4.01 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance Performance In Simulator Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: Train A and B of the Control Room HVAC and Emergency Recirculation System automatically started due to a spurious upscale trip of the Control Room Airborne Gas Monitor, D 17-K776.

SOI-M25/26 Section 4.5 has been performed with Train A in operation and Train B overridden off. The spurious signal has cleared and alarms at D17-K776 have been reset.

Task Standard: Candidate performs reset of emergency recirculation auto initiation and shifts Control Room HVAC Train A from the Emergency Recirculation mode to the Normal mode.

Required Materials: SOI M25/26, Rev. 9, PIC 05 General


SOI M25/26, Rev. 9, PIC 05 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to shift Control Room HVAC Train A from the Emergency Recirculation Mode to the Normal Mode in accordance with SOI M25/26.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 23 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 2 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: If CONT RM HVAC A INBD SUPP DMPR, M25-F020B, or CONT 5.6.1 RM HVAC B INBD SUPP DMPR, M25-F020A, is closed, perform Reset of Emergency Recirculation Auto Initiation.

Standard: Observes that M25-FO20A and M25-FO20B are closed. Proceeds to Section 7.2.


Performance Step: Verify both of the following in EMERG RCIRC:



Standard: Verifies both switches in EMERG RCIRC.


Performance Step: If Train A is operating, perform the following:


a. Place CONT RM HVAC TRAIN A CONT, M25-S5, in ON.
c. Observe if an amber LOCA, LOOP, or HI RAD Override light comes on.

Standard: Verifies M25-S5 is in ON position.

Places Electric Heating Coil A control switch to STOP position.

Observes green light on, red light off.

Observes amber light flicker but does not remain on.

Comment: Note: The amber light is located above the M25-$5 switch.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 3 of 9 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: If Train B is operating, perform the following:


a. Place CONT RM HVAC TRAIN B CONT, M25-$6, in ON.
c. Observe if an amber LOCA, LOOP, or HI RAD Override light comes on.

Standard: No operator action is required. Train B is overridden.


Performance Step: If Train A (B) is in secured status, take CONT RM HVAC TRAIN A 7.2.3a (B) CONT, M25-$5(6) to STOP.

Standard: No operator action is required. Neither train is in secured status.


Performance Step: Wait 2 minutes to allow the heating coils to cool.

7.2.4 Standard

Acknowledges 2 minute wait period.

Comment: Cue: Inform the candidate 2 minutes has elapsed.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Perform the following to reset any initiation signals as necessary:


a. If either LOCA Override light is on, perform the appropriate sections of ONI-B21-4.
b. If either LOOP Override light is on, perform the appropriate sections of ONI-RI 0.
c. If either HI RAD Override light is on, reset CONTROL ROOM ATMOS HI RAD, D 17-K776, module by depressing the white FAIL RESET pushbutton on Common Airborne Radiation Monitoring Panel, H13-P902.

Standard: No operator action is required. Control Room ABRM Module, D 17 K776 has already been reset.


Performance Step: Confirm all amber LOCA, LOOP, and HI RAD Override lights are 7.2.6 OFF.

Standard: Confirms all amber lights are off.


Performance Step: If either AUTO INIT. ACTIVE light is on, momentarily depress the 7.2.7 following to reset the isolation:


Standard: "* Depresses DIV 1 ISOL RESET pushbutton.

"* Depresses DIV 2 ISOL RESET pushbutton.

Comment: Note: The AUTO INIT. ACTIVE light will de-energize.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Take the following control switches to OPEN:



Standard: Places both control switches to OPEN position. Observes red light on, green light off for each damper.


Performance Step: Confirm CONT RM HVAC A INBD SUPP DMPR, M25-F020B, 7.2.9 and CONT RM HVAC B INBD SUPP DMPR, M25-FO20A, remain open when their control switches are returned to AUTO.

Standard: Confirms dampers remain open.

Comment: Note: Section 7.2 is complete. Candidate should return to Section 5.6, Step 2.

Performance Step: If in operation, take CONT RM EMG RCIRC A ELEC HTG CONT, 5.6.2 M26-DOOA, to STOP. Wait for 2 minutes to allow the heating coils to cool.

Standard: Confirms Electric Heating Coil is off. Observes green light on, red light off.

Comment: Note: The Electric Heating Coil was previously secured in Step 7.2.2.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Place both of the following in NORM:




  • Places Train A Mode Select switch in NORM position and observes fans shift and dampers reposition.

0 Places Train B Mode Select switch in NORM position and observes dampers reposition. (Fans remain off.)

Comment: With Train A Mode Select in NORM, expect alarm H13-P904-2 (B3), CONT. RM HVAC EMER RECIRC A INIT to clear.

Performance Step: Confirm components in the proper configuration in accordance with 5.6.4 the appropriate attachment:

a. Attachment 5, Configuration with Train A in Operation, Train B Shutdown.
b. Attachment 6, Configuration with Train B in Operation, Train A Shutdown.
c. Attachment 7, Configuration with Both Trains in Operation.

Standard: Candidate selects Attachment 5 and confirms all components are in the position required by the Attachment.

Comment: Cue: If asked, the NLO will report that MCC, SWGR, BATT RMS MODE SWITCH TRAIN A DAMPER switch is in NORMAL and CONT RM EXHAUST DAMPER A, M24-F051A, is open.

Cue: If asked, the NLO will report that MCC, SWGR, BATT RMS MODE SWITCH TRAIN B DAMPER switch is in NORMAL and CONT RM EXHAUST DAMPER B, M24-F051B, is closed.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Verify the condensate loop seals of Supply Plenum M25-BOO 1A and 5.6.5 M25-BOO1B are filled as follows:

a. Check all loop seals for the blowing or sucking of air.
b. If either situation is present, remove the fill cap and fill the seal with water.
c. Recheck the seal for the blowing or sucking of air.

Standard: Dispatches NLO to check loop seals.

Comment: Cue: Notify candidate that loop seals are full.

Terminating Cue:

When SOI-M25/26, Section 5.6 is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC S3 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL Train A and B of the Control Room HVAC and Emergency Recirculation CONDITIONS: System automatically started due to a spurious upscale trip of the Control Room Airborne Gas Monitor, D17-K776.

SOI-M25/26 Section 4.5 has been performed with Train A in operation and Train B overridden off. The spurious signal has cleared and alarms at D17-K776 have been reset.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to shift Control Room HVAC Train A from the Emergency Recirculation Mode to the Normal Mode in accordance with SOI M25/26.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 217-509-01-01 Task


RCIC Startup from Standby JPM No: 2002 NRC S4 Readiness (CST to CST) (Alt.




217000 A1.01, A2.10, A3.02, A4.04 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual!

Performance Performance In Simulator Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The reactor is shutdown. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS), has been entered due to low RPV level. The MSIVs are closed. ESW Loop A and ECC Loop A are in operation.

Task Standard: Candidate identifies the malfunction of the RCIC Pump Flow Controller in the Auto mode, places the controller in the Manual mode, and completes the alignment of RCIC in the CST to CST mode with a RCIC Pump flowrate of 700 gpm and a discharge pressure 50 to 150 psig above reactor pressure.

Required Materials: SOI-E51, Rev 7, PIC 12 General


SOI-E5 1, Rev 7, PIC 12 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to startup RCIC from standby readiness (CST to CST) and establish and maintain 700 gpm flow in accordance with SOI-E5 1. This will assist with decay heat removal.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 14 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 2 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: Initiate evacuation of any personnel from the Reactor Building 4.5.1 Annulus and Containment.

Standard: Candidate makes plant announcement.

Comment: Cue: If candidate contacts SAS to request Key Card verification, inform candidate that all personnel are clear.

Performance Step: Perform ECC Loop A Manual Startup per SOI-P42.

4.5.2 Standard

Confirms that ECC Loop A is in operation.


Performance Step: Verify RCIC PUMP CST SUCTION VALVE, 1E51-FO10, is open

4.5.3 Standard

Verifies valve is open. Observes red light on, green light off.


Performance Step: Take the RCIC SECOND TEST VALVE TO CST, 1ES1-F059, to 4.5.4 OPEN to provide a discharge path to the CST.

Standard: Places valve control switch to OPEN position. Observes red light on, green light off.


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Take RCIC TURBINE GLAND SEAL COMP, l E51-C004, to 4.5.5 START.

Standard: Places RCIC Turbine Gland Seal Compressor control switch to START position. Observes red light on, green light off.


Performance Step: Simultaneously perform the following:


a. Take RCIC STEAM SHUTOFF, 1E51-F045, to OPEN to roll the RCIC turbine.
b. Open the RCIC FIRST TEST VALVE TO CST, 1E5 1-F022, by holding the control switch in OPEN.

Standard: Simultaneously places F045 valve control switch to OPEN position and holds F022 valve control switch in OPEN position. Observes red light on and green light off for each valve. Observes turbine speed, pressure, and pump flow increasing (E51-R607, R601, and R606).

Comment: RCIC Pump Flow Controller failure is active. Candidate must determine RCIC Pump Flow Controller has failed before the completion of Step 4.5.9.

Performance Step: Ensure RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE, 1E5 1-F019, opens if 4.5.7 RCIC flow is less than 120 GPM and the RCIC pump discharge pressure is greater than 125 psig.

Standard: Observes flow and pressure indication and verifies valve remains closed.


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Verify the following valves automatically close after RCIC STEAM 4.5.8 SHUTOFF, I E51-F045 is open:


Standard: Verifies valves are closed. Observes green light on and red light off for each valve.

Comment: Note: The following step will require the candidate to perform the alternate path.

Performance Step: Using RCIC PUMP FLOW CONTROL, 1E51-R600, adjust flow 4.5.9 until the desired flow is reached.

Standard: Determines RCIC Pump Flow Controller has failed in Automatic, informs Unit Supervisor, takes manual control, and adjusts RCIC flow to 700 gpm.

Comment: Cue: Acknowledge RCIC Pump Flow Controller failure in Automatic and concur with placing the RCIC Pump Flow Controller in Manual.

Note: Small flow oscillations may be observed on the RCIC Flow Controller. These flow oscillations will stop when the candidate has established the correct flow and discharge pressure parameters in Step 4.5.11.

Cue: If necessary, direct the candidate to continue the task.

Performance Step: Prior to lowering RCIC flow to less than 350 GPM, take manual 4.5.10 control of RCIC flow by placing RCIC PUMP FLOW CONTROL, 1E5 I-R600, in MANUAL.

Standard: No operator action is required. This step is not applicable.


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Throttle RCIC FIRST TEST VALVE TO CST, 1E51-F022, to 4.5.11 achieve a RCIC Pump discharge pressure of approximately reactor pressure +100 psig.

Standard: Throttles valve and adjusts RCIC Pump Flow Controller to maintain RCIC Pump discharge pressure approximately 50 to 150 psig above reactor pressure and RCIC flow at 700 gpm.


Terminating Cue:

When SOI-E5 1, Section 4.5 is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002-NRC S4 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL The reactor is shutdown. PEI-B13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS), has been CONDITIONS: entered due to low RPV level. The MSIVs are closed. ESW Loop A and ECC Loop A are in operation.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to startup RCIC from standby readiness (CST to CST) and establish and maintain 700 gpm flow in accordance with SOI-E5 1. This will assist with decay heat removal.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 205-626-05-01 Task


Terminate RHR JPM No: 2002 NRC S5 Containment Spray Loop A K/A


226001 A1.06. A4.03. A4.18 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance Performance In Simulator Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A small break LOCA has occurred. The reactor is shutdown. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS) and PEI-T23, Containment Control, have been entered due to high Drywell pressure. RHR Loop A is operating in the Containment Spray mode.

Task Standard: Candidates resets the Containment Spray A logic seal-in signal and terminates Containment spray flow by closing E12-F028A and E12-F537A.

Required Materials: PEI-SPI 3.1, Rev. 0 General


PEI-SPI 3.1, Rev. 0 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to terminate RHR Loop A Containment Spray in accordance with PEI-SPI 3.1 utilizing the procedure.

Cue: If asked, it is not necessary to perform this operation from memory.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 7 minutes

Appendix C Page 2 of 5 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: If LPCI A initiation signal is present, then take LPCI A INJECTION 3.1 VALVE E12-F042A control switch to CLOSE to obtain the amber override light.

Standard: Determines LPCI A initiation signal is present:

"* H13-P601-20 (B3), LPCS AND LPCI A DRYWELL PRESSURE HIGH alarm is on.

"* LPCS and LPCI A white Seal-in light is ON above the LPCS and LPCI A Seal-in Reset pushbutton.

Place valve control switch to CLOSE position. Observes green light on, red light off, and amber override light on.


Performance Step: Place CNTMT SPRAY A MANUAL INITIATION E12-S63A 3.2 pushbutton collar in DISARM.

Standard: Rotates collar to the DISARM position.

Comment: Alarm H13-P601-20 (C4), CONTAINMENT SPRAY A MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED is expected to clear.

Performance Step: Depress CNTMT SPRAY A SEAL IN RESET EI2A-S64A 3.3 pushbutton to reset the Containment Spray initiation logic.

Standard: Depresses pushbutton. Verifies CNTMT SPRAY white Seal-in light off above CNTMT SPRAY A SEAL-IN RESET pushbutton.

Comment: Alarm H13-P601-20 (A4), CONTAINMENT SPRAY A START SIGNAL RECEIVED is expected to clear.

Appendix C Page 3 of 5 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: IF Combustible Gas Mixing System A is NOT running, then close 3.4 CNTMT SPRAY A FIRST SHUTOFF E12-F028A.

Standard: Locates Combustible Gas Mixing System A at H13-P800 and verifies Combustible Gas Mixing System A is not running.

Places valve control switch to CLOSE position. Observes green light on, red light off, and RHR Pump A flow decreases to zero.

Comment: The candidate should confirm that RHR A Minimum Flow Valve 1E 12-F064A automatically opens.

Performance Step: Close CNTMT SPRAY A SECOND SHUTOFF E12-F537A.

3.5 Standard

Places valve control switch to CLOSE Position. Observes green light on, red light off.

Comment: Note: The candidate can terminate the JPM at the completion of this step since he has not been directed to inject into the RPV or re-align to the Suppression Pool Cooling mode.

Cue: If required, inform the candidate that Steps 3.6 and 3.7 are not required to be performed.

Terminating Cue:

When PEI-SPI 3.1, Step 3.5 is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

Appendix C Page 4 of 5 Form ES-C-I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC S5 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

Appendix C Page 5 of 5 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL A small break LOCA has occurred. The reactor is shutdown. PEI-B 13, CONDITIONS: RPV Control (Non-ATWS) and PEI-T23, Containment Control, have been entered due to high Drywell pressure. RHR Loop A is operating in the Containment Spray mode.

INITIATING The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to terminate RHR CUE: Loop A Containment Spray in accordance with PEI-SPI 3.1 utilizing the procedure.

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Task No: 264-521-01-01 Task


Remotely Transfer Bus EH12 JPM No: 2002 NRC S6 to the Alternate Preferred Source from the DG K/A


264000 A1.09, A4.04, A4.05 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Date:

Evaluator: N/A Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance Performance In Simulator Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The Division 2 Diesel Generator is supplying Bus EH12. Control of the Diesel Generator is from the Control Room.

An NLO (Bill Smith) is on station at the Division 2 Diesel Generator.

Task Standard: Candidate transfers Bus EH12 from the Division 2 Diesel Generator to the Alternate Preferred Source. The Division 2 Diesel Generator is then unloaded in preparation for shutdown.

Required Materials: SOI-R43, Rev 8, PIC 17 General


SOI-R43, Rev 8. PIC 17 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to remotely transfer Bus EH12 to the Alternate Preferred source from the Diesel Generator and unload the Diesel Generator in preparation for shutdown in accordance with SOI-R43.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 22 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 2 of 7 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: If the Diesel Generator is being controlled locally, perform 5.4.1 Transferring Control to the Control Room (Remote Control).

Standard: No operator action is required.


Performance Step: Perform one of the following as applicable:


a. If placing Bus EH12 on the Alternate Preferred Source, place SYNCH SEL SWITCH in TH21.
b. If placing Bus EH12 on the Preferred Source, place SYNCH SEL SWITCH in THl.

Standard: Places SYNCH SEL SWITCH to TH21 position. Observes Synchroscope is activated.


Performance Step: Adjust the following as necessary:


a. DIESEL GEN GOVERNOR such that SYNCHROSCOPE, 1R43-R032B, is moving slow in the FAST direction.

Standard: Operates Governor control switch to ensure synchroscope is moving slowly in the FAST direction.

Operates Voltage Regulator control switch to match Bus EH12 incoming and running voltages.

Comment: Cue: If asked, mechanical governor control is not in use.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: With SYNCHROSCOPE, 1R43-R032B moving slow in the FAST 5.4.4 direction, at approximately the 2 minutes to 12 o'clock position, perform one of the following as applicable:

a. If placing Bus EH12 on the Alternate Preferred Source, close Brkr EH1213, ALTN PREFERRED SOURCE BRKR.
b. If placing EH12 on the Preferred Source, close Brkr EH1212, PREFERRED SOURCE BRKR.

Standard: Closes Brkr EH 1213 when synchroscope points to 2 minutes before 12 o'clock. Observes breaker red light on, green light off. Operates Governor control switch as necessary to prevent a reverse power condition.

Comment: Cue: If asked, mechanical governor control is not in use.

Performance Step: Place SYNCH SEL SWITCH in OFF.

5.4.5 Standard

Places SYNCH SEL SWITCH to OFF position.

Comment: Candidate should not exit SOI-R43 at Step 5.4.6, but should continue on to Step 5.4.7.

Cue: If asked, then inform the candidate it is not desired to operate the Diesel Generator in parallel with the grid.

Performance Step: If it is desired to operate the Diesel generator in parallel with the 5.4.6 grid, (for example, while performing loaded runs) exit this section and operate per Operations Parallel to the Grid section.

Standard: Determines this step is not applicable and continues on to Step 7.

Comment: Cue: If asked, then inform the candidate it is not desired to operate the Diesel Generator in parallel with the grid.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Perform the following concurrently:


a. Adjust DIESEL GEN VOLTAGE RGLTR to achieve approximately 100 KVAR on DG LOADING KILOVARS, 1R43-R022B.
b. If time permits and rapid generator load reduction is not necessary, adjust DIESEL GEN GOVERNOR to achieve approximately 100 KW on DG LOADING KILOWATTS, 1R43-R023B as follows:
1) Lower generator load to 2500 KW at the rate of 150-200 KW per minute.
2) Lower generator load to 100 KW.
c. If time does not permit and rapid load reduction is necessary, adjust DIESEL GEN GOVERNOR to achieve approximately 100 KW on DG LOADING KILOWATTS, 1R43-R023B.

Standard: a. Operates Voltage Regulator control switch to achieve 100 KVARs.

b. Operates Governor control switch to achieve 100 KW.

Comment: Cue: Rapid load reduction is not necessary.

Performance Step: Take Brkr EH1201, DIESEL GEN BRKR, to TRIP.

5.4.8 Standard

Places breaker control switch to TRIP position. Observes green light on, red light off.


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Shutdown Division 2 Diesel Generator to the desired configuration.

5.4.9 Standard

No operator action is required.

Comment: Cue: Inform candidate that another Reactor Operator will be assigned to shutdown the Division 2 Diesel Generator.

Terminating Cue:

When SOI-R43, Section 5.4, is completed, the evaluation for the JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC S6 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-I JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL The Division 2 Diesel Generator is supplying Bus EH12. Control of the CONDITIONS: Diesel Generator is from the Control Room.

An NLO (Bill Smith) is on station at the Division 2 Diesel Generator.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to remotely transfer Bus EH 12 to the Alternate Preferred source from the Diesel Generator and unload the Diesel Generator in preparation for shutdown in accordance with SOI-R43.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 239-546-05-01 Task


Opening Inboard Main Steam JPM No: 2002 NRC S7 Isolation Drain Valve (for RPV Pressure Control)



239001 A1.08. A4.02. A4.09. A2.12 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Date:

Method of testing Simulated N/A Actual In Simulator Performance Performance Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A major seismic event has occurred. The Severe Accident Guidelines have been entered due to not being able to maintain RPV pressure at least 60 psig greater then Containment pressure. To provide an alternate method to prevent repressurization of the RPV, opening of the Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve (B21-F016) is required by SAG-2, RPV, Containment, and Radioactivity Release Control.

Task Standard: Candidate resets the MSIV isolation logic and opens Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve B2 l-F016.

Required Materials: Control Room PEI-SPI File Cabinet:

PEI-SPI 9.1, Rev. 0 Four PEI-SPI keys General


PEI-SPI 9.1, Rev. 0 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to open the Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve, B21-F016, in accordance with PEI-SPI 9.1.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 10 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 2 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: VERIFY the following control switches are in CLOSE:









  • MSL C OTBD MSIV B21-F028C Standard: Verifies each MSIV Control Switch is in CLOSE position.


Performance Step: VERIFY the following valves are closed:


  • MSL DRN & MSIV BYP OTBD ISOL B21-F019 Standard: Verifies each valve closed (green light on, red light off).


NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Defeat MSIV low RPV level isolation as follows:

3.1 At H13-P694, place MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH D B21H-S76D keylock switch in BYP.


Comment: Candidate may first locate panel H13-P694, and then proceed to the Simulator PEI-SPI panel and place the keylock switch in BYPASS.

"PerformanceStep: At H13-P691, place MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH A 3.2 B21H-S76A keylock switch in BYP.

Standard: Places MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH A keylock switch in BYPASS.

Comment: Candidate may first locate panel H13-P691, and then proceed to the Simulator PEI-SPI panel and place the keylock switch in BYPASS.

"PerformanceStep: At H13-P692, place MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH B 3.3 B21H-S76B keylock switch in BYP.

Standard: Places MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH B keylock switch in BYPASS.

Comment: Candidate may first locate panel H13-P692, and then proceed to the Simulator PEI-SPI panel and place the keylock switch in BYPASS.

Performance Step: At H13-P693, place MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH C 3.4 B21 H-$76C keylock switch in BYP.

Standard: Places MSIV ISOL LO LEVEL BYPASS CH C keylock switch in BYPASS.

Comment: Candidate may first locate panel H13-P693, and then proceed to the Simulator PEI-SPI panel and place the keylock switch in BYPASS.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION "PerformanceStep: When the following alarms have cleared, 4.0 Note: Alarms located at H13-P601-19:



"* MSL & RWCU ISOL STEAM TUNNEL TEMP HIGH (B4) then depress the following pushbuttons:


  • MSL & NS4 OTBD ISOL SEAL IN RESET, 1B21H-S33 Standard: Verifies alarms have cleared and then depresses each Seal-in Reset pushbutton.

Comment: Note: Expect alarm H13-P601-19 (Al), MSIV CLOSED SIGNAL RECEIVED to clear.

Note: Alarm H13-P601-19 (C3), NS4 OTBD ISOLATION OUT OF SERVICE may occur. This alarm is not related to the task.

  • Procedure discrepancy exists. S32 is the Outboard Seal-in Reset Pushbutton and S33 is the Inboard Seal-in Reset Pushbutton.

" Performance Step: Verify the MSL DRN & MSIV BYP INBD ISOL B2 1-F0 16 valve is 5.0 open.

Standard: Places control switch to OPEN; observes red light on, green light off.


Terminating Cue:

When PEI-SPI 9.1, Step 5.0 is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC S7 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL A major seismic event has occurred. The Severe Accident Guidelines have CONDITIONS: been entered due to not being able to maintain RPV pressure at least 60 psig greater then Containment pressure. To provide an alternate method to prevent repressurization of the RPV, opening of the Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve (B2 1-FO 16) is required by SAG-2, RPV, Containment, and Radioactivity Release Control.

INITIATING The Unit Supervisor directs you, as the Reactor Operator, to open the CUE: Inboard Main Steam Line Drain Valve, B2 1-F 16, in accordance with PEI SPI 9.1.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 211-524-05-01 Task


Commence Alternate Boron JPM No: 2002 NRC P1 Injection K/A


211000 295037 EAI.10 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance In-Plant Performance Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: An ATWS has occurred. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (ATWS) has been entered. Alternate Boron Injection is required.

Task Standard: Candidate (simulates) completes the in-plant lineup for Alternate Boron Injection and coordinates with the Control Room to commence injection into the RPV.

PEI-SPI 1.8, Rev. I (from OSC PEI File Cabinet)

Required Materials:

PEI-SPI 1.8 Tools (From ABI PEI Tool Box-simulated)



PEI-SPI 1.8, Rev. I Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as an In-Plant Operator, to coordinate with the Control Room to inject boron into the RPV in accordance with PEI-SPI 1.8, Alternate Boron Injection.

PEI-SPI 1.8 has been completed up through Step 4.4.2.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 40 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 2 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: Candidate obtains procedure and necessary equipment for the task.

Standard: Locates copy of procedure at the OSC PEI File cabinet or Control Room.

Comment: Cue: When candidate has stated where procedure is located (Control Room or OSC PEI File Cabinet), then provide candidate with copy of procedure.

Note: The following Steps (5.1 and 5.2) will connect the High Pressure Hose.

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, HPCS Valve Room, verify HPCS Pump Disch 5.1 Line Flush Conn 1E22-F031 is closed.

Standard: Checks closed (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction.

Comment: Note: The HPCS Valve Room is still designated as a High Radiation Area, therefore the candidate is not physically required to enter the room. The candidate should explain the radiological controls required for entering the HPCS Valve Room in order to operate the valve.

Cue: Valve 1E22-F031 is closed.

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, remove Fast Fire Water Connection.

5.2.1 Standard

Removes (simulates) Fast Fire Water Connection by turning cover in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Note: The Fast Fire Water Connection is attached to the HPCS Discharge Flush Connection.

Cue: Fast Fire Water Connection is removed.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, install ABI Connection Assembly 5.2.2 End of High Pressure Hose to the HPCS Discharge Flush Connection.

Standard: Locates (simulates) High Pressure Hose in the ABI PET Tool Cabinet and installs (simulates) ABI Connection Assembly End of High Pressure Hose to the HPCS Discharge Flush Connection.

Comment: Cue: ABI Connection Assembly End of High Pressure Hose is connected to the HPCS Discharge Flush Connection.

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, remove pipe cap from ABI Pump 5.2.3 Discharge Piping.

Standard: Removes (simulates) pipe cap by turning the pipe cap in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Note: Candidate may describe use of the 6 Inch Strap Wrench from the ABI PEI Tool Box if he is not able to remove the pipe cap by hand.

Cue: Pipe cap is removed..

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, install free end of the High Pressure 5.2.4 Hose to ABI Pump Discharge Piping.

Standard: Installs (simulates) free end of the High Pressure Hose to the ABI Pump Discharge Piping.

Comment: Cue: Free end of the High Pressure Hose is connected to the ABI Pump Discharge Piping.

Note: The following Steps (6.1, 6.2 and 6.3) will ultimately connect the Low Pressure Hose.

Note: The following Step (6.1) will open IB man-door IB 301.

Performance Step: At AX 620' E/O1, at the Intermediate Building entrance, open IB 6.1.1 Man-door IB 301.

Standard: Opens (simulates) IB Man-door IB 301.

Comment: Cue: 1B Man-door 1B 301 is open.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At AX 620' E/01, at the Intermediate Building entrance, secure IB 6.1.2 Man-door 1B 301 open using the PET nylon rope Standard: Locates (simulates) PEI nylon rope in the ABI PEI Tool Cabinet and secures IB Man-door IB 301 in the open position.

Comment: Cue: IB Man-door IB 301 is secured in the open position with the PEI nylon rope.

Note: The following Steps (6.2 and 6.3) will connect the Low Pressure Hose.

"PerformanceStep: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, remove pipe cap from ABI Pump 6.2.1 suction piping.

Standard: Removes (simulates) pipe cap by turning the pipe cap in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Note: Candidate may describe use of the 6 Inch Strap Wrench if he is not able to remove the pipe cap by hand.

Cue: Pipe cap is removed..

"PerformanceStep: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, install Low Pressure Hose to ABI 6.2.2 Pump suction piping.

Standard: Locates (simulates) Low Pressure Hose in the ABI PEI Tool Cabinet and installs (simulates) Low Pressure Hose to ABI Pump suction piping.

Comment: Cue: Low Pressure Hose is connected to the ABI Pump suction piping.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION "PerformanceStep: At IB 620' D/02, remove pipe cap from Unit I TrsfLn Drain Vlv 6.3.1 1C41-F527.

Standard: Removes (simulates) pipe cap by turning the pipe cap in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Note: Valve 1C51-F527 is located 15 feet in the overhead.

Note: Candidate should explain where he would obtain a designated

'PEI' ladder (1B 599' K/05).

Note: Candidate may request a Safety Man for the ladder while he performs the step.

Cue: I will be your Safety Man for the ladder.

Note: Candidate may describe use of the 6 Inch Strap Wrench if he is not able to remove the pipe cap by hand.

Cue: Pipe cap is removed..

"Performance Step:

At IB 620' D/02, install free end of the Low Pressure Hose to Unit 1 6.3.2 TrsfLn Drain Vlv 1C41-F527.

Standard: Installs (simulates) free end of the Low Pressure Hose to Unit 1 Trsf Ln Drain Vlv 1C41-F527.

Comment: Cue: Free end of the Low Pressure Hose is connected to the Unit 1 TrsfLn Drain VIv 1C41-F527.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-i PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At IB 620' D/02, open Unit I TrsfLn Drain Vlv 1C41-F527.

6.3.3 Standard

Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1C41-F527 is open.

Note: The following Step (7.0) will connect the ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable.

" Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, ABI Local Motor Starter, install one end of ABI 7.1 Pump Motor Starter Cable.

Standard: Locates (simulates) ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable in the ABI PEI Tool Cabinet and installs (simulates) one end of the ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable at the ABI Local Motor Starter.

Comment: Cue: One end of the ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable is connected to the ABI Local Motor Starter.

" Performance Step: At IB 620' D/02, Welding Receptacle 1R25-S230, install free end of 7.2 ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable.

Standard: Installs (simulates) other end of the ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable at the Welding Receptacle 1R25-$230.

Comment: Cue: The other end of the ABI Pump Motor Starter Cable is connected to the Welding Receptacle 1R25-$230.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 7 of 14 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At 1B 620' D/02, Welding Receptacle 1R25-S230, close local 7.3 disconnect switch.

Standard: Closes (simulates) the local disconnect switch at the Welding Receptacle I R25-S230.

Comment: Cue: The local disconnect switch is closed at the Welding Receptacle 1R25-$230.

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, ABI Pump Local Starter, close local disconnect 7.4 switch.

Standard: Closes (simulates) the local disconnect switch at the ABI Pump Local Starter.

Comment: Cue: The local disconnect switch is closed at the ABI Pump Local Starter.

Performance Step: At 1B 654' C/04, verify Unit 1 Trsf Line Otbd Cntmt Isl Vlv 8.0 1C41-F518 is closed.

Standard: Checks closed (simulates) valve by verifying the green 'closed' locking device is installed.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1C41-F518 is closed.

Note: The following Steps (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4) will commence injection into the RPV..

Cue: If asked, inform the candidate that the slurry has been mixed for one hour.

Performance Step: At lB 599' 1/05, verify sleeving from Mixing Tk & Pump Drain Isol 9.1.1 Valve C41-F512 to pre-staged 55 gallon drum is installed.

Standard: Locates and (simulates) confirms sleeving from Mixing Tk & Pump Drain Isol Valve C41-F512 to pre-staged 55 gallon drum is installed.

Comment: Cue: Sleeving is installed from Mixing Tk & Pump Drain Isol Valve C41-F512 to pre-staged 55 gallon drum.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I


" Performance Step: At 1B 599' 1/05, open Mixing Tk & Pump Drain Isol Valve 9.1.2 C41-F512.

Standard: Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve C41-F512 is open.

"Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, open Trsf Pump A Seal leakoff Isol Vlv 9.2.1 C41 -F51 IA.

Standard: Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve C41-F511A is open.

Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, throttle open Trsf Pump A Mech Seal Wtr Supply 9.2.2 Vlv C4 I1-F535A to obtain a seal water flow rate of 1.0 - 1.5 gpm as indicated on Trsf Pump A Seal Flowmeter C41-R430A.

Standard: Throttles open (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction until a seal water flow rate of 1.0 - 1.5 gpm is indicated on Trsf Pump A Seal Flowmeter C41-R430A.

Comment: Note: Candidate is expected to describe that the proper flow rate is obtained by aligning the top of the Transfer Pump Seal Flowmeter Float with the desired flowrate value on the flow scale.

Cue: Valve C41-F535A is throttled open and Trsf Pump A Seal Flowmeter indicates 1.2 gpm.

Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, verify Trsf Pumps Disch Xconn Vlv C41-F515 is 9.2.3 closed.

Standard: Checks closed (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve C41-F515 is closed.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 9 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

" Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, throttle open Trsf Pump A Test Line Isol Vlv 9.2.4 C41 -F516A two turns.

Standard: Throttles opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel two turns in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve C41-F516A is throttled open two turns.

" Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, SLCS Transfer Pump A Control Panel (Div 1) 9.2.5 0115 1-P924, start SLC Transfer Pump A C41-CO02A.

Standard: Locates SLCS Transfer Pump A Control Panel (Div 1) OH5 1-P924, and starts (simulates) SLC Transfer Pump A C41-CO02A by placing its control switch in the ON position.

Comment: Cue: SLC Transfer Pump A is running.

Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, open Trsf Pump A Disch Isol Vlv C41-F514A at 9.2.6 approximately one-half turn per second.

Standard: Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel approximately one-half turn per second in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve C41-F514A is open.

Note: The following step will vent the Low Pressure Hose.

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, open ABI Pump Inlet Valve 1C41-F562.

9.3.1 Standard

Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1C41-F562 is open.

NUREG 1021 Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, when a solid stream of liquid is present, then 9.3.2 close ABI Pump Inlet Vent Vlv 1C41-F562.

Standard: Observes a solid stream of liquid is present and then closes (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction.


Cue: A solid stream of liquid is observed.

Cue: Valve 1C41-F562 is closed.

Note: The following step (9.0) will commence Alternate Boron Injection.

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, AX hallway, open ABI Pump Inlet Valve 9.4.1 1C41-F561.

Standard: Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwdheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1C41-F561 is open.

Performance Step: Verify the following valves are closed:


  • HPCS TEST VALVE TO SUPR POOL, E22-F023 SEIPCS FIRST TEST VALVE TO CST, E22-F0 10 SHIPCS SECOND TEST VALVE TO CST, E22-FO II Standard: Contacts (simulates) Control Room to verify valves are closed (or to perform Step 9.4.2).

Comment: Cue: Step 9.4.2 is completed (valves are closed).

Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, HPCS Valve Room, open HPCS Pump Disch 9.4.3 Line Flush Conn I E22-F03 1.

Standard: Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1E22-F031 is open.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page I1 of 14 Form ES-C I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance S tep: Notify the Control Room that you are ready to inject vwith boron.

9.4.4 Standard

Notifies (simulates) Control Room that he is ready to inject with boron.

Comment: Cue: Direct candidate to inject boron in accordance with Step 9.4.5.

Note: In accordance with the PEI-SPI, the next 3 steps are to be performed in rapid succession.

Cue: If the candidate requests assistance, then inform him that no one else is available.

  • Performance S tep: Take the HPCS INJECTION VALVE E22-F004 to OPEN. Standard: Contacts (simulates) Control Room to open the HPCS INJECTION VALVE E22-F004.

Comment: Cue: Valve E22-F004 is open.

"* Performance Step: At IB 620' 1/05, close Trsf Pump A Test Line Isol Vlv C41-F516A. Standard: Closes (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the clockwvise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve C41-F516A is closed.

" Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, ABI Pump Local Starter, start ABI Pump 1C41 C004.

Standard: Depresses (simulates) START pushbutton. Observes red light oil, green light off. Observes ABI Pump is running Comment: Cue: ABI Pump 1C41-C004 is running. Red light on, green light off.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

" Performance Step: At AX 620' D/02, AX Hallway, open ABI Pressure Gauge Isol Viv 1C41-F564.

Standard: Opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the counterclockwise direction. Informs Control Room that Step 9.4.5 is completed.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1C41-F564 is open.

Cue, If asked, inform the candidate that the ABI Pump discharge pressure gauge indicates 1000 psi.

Cue: Direct candidate to inform the Control Room when SLC Transfer Tank level begins to drop.

"PerformanceStep: When SLC Transfer Tank level reaches 18% as indicated on SLC 10.0 Transfer Tank Level C41-N415A or SLC Transfer Tank Level C41-N415B, then SECURE injection into the RPV as follows:

Standard: Locates SLC Transfer Tank Level Indicators C4 I -N415A and N415B in order to trend SLC Transfer Tank level.

Comment: Cue: Inform candidate that SLC Transfer Tank level is 90%

and slowly decreasing.

Cue: Inform candidate that another In-Plant Operator has been assigned to monitor the SLC Transfer Tank level in accordance with Step 10. You are to return to the Control Room.

Terminating Cue:

The evaluation for the JPM is complete when PEI-SPI I.8. Step 10.0 is completed.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 13 of 14 Form ES-C- I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC P I Exam inee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 14 of 14 Form ES-C- I JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL An ATWS has occurred. PEI-BI13, RPV Control (ATWS) has been CONDITIONS: entered. Alternate Boron Injection is required.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as an In-Plant Operator, coordinate xith the Control Room to inject boron into the RPV in accordance -with PEI-SPI 1.8, Alternate Boron Injection. PEI-SPI 1.8 has been completed up through Step 4.4.2.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: Perry Task No: 205-627-05-01 Task


RHR Loop B Alternate JPM No: 2002 NRC P2 Iniection K/A


203000 A2.16 295031 EA1.08 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance In-Plant Performance Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A LOCA has occurred. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS) has been entered. No injection systems are available. Alternate injection systems must be lined up. ESW Pump B is operating. The Division 2 Diesel Generator is in secured status. Off-site power is available.

Task Standard: Candidate (simulates) completes the in-plant lineup for RHR Loop B Flood Alternate Injection in preparation for injection into the RPV.

Required Materials: PEI-SPI 4.2, Rev 0 (Provided by Evaluator)

PEI-SPI 4.2 Tools (From OSC PEI File Cabinet - simulated)

Ladder (Simulated)



PEI-SPI 4.2, Rev 0 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as an In-Plant Operator, to coordinate with the Control Room to inject into the RPV in accordance with PEI-SPI 4.2, RHR Loop B Flood Alternate Injection. PEI-SPI 4.2 has been completed up through Step 2.4.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 35 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 2 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: Candidate obtains procedure and necessary equipment for the task.

Standard: Locates copy of procedure at the OSC PEI File Cabinet or Control Room.

Comment: Cue: When candidate has stated where procedure is located (Control Room or OSC PEI File Cabinet), then provide candidate with copy of procedure.

Performance Step: At AX 599' C/03, above RI-R B HX Room Door, verify RHR B 2.5 FPCC Supplement Cooling Discharge Vlv 1E12-F099B is closed.

Standard: Confirms (simulates) green "close" locking device is installed.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1E12-F099B green "close" locking device is installed.

Note: Candidate should explain where he would obtain a designated 'PEI' ladder, if required (1B 599' K/05).

Note: Candidate should state that HP approval is required to gain access to equipment located more than 6 feet above floor level.

Note: Candidate may identify that 1E12-F099B is located in a Contaminated Area.

Performance Step: Verify RHR Pump B E12-CO02B is secured.

2.6 Standard

Contacts (simulates) Control Room to verify RHR Pump B is secured.

Comment: Cue: RHR Pump B E12-CO02B is secured.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Verify RHR B TO CNTMT SHUTOFF E12-F027B is open.

2.7 Standard

Contacts (simulates) Control Room to verify E12-F027B is open.

Comment: Cue: Valve E12-F027B is open.

Performance Step: At AX 599' B/03, perform the following:

2.8.1 Close ESW Emg Inject to Rx Vsl Loop Drain 1P45-F578.

Standard: Closes (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in clockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1P45-F578 is closed.

Performance Step: Unlock and open ESW Emg Inject to Reactor Vessel Isol 2.8.2 IP45-F572.

Standard: Unlocks and opens (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1P45-F572 is open.

Performance Step: Unlock and open approximately 260 turns ESW Erng Inject to 2.8.3 Reactor Vessel Isol 1P45-F573 to open the valve 20%.

Standard: Unlocks and open (simulates) valve by turning handwheel 260 times in the counterclockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1P45-F573 is opened 260 turns to 20% open.

Note: Candidate should explain that a ladder is required to reach valve.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: At CC 574' C/05, close ECC HX B ESW Inlet 1P45-F536B.

2.9 Standard

Closes (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1P45-F536B is closed.

Performance Step: If Division 2 Diesel Generator is not required to be operating, then 2.10.1 secure ESW to Division 2 Diesel Generator as follows:

Standard: No operator action is required.

Comment: Cue: If asked, the Division 2 Diesel Generator is in secured status.

Performance Step: At DGB 620' A/02, Division 2 Diesel Generator Room, unlock and 2.10.2 close Div 2 Diesel HX ESW Outlet IP45-F534B.

Standard: Unlocks and closes (simulates) valve by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction.

Comment: Cue: Valve 1P45-F534B is closed.

Performance Step: At H13-P970, verify the following valves are closed:




"* ECC TO FPCC HX B OUT VLV P42-F265B Standard: Contacts (simulates) Control Room to verify valves are closed (or to perform Step 2.11).

Comment: Cue: Step 2.11 is completed (valves are closed).

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: Verify ESW Pump B P45-COOIB is running.

2.12 Standard: Contacts (simulates) Control Room to verify ESW Pump B is running.

Comment: Cue: ESW Pump B is running.

Performance Step: If ESW Pump B P45-COO IB is not running, then cross connect Fire 2.13 Water and ESW as follows:

Standard: No operator action is required.

Comment: Note: ESW Pump B is running.

Cue: Inform the candidate that injection will be performed inside the shroud per Step 3.2 and that Step 3.2.1 has been performed in the Control Room.

Performance Step: At CC 620' B/03, MCC EFID07 Compartment XL, place Remote 3.2.2 Shutdown control switch for RHR B HX's ESW Outlet Valve 1P45-F068B in CLOSE to close the valve.

Standard: Momentarily places (simulates) control switch in the CLOSE position. Informs Control Room.

Comment: Cue: Green light on and red light off.

Cue: If asked, the control switch has spring returned to the NORMAL position.

Terminating Cue:

When PEI-SPI 4.2, Step 3.2.2 is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C- I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC P2 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL A LOCA has occurred. PEI-B 13, RPV Control (Non-ATWS) has been CONDITIONS: entered. No injection systems are available. Alternate injection systems must be lined up. ESW Pump B is operating. Division 2 Diesel Generator is in secured status. Off-site power is available.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you, as an In-Plant Operator, to coordinate with the Control Room to inject into the RPV in accordance with PEI-SPI 4.2. RHR Loop B Flood Alternate Injection. PEI-SPI 4.2 has been completed up through Step 2.4.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: PerrM Task No: 286-518-04-01 Task


Initiate CR Subfloor C02 JPM No: 2002 NRC P3 from Outside Control Room (Alt. Path)



286000 A2.08 600000 AA1.08 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility N/A Date:


Method of testing Simulated Actual Performance In-Plant Performance Classroom Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: An electrical fire in the Control Room West Subfloor Area required the evacuation of the Control Room. All immediate actions for ONI-C61, Evacuation of the Control Room, have been completed.

Task Standard: Candidate (simulates) manual initiation of the C02 System and determines that C02 discharge flow did not occur when the Selector Valve for the Control Room West Subfloor Area was opened. Candidate opens the Master Valve to successfully initiate C02 discharge flow.

Required Materials: SOI-P54 (Gas) Rev 0, PIC- 10 General


SOI-P54 (Gas) Rev 0, PIC- 10 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor has directed you, as an In-Plant Operator, to manually initiate the Carbon Dioxide System for the Control Room West Subfloor Area in accordance with SOI-P54 (GAS).

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 25 minutes NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 2 of 5 Appendix C Page 2 of 5 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

Performance Step: Candidate obtains procedure and necessary for the task.

Standard: Locates copy of procedure in the Control Room.

Comment: Cue: When candidate has stated where procedure is located (Control Room), then provide candidate with copy of procedure.

Performance Step: If there is a fire in a Reactor Recirc Pump, verify open CNTMT C02 5.4.1 SUPPLY OTBD ISOL, 1P54-F340, per ONI-P54.

Standard: No operator action is required.


Performance Step: Open the Selector Valve by smashing the breakglass and rotating the 5.4.1a pilot valve clockwise.

Standard: Locates Selector Valve Pilot Valve 1P54-F345 1. (Simulates) smashing and rotating Selector Valve Pilot Valve I P54-F3451 in the clockwise direction.

Comment: Note: The correct Selector Valve Pilot Valve is the upper one (of 3).

Note: Selector Valve Pilot Valve is located at CC 638' C/02.

Cue: Selector Valve Pilot Valve 1P54-F3451 is open.

The following step will require the candidate to perform the alternate path.

Performance Step: Hold the Selector Valve pilot valve open for the discharge time as 5.4.2 listed in Attachment 3, then close the pilot valve.

Standard: (Simulates) holding Selector Valve Pilot Valve 1P54-F3451 in the open position for 4 minutes, then closes the pilot valve.

Comment: Note: The candidate is expected to describe the indications for C02 discharge flow.

Cue: If asked, 4 minutes have elapsed and no C02 discharge flow noise is heard.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 3 of 5 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: If no C02 discharge occurs, leave the Selector Valve pilot valve 5.4.3 open and open the Master Valve by smashing the breakglass and rotating the pilot valve clockwise and perform the following:

a. Hold the Master Valve open for the discharge time specified in Attachment 3.
b. Close the Master Valve pilot valve.
c. Close the Selector Valve pilot valve.

(Simulates) leaves Selector Valve Pilot Valve 1P54-F3451 in open Standard:


Locates Master Valve Pilot Valve P54-F3441.

(Simulates) smashing breakglass, rotating the Master Valve Pilot Valve P54-F3441 clockwise and holds the Master Valve Pilot Valve open for 4 minutes.

(Simulates) closing Master Valve Pilot Valve P54-F3441.

(Simulates) closing Selector Valve Pilot Valve 1P54-F3451 Comment: Note: The master Valve Pilot Valve is located at CC 620' E/05.

Cue: Master Valve Pilot Valve P54-F3441 is open.

Note: The candidate is expected to describe the indications for C02 discharge flow.

Cue: If asked, 4 minutes have elapsed and C02 discharge flow noise is heard.

Cue: Master Valve Pilot Valve P54-F3441 is closed.

Cue: Selector Valve Pilot Valve 1P54-F3451 is closed.

Terminating Cue:

When SOI-P54 (GAS), Step 5.4.3, is completed, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I

Appendix C Page 4 of 5 Appendix C Page 4 of 5 Form ES-C- I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No. 2002 NRC P3 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Number of Attempts:

Time to complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT OR UNSAT Examiner's Signature and Date:

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix C Page 5 of 5 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL An electrical fire in the Control Room West Subfloor Area required the CONDITIONS: evacuation of the Control Room. All immediate actions for ONI-C61, Evacuation of the Control Room, have been completed.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you, as an In-Plant Operator, to manually initiate the Carbon Dioxide System for the Control Room West Subfloor Area in accordance with SOI-P54 (GAS).

NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1