L-12-193, Response to NRC Letter, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulation 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From.

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Response to NRC Letter, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulation 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From.
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Davis Besse, Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/2012
From: Sena P
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12163A320 (5)


FENOC =\ 76 SouthMain Street FhstEneey Nuclear Openting Company Akron, Ohb 44308

&nalll ref/tP.

PresidentandChietOperatingOfficer J u n e1 1 , 2 0 1 2 L-12-193 10cFR50.54(0 ATTN: DocumentControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission 11555Rockville Pike Rockville. MD 20852


BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 DocketNo.50-334,LicenseNo.DPR-66 DocketNo.50-412,LicenseNo.NPF-73 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation DocketNo.50-346,LicenseNo.NPF-3 PerryNuclearPowerPlant DocketNo.50-440,LicenseNo.NPF-58 Response to NRCLetter,Requestfor lnformation Pursuantto Title10 of the Codeof FederalRegulafions 50.54(flReqardinqRecommendations,and 9.3,of the Near-Term TaskForceReviewof Insiqhtsfromthe Fukushima Dai-ichiAccident, Dated March12,2012 On March12,2012,the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC)staffissueda letter titled,"Requestfor lnformation Pursuantto Title10 of the Codeof FederalRegulations 50.54(0Regarding Recommendations 2.1,2.3,and9.3,of the Near-Term TaskForce Reviewof Insightsfromthe Fukushima Dai-ichiAccident."Enclosure 5 of the letter containedspecificRequested Actionsand Requested Informationassociated with Recommendation 9.3for Emergency Preparedness (EP)programs.In accordance with 10 CFR50.54, "Conditions paragraph of licenses," (f), addressees were requested to submita writtenresponseto the information requestswithin90 days.

In accordance withthe 10 CFR50.54(f)letter,FENOCsubmitted, by letterdated May9, 2012,an alternative courseof actionfor providing the requestedinformation.

The alternative courseof actionincludedrevisedduedatesandthe basisfor those dates.As describedin the alternative courseof action,FENOCherebysubmitsthe attachedresponses to Communications Request2 andStaffingRequests3, 4, and 5.

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNuclearPowerPlant L-12-193 Page2 Thisletterdoesnot containregulatory commitments.Shouldyou haveanyquestions concerning -

the contentsof this letter,pleasecontactMr. PhilH. Lashley,Supervisor FleetLicensing, at 330-315-6808.

I declareunderpenaltyof perjurythatthe foregoingis trueand correct.Executedon June lt ,2012.


lePG PeterP. Sena,lll


Requested lnformationAssociated withRecommendation 9.3for Emergency Preparedness (EP)Programs cc: Director,Officeof NuclearReactorRegulation (NRR)

NRCRegionI Administrator NRCRegionlll Administrator NRCResidentInspector (BVPS)

NRCResident Inspector(DBNPS)

NRCResident Inspector(PNPP)




Director BRP/DEP SiteBRP/DEPRepresentative UtilityRadiologicalSafetyBoard Executive OhioEmergency Director, Management Agency, Stateof Ohio(NRCLiaison)

Director,Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

Attachment L-12-193 Requested lnformation Associated with Recommendation 9.3 for Emergency Preparedness (EP)Programs Page1 of 3 of the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC)letterdatedMarch12,2012, issuedpursuantto 10 CFR50.54(f),containedrequestsfor information associated with Near-Term TaskForceRecommendation 9.3for EP programs.By letterdated May9, 2012,FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company(FENOC)committed to providing the followinginformation by June 11,2012.The requestis identified belowby bold type,followedby the FENOCresponse.

Communications Request2: Addresseesare requestedto describeany interimactionsthat have beentakenor are plannedto be takento enhanceexistingcommunications systemspowersuppliesuntil the communicationsassessmentand the resulting actionsare complete.

ActionsTaken FENOCorderedadditional satellitephones,batteries, and chargersto enhanceexisting communications systems.Theequipment is to be dividedamongst the FENOCplants:

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 (BVPS),Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station(DBNPS), and Perry NuclearPower Plant (PNPP). Equipment orderedincludes a totalof 3 basestationlridiumsatellite phonesand 15 mobilelridiumsatellite phones.

Eachof the mobilephonescomeswithan emergency an alternating kit containing current(AC)travelphonecharger,directcurrent(DC)automobile phonecharger,solar charger,portableauxiliaryantennaandantennaadapterin a hardshellstormcase. To extendthe antennaaccessof somemobilesatellitephones,a totalof eightfixedmast antennaswereordered.An antennacableof approximately 130feetwas alsoordered for eachantenna.

To providecontinualpowerfor the mobilesatellitephones,FENOCordereda totalof 62 rechargeable batteries,31 four-baysatellitephonebatterychargers,31 single-bay satellitephone batterychargers,31 DC automobile outletchargercordsto charge single-andfour-baybatterychargers,and 16 solarpanelsto chargethe batteryin the phone.

FENOCintendsto havetwo sparebatteriesper satellitephone. Eachspare rechargeable batteryallowsapproximately 3.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />sof talkingtimeor approximately 30 hour3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />sof standbytime,depending on the useof the phone.

Thefour-baysatellitephonebatterychargersare poweredby AC andexpectedto be usedfor standbycharging andmaintaining batteries.Thesingle-bay phone satellite batterychargersare poweredby DC and expectedto chargebatteriesin the fieldduring an emergency or duringthe lossof mainAC power.Chargingtimefor the batteryin the

Attachment L-12-193 Page2 of 3 chargeris 90 minutes.The solarpanelsto chargethe batteryin the phoneare expectedto be of minimaluse,butdo provideanotheralternatepowersource The currentcommunications systemsare enhancedby providing satellitephone capabilityat plantlocations notpreviouslyhavingthiscapability.Theadditional batteriesand chargersallowthe plantsto maintaincommunications capabilitiesfor an extended periodof time.

ActionsPlanned Theorderedequipment is expectedto be delivered by July9,2012,directly to the applicable FENOCplant:BVPS,DBNPS,andPNPP.FENOCintendsto locateat least one basesatellitestationandtwo phonesin diverse,protectedlocations anddevelop specificstrategies for maintenance and storage.

Staffing Request3: ldentifyhow the augmentedstaff would be notifiedgiven degraded communications capabilities.

FENOCcurrentlyfollowsan "allrespond"philosophy for emergency response organization (ERO)membersfollowinga largescaledisaster,whichis consistent with the guidanceof NEI 12-01,Guideline forAssessing BeyondDesignBasisAccident ResponseStaffingand Communications Capabilities. EROmembers,including augmented staff,are expectedto reportto theiremergency responsefacilityduringa largescaledisaster.

Thisexpectation is expressedin the EROprocedure at DBNPSand in EROexpectation communications at BVPSand PNPP. FENOCintendsto strengthen the expectation for EROmembersto reportto theiremergency responsefacility in the event of a natural disaster,lossof communication or a widespread capabilities, lossof the AC powergrid by revisingthe FENOCEmergency Preparedness policyby June 29,2012.

Request4: ldentifythe methodsof access(e.9.,roadways,navigablebodiesof waterand dockage,airlift,etc.)to the site that are expectedto be availableaftera widespreadlargescale naturalevent.

BVPSis accessible by a stateroad,a pavedcountyroad,andthe OhioRiver.BVPS alsohasaccessto a helicopter landingpad locatedat the adjacentBruceMansfield station.

DBNPSis accessible by a stateroad,a pavedcountyroad,and LakeErie. The sitehas severalopenareasthatcan be usedto landa helicopter.Privatedocksare available to the southand northof the propertyfor smallboats.

Attachment L-12-193 Page3 of 3 PNPPis accessible by pavedcountyroads,withstateroadsnearby,and LakeErie.

Thesitehasa designated helicopterlandingzone.

FENOCcurrentlyhas lettersof agreement withthe Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency(EMA),WestVirginiaEMA,OhioEMA,BeaverCounty Emergency Services,Columbiana CountyEMA,HancockCountyOfficeof Emergency Management, OttawaCountyEMA,LucasCountyEMA,LakeCountyEMA,Geauga CountyEmergency Services,andAshtabulaCountyEMAregarding emergencies at the plants.The stateEMAsarethe centralcoordinating agenciesfor mutualaidfor state, local,andfederalresources.Thiswouldincludeclearingof accessroadsas conditions warrant,as wellas waterand air transportation support,as needed.

Locationsfromwhichpersonnel couldbe transported couldvarybasedon the conditionsafterthe externalevent.Airliftof criticalpersonnelcouldbe accomplished fromnearbycommunities via helicopter.Likewise, withthe threeplantslocatedon navigablewatenruays, boatscouldbe usedto transportpersonnel.

Request5: ldentifyany interimactionsthat havebeentaken or are plannedprior to the completionof the staffingassessment.

As notedabove,FENOCcurrently followsan "allrespond"philosophy for emergency responseorganization (ERO)membersfollowinga largescaledisaster.EROmembers are expectedto reportto theiremergency responsefacilityduringa largescaledisaster.

FENOCintendsto strengthen thisexpectation by revisingthe FENOCEmergency Preparedness policyby June29,2012.