IR 05000317/1989019

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Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-317/89-19 & 50-318/89-20 on 890807-11.No Violations Noted
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/1989
From: Durr J
To: Creel G
Shared Package
ML20247Q366 List:
NUDOCS 8909280174
Download: ML20247Q361 (2)


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l SEP 2 21969

Docket No. 50-317 50-318 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company ATTN
Mr. George C. Creel Vice President Nuclear Energy Calvert' Clif fs Nuclear Power Plant MD Rts 2 & 4, P.O. Box 1535 Lusby, Maryland 20657 Gentlemen:

Subject: Combined Inspection Nos. 50-317/89-19 and 50-318/89-20 This letter refers to the special, announced safety inspection conducted by Mr. R. J. Paolino of this office on August 7-11, 1989, of activities at the Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2, located in Lusby, Maryland. These activities are authorized by NRC Operating License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-6 Discussions of our findings were held by Mr. Paolino with Mr. G. Davis and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspectio The specific area examined during this inspection addressed your compliance with the order issued to implement Regulatory Guide 1.97 and is described in the NRC Region I Inspection Report which is enclosed with this letter. Within this area, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures-and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector No reply to this letter is require Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciate

Sincerely, Original Signed By:

Cliff ord J. Anderson Jacque P. Durr, Chief Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety Enclosure: Combined NRC Region I Inspection Report Nos. 50-317/89-19 and 50-318/89-20


0FFICIAL RECORD COPY CIR CC 89-19/89-20 - 0001. /22/89 890?260174 390922 8 I

{DR ADOCK 0500o317 FDC T6% ,

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' SEP 2 2 1983 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company -2


.cc w/encli '

W, J. Lippold, General -Supervisor, Technical Services Engineering-T. Magette, Administrator, Nuclear Evaluations Public Document Room (PDR):

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC-Resident Inspector State of Maryland (2)

bcc w/ encl:

Region I. Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o enc 1)

J. Wiggins, DRP L. Tripp, DRP D. Limroth,.DRP.'

S. McNeil, NRR PA0 (14) SALP Reports Only J. -Dyer, EDD

1 hg W7b 0 RI:DRS RI:DRS RI:DRS RI:DRS Paolino/ mb/rw Mathew Anderson Durr 9/I'I/89 9//t /89 9/ /89 9/21 /89 L

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CIR CC 89-19/89-20 - 0002. /14/89 a_______-_____ . _ _ .