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ENS 549761 November 2020 09:34:00On November 1, 2020, at 0534 CST the reactor was manually scrammed due to an un-isolable leak on the Turbine High Pressure Fluid System. Initial power level when the leak was identified was 100 percent. Power was lowered commencing at 0525 in accordance with shutdown procedures. The Reactor Operator scrammed the reactor at 0534 from approximately 75 percent power. Following the scram, Reactor vessel water level lowered to approximately -20 inches on the Wide Range Instruments, and was subsequently recovered to normal post scram range (approximately 36 inches) using the Reactor Feedwater system. Group 2 Isolation occurred due to Reactor vessel level reaching the isolation setpoint (3 inches). The plant is stable in MODE 3 and proceeding to cold shutdown. The Main Condenser remained available throughout the evolution and condenser vacuum is currently being maintained by the Mechanical Vacuum Pumps. Pressure is being controlled using the steam line drains to the main condenser. All control rods fully inserted and there were no complications. All systems responded as designed. The Turbine High Pressure Fluid System has been secured. This event is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) due to RPS Actuation-Critical and 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) Valid Specified System Actuation. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 5123616 July 2015 04:41:00This notification is being made due to a loss of emergency assessment capability in accordance with 10CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). At 2332 (CDT), on 07/15/2015, the meteorological tower computer system software failed which resulted in a loss of meteorological data to the plant. Proceduralized compensatory measures for dose assessment include use of National Weather Service followed by historically determined default values. Information Technology personnel reported to the plant and successfully reset the software. Meteorological data to the plant was restored at 0216 (CDT) on 07/16/2015. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 5030524 July 2014 15:38:00This event is being reported per 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi), 'Any event or situation, related to the health and safety of the public or on-site personnel, or protection of the environment, for which a news release is planned or notification to other government agencies has been or will be made.' During troubleshooting activities, a pre-recorded message was inadvertently transmitted from one of eight speakers associated with an emergency response siren. At 1213 CDT, Nemaha County Officials were informed that the message transmission was a spurious actuation. A media/press release is planned. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 5010511 May 2014 16:00:00This notification is being made due to a loss of emergency assessment capability in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). At 0802 (CDT), on 05/11/2014, the meteorological tower computer system failed which resulted in a loss of meteorological data to the plant. Information Technology personnel have reported to the plant for investigation. Proceduralized compensatory measures for dose assessment include use of National Weather Service followed by historically determined default values. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.