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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20135G72214 May 2020Final ASP Analysis - ANO 1 (LER 313-96-005)
05000313/LER-2017-00226 July 2017High Pressure Injection Pump Inoperable for Greater Than Technical Specification Completion Time
LER 17-002-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Regarding High Pressure Injection Pump Inoperable for Greater Than Technical Specification Completion Time
05000368/LER-2017-00226 June 2017Automatic Start of an Emergency Diesel Generator Due to the Momentary Loss of Offsite Power due to Severe Weather
LER 17-002-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Regarding Automatic Start of an Emergency Diesel Generator Due to the Momentary Loss of Offsite Power due to Severe Weather
Safe Shutdown
High winds
Mission time
05000313/LER-2017-00126 June 2017Automatic Start of an Emergency Diesel Generator Due to the Loss of Offsite Power due to Severe Weather
LER 17-001-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Regarding Automatic Start of an Emergency Diesel Generator Due to the Loss of Offsite Power due to Severe Weather
Safe Shutdown
High winds
Slow transfer
05000313/LER-2016-0039 June 2017Tornado Missile Vulnerabilities Resulting in Unanalyzed Condition
LER 16-003-01 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Regarding Tornado Missile Vulnerabilities Resulting in Unanalyzed Condition
Safe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Tornado Missile
Enforcement Discretion
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator
05000368/LER-2017-00130 May 2017Inadequate Protection from Tornado Missiles Identified Due to Nonconforming Design Conditions
LER 17-001-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Regarding Inadequate Protection from Tornado Missiles Identified Due to Nonconforming Design Conditions
Safe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Tornado Missile
Enforcement Discretion
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator
05000313/LER-2016-00429 November 2016Decay Heat Removal System Socket Weld Leak due to a Vibration-Induced Fatigue Crack
LER 16-004-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Regarding Decay Heat Removal System Socket Weld Leak Due to a Vibration-Induced Fatigue Crack
Safe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
05000368/LER-2016-00115 November 2016Failure of One Emergency Diesel Generator and Subsequent Required Shutdown of Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2
LER 16-001-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Regarding Failure of One Emergency Diesel Generator and Subsequent Required Shutdown
Safe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
05000313/LER-2016-00211 August 2016Tornado Missile Vulnerability Resulting in Condition Prohibited By Technical Specifications
LER 16-002-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Regarding Tornado Missile Vulnerability Resulting in Condition Prohibited By Technical Specifications
Safe Shutdown
Enforcement Discretion
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
05000313/LER-2016-00118 May 2016Non-Functional External Penetration Flood Seals
LER 16-001-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Regarding Non-Functional External Penetration Flood Seals
Safe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Fukushima Dai-Ichi
05000313/LER-2015-00112 February 2016Manual Reactor Trio Due to Oscillations in the Feedwater System
LER 15-001-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Regarding Manual Reactor Trip Due to Oscillations in the Feedwater System
2CAN051405, LER 14-01-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 Regarding Operation of Switchgear Rooms Ventilation Prohibited by Technical Specifications15 May 2014LER 14-01-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 Regarding Operation of Switchgear Rooms Ventilation Prohibited by Technical Specifications
0CAN050202, LER 02-S01-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One Units 1 and 2, Compensatory Measures Were Removed While a Security Perimeter Intrusion Detection Microwave Field Remained Disarmed10 May 2002LER 02-S01-00 for Arkansas Nuclear One Units 1 and 2, Compensatory Measures Were Removed While a Security Perimeter Intrusion Detection Microwave Field Remained Disarmed