SBK-L-13147, Administrative Changes to License Amendment Requests in NRC Review

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Administrative Changes to License Amendment Requests in NRC Review
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/2013
From: Ossing M
NextEra Energy Seabrook
Document Control Desk
SBK-L-13147, TAC MF1033
Download: ML13217A370 (4)


IS NEXTera ENERGY.N04d July 31, 2013 10 CFR 50.90 SBK-L-13147 Docket No. 50-443 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Seabrook Station Administrative Changes to License Amendment Requests in NRC Review


1. NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC letter SBK-L-I 1245, License Amendment Request 11-04, "Changes to the Technical Specifications for New and Spent Fuel Storage,"

January 30, 2012 (ML12038A036)

2. NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC letter SBK-L- 13071, License Amendment Request 13-03, "Application for Technical Specification Change Regarding Risk-Informed Justifications for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program," May 28, 2013 (MLI 3155A002)
3. NRC letter "Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1 - Issuance of Amendment No. 137 Regarding the Administrative Changes and Corrections to the Technical Specifications (TAC No.

MF1033)," June 17, 2013 (ML13074A760)

In References 1 and 2, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (NextEra) submitted proposed changes to the Seabrook Station Technical Specifications (TS). Each of these submittals contained changes to the TS Index. However, the subsequent issuance of Amendment 137 to the Seabrook TS (Reference 3) approved deleting the TS index. As a result, NextEra requests that the proposed changes to the TS Index contained in Reference 1 (TS index pages ix, x, and xi) and in Reference 2 (TS Index page iv) be deleted from the license amendment requests (LAR).

ýo 0 NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, P.O. Box 300, Lafayette Road, Seabrook, NH 03874

4 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-13147 / Page 2 This letter also corrects a typographical error in the LAR in Reference 2. In Attachment 1 to the LAR; Section 2.2, Optional Changes and Variations; item 8 discusses elimination of TS Table 4.3-3. However, in one instance (Attachment 1, page 5, paragraph 2, line 3), the discussion contains a typographical error and incorrectly refers to Table 4.4-3. The Attachment to this letter contains the corrected page.

Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (603) 773-7512.

Sincerely, Licensing Manager NextEra Energy Seab /ook, LLC Attachment cc: NRC Region I Administrator NRC Project Manager NRC Senior Resident Inspector Director Homeland Security and Emergency Management New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Bureau of Emergency Management 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 Mr. John Giarrusso, Jr., Nuclear Preparedness Manager The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 400 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01702-5399 to SBK-L-13147 MODES and at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3-3" is being deleted from SR This requirement is not a restriction on the MODES in which the SRs are required. The MODES shown in Table 4.3-3, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation for Plant Operations Surveillance Requirements, are identical to the applicable MODES for which the instrument channels are required to be OPERABLE as shown in Table 3.3-6, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation for Plant Operations. SR 4.0.1 requires SR to be met during the MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability for individual Limiting Conditions for Operation, unless otherwise stated in the SR.

Therefore, the reference to MODES in SR is redundant to the requirements of SR 4.0.1.

Further, with the proposed change to SR, listing the SR frequencies in Table 4.3-3 is redundant to SR Therefore, this proposed change deletes Table 44-3 4.3-3 since all of the information provided in the table is included elsewhere within TS The SR and frequencies in Table 4.3-3 are incorporated in the proposed change to SR The information in Table 4.3-3 column "Modes for Which Surveillance is Required," including the associated footnotes, is also contained in Table 3.3-6 in the column "Applicable Modes" and in the TABLE NOTATIONS. Therefore, eliminating Table 4.3-3 does not remove any requirements but only eliminates duplicate information.

The same change (deletion of Table 4.3-3) was approved for Salem Units 1 and 2 in Amendments 299 and 282 [Reference 7], which adopted TSTF-425.

This change aligns the Seabrook TS more closely with NUREG-1431. This is an administrative deviation from the NRC staffs model application dated July 6, 2009 (74 FR 31996) with no impact on the NRC staffs model safety evaluation published in the same Federal Register Notice.

9. TSTF-425 excludes relocating frequencies that reference other approved programs for the specific interval (such as the Inservice Testing Program or the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program). The approved programs for Seabrook are described in Section 6.0, "Administrative Controls," of the Seabrook TS. The title of TS Table 4.4-3 (Reactor Coolant Specific Activity Sample and Analysis Program) may be misconstrued as a program; however, Section 6.0 of the TS does not contain a program for sampling and analysis of reactor coolant specific activity. To avoid a misunderstanding of these SR, NextEra proposes to delete the word "Program" from the title of TS Table 4.4-3. Consistent with TSTF-425, the eligible frequencies in Table 4.4-3 are proposed for relocation to the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This change aligns the Seabrook TS more closely with NUREG-1431. This is an administrative deviation from the NRC staffs model application dated July 6, 2009 (74 FR 31996) with no impact on the NRC staffs model safety evaluation published in the same Federal Register Notice.