RS-20-025, Supplement to Exelon Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls

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Supplement to Exelon Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls
Person / Time
Site: Dresden, FitzPatrick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/2020
From: David Helker
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20056C969 (11)


200 Exelon Way Exelon Generation Kennett Square, PA 19348 10 CFR 50.90 RS-20-025 February 24, 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A TIN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249 James A FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-59 NRC Docket No. 50-333


Supplement to Exelon Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls


1. Exelon Letter RS-19-039 to U. S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Exelon Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls," dated June 26, 2019 (ADAMS Accession No. ML19178A304)

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC), proposed a change to the Technical Specifications (TS), Appendix A of Renewed Facility Operating Licenses for Braidwood, Byron, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, James A FitzPatrick, LaSalle County, Limerick, Nine Mile Point, Peach Bottom Atomic Power, Quad Cities, R.E. Ginna and Three Mile Island nuclear stations, and Facility Operating License for Clinton Power Station, to request common language for the Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls (Reference 1).

Recently, during preparation and review of clean TS pages to be submitted to NRC, it was discovered that the TS marked-up pages for Dresden and James A FitzPatrick nuclear stations had been inadvertently omitted from Reference 1. The oversight had occurred during the final assembly of the License Amendment Request (LAR) package before electronically submitting to the NRC.

The marked-up TS pages for Dresden and James A FitzPatrick nuclear stations are included in Attachment 1.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Exelon Fleet LAR-Common Language for TS HRA Administrative Controls February 24, 2020 Page 2 EGC has reviewed the information supporting a finding of no significant hazards consideration, and the environmental consideration, that were previously provided to the NRC in Attachment 1 of the Reference 1 letter. EGC has concluded that the information provided in this response does not affect the bases for concluding that the proposed license amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration under the standards set forth in 10 CFR 50.92. In addition, EGC has concluded that the information in this supplemental letter does not affect the bases for concluding that neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental assessment needs to be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.

The proposed changes had been previously reviewed by each station's Plant Operations Review Committee in accordance with the requirements of the EGC Quality Assurance Program.

This amendment request contains no regulatory commitments .

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, "Notice for public comment; State consultation,"

paragraph (b), EGC is notifying the states of Illinois and New York of this request for changes to the Technical Specifications by transmitting a copy of this letter and its attachment to the designated State officials.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Frank J. Mascitelli at (610) 765-5512.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 241h day of February 2020.

Respectfully, David P. Helker Sr. Manager, Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Exelon Generation Company, LLC


1. Proposed Technical Specifications Markup Pages (Dresden and FitzPatrick Stations) cc: Regional Administrator - NRC Region I Regional Administrator - NRC Region Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Dresden Nuclear Power Station NRC Senior Resident Inspector - James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant NRC Project Manager, NRR - Dresden Nuclear Power Station NRC Project Manager, NRR - James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Illinois Emergency Management Agency - Division of Nuclear Safety A. 1,.. Peterson, NYSERDA

Attachment 1 Proposed Technical Specifications Markup Pages (Dresden and FitzPatrick Stations)

Exelon Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls Dresden, Units 2 & 3 TS Pages 5.7-1, 2 James A. FitzPatrick TS Pages 5.7-1, 2, 3, 4

High Radiation Area 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE coz lnsert 1 I 5.7 High Radiation Area 12 PursuaAt to 10 CFR 20 , paragraph 20.160l(e) , iA lieu of the requiref!leAts of 10 CFR 20 . 1601 , eaeh high raeliatioA area , as elefiAeel iA 10 CFR 20 , iA whieh the iAteAsity of radiatioA is

~ fflref!l/hr at 30 effl (12 iA . ) , shall ee earricaelee aAEl coAspieuously postce as a high raeliatioA area aAEl cAtraAee thereto shall be eoAtrellee ey requiriAg issuaAee ef a RaeiatieA Werk Perfflit (RWP) (er equivaleAt eecumeAt) . IAeivieluals qualifieel iA raeiatieA pretectioA preceeures (e . g., radiatieA preteetioA techAieiaAs) er perseAACl escorted by such iAeivieluals ffiay ee exefflpt freffi the RWP issuaAce requiremeAt euriAg the perfermaAee ef their assigAee duties , previeee tl=ley are etl=lerwise fellewiAg plaAt radiatioA preteetieA proceeures fer eAtry iAto high raeliatieA areas .

AAy iAdivielual er group af iAdividuals perffiittee te eAter such areas shall ee provieled with or accompaAiee by oAe er more of the follo*..*iAg:

r. A raciiatieA fflaAitari19g eevice that eaAtiAuously iAelicates the raeliatioA elose rate iA the area .

-Ir:- A raeiatiOA ffiOAitoriAg ee*,*ice tl=lat 9AtiAUOl:lS1)' iAtegrates the raciiatioA eese rate iA the area aAel alarffis wheA a preset iAtegratee dose is receives . EAtry iAta such areas witl=I tl=lis fflOAitoriAg device may ee fflaele after the elose rate levels iA tl=le area !=lave eeeA estaelisl=leel aAel persoAAel are a1;a re of tl=leffl .

~ AA iAelivielual qualifies iA raeliatieA protectioA preeeelures with a raeliatioA ease rate moAitoriAg elevice , who is respoAsiele for provieliAg positive coAtrol over the activities withiA the area a19el shall perform perieelie raeli ati 019 SUF't'ei 11 a Ace at the freQUeAEY speci fi eel i A the RIJP (or equivaleAt elocumeAt) .

IA adeitioA te the requiremeAts of SpecificatioA 5. 7. 1 , areas accessisle to persoAAel with raeliatioA levels) 1000 mrem/hr at 30 cm (12 iA . ) from the radiatioA so~rce or froffl aAy s~rface which the radiatioA peAetrates shall require the followiA§:

ih- 9oors shall se l ocl<eel to preveAt uAa~thori zeel eAtry aAEI shall fist [:)PeveAt iAelivie!uals fPOffi leaviAg Hie at'ea . f.A.

place of lockiA§ the eloor , elirect or electt'oAic sur~eillaRce (EOAtiAUES)

Dresden 2 and 3 5. 7 -1 Amendment No. 185/180

High Radiation Area 5.7 : 111gA RasiatieA APea

~ (ceAtiAues) that is capable ef pPeveAtiAg unautherizes entry ffiay be

~ The l<eys sAal l Be ff!ai Atai nee unser tAe aeffii ni stPati ve coAtrol ef tAe sRift ffianager eA euty er raeiatioA pPoteetion supePvisieA .

- PePseAnel aceess and e>(pesuFe ceAtrel requi reffients ef activities beiRg perferffied withiA tAese areas sAall be specified By aR approves RWP (er equivaleRt eocumeAt) .

-=- Each pePSBR eAteri A§ tAe aioea SAal 1 BC pre¥i Eled 'iii tA aA alarffiiAg raEliatieA meAiteriRg sevice tAat centiAueusly iAtegrates tAe radiatien sese rate (sucA as aA eleetroAic dosiffieter) . SurveillaRce aAs raeiatioR ffiOAitoriAg 13y a rasiatioA protectieA tecAniciaA ff!ay be substitutes for aR alarming sosiff!eter .

For iAsividual AigA rasiatieR areas witA radiatieA levels of

> 1000 ff!PCffi/Ar at 30 Cffi (12 iA . ) , accessible te perseAAel , that are located within large areas whePe ne eAclesure exists fer purpeses ef lacking , aAe whePe Re eRelesure can be reaseRably ceAstrueted areuRd tRe iAsivisual area , that iAdivieual area sRall be barricadee ans ceAspicueusly pasted , aAEl a flasAiAg ligRt shall Be activates as a warniAg device .

Dresden 2 and 3 5.7-2 Amendment No. 185/180

High Radiation Area 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS

5. 7 High Radiation Ar/ j lnsert 1 I
~af\~!d::P:~e~ 8~=g~~:~ ~:d!:~!!~)a~a! 9 i~~1:::te~ th:":a=:~!~i~:;=~~:~e~;

9 paragraph 20.169l(a) and Cb) ef 19 CFR Part 29:

~~i~~~t~f::i1::1'~::U~ ~' at a-; Each entrance er aeeess l'f}int te sueh an area shall be


as necessary te permit entry er exit ef persennel er eqtJipmertt.

Ir. Aeeess te. and aetiYities in. each sueh area shall be eentrelled by means ef a Radiatien Werk Permit (RWP) er

~::::a~=":";"~:n!d~!;:e!a~ee:~::::t :~d :th:~ ::~~~~~!~e 1 6 1 radiatien preteetien eqtJipment and 111eastJres.

e-: Indi~iduals qualified in radiation preteetien preeedtJres and perso"nel eentintJeusly escorted by stJeh ;ndi~idtJals may be eMempted frem the re(ftlirement fer an RWP or e~tJivalent while performing their assigned duties provided they are following plant radiatien preteet;en preeedures for entry ta. exit fram, and werk in sueh areas.

&: Eaeh ifldiviaual er grettp enteriflg sueh an area shall pessess:

b A rae:ii ati efl merti ter*h~g Ele*ii ee tt'lat eenti rtttotts l y displays radiatiefl dese rates in tt'le area. er 2-; A radiatien meHitering deviee that eerttinuously irttegrates the radiatien dese rates in the area and alarms wheA the deviee's dese alarm setpoiftt is reaehed, with a pre set alarm setpeint. er 3-:: A radiatiefl meniteriflg deviee that eontinttottsly traflsmits dose rate artd cum~lative dose information to a remete receiver menitered by radiatien preteetion persenrtel responsible fer eantrelling persoflnel radiation exposttre within the area, or JAFNPP 5.7-1 Amendment 2-14

High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area

4. A self read;ng desimeter (e.g., peeket ieAizatieA ehHmber er eleetrenie desiffieter) aAd, (8) Be Hnder the sur¥eillaAee, as s~eeified iA the RWP er eqt:tivalent. while in the area. ef an individual qualified iA radiatien preteetieA preeedHPes.

equipped with a radiatieA meniteriAg de¥iee that eeAtiAHeHsly displays radiatien Elese rates in the area. whe is respensiele fer eeRtrelliRg persennel expest:tre withiA the area, er (b) Be uAder the sur~eillanee. as speeified in the RWP er eqt:tivaleAt, while iA the area. by means ef elesed eireuit televisien. ef perseRRel ~ualified i~rr::~:~!~~i~;e~~!!~~efr~::::;~:R =:::::~:a~~

the area. and with the means te eeRIRt:IAieate with iAdividHHls iA the area whe are eevered by sueh st:tr*1e; 11 aAee.

e: Exeept f6r iAdividttals qt:talified iA radiatieA preteetieA preeedures, er perseAnel eentint:teusly eseerted by sueh individuals, entry inte such areas shall be made enly a~er dese rates iH the area have heen determined and entry perseflnel are kAewleegeaele ef tRem. TRese eeAtiAueusly eseerted persenHel will recei¥e a pre jeb briefiAg ~Pier te entry iAte sueh areas. This eese rate determ1Aatien.

knewledge, affd pre jab Bfi@fiAg dees A6t re~t:tire deeumentatieA prier te initial entry.

a-: Eaeh em:raAee er aecess peiAt ta st:teh aA area shall be eenspieuet:tsly pest-ea as a high radiatiefl area aAd shall be Ceentiftt:Jed)

JAFNPP 5.7-2 Amendment ~

High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area pre~ided with a leeked deer er gate that preveAts unauthorized entry, er be eentinueusly guarded to pre~ent unauthorized persennel entr:Y. and, in addition:

!-; All sueh deer and gate keys shall be mai"tained under the adtftinistrative eentrel ef the shift maAeger, radiatien pretectien manager, er designee.

2-: Beers and gates shall remain loeked exeept during periods of persennel er equipment entry or ex;t.

tt: Aeeess ta, and aetivities in, eaeh sueh area shall be eentrelled by means ef an RWP er equi~alent that ineludes speeificatien ef radiation dose rates in the iRll'lediate work area(s) and ether apprepriate radiatien preteetion equipnent and measures.

e-: lndi~iduals qualified in radiatien pretectien proeedures may ee e~empted frem the requirement f-er an RWP or equivalent while perferming radiatien surveys in sueh areas provided they are f-ellewing plant radiatien preteetion procedures for entry te, exit frem, and werk in sueh areas.

Et-: Each indi~idual er group entering such an erea shall possess.

~ A radiatieA 11e"itering device that eontinHou!ly integrates the radiation dose r8tes in the erea end alarms when the deviee's dose alarm setpoint is reaehed, with a pre set alarm setpoint. or 2-; A radiatien monitering deviee that eontinHOH!ly tPaAs111i ts dese Pate and e1:1111ul ath'e dose i nfermati on to a rellete reeeiver monitored by radiatioft protection

~:~::;~:! :;:~::::b~t::~ ;~~t:~!! ~~;=:"~!n3 te 1

CEMlllllHAieate with aAd cefftrel every individual in the area, er (eentiftued)

JAFNPP 5.7-3 Amendment r14

High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area

3. A self readiHg dosimeter (e.g., pee~et ieHilatien chember er eleetrenie desimeter) and.

<e> Be Hnder the surveillaHee, as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area , ef an indi¥idual qualified in radiatien preteetien preeedures.

equipped w;th a radiatien 1116nitering de¥iee that continuously displays radiation dese rates in the erea: whe is respensi ble fer eentralling persennel expesure within the area. er (b) Be under the surveillaHee. as specified in the RWP or equi¥aleHt, while iH the area, by means ef elesed circuit televisien, ef persennel qualified

rr::~:;:~~i~;e::~:!~e~r~==~:;::n ==:~:~!e~=

the area. aHd with the 111eans te eeHIRunicate with end eentrel every individual in the area. er.

4: In those eases where eptiens 2 end 3. abeve . are imprectieal or determined to be inconsistent with the "A l:: As

  • R ebt A h
  • bt " * * -le, r~ia~en lft:~1t!~:~~ de~ie: ;=:: e:nt~~===~~~di:plays rediat;en dose rates in the area may be used.

e: Except fer individuals qualified in radiation preteetieH procedures . er persenHel eentiHueusly escorted by such indhiduals, efltry inte sueh areas shall be made enly after dese rates iH the area ha~e been determined and entPy persennel are knewledgeaele ef them. These eentiAueHsly eseerted perseflnel will reeei~e a pre jee briefing prier te entry inte sueh areas. This dese rate determinatie",

kHewledge, and pre jeb briefing does net require deettme"tatien prier te entPy.

f: SHeh indi¥idua1 areas that are within a larger area where ne

=~:~:::~ ::~s;:a::~a= g:r~=;t~:ei:~!~~H~~d~ere ne individual area need net be eentrelled by a locked door or gate. nor eenspieueusly guarded, but shall be barricsded,

e:~irv~:;:e:f :~= :r~!e::1~ ::~~~: :!:~~:~g 11ght JAFNPP 5.7-4 Amendment m

Insert 1 Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 20, paragraph 20.1601 (c), in lieu of the requirements of paragraph 20.1601 (a) and 20.1601 (b) of 10 CFR Part 20:

5. 7 .1 Access to each high radiation area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent > 0.1 rem in one hour (at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation) shall be controlled as described below to prevent unauthorized entry.
a. Each area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area. Such barricades may be opened as necessary to permit entry or exit of personnel or equipment.
b. Entrance shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rate in the immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may, for the performance of their assigned duties in high radiation areas, be exempt from the preceding requirements for issuance of an RWP or equivalent provided they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry into, exit from, and work in such high radiation areas.
d. Each individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall possess, or be accompanied by, one or more of the following:
1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset setpoint is reached. Entry into high radiation areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate in the area has been determined and personnel have been made knowledgeable of it.
3. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the area.
4. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall

be responsible for providing positive radiation protection control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by radiation protection supervision.

5.7.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification 5.7.1, high radiation areas in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent > 1.0 rem in one hour (at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation), but less than 500 rads/hour (at 1 meter from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation) shall be provided with a locked or continuously guarded door, or gate, or equivalent to prevent unauthorized entry.

a. The keys to such locked doors or gates, or equivalent, shall be administratively controlled in accordance with a program approved by the radiation protection manager.
b. Doors and gates, or equivalent, shall remain locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved RWP, or equivalent, to ensure individuals are informed of the dose rate in the immediate work areas prior to entry.
c. Individual high radiation areas in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent> 1.0 rem in one hour (at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation),

accessible to personnel, that are located within larger areas where no enclosure exists to enable locking, or that are not continuously guarded, and where no lockable enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area require both of the following access controls:

1. Each area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted.
2. A flashing light shall be activated as a warning device.