RBG-47911, Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use

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Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use
Person / Time
Site: River Bend, Holtec  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/2018
From: Schenk T
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18312A428 (15)



Entergy Operations, Inc.

River Bend Station 5485 U.S. Highway 61 N SI. Francisville, LA 70775 Tel 225-381-4177 Timothy Schenk Manager - Regulatory Assurance 10CFRn.212(b)(2)

RBG-47911 November 08, 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington , DC 20555-0001


Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use River Bend Station , Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47 Pursuant to 10CFR72.212(b )(2), Entergy Operations, Incohereby provides notification of the use of three spent fuel storage casks at River Bend Station (RBS) . The casks were placed in service on October 22, 2018, October 28, 2018 and November 04, 2018, respectively.

Licensee Name: Entergy Operations, Inc.

Licensee Address: River Bend Station 5485 U. S. Highway 61 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Reactor License No.: NPF-47 Reactor Docket No.: 50-458 ISFSI Docket No.: 72-49 Cask Certificate No.: 1014 (Amendment No.5)

Cask Model No. : Hi-Storm 1OOS Version B Refer to Attachments 1 through 3.

This document contains no regulatory commitments . If you require additional information, please contact Mr. Tim Schenk at (225)-381-4177.

Timothy A. Schenk

- .-- - -- -- - ......... ~--~-

RSG-47911 Page 2 of 2 TAS/djp : Cask Identification : Cask Serial No. 628 (RSS Identification No. DFS-HS27)

(10/22/2018). : Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 629 (RSS Identification No. DFS-HS28)

(10/28/2018). : Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 630 (RBS Identification No. DFS-HS29)


cc: Director - Spent Fuel Project Office Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Regional Administrator - Region IV NRC Senior Resident Inspector - River Bend Station Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Radiological Emergency Planning and Response Section Public Utility Commission of Texas

LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS The following table identifies those actions committed to by Entergy in this document. Any other statements in this submittal are provided for information purposes and are not considered to be regulatory commitments.


ATTACHMENT 1 RBG-47911 Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 628 (RBS Identification No. DFS-HS27) (10/2212018).

EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form


Fleet Standard Coversheet Official Copy Site and Unit: River Bend Station Unit 1 (1) Transfer Form Number: RBS-2018-004 Revision Number:~O~_ _

(2) Issued (Date): ---=-10.:::::..-=04 ...:...-=20~1=8,--_ _ _ _ _ _ __

(3) Reason For Transfer: Move loaded MPC (serial number 628) from the cask pool to the cask wash pit. MPC will be loaded into HI-STORM cask (DFS-HS27). Cask to be moved to the cask storage area and finally to the ISFSI. This is the 2ih cask loading.

Notes I Comments I Special Instructions:

MPC-68, DFS-MPC27 (SIN 628) to be loaded into HI-STORM cask DFS-HS27 (SIN 1157). HI-STORM cask DFS-HS27 will be stored in the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (lSFSI). Location determined and recorded by fuel service. Reference attached map to deSignate ISFSllocation.

( )

(4) Prepared By: ~"'.~ Z.~ ~ ta/o.J/-w" (4a) Reviewed By: 1>>MO( C&NiH. ~"Z't:I It:> If ;'1' (4b) Additional Approvals By :.....;N A:....-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


(10) SNMC Approval : JUlCoD EIAIIN(, H~ Lines.!.Thru~Date f hi- Z1JJ~

(14) SNM Records Updated By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru _ _Date:_ _

(15) Independently Verified By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru _ _Date:_ _

(16) SNMC Closure Approval : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


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EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 ICA Transfer Form Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

+- 9t[ortIi I L I K I J I H I G I FIE I Die I B I A 8

7 Future Locations (no concrete) 6 5

10: 0FS-HS02 ID: DFS-HS03 to: DfS-HSlJl JD: DFS-HS04 10: DFS-HS05 lD; DFS-HS06 10: DfS-IIS13 10: D1IS-HS15 10: DFS-HSt7 TO: 0FS-HS19 4 SN:26 SN: 31 SN: 25 SN: 34 SN:S8 SN: Ci() SN: 443 SN:460 SN: 603 SN: 605 Empty 10: 0FS-HSll7 10: DFS-HS08 ID: 0FS-H.S09 10: 0FS-HS10 10: Dr-S-BSll 10; DFS-HS12 10: DFS-HSI4 ID: DP~HS16 10: Drs-fiSt 8 10: DFS-HS21J 3 SN:235 SN: 2J6 SN: 313 SN: 314 SN: 315 SN: 442 SN: #t SN: 602 SN:604 SN: 806 Empty lD: DFS-HSZl ID:DFS-HS22 10: DFS-HS23 Vl=-~- ~StH of1* tt$~"

2 5N: fJ11 SN:808 SN: 80') ErrMr Empty Empty Emp!y Empty Empry Empty Empty i)~5 - HS2:S DF{-~").1 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empry Emp!y Empty ~ Empty Empty

-- --- -- - -~- . ----- I Page 1 of 2

(\. () o EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form Fleet Standard leA Transfer Form Material Serial Number I Performed Step FROM TO Datemme Verified By Notes Description Equipment 10 By 0

SN: 628 ~j) /Dfr/IY


MPC Cask Pool Cask Wash Pit ()S1~

10: OFS-MPC27

!if SN: 628 Cask Loading IO/!'1I~

MPC Cask Wash Pit 10: OFS- Area I1 Ww' ~~

MPC27 l:?-t,]

SN: 1157 It/>>/li ~y:J IJPr ISFSI

{!j HI-STORM 10: OFS-HS27 Cask Loading Area f~ ):;5/

1...--.--- _L.....-.

Page 2 of 2

ATTACHMENT 2 RBG-47911 Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 629 (RBS Identification No. DFS-HS28) (10/28/2018).

o EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form Fleet Standard Coversheet Official Copy Site and Unit: River Bend Station Unit 1 (1) Transfer Form Number: RBS-2018-006 Revision Number:-.,;O=--_ _

(2) Issued (Date): _~ g _ _ _ _ _ _ __


(3) Reason For Transfer: Move loaded MPC (serial number 629) from the cask pool to the cask wash pit. MPC will be loaded into HI-STORM cask (DFS-HS28). Cask to be moved to the cask storage area and finally to the ISFSI. This is the 28th cask loading.

Notes I Comments I Special Instructions:

MPC-68. DFS-MPC28 (SIN 629) to be loaded into HI-STORM cask DFS-HS28 (SIN 1158). HI-STORM cask DFS-HS28 will be stored in the Independent Spent Fuel Storage c)

Installation (lSFSI). Location determined and recorded by fuel service. Reference attached map to designate ISFSI location.

(4) Prepared By: liW.WI\~ ~\\~~ ~ ~ \~ -\\- \~

(4a) Reviewed By: .lk1!.1!.l ~ 4~ff.. /QltkP8" (4b) Additional Approvals By:_N~/:.:..A!...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(10) SNMC Approval: ~.""'6 c"'4 H£'; Linesi.Thru~Date 111<1/dle (14) SNM Records Updated By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru. _ _Date: _ _

(15) Independently Verified By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Lines._ _Thru_ _.Date:_ _

(16) SNMC Closure Approval: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


f\ ()

EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

.-- 9{t;Jrth L I I ~.. K I~H_I G I r I I I c~J E 0 II .\

8 Future Locations (no concrerc) 6 5

10 : DFS-I lSi I;? 10:DF~H~3 II) 1>1 S- 1IS1J1 11). l)(-:; I ISl1" ID: OI'S-fl"';I.IS ID: OFS-H:>oG 10: DF~

  • I 1:>13 Il); () "'~:" I ISIS ((): 01'!'.1 ISH II). DJ-S-HSI!J 4 Si'\. 16 $l'.: 31 S'l: 25 S~: }.l ~ : 3ii SNW SN: +U ~1' : 460 "';N' 603 );N; G05 I:mpl)

ID. DF~IISI17 10: J)F:;..II~I/I IJ) DI*S-HSU? II) O t-'S*IIS III 11>: l)J':;..lfSII JI): 1>I"S-1I"';12 ID: DFS-HSH ID: Dt-"S-H$16 II): ))1'S-llSIK ID DJ'S-I (:'::?II 3 So": ::?35 S~. 2JG  :;l'- 313 S:-.I: 31" ~N 315 ~: 44:! SN : ~-t4 ~ : ('()2 SN: 6\~ SN. !I06 Emp'~

\I): 01'::-11S21 11), I))oS-lIS:!.! ID. DI' S-I ~'13 ;2Lf ~,""lIY S- ~(p  ;)., ~ ~

2 ~:-.;: 607 SN: 8Ul! S:-./- !IIJ) ElIlr~' EmpI) Empty hnpl) Etnpl) Ernpt}' FJnfll.!

1 EmpQ' I:mpty Empl) Empl) Ernpl)' Emprr r-mpl} I!mpl} Empl) Emf'!)' "'nT'/}

Page 1 of 2

'-.-/ o EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form Fleet Standard ICA Transfer Form Material Serial Number / Performed Step FROM TO Daterrime Verified By Notes Description Equipment ID By SN: 629

'o/'2-'/lr f) MPC 10: OFS-MPC28 Cask Pool Cask Wash Pit

!Sf} ()SZ9 /PI-

/)'7/,8 ~

SN: 629 C9 Cask Loading If)  !

MPC Cask Wash Pit Area 10: OFS-MPC28 ISILI 0

SN: 1158 Cask Loading ISFSI

/~~j;t :S,V 122- ~

HI-STORM Area 10: OFS-HS28

2JtJ3 Page 2 of 2

ATTACHMENT 3 RBG-47911 Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 630 (RBS Identification No. DFS-HS29) (11/04/2018).

EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form o Fleet Standard Coversheet Official Copy Site and Unit: River Bend Station Unit 1 (1) Transfer Form Number: RBS-2018-007 Revision Number:-=---

0 -

(2) Issued (Date): _ _t> -_\:....:..~_

- \...:..i_ _ _ __ _ __

(3) Reason For Transfer: Move loaded MPC (serial number 630) from the cask pool to the cask wash pit. MPC will be loaded into HI-STORM cask (DFS-HS29). Cask to be moved to the cask storage area and finally to the ISFSI. This is the 29th cask loading.

Notes I Comments I Special Instructions:

MPC-68, DFS-MPC29 (SIN 630) to be loaded into HI-STORM cask DFS-HS29 (SIN 1159). HI-STORM cask DFS-HS29 will be stored in the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (lSFSI). Location determined and recorded by fuel service. Reference o

attached map to designate ISFSllocation.

(4) Prepared By: '((\o.w..~ Cu\\ w,!> ~ ~ \0 -\1- \'g (4a) Reviewed By: tltA; II\. ~

  • l.v.l.<.--- t. .. "'-"-- toll :l/'U),r (4b) Additional Approvals By:.-:...:.N/:.,:.A..:.....-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

(10) SNMC Approval: J6JjlPO) WI'" ~ ~ Lines_1Thru~Date " Dtz fA (14) SNM Records Updated By: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru, _ _Date:_ _

(15) Independently Verified By: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _Lines._ _Thru_ _ Date:_ _

(16) SNMC Closure Approval : _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __


o o o EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

. - 9{(JrtJi I L I K I J I H I G I FIE I Die I B I A 8

7 Future Locations (no concrete) 6 5

1D: 0F>HS02 10: OFS-HS03 10: OFS-HSOt 10: OFS-HS04 10: 0fS..J1S05 ID: OFS-HS06 10: OFS-HSt3 10* OFS-HS15 10: OPS-HS17 ID: 0fS..HSt9 4 SN: 26 SN: 3t SN: 2S SN: 34 SN: 58 SN: 6U SN: 443 SN: 460 SN: 603 SN: WS Emply 10: O(lS.HSIl7 10: OFS-IISOS [0: OFS-HSO') 10: DFS-HStO 10: OFS-HSII 10: OFS.HS12 10: 0F$.HS14 10: DFS-H.S16 10: DFs-nSI8 10: 0£1S.1IS3J 3 SN: 235 SN: 2lG SN: 3t3 SN: 314 SN: 315 SN: 442 ~"N: 4+t SN: 602 SN:604 SN: 806 Empty pFS-IfS,"" OH"'Hf;l(, D~S-JJJ~

10: Dt---s.HS2t ID:D~HS22 10: 0fS...H.S23 2 Empty Empty Empty Empty Enw Empl)' Empty ~ty SN: 807 SN: 808 SN: 809 O~S'HU OfS .111)1  ! I) Fi ..1/(2'1 i 1 Empty Empty Em(>ty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

- - - -- - ~- - -- ---- -- - - - - ,---

RBS-2018-007 Page 1 of 2

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EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 leA Transfer Form Fleet Standard leA Transfer Form Material Serial Number / Performed Step FROM TO DatelTime Verified By Notes Description Equipment 10 By SN : 630

~[) '0/1>0/ 1' Jf MPC 10: OFS-MPC29 Cask Pool Cask Wash Pit 0'1'13


SN: 630 1/.,3-/6 Cask Loading


MPC Cask Wash Pit 10: OFS-Area (I1wW IS&S ~


/I-cf-ft Df-SN: 1159 ISFSI

[P HI-STORM Cask Loading Area t'q'~ I\~

10: OFS-HS29 t,:z RBS-2018-007 Page 2 of 2