PNO-IV-97-043A, on 970724,licensee Entered Forced Shutdown of Reactor,Due to Decreasing Second Stage Pressure on Reactor Recirculation Pump a Seal & Rising Drywell Unidentified Leakage.Inspectors Will Continue to Monitor Startup

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PNO-IV-97-043A:on 970724,licensee Entered Forced Shutdown of Reactor,Due to Decreasing Second Stage Pressure on Reactor Recirculation Pump a Seal & Rising Drywell Unidentified Leakage.Inspectors Will Continue to Monitor Startup
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1997
From: Corporandy D, Will Smith
PNO-IV-97-043A, PNO-IV-97-43A, NUDOCS 9708010058
Download: ML20141H648 (1)



- a July 31,1997 l l


This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially ,

received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is 1 known by Region IV staff in Arlington, Texas on this date.

Eng_ilijy i Licensee Emeraency Classification Entergy Operations, Inc. Notification of Unusual Event River Bend 1 , Alert St Francisville, Louisiana Site Area Emergency j

Dockets: 50-458 General Emergency X Not Applicable


UPDATE OF REACTOR SHUTDOWN IN EXCESS OF 72 HOURS On July 24,1997, at 11 p.m. CDT, the licensee entered a forced shutdown of the reactor  !

because of decreasing second stage pressere on the reactor Recirculation Pump A seal and l rising drywell unidentified leakage. l During the initial phase of the forced outage, the licensee performed a walkdown of the F l drywell in Mode 3 and identified no additional leaks or problems in the drywell other than

the degraded seals on Recirculation Pump A. In addition to replacing the seal package on Recirculation Pump A, the licensee performed the 18-month service discharge surveillance .

test on the Division lll safety-related battery because this test was found to be inadequate

! during past performances. The licensee completed both of these activities while in Mode l 4 (Cold Shutdown). A walkdown of the drywell was performed as part of the restart activities. No leaks were identified, and the problem with the Recirculation Pump A seal package appears to be resolved. Restart of the unit was completed when Mode 1 was reached at 3:49 p.m. on July 29. The unit was synchronized to the grid at 6:27 p.m. the same day. The plant is currently at approximately 90 percent power, ascending toward l 100 percent power.

l The resident inspectors monitored the licensee's progress on the forced outage activities and will continue to monitor the startup.

Region IV was notified of this information by telephone from the resident inspector at 11:30 p.m. CDT. Region IV has informed the OEDO, NRR, and PAO. The state of Louisiana will be informed.

The information herein was discussed with the licensee and is current as of 11:35 a.m.

j. (CDT), en July 30,1997.



David Corporandy Ward Smith (510)975-0319 (504)635-3193 i nq 9700010058 970731 "

\0C 4 PDR I&E PNO-IV-97-043A PDR 010009