PNO-I-88-007, on 880115,present Unplanned Outage to Inspect & Repair Feedwater Sys Components & Supports Extended for Approx 3 Wks to Perform Insp of Bushings in Reactor Vessel Flange Which Hold 6-inch Diameter Reactor Vessel Head Studs

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PNO-I-88-007:on 880115,present Unplanned Outage to Inspect & Repair Feedwater Sys Components & Supports Extended for Approx 3 Wks to Perform Insp of Bushings in Reactor Vessel Flange Which Hold 6-inch Diameter Reactor Vessel Head Studs
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/19/1988
From: Cook W, Jerrica Johnson
PNO-I-88-007, PNO-I-88-7, NUDOCS 8801270246
Download: ML20148H533 (1)

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DCS No: 50220880115 Date: January 19, 1988 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE--PNO-I-88-7 This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region I staff on this date.

Facility: Licensee Emergency Classification:

Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Notification of Unusual Event Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Alert Scriba, New York Site Area Emergency Docket No. 50-220 General Emergency X Not Applicable


EXTENSION OF FORCED OUTAGE On January 15, 1988, the licensee informed the resident inspectors and the NRC Operation Center that the present unplanned outage to inspect and repair feedwater system components and supports (see PN0 I-87-117 dated December 21,1987) would be extended approximately three weeks to perform an inspection of the bushings in the reactor vessel flange, which hold the six-inch diameter reactor vessel head studs.

During the week ending 1/9 the licensee also learned that several ten year ISI inspections,' which had been scheduled for the 1986 refueling outage, were either missed or inappropriately deferred. The majority of these were weld inspections, and the licensee states that these have since been performed. An inspection of the reactor vessel flange bushings, required by ASME Code, should have been performed in 1981 when all of the head studs were replaced. The licensee has begun preparations to rezove the vessel head to perform the inspections. The licensee has not yet determined whether the 1988 refueling outage, scheduled to begin in March, will begin early or be postponed until the summer of 1988.

The resident inspectors are onsite reviewing licensee actions. This PN is issued for information only. The State of New York has been notified.

CONTACT: William Cook Jon Johnson 8-315-342-4041 488-1234 DISTRIBUTION:

H. St. MNBB Phillips E/W Willste Mail: ADM:DMB Chairman Zech ED0 NRR NMSS DOT:Trans only Comm. Roberts PA OIA RES Comm Bernthal OGC AE00 NRC Ops Crt Comm. Carr Comm. Rogers ACRS Air Rights INPO----


CA PDR Regicnal Offices TMI Resident Section RI Resident Office Licensee:

(Reactor Licensees)


Region I Form 83 (Rev. August 1987) 8801270246 880119 PDR 18< E

)Q PNO-I-80-OO7 PDR  !

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