NUREG-0737, to NUREG-0737, Request for Extension of Time for Commission Order Dated June 14, 1984

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to NUREG-0737, Request for Extension of Time for Commission Order Dated June 14, 1984
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island, 05000386  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1996
From: Novak T
To: Musolf D
State of MN
Download: ML23222A217 (1)





£MOVE FES o 5 1986 Docket Nos. ~

50-306 Mr. D. M. Musolf Nuclear Support Se rv ice s 414 Ni co lle t Mall Dept.

Midland Square - 4th oo Minneapolis, MinnesotaFl55 r 401

Dear Mr. Musolf:


SUPPLEMENT 1 TO NURE 737 COMMISSION ORDER DATEDG-0JUN , REQUEST FOR EXTENTION OF TIME FOR E 14, 1984 Re: Pr ai rie Isl an d Nuclear Ge nerating Pl an t, Unit Nos.

1 and 2 By le tte r dated November completion date fo r items 27, 1985, you requested th at we extend the Display System (SPDS) beinglb and 3b dealing with the Safety Parameter Regulatory Guide 1.97 conta fu lly op era tio na l and the requirements of 1984, re lat in g to Supplem ined in the Convnission Order dated June 14 an extension of time to beent 1 of NUREG-0737. The Corrmission Order ,

Licensing fo r good cause granted by the Di re cto r of the Division ofallows shown.

In your November 27, 1985 fo r item lb (re la te d to su bm itt al, you requested SP DS ) be extended to December th at the completion date un its . You als o requeste 31, 1986 fo r both requirements of Regulatord th at the completion da te fo r item 3b (m eetin y Guide 1.9 7, Revision 2) 1987 fo r both un its . be extended to June g30the ,

You sta ted in your req ue st in sta lla tio n of the SPDS th at the schedular extensio n fo r comp ing the delays in the development em lb ) was necessary because of sig nilet (it pr oc es s, and di sp lay the of a generic software package necessary fic to an t scan, the operation of the new SPD S in pu ts. The software pack pl an t data ac qu isi tio n and co ag e is req uir ed in supports the SPDS system. mp ute r system wh to develop a standard Th e delays were ca ed by (1) ich systems fo r al l its prge ne ric product to suppus or t the vendor's decision oj ec ts in ste ad of producin scan loggin g and alarming pl an t, (2) the vendor un g a custom pa ckag complexity involved whichderestimated the required ef fo rts because eoffo r your management reorganized and re su lte d in es tab lis hi ng un re al the re sta fte d which re su lte ist ic schedules, (3) d in ad di tio na l delays

D. M. Musolf F£S O E J82r.

without su cc es s, and (4) and an al te rn at e vendor had the co nt ra ct was terminated with the or ig al vendor showing the sequence of ev to be se lec ted . Attachment 1 of your in submittal to monitor and ex pe dit e theen ts, in di ca tes th at you had taken reasona ad di tio n, the problems as pr oj ec t and you have tri ed to minimize deble ste ps and, th er ef or e, could not so cia ted with your in iti al vendor were unfor lays. In Commission Order. Judging be considered in the terms of the June 14, eseen problems as so cia ted with from the information in yo 1984, yo ur su bm itt al and extension is reasonable wh ur in iti al vendor, we conclude th at the tim the fin d th at the proposed sc en co ns ide rin g the work involved. Therefo e work ac tiv iti es needed to hedule is co ns ist en t with a proper lev el of re, we and, th us , we fin d th at yo complete the implementation of the SPDS (it remaining accordance with the terms u have shown a good fa ith ef fo rt. Th ere foem re, lb) th at th er e is adequate ju of the Jun e 14, 1984, Commission Order, we in ar e hereby gr an tin g the sti fic at io n fo r modifyin g the Commission's Or conclude both un its . ex ten sio n of item lb un til Decem der and ber 31, 1986, fo r In support fo r the sc du Regulatory Guide 1.9 7,heRe lar extension fo r item 3b req uir ed fo r en gi ne eri ng , vis ion 2," you sta ted th at, ad "Compliance with di tio na l tim din ate d with fu tu re re fu eliprocurement and pl an t co ns tru cti on to be e cois se ve ral pl an t ar ea s. The ng outages in or de r to complete modificatioor-your responses to Generic pl an t mo dif ica tio ns re su lte d from our reviewns in April 15, 1983, January 18 Le tte r (GL) 82-33, tra ns mi tte d by your le tte of tra ns mi tte d by our le tte r and June 6, 1985 and our sa fe ty ev alu ati on rs dated tio ns . Sp ec ifi ca lly , pl andated October 18, 1985 de sc rib in g the modif your su bm itt als th at ar e t mo dif ica tio ns th at re su lte d from our review ica-Revision 2, are (1) the in dee me d req uirements of Regulatory Gu of sta lla tio n of a powe ide 1.9 7, pr es su riz er he ate rs, as so cia ted with steam (2) replacement of the nornqmo ua nitoring system fo r the lif ied ins tru me nta tio n qu ali fie d system, (3) ge ne ra to r wide-range level in sta lla tio n of temperatur in di ca tio n to a fu lly exchanger in le t, and (4) e se nsors at the and di sp lay to meet the enupgrading the containment ai r temperatureRHRse heat vironmental qu al ifi ca tio n nsor pursuant to 10 CFR 50s.49.

The na tur e of these mo dif was developed fo r the co ica tio ns was not considered when the in iti not known un til our review irmatory or de r. Moreover, the modificatioalns schedule nf our review, you immediatel was completed. In responding to the re su were and ex pe di tio us ly planned y agreed to in cr ea se the scope of the modiflts of the nature of the mo dif icafo r th ei r implementation. Judging from the ications co ns tru cti on with the pla tio ns involved and co or din ati on necessary response, extension is reasonable. nn ed re fu eli ng ou tag es , we conclude fo r pl an t Th ere fo re, we fin d th at the proposed sc th at the tim e co ns ist en t with sim ila r wo he du have shown a good fa ith rk ac tiv iti es performed in the pa st, and le is the June 14, 1984, Commef fo rt. Th ere fo re, in accordance with the ter thus you ju sti fic at io n fo r modifica ission Order, we conclude ms of tio n th at th er e is adequate ex ten sio n of item 3b of the Co mm ion's Order and hereb un til June 30, 1987 fo(co mpliance with Regulatiss ory Guide 1.9 7, Revisyiongr an t the r both un its . 2)

Your proposed de via tio n re lat ed to the modification of temperature sensors

D. M. Musolf FEB O 5 i9ou at th e RHR he at ex co ns tr uc ti on of th changer in le t and th e cl ar addressed in a se fi b er op ti c ca bl e is undeifric at io n as so ci at ed with the e

pa ra te le tt er . st af f review and wil I be For your convenie th e Commission's nce, a copy of th e re vi se d ta Order is en cl os ed bl e which was incl

. uded with S in ce re ly ,

T~s ~ D Oivision of PWi recto R Licensing-A r


Revised Table cc 's next page

Mr. D. M. Musolf Northern St at es Power Co Pr ai rie Island Nuclear Ge mpany nerating Pl an t cc:

Gerald Charnoff, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Po tts and 1800 M St re et , NW Trowbridge Washington, DC 20036 Executive Di re cto r Minnesota Po llu tio n Contr 1935 W. County Road, B2 ol Agency Ro se vi lle , Minnesota 55 113 Mr. E. L. Watzl, Pl an t Ma Pr ai rie Island Nuclear Ge nager Northern St at es Power Co nerating Pl an t Route 2 mpany Welch, Minnesota 55089 Jocelyn F. Olson, Es Special As sis ta nt Atq.torney General Minnesota Po llu tio n Co 1935 W. County Road, B2ntrol Agency Ro se vi lle , Minnesota 55 113 U.S. Nuclear Regulat y Resident In sp ec to r's orOf Commission fic Route #2, Box 500A e Welch, Minnesota 55089 Regional Ad m in ist ra r, U.S. Nuclear Regulatto or y Region III Co Office of Executive Di re mmission Operations cto r fo r 799 Roosevelt Road Glen El ly n, Ill in oi s 60 137 Mr. William M ill er , Audit Goodhue County Courtho or Red Wing, Minnesota 5506 us e 6


1. Safety Parameter Display la. Submit a safe ty ana lysi s and System (SPDS) implementation plan to the Complete NRC.

lb. SPDS full y ope rati ona l and December 31, 1986, for both uni ts ope rato rs trai ned .

2. Detailed Control Room 2a. Submit a program plan to the Design Review (DCRDP) NRC. Complete 2b. Submit a summary rep ort to Complete the NRC including a proposed schedule for implementation.
3. Regulatory Guide 1.97 - 3a. Submit a rep ort to Application to Emergency the NRC Complete Response Fac ilit ies des crib ing how the reauirements of Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 have been, or will be, met.

3b. Implement (ins tall atio n or June 30, 1987 for both uni ts upgrade) requirements


4. Upgrade Emergency 4a. Submit a Procedures Complete Operating Procedures Generation Package to

( EOPs) the NRC.

4b. Implement the up9raded EOPs. Complete

5. Emergency Response 5a. Technical Support Center Complete*

Facilities fully functional.

5b. Operational Support Center Complete*

fully functional.

5c. Emergency Operations Facility Complete*

fully functional.

  • Enhancement to be completed with implementation of R.G. 1.97 (3b above) and SPDS operational (lb above).