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Entergy Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-16-00078, Indian Point RAI CLI-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Rev. 1 (March 23, 2017)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/2017
From: Potts L
Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17096A203 List:
CLI-16-07, NL-17-039 IPT-RPT-16-00078, Rev 1
Download: ML17096A212 (113)



REV. 1 (MARCH 23, 2017)




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Engineering Report No.

ENTERGY NTJCLEAR Engineering kepqrtCiTver Sheet I I

i E'ngineerilig Repelrt


i, Indian Point:RAl ~1*16-07 SAMA.Cost-Jlenefit ~itiviti~


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IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1

  • Page 2of112 REVISION DESCRIPTION SHEET Revision Description Pages and/or Sections Revised Number 0 Initial Issue All 1 Changed the period of time used in the Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect this report to describe the changes the revised license renewal period. necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the* revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 The original analyses used a 20 year years for IP3). Results of the revised
  • license renewal period. However, on analysis are provided in Section 7.0 and February 8, 2017, Entergy filed an associated tables ..

amendment to its pending license

  • renewal application for IP2 and IP3 to update the proposed term of the Changes were made in Sections 1.0 renewed licenses from 20 years for and 2.0 to provide the Rev. 1 results each unit to the periods ending April 30, and to refer the reader to Sections 6.0 2024 for IP2 and April 30, 2025 for IP3. and 7.0.

Since the original license expiration dates were September 2013 for IP2 and References were added in Section 3.0.

December 2015 for IP3, the license renewal period has been changed to 11 years for IP2 and 1b years for IP3.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian PointRAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 3of112 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 Summary of Results .................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 References ........................................................ :....................................................................... 17 4.0 Assumptions ............................................................................................................................. 1 a 5.0 Evaluation of Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for the Sensitivity Cases.*............................... 19 5.1 MACCS2 Sensitivity Cases .................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Sensitivity Case 0 - Original Baseline ...........................................: ........................................ 20 5.3 Sensitivity Case 4- Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) ............................ 22 5.4 Sensitivity Case 5- Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) .................................... ;........................................................................................... 24 5.5 Sensitivity Case 7 -Alternate Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) ... ~ ............................................................................................................. 25 5.6 Sensitivity Case 8 -Alternate Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) ...................................................................................... 27 6.0 Revision to Reflect Shortened License Renewal Period ............................................................ 28 6.1 On-site and Offsite Exposure and Economic Costs Following a Severe Accident .................. 28 6.1.1 Accident-Related Off-Site Dose Costs (APE) .................. ; ................................................... 28 6.1.2 Accident-Related Off-Site*Property Damage Costs (AOC) .................................................. 29 6.1.3 Total Accident-Related Occupational Exposures (AOE) ..................................................... 30 6.1.4 Averted Costs Associated with Accident-Related On~Site Property Damage (AOSC) ......... 32

  • 6.1.5 Total On-site and Off-site Exposure and Economic Costs Following a Severe Accident.., .. 35 6.2 Evaluation of Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for the Shortened License Renewal Period Sensitivity Cases ....................................................................................................... 36 6.2.1 Sensitivity Case 0 - Shortened License Renewal Period Baseline ..................................... 36 6.2.2 Sensitivity Case 4- Shortened Renewal Period Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) ........................................ *...................................................................................... 36 6.2.3 Sensitivity Case 5 - Shortened License Renewal Period Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) .............................................................................. 37 6.2.4 Sensitivity Case 7 - Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) .................................................. 37

-6.2.5 Sensitivity Case 8 - Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNFand VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) ........................... 38 7.0 Conclusions for Shortened License Renewal Period .......................................................... : ...... 39 7.1 Sensitivity Case 0 - Shortened License Renewal Period Baseline ........................................ 39 7.2 Sensitivity Case 4 - Shortened License Renewal Period Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) ......................................................................................................... 39 7.3 Sensitivity Case 5 - Shortened License Renewal Period Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) ................................................................................ 39 7.4 Sensitivity Case 7 - Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) .................................................... 39 7.5 Sensitivity Case 8- Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) ............................. 39 - List of Electronic Files ................................................................................................ 111

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 4of112 1.0 Purpose This report documents a revised baseline SAMA cost-benefit analysis and SAMA cost-benefit sensitivity cases were performed to support the response to an NRG Staff Request for Additional Information (RAI) pertaining to the NRG Commission Decision CLl-16-07 for Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC).

  • On May 4, 2016, the Commission issued a decision (CLl-16-07) in the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos 2 and 3 (IP2 and IP3) license renewal proceeding, in which it directed the NRG staff to supplement the IP2 and IP3 Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) analysis with additional sensitivity analyses. Specifically, the Commission held that documentation was lacking for two inputs -

decontamination time {TIM DEC) and cost to decontaminate non-farmland (CDNFRM) -- used in the MELCOR Accident Consequence Code (MAGGS) computer analyses, and that uncertainties in those input values could potentially affect the SAMA analysis cost-benefit conclusions. The Commission therefore directed the NRG staff to perform additional sensitivity analyses. (Reference 1)

In an RAI letter dated September 12, 2016, the NRG staff requested the following additional information (Reference 2):

1. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) is requested to scale up the value of nonfarm wealth (VALWNF) input to the SAMA analysis' base-yeardollars (see pp. 41-42 of CLl-16-07),

and to re-run its base analyses using this corrected VALWNF input. Entergy is requested to evaluate how the change in VALWNF may affect its identification of potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

2. Using the revised baseline from Request 1, Entergy is requested to run supplemental sensitivity analyses using the input values specified in CLl-16-07. Specifically:
a. Apply the maximum values specified by the Commission and allowed by the MAGGS code for TIMDEC and CDNFRM values (one year (365 days) and $100,000, respectively) for "heavy decontamination" (i.e., the decontamination/dose reduction factor of 15).
b. Exercise the additional option to explain, with sufficient justification, its rationale for choosing any additional values for the TIMDEC and CDNFRM inputs for its sensitivity .-:.:;;


Entergy at a minimum should run its sensitivity analyses for the four worst release categories, as specified in CLl-16-07. Entergy is requested to evaluate how these sensitivity analyses may affect its identification of potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

3. Upon completing these additional analyses, Entergy is requested to submit the input and output files for the IP2 and IP3 MAGGS code. Additionally, Entergy is requested to submit the spreadsheet (or equivalent table if another method is used) that conveys the population dose and off-site economic cost for each release category and integrates the results into a Population Dose Risk and an Offsite Economic Cost Risk for IP2 and IP3.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 5of112 On February 8, 2017 Entergy filed an amendment to its pending license renewal application for Indian Point IP2 and IP3 to update the proposed term of the renewed licenses from 20 years for each unit to the periods ending April 30, 2024 for IP2 and April 30, 2025 for IP3 (Reference 10). Since the original license expiration dates were September 2013 for IP2 and December 2015 for IP3, the license renewal period has been changed to 11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3. Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of this report to describe the changes necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 6of112 2.0 Summary of Results The results of this analysis provide the following information requested in the RAI letter dated September 12, 2016 (Reference 2).

Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of this report to describe the changes necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0 and show the following.

  • With an 11 year license renewal period for IP2 and a 10 year license renewal period for IP3, the baseline analysis has two less potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs (IP2-028, "Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger," and IP2-062, "Provide a hard-wired connection to an SI pump from ASSS power supply," are not potentially cost-beneficial).
  • Also, Sensitivity Case 7 shows that with this new baseline and a change to VDEPOS along with

-.,_.,_ . escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM, SAMA IP2-044, "Use fire water system as backup for steam generator inventory," is not potentially cost-beneficial.

  • Finally, none of the sensitivity cases adds any potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

Response to RAI 1:

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) scaled up the value of nonfarm wealth (VALWNF) input to the SAMA analysis' base-year (2005) dollars (Reference 4). VALWNF is used in the CHRONC input file and represents an average value for the 50 mile region.

  • Original (without lost tourism/business) VALWNF = $163,631/person. This was developed using SECPOP2000 and its economic database from the 1997 Census of Agriculture.
  • Original VALWNF with lost tourism l business= $208,838/person. The lost tourism I business component is based on 2004 data. The lost tourism/business component is $45,207/person.

Consumer Price Index Values (Series CUUROOOOSAO, All Urban Consumers) are used for escalation purposes: *

  • .Annual 1997 CPI = 160.5
  • Annual 2004 CPI = 188.9
  • Annual 2005 CPI = 195.3
  • Escalation Factor 1997-2005 = 1.22
  • Escalation Factor 2004-2005 = 1.03 2005 VALWNF is calculated as follows:

IP-RPT~16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 7of112

  • VALWNF without lost tourism/business= $163,631/person
  • 1.22 = $199,630/person
  • Lost tourism I business component= $45,207/person
  • 1.03 = $46,563/person
  • Total with lost tourism/ business (2005 dollars)= $246, 193/person, rounded up to

$247 ,000/person Entergy also scaled up the individual county average VNFRM values of nonfarm wealth used in the SITE input file. The same approach and CPI escalation values developed for the VALWNF calculation are applied at the county level data. The values for each county are shown in Table 1 (Reference 4).

Table 1- Original and Escalated VNFRM County-Level Values Basis Year for Dollar 1997 1997,2004 2004 2005 Values:

Original Original No With Tourism Tourism Tourism With Tourism VNFRM VNFRM Portion VNFRM Region County ($) ($) ($) ($)

1 FAIRFIELD 232659 287881 55222 340723 2 BERGEN 205863 262186 56323 309166 3 LITCHFIELD 148522 186016 37494 219816 4 NEWHAVEN 144105 192427 48322 .225580 5 ESSEX 147351 197400 50049 231319 6 DUTCHESS 129000 169417 40417 199010 7 MORRIS 213389 277661 64272 326535 8 PASSAIC 121880 161864 39984 189877 9 SUSSEX 136197 165741 29544 196591 10 UNION 160860 209708 48848 246563 11 KINGS 104714 123701 / 18987 147308 12 NASSAU 192755 239932 47177 283753 13 ORANGE 113976 148873 34897 174995 14 PUTNAM 154926 180274 25348 215118

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 8of112 Table 1- Original and Escalated VNFRM County-Level Values Basis Year for Dollar Values: 1997 1997,2004 2004 2005 Original Original No . With Tourism Tourism Tourism With Tourism VNFRM VNFRM Portion VNFRM Region County ($) ($) ($) ($)

1 15 QUEENS 169126 226728 57602 265664 16 ROCKLAND 163105 203359 40254 240450 17 SUFFOLK 149615 192471 42856 226672 18 SULLIVAN 104859 139374 34515 163478 19 ULSTER 104090 138739 34649 162678 20 WESTCHESTER 217278 263389 46111 312573, Entergy re-ran the baseline analyses using the VALWNF and VNFRM values escalated to 2005 dollar values. Table 2 and Table 3 show the resulting Population Dose Risk (PDR) and Offsite Economic Risk (OECR) for the revised baseline. Comparison of these results to the baseline results in the 2009 analysis (Reference 3) shows a modest OECR increase of approximately 9-10% and no appreciable change in the PDR.

  • 2 Table 2 - IP2 Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM MACCS2 Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total

. H/E 6.50E-07 6.51E+07 4.23E+Ol 48.44% 2.27E+ll l.48E+05 63.33%

H/L *6.88E-07 l.63E+07 l.12E+Ol 12.84% 5.04E+l0 3.47E+04 14.88%

M/E 4.23E-07 l.94E+07 8.21E+OO 9.39% 6.36E+10 2.69E+04 11.55%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.87E+06 2.36E+Ol 26.98% 6.59E+09 2.26E+04 9.70%

L/E l.llE-07 7.94E+06 8.81E-01 1.01% 6.93E+09 7.69E+02 0.33%

L/L 6.43E-07 l.61E+06 1.04E+OO 1.19% 7.15E+08 4.60E+02 0.20%

LL/L 5.82E-08 l.38E+06 8.03E-02 0.09% 6.10E+08 3.55E+Ol 0.02%

1 The Queens economic region comprises four very small counties within New York city (New York, Hudson, Queens, Bronx counties) combined as a weighted average to be certain that economic information pertaining to New York City was included in the analysis. (Reference 9) 2 Table 2E in IP~RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page9of112 NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.06% l.07E+05 1.27E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 8.74E+Ol 100% 2.33E+05 100%

Table 3- IP3 Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM MACCS2 Results 3 Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency II Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rein/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07  !! 5.09E+07 4.80E+Ol 50.55% 1.86E+ll 1.75E+05 61.50%

- - - - - - - ---**- - - --------------------- -- "" ~---------------

H/L 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 7.26% 5.00E+lO 2.12E+04 7.42%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.00E+07 2.48E+Ol 26.12% 6.0lE+lO 7.45E+04 26.13%

2.0lE-06 i

M/L 6.85E+06 1.38E+Ol 14.50% 6.59E+09 1.32E+04 4.64%

*------*-*-** -*****-**--*---.. ... ****-*************-*-**-**-- .... *****-*-***-***-********-*---*****-***--* . _____,,.........._,.,,,,,,,,, ______ ~-****-*---*-* ..***-*-*-

L/E l.46E-07 5.21E+06 7.61E-01 0.80% 3.87E+09 5.65E+02 0.20%

L/L 3.75E-07 1.61E+06 6.04E-01 0.64% I 7.14E+08 2.68E+02 v.v9%

I LL/L 5.66E-08 I l.38E+06 7.81E-02 0.08% 6.10E+08 3.45E+Ol 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 l 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 U.U::>7o I 3.17E+05 2.00E+OO I 0.00%

I l Total 1.15E-05 -- 9.50E+Ol 100% ' 2.85: ::: 100%

Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of this report to describe the changes necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 1O years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0 and show the following.

  • baseline analysis has two less potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs (IP2-028, "Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger," and IP2-062, "Provide a hard-wired connection to an SJ pump from ASSS power supply," are not potentially cost-beneficial).
  • Also, Sensitivity Case 7 shows that with this new baseline and a change to VDEPOS along with escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM, SAMA IP2-044, "Use fire water system as backup for steam genera_tor inventory," is not potentially cost-beneficial.
  • Finally, none of the sensitivity cases adds any potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

3 Table 3E in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 10 of 112 Response to RAI 2.a:

Using the revised baseline from RAI 1, Entergy ran supplemental sensitivity analyses using the input values specified. in CLl-16-07. Specifically, the maximum values specified by the Commission and allowed by the MACCS2 code for TIMDEC and CDNFRM values (one year (365 days) and $100,000, respectively) for "heavy decontamination" (i.e., the decontamination/dose reduction factor of 15) were

. applied. The parameter value changes are applied to all release categories for consistency, (i.e., not just the four worst release categories as specified in the RAI.)

I Table 4 and Table 5 show the PDR and OECR results when the TIMDEC and CDNFRM values are increased to the maximum MACCS2 allowed values as stipulated in the RAI, with the revised baseline.

Comparison of these results to the baseline results in the 2009 analysis (Reference 3) shows that the OECR increases approximately 126-133%. Also, the PDR increase is much smaller, approximately 11-

  • 12%.

Table 4 - IP2 Increased TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) MACCS2

  • Sensitivity Results4 Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.SOE-07 7.90E+07 5.14E+Ol 52.57% 5.03E+ll 3.27E+05 68.35%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.69E+07 1.16E+Ol 11.90% 8.56E+l0 5.89E+04 12.31%

M/E 4.23E-07 2.06E+07 8.71E+OO 8.92% l.25E+ll 5.29E+04 11.05%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.97E+06 2.39E+Ol 24.48% 1.09E+l0 3.74E+04 7.82%

L/E 1.11E~07 8.03E+06 8.91E-01 0.91% 1.12E+10 l.24E+03. 0.26%

L/L 6.43E-07 1.63E+06 1.05E+OO 1.07% 1.45E+09 9.32E+02 0.19%

LL/L 5.82E-08 1.39E+06 8.09E-02 0.08% 1.24E+09 7.22E+Ol 0.02%

NCF l.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.06% l.07E+05 1.27E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 9.77E+Ol 100% 4.78E+05 100%

4 Table 2F in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 11 of 112 Table 5

  • IP3 Increased TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) MACCS2 Sensitivity Results 5 Offsite Offsite I Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.95E+07 5.61E+01 53.42% 4.51E+11 4.25E+05 69.93%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.69E+07 7.15E+OO 6.81% 8.52E+10 3.60E+04 5.93%

M/E I 1.24E-06 2.12E+07 2.63E+01 25.03% 9.95E+10 1.23E+05 20.29%

M/L 2.0lE-06 6.95E+06 1.40E+01 13.30% 1.09E+10 2.19E+04 3.60%

L/E 1.46E-07 5.30E+06 7.74E-01 0.74% 6.15E+09 8.98E+02 0.15%

L/L 3.75E-07 1.63E+06 6.llE-01 0.58% 1.45E+09 5.44E+02 0.09%

LL/L 5.66E-08 1.39E+06 7.87E-02 0.07% 1.24E+09 7.02E+Ol 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.05% 3.17E+05 2.00E+OO 0.00%

I Total E 1.15E-05 -- 1.05E+02 100% -- 6.08E+05 100%

l  !

Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of this report to describe the changes necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 1O years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0 and show the following.

  • With an 11 year license renewal period for IP2 and a 10 year license renewal period for IP3, the baseline analysis has two less potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs (IP2-028, "Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger," and IP2-062, "Provide a hard-wired connection to an SI pump from ASSS power supply," are not potentially cost-beneficial).
  • Also, Sensitivity Case 7 shows that with this new baseline and a change to VDEPOS along with escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM, SAMA IP2-044, "Use fire water system as backup for steam generator inventory," is not potentially cost-beneficial.
  • Finally, none of the sensitivity cases adds any potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

5 Table 3F in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 12of112 Response to RAI 2.b:

RAI 2.b gives Entergy the additional option to explain, with sufficient justification, its rationale for choosing any additional values for the TIMDEC and CDNFRM inputs for its sensitivity analyses.

Entergy does not propose additional values for the TIMDEC and CDNFRM inputs. However, Entergy does propose an alternate value for variable VDEPOS, dry deposition velocity.

In Entergy's original SAMA analysis, the dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, was set to 0.010 m/sec in the ATMOS input file. The recent NRC's State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA)

Project found a value of 0.003m/sec to be the dominant or average value for use in SOARCA. Thus, 0.003m/sec is viewed as more representative than the value of 0.010m/sec used in the NUREG-1150 studies.

Entergy ran an alternative revised baseline using the VALWNF and VNFRM values escalated to 2005 dollar values, as described in the response to RAI 1, but with a VDEPOS value of 0.003m/sec (Reference 4). Table 6 and Table 7 show the resulting PDR and OECR for the alternative revised baseline. Comparison of these results to those in Table 2 and Table 3 shows that the lower deposition velocity more than offsets the increase associated with escalating the value of non-farm wealth to 2005 values. Comparison of these results to the baseline results in the 2009 analysis (Reference 3) shows that the OECR decreases between 10-17% compared to the SAMA basecase. The PDR value -

changes a small amount (2.5% decrease for IP-2; 1.8% increase for IP-3).

Table 6 - IP2 Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and Revised VDEPOS MACCS2 Results 6 I Offsite Offsite Release Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Category Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk  % of (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 6.85E+07 4.45E+Ol 52.30% l.94E+ll 1.26E+05 66.34%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.60E+07 l.lOE+Ol I 12.93% 3.71E+l0 2.55E+04 13.43%

M/E 4.23E-07 l.90E+07 8.04E+OO 9.4.. /u 4.28E+l0 1.81E+04 9.52%

M/L 3.43E-06 5.80E+06 1.99E+Ol 23.37% 5.71E+09 1.96E+04 10.30%

L/E l.llE-07 6.40E+06 7.lOE-01 I 0.83% 4.67E+09 5.18E+02 0.27%

L/L 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 ~s:55E-01 1.00% 3.72E+08 2.39E+02 0.13%

LL/L 5.82E-08 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.08% 3.19E+08 l.86E+Ol 0.01%

NCF l.19E-05 I 3.25E+03 3.87E-02 0.05% 4.00E+03 4.76E-02 0.00%

Total l.79E-05 -- 8.51E+Ol

~ -- l.90E+05 100%

6 Table 2H in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 13of112 Table 7 - IP3 Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and Revised VDEPOS MACCS2 Results 7 Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E  ::i.<+3E-07 5.49E+07 5.18E+Ol 53.59% 1.45E+ll l.37E+05 62.57%

H/L 4.23E-07 l.60E+07 6.77E+OO 7.01% 3.71E+l0 l.57E+04 7.18%

M/E l.24E-06 2.03E+07 2.52E+Ol 26.06% 4.36E+l0 5.41E+04 24.74%

M/L 2.0lE-06 5.79E+06 I l.16E+Ol 12.05% 5.71E+09 l.15E+04 5.25%

L/E l.46E-07 4.48E+06 6.54E-01 0.68% 2.85E+09 4.16E+02 0.19%

L/L 3.75E-07 l.33E+06 4.99E-01 , 0.52% 3.72E+08 1.40E+02 0.06%

LL/L 5.66E-08 l.12E+06 6.34E-O i 0.07% . 3.19E+081Ls1E+Ol 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 5.54E+03 3.49E - - l.17E+04 7.37E-02 0.00%

Total l.15E-05 -- 9.66E+Ol 100% -- 2.19E+05 100%

Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of this report to describe the changes necessary for the SAMA .

cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0 and show the following.*

  • With an 11 year license renewal period for IP2 and a 1O year license renewal period for IP3, the baseline analysis has two less potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs (IP2-028, "Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger," and IP2-062, "Provide a hard-wired connection to an SI pump from ASSS power supply," are not potentially cost-beneficial).
  • Also, Sensitivity Case 7 shows that with this new baseline and a change to VDEPOS along with escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM; SAMA IP2-044, "Use fire water system as backup for
  • Finally, none of the sensitivity cases adds any potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

Using the alternative revised baseline (with escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS),

Entergy ran supplemental sensitivity analyses using the input values specified in CLl-16-07 (Reference 4). Specifically, the maximum values specified* by the Commission and allowed by the MACCS code for TIMDEC and CDNFRM values (one year (365 days) and $100,000, respectively) for "heavy decontamination" (i.e., the decontamination/dose reduction factor of 15) were applied. The parameter value changes are applied to all release categories for consistency, (i.e., not just the four worst release categories as specified in the RAI.) Table 8 and Table 9 show the PDR and OECR results, when the TIMDEC and CDNFRM values are increased to the maximum MACCS2 allowed values as stipulated in the RAI, with the alternate revised baseline. Comparison of these results to the baseline results in the.

7 Table 3H in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 14of112 2009 analysis (Reference 3) shows that the OECR increases approximately 82-91 %. The PDR increase is much smaller, approximately 7-10%.

IP-RPT-16 ..00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 15of112

  • Table 8 - IP2 Increased TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and Revised

- -- - VDEPOS) MACCS2 Sensitivity Results 8 Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E I 6.50E-07 7.90E+07 5.14E+Ol 55.22% 4.49E+ll 2.92E+05 72.05%

H/L I 6.88E-07 l.66E+07 l.14E+Ol 12.28%  : 7.lOE+lO 4.88E+04 12.06%

M/E I 4.23E-07 l.99E+07 8.42E+OO 9.05% 7.96E+l0 3.37E+04 8.31%

I M/L 3.43E-06 5.87E+06 2.0lE+Ol 21.65% 8.57E+09 2.94E+04 7.26%

I L/E I l.llE-07 6.45E+06 7.16E-01 0.77% 7.02E+09 7.79E+02 0.19%

L/L 6.43E-07 l.33E+06 8.55E-01 0.92% 7.21E+08 4.64E+02 0.11%

LL/L 5.82E-08 l.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.07% 6.09E+08 3.54E+Ol 0.01%

NCF l.19E-05 3.25E+03 3.87E-02 0.04% 4.00E+03 4.76E-02 0.00%

I Total I l.79E-05 -- 9.30E+Ol 100% -- 4.05E+05 100%

Table 9 - IP3 Increased TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and Revised 9

VDEPOS) MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category I (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total I

H/E 9.43E-07 6.16E+07 5.81E+Ol 55.72% 3.59E+ll 3.39E+05 71.22%

H/L 4.23E-07 l.65E+07 6.98E+OO 6.70% 7.lOE+lO 3.00E+04 6.32%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.11E+07 2.62E+Ol 25.10% 7.15E+l0 8.87E+04 18.65%

M/L 2.0lE-06 5.85E+06 l.18E+Ol 11.28% 8.56E+09 l.72E+04 3.62%

L/E l.46E-07 4.52E+06 6.60E-01 0.63% 4.10E+09 5.99E+02 0.13%

L/L 3.75E-07 l.33E+06 4.99E-01 0.48% 7.21E+08 2.70E+02 0.06%

LL/L 5.66E-08 l.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.06% 6.09E+08 3.45E+Ol 0.01%

NC:F 6.30E-06 5.54E+03 3.49E-02 0.03% l.17E+04 7.37E-02 0.00%

Total l.15E-05 -- l.04E+02 100% -- 4.75E+05 100%

8 Table 21 in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4) 9 Table 31 in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4)

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 16 of 112 Section 6.0 was added in Revision 1 of this report to describe the changes necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0 and show the following.

  • With an 11 year license renewal period for IP2 and a 10 year license renewal period for IP3, the baseline analysis has two less potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs (IP2-028, "Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger," and IP2-062, "Provide a hard-wired connection to an SI pump from ASSS power supply," are not potentially cost-beneficial).
  • Also, Sensitivity Case 7 shows that with this new baseline and a change to VDEPOS along with escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM, SAMA IP2-044, "Use fire water system as backup for steam generator inventory," is not potentially cost-beneficial.
  • Finally, none of the sensitivity cases adds any potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

Response to RAI 3:

The input and output files for the IP2 and IP3 MACCS code are provided. Additionally, the tables in the prior responses convey the population dose and off-site economic cost for each release category and integrate the results into a Population Dose Risk and an Offsite Economic Cost Risk for IP2 and IP3.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 17of112 3.0 References

1. ML16125A150, NRC Commission Memorandum and Order (CLl-16-07), May 4, 2016
2. ML16232A119, "Request for Additional Information Related fo the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Renewal Application Environmental Review, Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives", NRC, September 12, 2016
3. IP-RPT-09-00044, "Re-analysis of IP2 and IP3 Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMAs)," Rev. 0, December 2009
4. IP-RPT-16-00077, "Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 MACCS2 Sensitivities," Rev. 0, December 2016
5. ML14337A042, Entergy letter NL-14-143, Reply to Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Renewal Application, Indian Point Nucl~ar Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, November 20,2014
6. IP-RPT-07-00007, "IP2 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives," Rev.

0, April 2007

7. IP-RPT-07-00008, "IP3 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Severe Accident Mitigation Alternative," Rev. 0, April 2007
8. IPEC-CALC-09-00265, "Re-analysis of MACCS2 Models for IPEC," Rev. 0, December 2009
9. ENERCON, "Site-Specific MACCS2 Input Data for Indian Point Energy Center," Rev.1, December 2009 *
10. Entergy letter NL-17-029, Amendment to License R*enewal Application - Reflecting Shortened License Renewal Terms for Units 2 and 3, February 8, 2017
11. NEI 05-01 [Rev A], "Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) Analysis Guidance Document," November 2005
12. NUREG/BR-0184, "Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission," January 1997

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 18of112 4.0 Assumptions 4.1. Assumptions utilized in IP-RPT-09-00044 (Reference 3), the prior SAMA cost-benefit analysis of record, are carried forward to this calculation.

4.2. Assumptions utilized in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4), the MACCS2 analysis of sensitivities for the RAI response, are carried forward to this calculation.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page .19 of 112 5.0 Evaluation of Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for the Sensitivity Cases 5.1 MACCS2 Sensitivity Cases In IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4), a series of MACCS2 sensitivity cases are performed with adjustments to select MACCS2 parameter input values. For each sensitivity case, the MACCS2 results for total 50-mile offsite costs and 50-mile population dose for each release category are multiplied by the applicable release category frequency to calculate the SAMA metrics of Offsite Economic Cost Risk (OECR) and Population Dose Risk (PDR). The OECR and PDR of the various sensitivity cases are then compared against applicable reference cases to determine the impact of the revised parameters.

More MACCS2 cases are documented in IP-RPT-16-00077 than are strictly required to addr~ss the RAI response. To expedite the evaluation, these additional cases were not carried through the SAMA cost-benefit analysis. Thus, the evaluation of potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs was only performed for the following MACCS2 cases.

For each IPEC unit, the following MACCS2 sensitivity cases are evaluated.

  • Case 0 o SAMA *sase Case Check o This case confirms that the results of IP-RPT-09-00044 (Reference 3) can be reproduced with the applicable MACCS2 files upon which the sensitivity cases are built. *
  • Case 4 o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values. VALWNF is used in the CHRONC input file and represents an average value for the 50 mile region. VNFRM is used in the SITE input file and is calculated on a county basis. Calculation of these values is presented below.

o This case addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF), and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the RAI.

  • Case 5 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

  • o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 1

values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o This case addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI.

  • Case 7 o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 20 of 112 o - The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the-ATMOS input file rather than the value of 0.010 m/sec. The value of 0.003m/sec is documented by the recent NRC's State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Project to be the dominant or average value for use in SOARCA and is viewed as more representative than the value of 0.010m/sec used in the NUREG-1150 studies.

o Similar to Case 4, Case 7 addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF), and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity .


  • Case 8 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the value of 0.01 O m/sec.

o Similar to Case 5, Case 8 addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF, increased TIMDEC & CDNFRM), as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

5.2 Sensitivity Case 0 - Original Baseline A. Base Case for the Majority of the SAMAs The SAMA cost-benefit analyses in IP-RPT-09-00044 (Reference 3) were performed using un-linked spreadsheets in which some data was inserted manually. See Attachment 1 for a list of the _

spreadsheets. To facilitate the evaluation of multiple sensitivity cases, a combined spreadsheet was created, named "Case 0 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities."

This spreadsheet contains a worksheet, "Spreadsheet Conversion," documenting the conversion from the 2009 vintage worksheets and confirming that the combined spreadsheet calculates the 2009 benefit value for each SAMA. For a limited number of SAMAs, the combined spreadsheet calculates a slightly different benefit value from that calculated in 2009. These instances occur because the combined spreadsheet rounds values consistently for all of the SAMAs, which was not the case in the un-linked spreadsheets.

The combined spreadsheet facilitates sensitivity evaluations for the majority of the SAMAs because the PDR and OECR values from the sensitivity cases in IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4) can be placed in worksheets "IP2 MACCS2 Output" and "IP3 MACCS2 Output" and the benefit values are automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and D of the "Case# (cost-benefit)"

worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates. Columns G and H of the "Case

  1. (cost-benefit)" worksheet contain the implementation cost estimates from IP-RPT-09-00044 (Reference 3) and NL-14-143 (Reference 5), respectively.
  • IP~RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16~07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 21 of 112 B. Base Case for SAMAs IP2-020 and IP3-018 SAMA IP2-020, "Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure where a water spray would condense the steam and remove most of the fission products," does not use the same MACCS2 output as the other SAMAs. As described in Appendix B of IP-RPT-04-00007 (Reference 6), analysis case 16 was used to evaluate SAMA IP2-020. A bounding analysis was performed by reducing SGTR accident progression source terms by a factor of 2.

The source terms used for the IP2-020 analysis are contained in file "IP2 SAMA Radionuclide Release Results-Level2-20.xls." A comparison of the IP2-020 source terms with those in Table A-1O of IP-RPT-07-00007 shows that the only differences are the release fractions for the Early High (H-E), Early Medium (M-E), and Early Low (L-E) release categories. This is reasonable, since SGTR accidents are bypass events, which* contribute to early release categories.

Since the source term is different for this SAMA, the MACCS2 output is also different for this SAMA.

Therefore, the MACCS2 Case 0, Case 4, Case 5, Case 7, and Case 8 sensitivities were .

reevaluated with the IP2-020 source term information (Reference 4). An additional worksheet, "IP2-020 MACCS2 Output," was added to the combined spreadsheet, "Case 0 fPEC SAMA Sensitivities," to calculate the base case benefits and facilitate the sensitivity evaluations for IP2-020.

SAMA IP3-018, "Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure where a water spray would condense the steam and remove most of the fission products," does not use the same MACCS2 output as the other SAMAs. As described in Appendix B of IP-RPT-04-00008 *

(Reference 7), analysis case 14 was used to evaluate SAMA IP3-018. A bounding analysis was performed by reducing SGTR accident progression sol,lrce terms by a factor of 2.

  • The source terms used for the IP3-018 analysis are contained in flle "IP3 SAMA Radionuclide Release Results-Level2-18.xls." A comparison of the IP3-018 source terms with those in Table A.1 O of IP-RPT-07-00008. shows that the only differences are the release fractions for the Early High (H-E), Early Medium (M-E), and Early Low (L-E) release categories. This is reasonable, since SGTR accidents are bypass events, which contribute to early release categories.

Since the source term is different for this SAMA, the MACCS2 output is also different for this SAMA.

Therefore, the MACCS2 Case 0, Case 4, Case 5, Case 7, and Case 8 sensitivities were reevaluated with the IP2-020 source term information (Reference 4). An additional worksheet, "IP3~

018 MACCS2 Output," was added to the combined spreadsheet, "Cas~ 0 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities," to calculate the base case benefits and facilitate the sensitivity evaluations for IP3-018.

I C. Altered Base Case for Tl-SGTR SAMAs Section 3.6 of IP-RPT-09-00044 (Reference 3) describes the analysis performed to evaluate the impact of more pessimistic assumptions regarding scenarios that involve the potential for a thermally induced steam generator tube rupture (Tl-SGTR). The NUREG-1570 full conditional induced SGTR value (0.25)for moderate tube degradation was applied to all high/dry sequences in the Level 2 model for each unit; in both station blackout and transient sequences.

  • IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 22 of 112 In the Tl-SGTR analysis, twenty seven IP2 SAMAs and twenty two IP3 SAMAs were identified as potentially impacted by the Tl-SGTR assumption.

IP2 SAMAs: 1, 6, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28; 29 ,30 ,31, 32, 35, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 52, 54, 59, 60,61,62,65,66 IP3 SAMAs: 1, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 38, 40, 42, 43, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62 Since IP2 SAMAs 28, 44, 54, 60, 61, 62 and 65 and IP3 SAMAs 55, 61 and 62 were previously determined to be potentially cost beneficial, they were not re-evaluated. Of the remaining SAMAs, a detailed evaluation was performed for those for which the cost outweighed the benefit by less than a factor of five. This screening criterion was applied to facilitate the re-evaluation by limiting it to

  • those potentially impacted SAMA c,andidates with a realistic possibility of becoming cost-beneficial.

The unscreened IP2 SAMAs were SAMAs 1, 6, 25, 29, 40 and 52.

The unscreened IP3 SAMAs were SAMAs 1, 16, 18, 30, 40 and 43.

The source terms used for the IP2 Tl-SGTR analysis are contained in file "IP2 Radionuclide Release Results-Base-RAl#5.xls." The source terms used for the IP3 Tl-SGTR analysis are contained in file "IP3 Radionuclide Release Results-Base-RAl#5.xls." A comparison of the Tl-SGTR source terms with those in Table A-10 of IP-RPT-07-00007 and Table A.10 of IP-RPT 00008 shows that the only differences are the timing and release fractions for the Early High (H-E) release category. This is reasonable, si.nce high/dry sequences would be expected to contribute to this release category.

Since the source term is different for these SAMAs, the MACCS2 output is also different for these SAMAs. Therefore, the MACCS2 Case 0, Case 4, Case 5, Case 7, and Case 8 sensitivities were reevaluated with the Tl-SGTR source term information (Reference 4). Additional worksheets (IP2 Tl-SGTR Base, IP2 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output, IP3 Tl-SGTR Base, IP3 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output, and individual Tl-SGTR SAMA worksheets) were added to the combined spreadsheet, "Case 0 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities," to calculate the base case benefits and facilitate the sensitivity evaluations for the Tl-SGTR SAMAs.

5.3 Sensitivity Case 4- Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM)

  • Case 4 o VALWNF & VNF.RM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 v;alues. VALWNF is used in the CHRONC input file and represents an average value for the 50 mile region. VNFRM is used in the SITE input file and is calculated on a county basis.

o This case addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF), and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the RAI.

The following steps were performed to evaluate Sensitivity Case 4.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 23of112

1. Copied combined spreadsheet and renamed, "Case 4 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx."
2. Renamed worksheet "Case 0 (cost-benefit)" to "Case 4 (cost-benefit)" and deleted columns J and K from this worksheet.
3. Copied PDR and OECR values from the sensitivity cases in IP-RPT-16-00077 into the appropriate worksheets in Case 4 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx (see table below).

Worksheet in Case 4 IPEC SAMA Spreadsheet from IP-RPT-16-00077 Worksheet in IP-RPT-16-00077

  • Sensitivities.xlsx Spreadsheet IP2 MACCS2 Output IP2-020 MACCS2 Output U2 Results Detailed IP2 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output 2016 IPEC MACCS2 Sens- RevD.xlsx IP3 MACCS2 Output IP3-018 MACCS2 Output U3 Results Detailed IP3 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output
4. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and D of the "Case 4 (cost-benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.
5. Since Case 4 is considered a "new baseline," the SAMAs potentially impacted by the Tl-SGTR assumption were re-screened consistent with the screening in IP-RPT-09-00044 and described in Section 5.2.C above.

In the Tl-SGTR analysis, twenty seven IP2 SAMAs and twenty two IP3 SAMAs were identified as potentially impacted by the Tl-SGTR assumption.

IP2 SAMAs: 1, 6, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ,30 ,31, 32, 35, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 52, 54, 59,60,61,62, 65,66 IP3 SAMAs: 1, 16,.17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 38, 40, 42, 43, 55, 56, 58, 61,62 Since IP2 SAMAs 28, 44, 54, 60, 61; *62 and 65 and IP3 SAMAs 55, 61 and 62 were previously determined to be potentially cost.beneficial, they were not re-evaluated. Of the a

remaining SAMAs, detailed evaluation was performed for those for which the cost outweighed the benefit by less than a factor of five. [Column J of the "Case 4 (cost-benefit)"

worksheet was*used for this screening.] This screening criterion was applied to facilitate the re-evaluation by limiting it to those potentially impacted SAMA candidates with a realistic possibility of becoming cost-beneficial.

  • In Case 0, the unscreened IP2 SAMAs were SAMAs 1, 6, 25, 29, 40 and 52.

In Case 4, the unscreened IP2 SAMAs are SAMAs 1, 25, 29, 40 and 52.

In Case 0, the unscreened IP3 SAMAs were SAMAs 1, 16, 18, 30, 40 and 43.

In Case 4, the unscreened IP3 SAMAs are SAMAs 1, 16, 17, 30, 40 and 43.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 24 of 112

6. As described in Section 5.2.C above for the other Tl-SGTR SAMAs, an additional worksheet was added to the Case 4 spreadsheet to evaluate the IP3-017 Tl-SGTR benefit. The "Case 4 (cost-benefit)" worksheet was adjusted accordingly.
7. SAMA IP2-006 does not meet the screening criterion in Case 4 due to rounding of the benefit values. However, the Tl-SGTR analysis for this SAMA was retained* in the Case 4 spreadsheet.
8. SAMA IP3-018 does not meet the screening criterion in Case 4 due to the new implementation cost estimate reported in NL-14-143 (Reference 5). Nevertheless, the Tl-SGTR analysis for this SAMA was retained in the Case 4 spreadsheet. This SAMA does not become cost-beneficial in Case 4 or Case 5, so there is no impact from keeping the Tl-SGTR analysis.

5.4 Sensitivity Case 5- Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM).

  • Case 5 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF and VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o This case addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI.

The following steps were performed to evaluate Sensitivity Case 5.

1. Copied Case 4 spreadsheet and renamed, "Case 5 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx."
2. Renamed worksheet "Case 4 (cost-benefit)" to "Case 5 (cost-benefit)."
3. Cleared the contents of columns D and F and revised equations in column I to use the values in columns C and E for comparison. Since Case 5 is a sensitivity analysis on the revised baseline from Case 4, the 95th percentile uncertainty sensitivity does not also need to be calculated. Also, deleted column J since the Tl-SGTR screening was performed in Case 4.
4. Copied PDR and OECR values from the sensitivity cases in IP-RPT-16-00077 into the appropriate worksheets in Case 5 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx (see table below).

Worksheet in Case 5 IPEC SAMA Spreadsheet from IP-RPT-16-00077 Worksheet in IP-RPT-16-00077 Sensitivities.xlsx Spreadsheet IP2 MACCS2 Output IP2-020 MACCS2 Output U2 Results Detailed IP2 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output 2016 IPEC MACCS2 Sens- RevD.xlsx IP3 MACCS2 Output

  • IP3-018 MACCS2 Output U3 Results Detailed IP3 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 25 of 112

5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and E of the "Case 5 (cost-benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.
6. A few of the IP2 SAMAs showed a negative benefit in the Case 5 results. This occurred because the SAMAs had no benefit and the release mode frequencies for the individual SAMAs carried more digits than the release mode frequencies for the IP2-Base Benefit.

The release mode frequencies from the IP2-Base Benefit worksheet were copied over the release mode frequencies in worksheets IP2-033, IP2-046, IP2-047, IP2-051, IP2-055, and IP2-058. This corrects the SAMA benefits in the Case 5 (Cost-Benefit) worksheet so that they are zero, rather than negative.

5.5 Sensitivity Case 7 -Alternate Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS) -

  • Case 7 o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively ..

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the IP-CALC-09-00265 (Reference 8) value of 0.01 O m/sec. The value of 0.003m/sec is documented by the recent NRC's State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Project to be the dominant or average value for use in SOARCA and is viewed as more representative than the value of 0.01 Om/sec used in the NUREG-1150 studies.

o Similar to Case 4, Case 7 addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., escalated VALWNF),.and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the. RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

The following steps were performed to evaluate Sensitivity Case 7.

1. Copied combined spreadsheet and renamed, "Case 7 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx."
2. Renamed worksheet "Case O (cost-benefit)" to "Case 7 (cost-benefit)" and deleted columns J and K from this worksheet.
3. Copied PDR and OECR values from the sensitivity cases in IP-RPT-16-00077 into the appropriate worksheets in Case 7 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx (see table below).

Worksheet in Case 4 IPEC SAMA Spreadsheet from IP-RPT-16-00077 Worksheet in IP-RPT-16-00077 Sensitivities.xlsx Spreadsheet IP2 MACCS2 Output IP2-020 MACCS2 Output U2 Results Detailed IP2 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Outout 2016.IPEC MACCS2 Sens- RevD.xlsx IP3 MACCS2 Output IP3-018 MACCS2 Output U3 Results Detailed IP3 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 26 of 112

4. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and D of the "Case 7 (cost-benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.
5. A few of the IP2 SAMAs showed a negative benefit in the Case 7 results. This occurred because the SAMAs had little or no benefit and the release mode frequencies for the individual SAMAs carried more digits than the release mode frequencies for the IP2-Base Benefit. The release mode frequencies from the IP2-Base Benefit worksheet were copied over the release mode frequencies in worksheets IP2-012, IP2-013, IP2-016, IP2-033, IP2-046, IP2-047, IP2-051, IP2-055, and IP2-058. Also, the IP2-Base Benefit release frequencies for the non-NCF release modes were copied over the release mode frequencies in worksheet IP2-067. This corrects the SAMA benefits in the Case 5 (Cost-Benefit) worksheet so that they are non-negative.
6. Since Case 7 is a proposed, alternate "new baseline," the SAMAs potentially impacted by the Tl-SGTRassumption were re-screened consistent with the screening in IP-RPT 00044 and described in Section 5.2.C above.

In the Tl-SGTR analysis, twenty seven IP2 SAMAs and twenty two IP3 SAMAs were identified as potentially impacted by the Tl-SGTR assumption.

IP2 SAMAs: 1, 6, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ,30 ,31, 32, 35, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 52, 54, 59, 60,61,62, 6~66 IP3 SAMAs: 1, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 38, 40, 42, 43, 55, 56, 58, 61,62 Since IP2 SAMAs 28, 44, 54, 60, 61, and 65 and IP3 SAMAs 55, 61 and 62 were previously determined to be potentially cost beneficial, they were not re-evaluated. Of the remaining SAMAs, a detailed evaluation was performed for those for which the cost outweighed the benefit by less than a factor of five. [Column J of the "Case 7 (cost-benefit)" worksheet was used for this screening.] This screening criterion was applied to facilitate the re-evaluation by limiting it to those potentially impacted SAMA candidates with a realistic possibility of becoming cost-beneficial.

In Case 0, the unscreened IP2 SAMAs were SAMAs 1, 6, 25, 29, 40 and 52.

In Case 7, the unscreened IP2 SAMAs are SAMAs 1, 25, 40, 52, and 62.

In Case 0, the unscreened IP3 SAMAs were SAMAs 1, 16, 18, 30, 40 and 43.

In Case 7, the unscreened IP3 SAMAs are SAMAs 1, 16, 30, 40 and 43.

7. As described in Section 5.2.C above for the other Tl-SGTR SAMAs, an additional worksheet was added to the Case 7 spreadsheet to evaluate the IP2-062 Tl-SGTR benefit. The "Case 7 (cost-benefit)" worksheet was adjusted accordingly. [IP2-062 was not evaluated for Tl-SGTR in Case 0 because it was cost-beneficial in Case 0. However, IP2-062 is not cost-beneficial in Case 7, so it is included in the T_l-SGTR evaluation.]

IP"'-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 27 of 112

  • 8. Similar to Case 4, SAMAs IP2-006, IP2-029, and IP3-018 do not meet the screening criterion in Case 7. However, the Tl-SGTR analyses for these SAMAs were retained in the Case 7 spreadsheet.

5.6 Sensitivity Case 8-Alternate RevisedTIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS)

  • Case 8 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the IP-CALC-09-00265 (Reference 8) value of 0.010 m/sec.

o Similar to Case 6, Case 8 addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF, increased TIMDEC & CDNFRM), as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

The following steps were performed to evaluate Sensitivity Case 8.

1. Copied Case 7 spreadsheet and renamed, "Case 8 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx."
2. Renamed worksheet "Case 7 (cost-benefit)" to "Case 8 (cost-benefit)."
3. Cleared the contents of columns D and F and revised equations in column I to use the values in columns C and E for comparison. Since Case 8 is a sensitivity analysis on the alternate revised baseline in Case 7, the 95th percentile uncertainty sensitivity does not also need to be calculated. Also, deleted column J since the Tl-SGTR screening was performed in Case 7.
4. Copied PDR and OECR values from the sensitivity cases in IP-RPT-16-00077 into the appropriate worksheets in Case 8 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx (see table below).

Worksheet in Case 5 IPEC SAMA Spreadsheet from IP-RPT-16-00077 Worksheet in IP-RPT-16-00077 '

Sensitivities.xlsx Spreadsheet IP2 MACCS2 Output IP2-020 MACCS2 Output U2 Results Detailed


IP2 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output 2016 IPEC MACCS2 Sens- RevD.xlsx IP3 MACCS2 Output IP3-018 MACCS2 Output U3 Results Detailed IP3 Tl-SGTR MACCS2 Output

5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and E of the "Case 8 (cost-benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 28 of 112 6.0 Revision to Reflect Shortened License Renewal Period On February 8, 2017 Entergy filed an amendment to its pending license renewal application for Indian Point IP2 and IP3 to update the proposed term of the renewed licenses from 20 years for each unit to the periods ending April 30, 2024 for IP2 and April 30, 2025 for IP3 (Reference 10). Since the original license expiration dates were September 2013 for IP2 and December 2015 for IP3, the license renewal period has been changed to 11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3. Section 6.0 describes the changes necessary for the SAMA cost-benefit sensitivities to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3). Results of the revised analysis are provided in Section 7.0.

The license renewal period impacts the SAMA analysis in two ways. First, it defines the year to which the population projections for the 50-mile region around the plant are extrapolated. Second, it is used in the calculations of onsite and offsite exposure costs and economic costs following a severe accident to take into account the time value of money.

For the Indian Point SAMA analyses, the population in the 50-mile region was projected to the year 2034 to encompass the license renewal period for both units (Reference 3). With a shorter license renewal period (ending in 2024 for IP2 and 2025 for IP3), the population in the region would generally be expected to be lower. However, the many MACCS2 cost input values are based on present dollars not future dollars (Reference 11 ), so they are not impacted by the duration of the license renewal period. Since the only change to the MACCS2 analyses would be the population, and re-projecting the population is a time consuming task, Entergy has decided to conservatively retain the 2034 population in Revision 1 of this report. Therefore, the results of the MACCS2 sensitivity cases described in

' Section 5.1 and presented in Tables 2 through 9 remain unchanged. Also, the escalated VALWNF 1-1 described in Section 2.0 and the VNFRM values in Table 1 remain unchanged.

This revision accounts for the impact on the onsite and offsite exposure costs and economic costs following a severe accident from the reduced license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3) as describe below.

6.1 On-site and Offsite Exposure and Economic Costs Following a Severe Accident The onsite and offsite exposure and economic costs following a severe accident were calculated as shown in Section 3:2.5 of Reference 3. They are recalculated below using the new license renewal period for each unit. The parameter "tt" is used for the license renewal period (years) and is included in several of the equations to take into account the time value of money. These calculations provide the costs for each unit without implementation of any SAMAs. Thus, they establish the maximum benefit that a SAMA could achieve if it eliminated all risk due to at-power internal events. Each of the cost

  • categories is discussed followed by a summary table for each unit.

6.1.1 Accident-Related Off-Site Dose Costs (APE)

The Level 3 baseline analysis resulted in an annual off-site exposure risk of 87.4 person-rem for IP2 and 94.8 person-rem for IP3. This value was converted to its monetary equivalent (dollars) via application of the $2,000 per person-rem conversion factor from the Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook (Reference 12). Th~ monetary equivalent was then discounted to present value using the following equation.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 29 of 112

Where, APE = monetary value of accident risk avoided from population does, after discounting ($)

R = monetary equivalent of unit dose ($/person-rem)

F = accident frequency (events/year)

Op = population dose factor (person-rem/event) s =status quo (current conditions)

A = after implementation of proposed action r = discount rate tt =license renewal period (years).

Because there are eight accident releases considered in this study, the product FDp which represents population dose risk (PDR), was estimated by summing the product of the release frequency of each accident release and population dose over all eight releases.

For IP2, using an 11-year license renewal period, a 7% discount rate, assuming FA is zero, and the baseline PDR value of 87.4 person-rem/yr resulted in the mon~tary equivalent value of $1,340,933.

For IP3, using a 10-year license renewal period, a 7% discount rate, assuming FA is zero, and the baseline PDR value of 94.8 person-rem/yr resulted in the monetary equivalent value of $1,363,535.

6.1.2 Accident-Related Off-Site Property Damage Costs (AOC)

The Level 3 baseline analysis resulted in an annual off-site economic risk monetary equivalent of

$212,000 for IP2 and $261,000 for IP3. This value was discounted in the same manner as the public health risks in accordance with the following equation:

Where, AOC = monetary value of risk avoided from off-site property damage, after discounting ($)

Po = off-site property loss factor ($/event)

F = accident frequency (events/year)

S =status quo (current conditions)

A = after implementation of proposed action r = discount rate

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 30 of 112 tt =-license renewal period (years)

The product FPo, which represents off-site economic cost risk (OECR), was estimated by summing the product of the release frequency of each accident release and off-site economic costs over all eight releases.

For IP2, using previously defined values and the baseline OECR value of $212,000/yr, the resulting monetary equivalent is $1,626,303.

For IP3, using previously defined values and the baseline QECR value of $261,000/yr, the resulting monetary equivalent is $1,877 ,018.

6.1.3 Total Accident-Related Occupational Exposures (AOE)

The values for occupational exposure associated with severe accidents were not derived from the PSA model, but from information in the Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook (Reference 12).

The values for occupational exposure consist of "immediate dose" and "long-term dose." The best estimate value provided for immediate occupational dose is 3,300 person-rem, and long-term occupational dose is 20,000 person-rem (over a ten year clean-up period). The following equations were used to estimate monetary equivalents.

Immediate Dose

Where, W1o =monetary value of accident risk avoided from immediate doses, after discounting*($)

10 = immediate occupational dose R = monetary equivalent of unit dose ($/person-rem)

F =accident frequency (events/year)

D10 = immediate occupational dose (person-rem/event)

S =status quo (current conditions)

A = after implementation of proposed action r = discount rate -

tt = license renewal period (years)

The values used in the analysis were:

R = $2,000/person-rem r = 0.07

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 31 of 112

. D10 = 3,300 person-rem/accident tt = 11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3 For the basis discount rate, assuming FA is zero, the bounding monetary value of the immediate dose is as follows.

  • For IP2, the baseline GDF is 1.79X10-5/ry, and W10 =$906.

For IP3, the baseline GDF is 1.15X1 o-5/ry, and W 10 =$546.

Long-Term Dose

Where, WLTo = monetary value of accident risk avoided from long-term doses, after discounting ($);

LTO = long-term occupational dose m =years over which long-term doses accrue R =monetary equivalent of unit dose ($/person-rem)

F = accident frequency (events/year)

DLTo = long-term occupational dose (20,000 person-rem/event)

S =status quo (current conditions)

A = after implementation of proposed action r = discount rate tt =license renewal period (years)

The values used in the analysis were:

R = $2,000/person-rem r = 0.07 DLrn =20,000 person-rem/accident m = 10 years tt = 11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3 For the basis discount rate, assuming FA is zero, the bounding monetary value of the long-term dose associated with accident risk is as follows.

For IP2, the baseline GDF is 1.79X10-5/ry, and WLrn = $3,950.

IP-R.PT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 32 of 112 For IP3, the baseline GDF is 1*.15X10-5/ry, and WLrn = $2,379.

Total Occupational Exposures The total exposure (AOE) is obtained by summing the immediate monetary value of on-site exposure after discounting (W 10) and the long-term monetary value of on-site exposure after discounting (WLTo).

The bounding value for occupational exposure (AOE) for IP2 is $4,856.

The bounding value for occupational exposure (AOE) for IP3 is $2,925.

6.1.4 Averted Costs Associated with Accident-Related On~Site Property Damage (AOSC)

Clean-up/Decontamination The total cost of clean-up/decontamination of a power reactor facility subsequent to a severe accident is estimated in the Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook (Reference 12) to be $1.5X10 9 ;

this same value was adopted for these analyses. Considering a 10-year cleanup period, the present value of this cost is:

PVcv = ( -Ccv) m (1 - e-rm)

~.- - -


Where, PVco = present value of the cost of cleanup/deco~tamination ($)

CD = clean-up/decontamination Ceo= total cost of the cleanup/decontamination effort ($1.5X10 9 )

m =cleanup period (10 years) r = discount rate Based upon the values previously assumed, PVco = $1.08E+9.

This cost is integrated over the term of the proposed license extension as follows:

(1- e-rt1)

Ucv = PVcv---- r

Where, Uco = total cost of clean-up/decontamination over the life of the plant tt = license renewal period (years)

Using the 7% discount rate and tt = 11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3, the Uco for IP2 is $8.29E+9 and the Uco for IP3 is $7.77E+9.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 33 of 112 Replacement Power .Costs Replacement power costs were estimated in accordance with the Regulatory Analysis Technical

_Evaluation Handbook (Reference 12). Since replacement power will be needed for the time period following a sever accident, for the remainder of the expected generating plant life, long-term power replacement calculations have been used. The present value_of replacement power was estimated as follows:

  • PVRP -

- ($1.2x10B) (1- e -rt )2 t


Where, PVRP =present value of the qp_~t of replacement power for a single event ($);

r = discount rate tt =license renewal period (years)

The $1.2x10 8 value has no intrinsic meaning, but is a substitute for a string of non-constant replacement power costs that occur over the lifetime of a "generic" reactor after an event. This equation was developed in the Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook (Reference 12) for discount rates between 5% and 10% only.

Using the 7% discount rate and tt =11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3, the PVRP for IP2 is $4.94E+8 and the PVRP for IP3 is $4.34E+8.

To account for the lifetime of the facility, URP was then calculated from PVRP as follows:

URP -_ PV - (1

- RP -e -rtt)2 r

Where, URP =present value of the cost of replacement power over the remaining life ($);

r = discount rate tt =license renewal period (years)

Based upon the values previously assumed, and the power correction factor of 1.177 discussed below, the URP for IP2 is $2.82E+9 and the URP for IP3 is $3.28E+9.

Since net generation can vary based on plant demands, a power level of 1071 MWe, which reflects typical gross generation levels, was used to conservatively bound the net generated power that would need to be replaced at eithi;ir IP2 or IP3. Thus, a correction factor to account for the difference in typical gross power generation level used for IP2 and IP3, and the generic reactor described in the Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook (i.e., 1071 MWe/91 OMWe = 1.177) was used.


  • Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 34 of 112 Total On-site Property Damage Costs Combining the cleanup/decontamination and replacement power costs, using delta (~F) to signify the difference in accident frequency resulting from the proposed.actions, and using the above numerical values, the best-estimate value of averted on-site property damage costs can be expressed as:

AOSC = .IJF(Ucv + URP)


~F = difference in annual accident frequency resulting from the proposed action For IP2, the baseline GDF is 1.79X10-5/ry, and the AOSC is $191,201.

For IP3, the baseline GDF is 1.15X10-5/ry, and the AOSC is $110,609 ..*

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 35 of 112 6.1.5 Total On-site and Off-site Exposure and Economic Costs Following a Severe Accident The following tables summarize the results above as well as the results reported in the Indian Point


SAMA reanalysis (Reference 3), using tt 20 years.

Estimated Present Dollar Value Equivalent of Internal Events CDF at IP2 Present Dollar Value ($)for 20-yr Present Dollar Value($) for 11-yr Parameter License Renewal Period License Renewal Period Off-site population dose $1,881,355 $1,340,933 Off-site economic costs $2,281,735 $1,626,303 On-site dose $6,814 $4,856 On-site economic costs $374,303 $191,201 TOTAL $4,544,208 $3,163,294 Estimated Present Dollar Value Equivalent of Internal Events CDF at IP3 Present Dollar Value ($)for 20-yr Present Dollar Value ($)for 10-yr Parameter License Renewal Period License Renewal Period Off-site population dose Si,040,646 $1,363,535 Off-site economic costs $2,809,117 $1,877,018 On-site dose $4,377 $2,925 On-site economic costs $240,475 $110,609 TOTAL $5,094,615 $3,354,087

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 36 of 112 6.2 Evaluation of Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for the Shortened License Renewal Period Sensitivity Cases The equations in Section 6.1 are already within the analysis case spreadsheets, which were created as described in Sections 5.2 through 5.6. Within each analysis case spreadsheet, in the worksheets labeled "IP2-Base Benefit" and "IP3-Base Benefit", cell B-3 contains the value for the license renewal period (tt). Likewise, in the worksheets for the individual SAMAs, cell B-3 contains the value for the license renewal period (tt). Thus, the analyses performed in Sections 5.2 and 5.6 are revised to reflect the new license renewal period by changing the value of tt in these worksheets. They were revised as follows.

  • 6.2.1 Sensitivity Case O - Shortened License Renewal Period Baseline The baseline calculations in Section 5.2 were revised as follows to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3).
1. Copied Spreadsheet "Case 0 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx" to a new spreadsheet named "Case 0 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx."
2. Added worksheet "License Renewal Period" containing the revised license renewal period for each unit.
3. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP2-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP2 SAMA worksheets to the IP2 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period."
4. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP3-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP3 SAMA worksheets to the IP3 value*in worksheet "License Renewal Period."
5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns D and F of the "Case 0 (Cost-Benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.
  • 6.2.2 Sensitivity Case 4 - Shortened Renewal Period Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM)

The Sensitivity Case 4 calculations in Section 5.3 were revised as follows to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3).

1. Copied Spreadsheet "Case 4 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx" to a new spreadsheet named "Case 4 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx."
2. Added worksheet "License Renewal Period" containing the revised license renewal period for each unit
3. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP2-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP2 SAMA worksheets to the IP2 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period."

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 37 of 112

4. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP3-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP3 SAMA worksheets to the IP3 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period.~

.*.* 5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns D and F of the "Case 4 (Cost-Benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.

6.2.3 Sensitivity Case 5 - Shortened License Renewal Period Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM)

The Sensitivity Case 5 calculations in Section 5.4 were revised as follows to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3).

1. Copied Spreadsheet "Case 5 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx" to a new spreadsheet named "Case 5 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx.n
2. Added worksheet "License Renewal Period" containing the revised license renewal period for each unit.
3. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP2-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP2 SAMA worksheets to the IP2 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period."
4. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP3-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP3 SAMA
5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and E of the "Case 5 (Cost-Benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.

6.2.4 Sensitivity Case 7 - Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS)

The Sensitivity Case 7 calculations in Section 5.5 were revised as follows to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3).

1. Copied Spreadsheet "Case 7 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx" to a new spreadsheet named "Case 7 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx."
2. Added worksheet "License Renewal Period" containing the revised license renewal *period for each unit.
3. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP2-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP2 SAMA worksheets to the IP2 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period."
4. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP3-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP3 SAMA workslieets to the IP3 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period."
5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns D and F of the "Case 7 (Cost-Benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 38of112 6.2.5 Sensitivity Case 8 - Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS)

The Sensitivity Case 8 calculations in Section 5.6 were revised as follows to reflect the revised license renewal period (11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3).

1. Copied Spreadsheet "Case 8 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities.xlsx" to a new spreadsheet named "Case 8 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx."
2. Added worksheet "License Renewal Period" containing the revised license renewal period for each unit.
3. Linked cell B-3 in worksheet "IP2-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP2 SAMA worksheets to the IP2 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period."
4. Linked,cell B-3 in worksheet "IP3-Base Benefit" and in each of the individual IP3 SAMA worksheets to the IP3 value in worksheet "License Renewal Period." *
5. The benefit values were automatically re-calculated and populated in columns C and E of the "Case 8 (Cost.:.Benefit)" worksheet for comparison with the implementation cost estimates.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 39 of 112 7.0 Conclusions for Shortened License Renewal Period 7 .1 Sensitivity Case 0 - Shortened License Renewal Period Baseline The baseline analysis shows that two SAMAs that were potentially cost-beneficial with a 20 year license renewal period are not potentially cost-beneficial using the shortened license renewal period of 11 years for IP2 and 10 years for IP3. Specifically, SAMAs IP2-028, "Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger," and IP2-062, "Provide a hard-wired connection to an SI pump from ASSS power supply," are not potentially cost-beneficial with the shortened license renewal period.

Table 10 provides the Sensitivity Case 0 (Baseline) SAMA results using the shortened license renewal period.

7.2 Sensitivity Case 4- Shortened License Renewal Period Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM)

The revised baseline with escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM did not result in additional potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

l Table 11 provides the Sensitivity Case 4 SAMA results using the shortened license renewal period.

7.3 Sensitivity Case 5- Shortened License Renewal Period Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNFand VNFRM)

Increasing TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with escalated VALWNF and VNFRM) did not result in additional potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

Table 12 provides the Sensitivity Case 5 SAMA results using the shortened license renewal period.

7.4 Sensitivity Case 7 - Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised Baseline (Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS)

Sensitivity Case 7 shows that one SAMA*that was potentially cost-beneficial in the Shortened License Renewal Period Baseline (Case O above) is not potentially cost-beneficial with the change to VDE'.POS along with escalation of VALWNF and VNFRM. Specifically, SAMA IP2-044, "Use fire water system as backup for steam generator inventory," is not potentially cost-beneficial in this case with the shortened license renewal period.

  • Sensitivity Case 7 did not result in additional potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

Table 13 provides the Sensitivity Case 7 SAMA results using the shortened license renewal period.

7.5 Sensitivity Case 8- Shortened License Renewal Period Alternate Revised TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with Escalated VALWNF and VNFRM and revised VDEPOS)

Increasing TIMDEC and CDNFRM (with escalated VALWNF and VNFRMand revised VDEPOS) did not result in additional potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 40 of 112 Table 14 provides the Sensitivity Case 8 SAMA results using the shortened license renewal period.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 41 of 112 Table 10- Case Ci Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period(l)

Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-001 239,830 504,906 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-002 injection system without a dedicated . 225,676 475,107 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a* Not Beneficial diesel.

IP2-003 003 - Install an ad.ditional CCW pump. 0 0 n/a n/a 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Enhance procedural guidance for IP2-004 28,309 59,597 n/a n/a 1,750,000 n/a Not Beneficial use of service water ~umps.

005 - Improve ability to cool the RHR heat IP2-005 exchangers by allowing manual alignment 67,452 142,004 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial of the fire protection system.

006 -Add a diesel building high IP2-006 temperature alarm.

14,154 29,799 ~J3;~~s; 1-l:i~~

3 274,000 n/a

. if~C>t_*ij~\~~~~~1'.'.';

007 - Install a filtered containment vent to IP2-007 1,230,160 2,589,811 n/a n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial provide fission product scrubbing.

008 - Create a large concrete crucible with IP2-008 heat removal potential under the base 4,524,192 9,524,614 n/a n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial mat to contain molten core debris.

010 - Create a core melt source reduction 4,524,192 9,524,614 , n/a n/a 90,000,000 system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 42 of 112 11 Table 10- Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost {IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 011 - Provide a means to inert IP2-011 2,203,794 4,639,567 n/a n/a 10;900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

012 - Use the fire protection system as a IP2-012 backup source for the containment spray 0 0 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

013 - Install a passive containment spray IP2-013 0 0 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

014 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP2-014 851,201 1,792,002 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

015 - Construct a building connected to IP2-015 primary containment that is maintained 4,250,175 8,947,737 n/a n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

016 - Install a redundant containment IP2-016 0 0 n/a n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

017 - Erect a barrier that provides IP2-017 containment liner protection from ejected 1,241,821 2,614,359 n/a n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial core debris at high pressure. '

018 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shellcside heat removal system IP2-018 52,471 110,466 n/a n/a 7,400,000 n/a Not Beneficial that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

019 - Increase secondary side pressure IP2-019 capacity such that a SGTR would not 3,979,478 8,377,849 n/a n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to.lift.


IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 43of112 Table 10- Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Witho_ut Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 020 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP2-020 where a water spray would. condense the 413,940 871,453 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial

. steam and remove most of the fission products.

021 - Install additional pressure or leak IP2-021 1,489,181 3,135,117 n/a n/a 3,200,000 4,632,227 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

022 -Add redundant and diverse limit IP2-022 switches to each containment isolation 762J81 1,604,381 n/a n/a 2,200,000 7,692,784 Not Beneficial valve.

023 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP2-023 762,081 1,604,381 n/a n/a 7,964,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

024 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP2-024 1,489,181 3,135,117 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP2-025 025 - Improve MSIV design. 87,452 184,110 ....* .1;94,093~ii'iH isi'.*302*

,_,., £;;;, 476,000 n/a '.'.r:J'pi8-e~~fii:1~~i'.;

026 - Provide additional DC battery IP2-026 28,309 59,597 n/a n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

027 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP2-027 28,309 59,597 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial 029 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP2-029 28,309 59,597 460,000 n/a shedding.

030 - Create AC power cross-tie capability IP2-030 32,471 68,360 n/a n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial with other unit.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 44 of 112 Table io - Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period 11l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Un ce rta i'nty 031 - Create a backup source for diesel IP2-031 24,147 50,835 n/a n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing.system).

032 - Use fire protection system as a IP2-032 24,147 50,835 n/a n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

033 - Convert under-voltage AFW and IP2-033 reactor protective system actuation 0 0 n/a n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

034 - Provide capability for diesel-driven, IP2-034 5,830 12,274 n/a n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial low pressure vessel makeup.

035 - Provide an additional high pressure IP2-035 50,803 106,954 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection pump with independent diesel.

036 - Create automatic swap-over to IP2-036 recirculation cooling upon RWST 85,768 180,565 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial depletion.

037 - Provide capability for ahernate IP2-037 5,830 12,274 n/a n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

038 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP2-038 9,992 21,036 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

039 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP2-039 50,803 106,954 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 45 of 112 111 Table 10- Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 040 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP2-040 404,774 852,156 2,000,000 n/a depressurization system.

IP2-041 041 - Install a digital feed water upgrade. 113,251 238,423 n/a n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial 042 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP2-042 to steam generator atmospheric dump 11,660 24,548 n/a n/a 214,000 n/a Not Beneficial valves.

043 - Add a motor-driven feed water IP2-043 113,251 238,423 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.


045 - Replace current pilot operated relief IP2-045 valves with larger ones such that only one 423,027 890,584 n/a n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial is required for successful feed and bleed.

046 - Modify emergency operating IP2-046 procedures for ability to align diesel 0 0 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial power to more air compressors.

047 -Add an independent boron injection IP2-047 0 0 n/a n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

048 - Add a system of relief valves that IP2-048 prevent equipment damage from a 69,120 145,515 n/a n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

049 - fnstall motor generator set trip IP2-049 19,985 42,073 n/a n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 4.6 of 112 Table 10- Case 0 Results....; Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 050 - Provide capability to remove power IP2-050 19,985 42,073 n/a n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial from the bus powering the control rods.

051- Provide digital large break LOCA IP2-051 0 0 n/a n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

052 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP2-052 208,217 438,352 1,100,000 n/a up to the MSIVs.

053 - Keep both pressurizer PORV block IP2-053 418,865 881,821 800,000 1,471,234 valves open.

055 - Perform a hardware modification to IP2-055 allow high-head recirculation from either 0 0 .n/a n/a 1,330,000 n/a Not Beneficial RHR heat exchanger.

056 - Keep RHR heat exchanger discharge IP2-056 motor operated valves (MOVs) normally 28,309 59,597 n/a n/a 82,000 1,704,938 Not Beneficial open.

057 - Provide DC power backup for the IP2-057 60,796 127,991 n/a n/a 376,000 n/a Not Beneficial PO RVs.

058 - Provide procedural guidance to IP2-058 allow high-head recirculation from either 0 0 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial RHR heat exchanger.

059 - Re-install the low pressure suction trip on the AFW pumps and enhance IP2-059 15,822 33,310 n/a n/a 318,000 n/a Not Beneficial procedures to respond to loss of the normal suction path.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 47of112


Table 10 - Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 063 - Provide a water-tight door for IP2-063 additional protection of the RHR pumps 18,317 38,561 n/a n/a 324,000 n/a Not Beneficial against flooding.

064 - Provide backup cooling water IP2-064 24,147 50,835 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers. *'

066 - Harden the EDG building and fuel oil .

IP2-066 transfer pumps against tornados and high 1,542,146 3,246,622 n/a n/a 33,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial winds.

067 - Provide hardware connections to IP2-067 allow the primary water system to cool 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

068 - Provide independent source of IP2-068 cooling for the recirculation pump 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-:-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 48 of 112 Table 10 - Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened license Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty

  • Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044)


Uncertainty 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-001 138,872 201,264 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diese.I.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-002 injection system without a dedicated 120,033 173,961 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP3-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 0 n/a n/a 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Improved ability to cool the RHR IP3-004 heat excha11gers by allowing manual 84,845 122,964 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system; 005 - Install a filtered containment vent to IP3-005 1,000,386 1,449,834 ri/a n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial provide fission product scrubbing.

006 - Create a large concrete crucible with IP3-006 heat removal potential under the base 3,366,377 4,878,808 n/a n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial mat to contain molten core debris.

008 - Create a core melt source reduction n/a 90,000,000 system. --'-""

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 49of112 Table 10- Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period'11 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With

  • Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-.

Description Cost (NL Conclusion

  • SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 009 - Provide means to inert IP3-009 1,611,732 2,335,844 n/a n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

010 - Use the fire protection system as a IP3-010 backup source for the containment spray 0 0 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

011 - Install a passive containment spray IP3-011 0 0 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

012 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP3-012 579,589 839,983 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

013 - Construct a building connected to IP3-013 primary containment that is maintained 3,263,163 4,729,221 n/a n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

014 - Install a redundant containment IP3-014 0 0 n/a n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

015 - Erect a barrier that provides IP3-015 containment liner protection from ejected 762,199 1,104,636 n/a n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial core debris at high pressure.

016 - Install a highly reliable steam 0 ~c~-v<~ '.'.,{>

.generator shell-side heat removal.system.

IP3-016 929,399 1,346,956 7,400,000 n/a that relies on natural circulation and ~,.,;;;>,b >

stored water sources.  :~i, ~0~ ,jji'.~ >:,? ,<

017 - Increase secondary side pressure IP3-017 capacity such that an SGTR would not 9,010,330 13,058,450 n/a n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 50 of 112 Table 10- Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044}


Uncertainty 018 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP3-018 where a water spray would condense the 2,223,079 3,221,854 12,000,000 35,691,159 steam and remove most of the fission products.

019 - Install additional pressure or leak IP3-019 1,416,203 2,052,468 n/a n/a 2,800,000 6,369,223 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

020 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP3-020 switches to each containment isolation 712,071 1,031,987 n/a n/a 4,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial valve.

021- Increase leak testing of valves in I IP3-021 ISLOCA paths.

712,071 1,031,987 n/a n/a 10,604,000 n/a Not Beneficial 022 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are I IP3-022 scrubbed.

~** 1,416,203 2,052,468 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial I IP3-023 023 - Improve MSIV design. 0 0 n/a n/a 476,000 n/a Not Beneficial

,I IP3-024 024 - Provide additional DC battery capacity.

24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial 025 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid I IP3-025 batteries.

24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial 026 - Increase/ improve DC bus load I IP3-026 shedding.

24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 460,000 n/a Not Beneficial 027 - Create AC power cross-tie capability I IP3-027 with other unit.

35,188 50,997 n/a n/a 1,156,000' n/a Not Beneficial 028 - Create a backup source for diesel I IP3-028 cooling (not from existing system).

5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 51 of 112 Table 10 - Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR

' Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 029 - Use fire protection system as a IP3-029 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.


IP3-030 030 - Provide a portable diesel-driven 132,953 192,685

  • '~Zi,,~~i::;;;; " . . 27~3£1%'*[;:~1*~£~?~~\~; 938,000 n/a battery charger. . :: . :>:'.!i'{'ci'*'J'.. i:: .. .*.

031- Convert under-voltage, AFW and IP3-031 reactor protective system actuation 79,396 115,066 n/a n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

032 - Provide capability for diesel-driven, IP3-032 15,879 23,013 n/a n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial low pressure vessel makeup.

033 - Provide an additional high pressure IP3-033 76,906 111,458 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection pump with independent diesel.

034 - Create automatic swap-over to IP3-034 300,013 434,801 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial recirculation upon RWST depletion. - .

035 - Provide capability for alternate IP3-035 15,879 23,013 n/a n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

036 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP3-036 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

037 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP3-037 76,906 111,458 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

038 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP3-038 156,301 226,524 n/a n/a 4;600,000 n/a Not Beneficial depressurization system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 52of112 Table 10- Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty IP3-039 039 - Install a digital feed water upgrade. 147,751 214,132 n/a n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial

.040 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP3-040 to steam generator atmospheric dump 156,301 226,524 950,000 n/a valves.

041 - Add a motor-driven feedwater IP3-041 147,751 214,132 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

042 - Provide hookup for portable generators to power the turbine-driven IP3-042 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 1,072,000 n/a Not Beneficial AFW pump after station batteries are depleted.

043 - Use fire water system as backup for IP3-043 281,784 408,383 <~46$,91!5 .. 1,656,000 n/a steam generator inventory. **... **"Tu1~J>' > '.;,/"!:<'

044 - Replace current pilot operated relief IP3-044 valves with larger ones such that only one 821,205 1,190,152 n/a n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial is required for successful feed and bleed.

045 - Add an independent boron injection IP3-045 0 0 n/a

  • n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

046 -Add a system of relief valves that IP3-046 prevent equipment damage from a 120,973 175,323 n/a n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

047 - Install motor generator set trip IP3-047 18,839 27,303 n/a n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

048 - Provide capability to remove power IP3-048 18,839 27,303 n/a n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial from the bus powering the control rods.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 53 of 112 Table 10 - Case 0 Results - Baseline. Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-S.GTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty .Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 049 - Provide digital large break LOCA IP3-049 0 0 n/a n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

050 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP3-050 1,623,102 2,352,321 n/a n/a 9,671,000 n/a Not Beneficial up to the MSIVs.

051- Operator action: Align main IP3-051 13,389 19,405 n/a n/a 55,000 n/a Not Beneficial feedwater for secondary heat removal.

056 - Install pneumatic controls and IP3-056 indication for the turbine-driven AFW 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a

  • 982,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

057 - Provide backup cooling water IP3-057 32,228 46,707 n/a n/a 109,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

058 - Provide automatic DC power IP3-058 48,577 70,402 n/a- n/a 1,868,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup.

059 - Provide hardware connections to IP3-059 allow the primary water system to cool 0 0 n/a n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the.charging pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl~16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 54 of 112 11 I Table 10 - Case 0 Results - Baseline Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL - Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143}

Uncertainty 060 - Provide independent source of IP3-060 cooling for the recirculation pump 0 0 - n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

(1) Legend: green highlight = SAMAs retained in Case 0, baseline case using 20 year license renewal period.

lavender highlight = SAMAs evaluated for Tl-SGTR.

red text= SAMAs with NL-14-143 estimated costs.


IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 55 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(l)

Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-001 239,830 504,906 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-002 injection system without a dedicated 225,676 475,107 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP2-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 0 n/a n/a 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Enhance procedural guidance for IP2-004 28,309 . 59,597 n/a n/a 1,750,000 n/a Not Beneficial use of service water pumps.

005 - Improve ability to cool the RHR heat IP2-005 exchangers by allowing manual alignment 67,452 142,004 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial of the fire protection system.

006 - Add a diesel building high IP2-006 14,154 29,799 274,000 n/a temperature alarm.

007 - Install a filtered containment vent to IP2-007 1,259,311 2,651,181 n/a n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial provide fission product scrubbing.

008 - Create a large concrete crucible with IP2-008 heat removal potential under the base 4,699,096 9,892,834 n/a n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial mat to contain molten core debris.

010 - Create a core melt source reduction IP2-010 4,699,096 9,892,834 n/a n/a 90,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

011 - Provide a means to inert IP2-011 2,349,548 4,946,417 n/a n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 56 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivify SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 012 - Use the fire protection system as a IP2-012 backup source for the containment spray 0 0 n/a n/a 565,000 "'-- n/a Not Beneficial system.

013 - Install a passive containment spray IP2-013 0 0 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

014- Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an.alternative concrete IP2-014 851,201 1,792,002 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

015 - Construct a building connected to IP2-015 primary containment that' is maintained 4,425,079 9,315,956 -- n/a n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

016 - Install a redundant containment IP2-016 0 0 n/a n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

017 - Erect a barrier that provides IP2-017 containment liner protection from ejected 1,329,273 2,798,469 n/a n/a. 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial core debris at high pressure.

018 - fnstall a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal system IP2-018 52,471 110,466 n/a n/a 7,400,000 n/a Not Beneficial that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

019 - Increase secondary side pressure IP2-019 capacity such that a SGTR would not 4,241,835 8,930,178 n/a n/a 100,000,000 ~/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 57 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(lJ Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044)

. 143)

Uncertainty 020 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP2-020 where a water spray would condense the 460,581 969,645 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial steam and remove most of the fission products.

021 - Install additional pressure or leak IP2-021 1,576,633* 3,319,227 n/a n/a 3,200,000 4,632,227 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

022 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP2-022 switches to each containment isolation 791,232 1,665,751 n/a n/a 2,200,000 7,692,784 Not Beneficial valve.

023 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP2-023 791,232 1,665,751 n/a n/a 7,964,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

024 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP2-024 1,576,633 3,319,227 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP2-025 025 - Improve MSIV design. 87,452 184,110 '~~;~~ '1Mo93 *c1is~;.~02*i;+.::~0:1;,, 476,000 n/a 'Not'setiefi~iaP+:


026 - Provide additional DC battery IP2-026 28,309 59,597 n/a n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

027 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP2-027 28,309 59,597. n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial batteries.

029 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP2-029 28,309 59,597 460,000 n/a shedding.

030 - Create AC power cross-tie capability IP2-030 32,471 68,360 n/a n/a 1,156,000 n/a with other unit.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 58 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(l)

Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 031 - Create a backup source for diesel IP2-031 24,147 50,835 n/a n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

032 - Use fire protection system as a IP2-032 24,147 50,835 n/a n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

033 - Convert under-voltage AFW and IP2-033 reactor protective system actuation 0 0 n/a n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

034- Provide capability for diesel-driven, IP2-034 5,830 12,274 n/a n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial I. low pressure vessel makeup.

035 - Provide an additional high pressure IP2-035 50,803 106,954 I injeg:ion pump with independent diesel.

n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial 036 - Create automatic swap-over to IP2-036 recirculation cooling upon RWST 85,768 180,565 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial depletion. ,

037 - Provide capability for alternate IP2-037 5,830 12,274 n/a n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

038 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP2-038 9,992 21,036 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

039 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP2-039 50,803 106,954 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 59 of 112 1

Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period! l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost {IP-Description Cost {NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 040 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP2-040 433,925 913,526 2,000,000 n/a depressurization system. ~.,*'~

IP2-041 041 - Install a digital feed water upgrade. 113,251 238,423 n/a n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial 042 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP2-042 to steam generator atmospheric dump 11,660 24,548 n/a n/a 214,000 n/a Not Beneficial valves.

043 - Add a motor-driven feed water IP2-043 113,251 238,423 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

045 - Replace current pilot operated relief IP2-045 valves with larger ones such that only one 423,027 890,584 n/a n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial is required for successful feed and bleed.

046 - Modify emergency operating 1~2-046 procedures for ability to align diesel 0 0 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial power to more air compressors.

047 - Add an independent boron injection IP2-047 0 0 n/a n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

048 - Add a system of relief valves that IP2-048 prevent equipment damage from a 69,120 . 145,515. n/a n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

049 - Install motor generator set trip IP2-049 19,985 42,073 n/a n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 60of112 1

Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period< l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase U- Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 050 - Provide capability to remove power I IP2-050 from the bus powering the control rods.

19,985 42,073 n/a n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial 051- Provide digital large break LOCA I IP2-051 protection.

0 0 n/a n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial 052 - Install secondary side guard pipes I IP2-052 up to the MSIVs.

237,368 499,722 1,100,000 n/a 053 - Keep both pressurizer PORV block I #

IP2-053 valves open.

418,865 881,821 800,000 I

055 - Perform a hardware modification to IP2-055 allow high-head recirculation from either 0 0 n/a n/a 1,330,000 n/a Not Beneficial RHR heat exchanger.

056 - Keep RHR heat exchanger discharge IP2-056 motor operated valves (MOVs) normally 28,309 . 59,597 n/a n/a 82,000 1,704,938 Not Beneficial open.

057 - Provide DC power backup for the IP2-057 60,796 127,991 n/a n/a 376,000 n/a Not Beneficial PO RVs.

058 - Provide procedural guidance to IP2-058 allow high-head recirculation from either 0 0 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial RHR heat exchanger.

059 - Re-install the low pressure suction trip on the AFW pumps and enhance IP2-059 15,822 33,310 n/a n/a 318,000 _n/a Not Beneficial procedures to respond to loss of the normal suction path.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 61 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' 11 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143).

Uncertainty 063 - Provide a water-tight door for IP2-063 additional protection of the RHR pumps 18,317 38,561 n/a n/a 324,000 n/a. Not Beneficial against flooding.

064 - Provide backup cooling water I IP2-064 source for the CCW heat exchangers.

24,147 50,835 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial I

066 - Harden the EDG building and fuel oil

-IP2-066 transfer pumps against tornados and high 1,571,296 3,307,992 n/a n/a 33,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial winds.

067 - Provide hardware connections to IP2-067 allow the primary water system to cool 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

068 - Provide independent source of IP2-068 cooling for the recirculation pump 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 62 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description -* Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-001 138,872 201,264 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-002 injection system without a dedicated 127,973 185,468 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP3-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 0 n/a n/a - 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Improved ability to cool the RHR IP3-004 heat exchangers by allowing manual 84,845 122,964 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

005 - Install a filtered containment vent to IP3-005 1,040,0~4 1,507,367 n/a n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial provide fission product scrubbing.

006 - Create a large concrete crucible with IP3-006 heat removal potential under the base 3,525,169 5,108,940 n/a n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial mat to contain molten core debris:

5,108,940 n/a n/a 90,000,000

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 63 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' 11 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Condusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 009 - Provide means to inert IP3-009 1,691,128 2,4501910 n/a n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

010 - Use the fire protection system as a IP3-010 backup source for the containment spray 0 0 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

  • 011- Install a passive containment spray IP3-0ll 0 0 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial


012 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP3-012 619,286 897,516 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

013 - Construct a building connected to IP3-013 primary containment that is maintained 3,461,652 5,016,887 n/a n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

014 - Install a redundant containment IP3-014 0 0 n/a n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

015 - Erect a barrier that provides IP3-015 containment liner protection.from ejected 841,594 1,219,702 n/a n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial core debris at high pressure.

016 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal system IP3-016 1,008,795 1,462,022 7,400,000 n/a that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

017 - Increase secondary side pressure IP3-017 capacity such that an SGTR would not 9,574,040 13,875,420 100,000,000 n/a cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 64 of 112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR'Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

. ;1~~~t~~~~~ .* '., '.


. .. 'L::. * .':1; ,** **~;*

018 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure .

~~7,0~'i IP3-018 where a water spray would condense the 2,350,112 3,405,960

. .: 1~:,~""~~ *. . '.

12,000,000 35,691,159 steam and remove most of the fission .. .* ' 7/if;'i f * *~

products. , ;:;.::~" .. *,.* *. 11~:~*?*:.~r.;< *.it J1'*, <,4.

019 - Install additional pressure or leak IP3-019 1,543,236 2,236,574 n/a n/a 2,800,000 6,369,223 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

020 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP3-020 switches to each containment isolation . 751,769 1,089,520 n/a n/a 4,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial valve.

021- Increase leak testing of valves in IP3-021 751,769 1,089,520. n/a n/a 10,604,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

022 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP3-022 1,543,236 2,236,574 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP3-023 023 - Improve MSIV design. 0 0 n/a n/a 476,000 n/a Not Beneficial 024 - Provide additional DC battery IP3-024 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

025 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP3-025 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial batteries.

026 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP3-026 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 460,000 n/a Not Beneficial shedding.

027 - Create AC power cross-tie capability IP3-027 35,188 50,997 n/a n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial with other unit.

028 - Create a backup source for diesel IP3-028 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

IP-RPT-16'"00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities* Revision 1 Page 65of112 111 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 029 - Use fire protection system as a IP3-029 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

IP3-030 030 - Provide a portable diesel-driven battery charger.

031 - Convert under-voltage, AFW and 180,590 261,725 l[~~i


' ' '*0' . ****

<  ::r; 938,000 n/a iE .

IP3-031 reactor protective system actuation 79,396 115,066 n/a n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

032 - Provide capability for diesel-driven, IP3-032 15,879 23,013 n/a n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial low pressure vessel makeup.

033 - Provide an additional high pressure

  • IP3-033 76,906 111,458 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection pump with independent diesel.

034 - Create automatic swap-over to IP3-034 339,710 492,334 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial recirculation upon RWST depletion.

035 - Provide capability for alternate IP3-035 15,879 23,013 n/a n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

036 - Throttle low pressure injection pu~s earlier in medium or large-break IP3-036 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

037 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP3-037 76,906 111,458 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

038 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP3-038 203,939 295,564 n/a n/a 4,600,000 n/a Not Beneficial depressurization system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 66of112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period[ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty IP3-039 039 - Install a digital feed water upgrade. 187,449 271,665 n/a n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial 040 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP3-040 to steam generator atmospheric dump 156,301 226,524 950,000 n/a valves.

041 - Add a motor-driven feedwater IP3-041 187,449 271,665 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

042 - Provide hookup for portable generators to power the turbine-driven IP3-042 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 1,072,000 n/a Not"Beneficial AFW pump after station batteries are depleted.

' .,~<<\

043 - Use fire water system as backup for IP3-043 281,784 408,383 \465916 1,656,000 n/a steam generator inventory. ,,;~lft'.~Y:i+T4::';

044 - Replace current pilot operated relief IP3-044 valves with larger ones such that only one 900,601 1,305,219 n/a n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial is required for successful feed and bleed.

045 - Add an independent boron injection IP3-045 0 0 n/a n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

046 -Add a system of relief valves that IP3-046 prevent equipment damage from a 160,671 232,856 n/a n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

047 - Install motor generator set trip IP3-047 18,839 27,303 n/a n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

048 - Provide capability to remove power IP3-048 18,839 27,303 n/a n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial from the bus powering the control rods.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities ~Revision 1 Page 67of112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Pe~iod(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 049 - Provide digital large break LOCA IP3-049 0 0 n/a n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

050 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP3-050 1,702,497 2,467,387 n/a n/a 9,671,000 n/a Not Beneficial up to the MSIVs.

051- Operator action: Align main IP3-051 13,389 19,405 n/a n/a 55,000 n/a Not Beneficial feedwater for secondary heat removal. .,

056 - Install pneumatic controls and IP3-056 indication for the turbine-driven AFW 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 982,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

057 - Provide backup cooling water IP3-057 32,228 46,707 n/a n/a 109,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

058 - Provide automatic DC power IP3-058_ 48,577 70,402 n/a n/a 1,868,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup.

059 - Provide hardware connections to IP3-059 allow the primary water system to cool 0 0 n/a n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 68of112 Table 11- Case 4 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Tl-SGTR Benefit With Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost {NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty RPT-09-00044) 143)


Uncertainty 060 - Provide independent source of IP3-060 cooling for the recirculation pump 0 0 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

I (1) Legend: green highlight = SAMAs retained in Case 0, baseline case using 20 year license renewal period.

lavender highlight = SAMAs evaluated for Tl-SGTR.

red text= SAMAs with NL-14-143 estimated costs.


IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 69 of 112 11 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143}

001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-001 298,132 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-002 injection system without a dedicated 289,807 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP2-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 n/a 1,500,000 h/a Not Beneficial 004 - Enhance procedural guidance for IP2-004 28,309 n/a 1,750,000 n/a Not Beneficial use of service water pumps.

005 - Improve ability to cool the RHR IP2-005 heat exchangers by allowing manual 67,452 n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

006 - Add a diesel building high IP2-006 14,154 274,000 n/a Not temperature alarm.

007 - Install a filtered containment vent IP2-007 1,504,177 n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial to provide fission product scrubbing.

008 - Create a large concrete crucible IP2-008 with heat removal potential under the 6,710,496 n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial base mat to contain molten core debris.

n/a 90,000,000 n/a reduction system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 70 of 112 Table 12 - Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 11l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 011 - Provide a means to inert IP2-011 3,748,782 n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

012 - Use the fire protection system as a IP2-012 backup source for the containment 0 n/a 565,0QO . n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

013 - Install a passive containment spray IP2-013 0 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial syster:n.

014 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP2-014 1,037,766 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

015 - Construct a building connected to IP2-015 primary containment that is maintained 6,663,854 n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

016 - Install a redundant containment IP2-016 0 n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

017 - Erect a barrier that provides IP2-017 containment liner protection from 2,349,548 n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial ejected core debris at high pressure.

018 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal IP2-018 81,622 n/a 7,400,000 n/a Not Beneficial system that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

019 - Increase secondary side pressure IP2-019 capacity such that a SGTR would not 7,769,072 n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 71 of 112 1

Table 12 - Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period< l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost {IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143}

Uncertainty 020 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP2-020 where a water spray would condense 926,993 n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial the steam and remove most of the fission products.

021- Install additional pressure or leak IP2-021 2,923,396 n/a 3,200,000 4,632,227 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

022 -Add redundant and diverse limit IP2-022 switches to each containment isolation 1,461,698 n/a 2,200,000 7,692,784 Not Beneficial valve.

023 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP2-023 1,461,698 n/a 7,964,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

024 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP2-024 2,923,396 n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP2-025 025 - Improve MSIV design. 151,584 ~i 2;4/Zi~,16'f'.ii.~£; 476,000 n/a . f)\\i~J~q~~plal :':1 026 - Provide additional DC battery IP2-026 28,309 n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

027 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP2-027 28,309 2,000,000 . Not Beneficial 029 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP2-029 28,309 460,000 shedding.

030 - Create AC power cross-tie IP2-030 32,471 n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial capability with other unit.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 72of112 11 Table 12 - Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 031 - Create a backup source for diesel IP2-031 18,317 n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

032 - Use fire protection system as a IP2-032 18,317 n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

033 - Convert under-voltage AFW and reactor protective system actuation IP2-033 0 n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

034- Provide capability for diesel-IP2-034 0 n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial driven, low pressure vessel makeup.

035 - Provide an additional high IP2-035 pressure injection pump with 50,803 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial

  • independent diesel.

036 - Create automatic swap-over to IP2-036 recirculation cooling upon RWST 85,768 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial depletion.

037 - Provide capability for alternate IP2-037 0 n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

038 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP2-038 4,162 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

039 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP2-039 50,803 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 73 of 112 ,

11 Table 12 - Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143) 040 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP2-040 678,791 2,000,000 n/a depressurization system.

041 - Install a digital feed water IP2-041 142,402 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial upgrade.

042 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP2-042 to steam generator atmospheric dump 40,811 214,000 n/a Not Beneficial valves.

043 - Add a motor-driven feed water IP2-043 142,402 Not Beneficial pump.

045 - Replace current pilot operated relief valves with larger ones such that IP2-045 516,309 n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial only one is required for successful feed and bleed.

046 - Modify emergency operating IP2-046 procedures for ability to align diesel 0 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial power to more air compressors.

047 -Add an independent boron IP2-047 0 n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection system.

048 - Add a system of relief valves that IP2-048 prevent equipment damage from a 69,120 n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

049 - Install motor generator set trip IP2-049 19,985 n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16*-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 74 of 112 11 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty .r 050 - Provide capability to remove IP2-050 power from the bus powering the 19,985 n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial control rods.

051- Provide digital large break LOCA IP2-051 0 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection. '

052 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP2-052 394,782 1,100,000 n/a up to the MSIVs.

053 - Keep both pressurizer PORV block IP2-053 535,468 800,000 IP2-055 to allow high-head recirculation from 0 n/a 1,330,000 n/a Not Beneficial either RHR heat exchanger.

056 - Keep RHR heat exchanger IP2-056 discharge motor operated valves 28,309 n/a 82,000 1,704,938 Not Beneficial (MOVs) normally open ..

057 - Provide DC power backup for the IP2-057 60,796 n/a 376,000 n/a Not Beneficial PO RVs.

058 - Provide procedural guidance to IP2-058 allow high-head recirculation from 0 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial either RHR heat exchanger.

059 - Re-install the low pressure suction trip on the AFW pumps and enhance IP2-059 15,822 n/a 318,0.00 n/a Not Beneficial procedures to respond to loss of the normal suction path.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 75of112 11 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' Tl-SGTR Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Conclusion

  • SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 063 - Provide a water-tight door for IP2-063 additional protection of the RHR pumps 18,317 n/a 324,000 n/a Not Beneficial against flooding.

064 - Provide backup cooling water IP2-064 24,147 n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

066 - Harden the EDG building and fuel IP2-066 oil transfer pumps against tornados and 1,944,425 n/a 33,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial high wirids.

067 - Provide hardware connections to IP2-067 allow the primary water system to cool 4,162 n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

068 - Provide independent source of IP2-068 coolingforthe recirculation pump 4,162 n/a 710;000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 76 of 112 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost {IP-Description Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044}

001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-001 186,509 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated dies~!.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-002 injection system without a dedicated 167,671 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP3-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 n/a 1,500,000 n/a. Not Beneficial 004 - Improved ability to cool the RHR IP3-004 heat exchangers by allowing manual 124,543 n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

005 - Install a filtered containment vent IP3-005 1,286,210 n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial to provide fission product scrubbing.

006 - Create a large concrete crucible IP3-006 with heat removal potential under the 5,025,747 n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial base mat to contain molten core debris.

5,025,747 90,000,000 reduction system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 77of112 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewa1Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 009 - Provide means to inert IP3-009 2,691,514 n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

010 - Use the fire protection system as a IP3-010 backup source for the containment 0 n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

011 - Install a passive containment spray IP3-011 0 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

012 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP3-012 746,319 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

013 - Construct a building connected to IP3-013 primary containment that is maintained 5,128,962 n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

014 - Install a redundant containment iP3-014 0 n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

015 - Erect a barrierthat provides IP3-015 containment liner protection from 1,516,458 n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial ejected core debris at high pressure.

016 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal IP3~016 1,437,532 7,400,000 n/a system that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

017 - Increase secondary side pressure IP3-017 capacity such that an SGTR would not 18,490,176 100,000,000 . n/a cause the relief valves to lift.

. IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 78of112 Table 12 - Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL

  • Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143) 018 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP3-018 where a water spray would condense 3,945,966 12,000,000 35,691,159 the steam and remove most of the fission products.

019 - Install additional pressure or leak IP3-.019 3,019,996 n/a 2,800,000 6,369,223 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

020 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP3-020 switches to each containment isolation 1,513,968 n/a 4,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial valve.

021 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP3-021 1,513,968 n/a 10,604,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

022 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP3-022 3,019,996 n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP3-023 023 - Improve MSIV design. 0 n/a 476,000 n/a Not Beneficial 024 - Provide additional DC battery IP3-024 24,289 n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

025 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP3-025 24,289 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial batteries.

026 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP3-026 24,289 n/a 460,000 n/a Not Beneficial shedding.

027 - Create AC power cross~tie IP3-027 43,127 n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial capability with other unit.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 79 of 112 11 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit . Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044}


Uncertainty 028 - Create a backup source for diesel IP3-028 13,389 n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

029 - Use fire protection system as a IP3-029 13,389 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

030 - Provide a portable diesel-driven IP3-030 220,288 938,000 n/a battery charger.

031- Convert under-voltage, AFW and reactor protective system actuation IP3-031 119,094 n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

032 - Provide capability for diesel-IP3-032 55,577 n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial driven, low pressure vessel makeup.

033 - Provide an additional high IP3-033 pressure injection pump with 124,543 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial independent diesel.

034 - Create automatic swap-over to IP3-034 427,046 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial recirculation upon RWST depletion.

035 - Provide capability for alternate IP3-035 55,577 n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

036 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP3-036 13,389 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 80 of 112 111 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 037 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP3-037 124,543 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

038 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP3-038 283,335 n/a 4,600,000 n/a Not Beneficial depressurization system.

039 - Install a digital feed water IP3-039 227,147 n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial upgrade.

040 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP3-040 to steam generator atmospheric dump 235,697 950,000 n/a valves.

041 -Add a motor-driven feedwater IP3-041 227,147 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

042 - Provide hookup for portable generators to power the turbine-driven IP3-042 24,289 n/a 1,072,000 n/a Not Beneficial AFW pump after station batteries are depleted.

043 - Use fire water system as backup IP3-043 408,817 1,656,000 n/a for steam generator inventory.

044 - Replace current pilot operated relief valves with larger ones such that IP3-044 1,242,002 n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial only one is required for successful feed and bleed.

045 -Add an independent boron IP3-045 7,940 n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 81 of 112 1

Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period< l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 046 - Add a system of relief valves that IP3-046 prevent equipment damage from a 160,671 n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

047 - Install motor generator set trip IP3-047 18,839 n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

048 - Provide capability to remove IP3-048 power from the bus powering the 18,839 n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial control rods.

049 - Provide digital large break LOCA IP3-049 0 n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

050 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP3-050 2,424,998 n/a 9,671,000 n/a Not Beneficial up to the MSIVs.

051 - Operator action: Align main IP3-051 13,389 55,000 n/a Not Beneficial feedwater for secondary heat removal.

. IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 82of112 11 Table 12- Case 5 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Estimated Cost (IP-Description Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without RPT-09-00044) 143)

Uncertainty 056 - Install pneumatic controls and IP3-056 indication for the turbine-driven AFW 24,289 n/a 982,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

057 - Provide backup cooling water IP3-057 71,926 n/a 109,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

058 - Provide automatic DC power IP3-058 96,214 n/a 1,868,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup.

059 - Provide hardware connections to IP3-059 allow the primary water system to cool 7,940 n/a . 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

060 - Provide independent source of IP3-060 cooling for the recirculation pump 7,940 n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial I (1) Legend: green highlight= SAMAs retained in Case 0, baseline case* using 20 year license renewal period.

lavender highlight = SAMAs evaluated for Tl-SGTR.

red text= SAMAs with NL-14-143 estimated costs.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 83 of 112 Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-001 199,019 418,988 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-002 injection system without a dedicated 190,695 401,463 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP2-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 0 n/a n/a 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Enhance procedural guidance for IP2-004 22;479 47,323 n/a n/a 1,750,000 n/a Not Beneficial use of service water pumps.

005 - Improve ability to cool the RHR

  • 1P2-005 heat exchangers by allowing manual 32,471 68,360 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

006 - Add a diesel building high IP2-006 8,324 17,525 274,000 n/a temperature alarm.

007 - Install a filtered containment vent IP2-007 1,061,086 2,233,866 n/a n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial to provide fission product scrubbing.

008 - Create a large concrete crucible IP2-008 with heat removal potential under the 4,016,969 8,456,777 n/a n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial base mat to contain molten core debris.

010 - Create a core melt source reduction IP2-010 4,016,969 8,456,777 n/a n/a 90,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

011 - Provide a means to inert IP2-011 1,999,739 4,209,978 n/a n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 84 of 112 11 Table 13- Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 012 - Use the fire protection system as a IP2-012 backup source for the containment spray 0 0 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

013 - Install a passive containment spray IP2-013 0 0 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

014 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP2-014 728,768 1,534,248 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

015 - Construct a building connected to IP2-015 primary containment that is maintained 3,801,254 8,002,640 n/a n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

016 - Install a redundant containment IP2-016 0 0 n/a n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

017 - Erect a barrier that provides IP2-017 containment liner prntection from 1,189,349 2,503,893 n/a n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial ejected core debris at high pressure.

018 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal system IP2-018 46,641 98,192 n/a n/a 7,400,000 n/a Not Beneficial that relies on natural. circulation and stored water sources.

019 - Increase secondary side pressure IP2-019 capacity such that a SGTR would not 3,909,517 8,230,561 n/a n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.


IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 85of112 Table 13- Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 020 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP2-020 where a water spray would condense the 396,450 834,631 . n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial steam and remove most of the fission products.

021 - Install additional pressure or leak IP2-021 1,460,030 3,073,748 n/a 3,200,000 4,632,227 Not Beneficial I monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

n/a 022 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP2-022 switches to each containment isolation 738,760 1,555,285 n/a n/a 2,200,000 7,692,784 Not Beneficial valve.

023 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP2-023 738,760 1,555,285 n/a n/a 7,964,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

024 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP2-024 1,460,030 3,073,748 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP2-025 025 - Improve MSIV design. 58,301 122,740 . ::;:;:r:11~;94~:;;! . .?,2Q)~?J~ .,(,.'fJ 476,000 n/a .t}l~~~fi~nef!tial'1 :'*

026 - Provide additional DC battery IP2-026 22,479 47,323 n/a n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

027 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP2-027 22,479 47,323 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial 029 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP2-029 22,479 47,323 460,000 n/a shedding. ' ,' -:~

030 - Create AC power cross-tie IP2-030 26,641 56,086 n/a* n/a 1,156,000 j, n/a capability with other unit.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 86 of 112 111 Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

  • Uncertainty 031- Create a backup source for diesel -,

IP2-031 18,317 38,561 n/a n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

032 - Use fire protection system as a IP2-032 18,317 38,561 n/a n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

033 - Convert under-voltage AFW and reactor protective system actuation IP2-033 0 0 n/a n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

034- Provide capability for diesel-driven, IP2-034 0 0 n/a n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial low pressure vessel makeup.

035 - Provide an additional high pressure IP2-035 15,822 33,310 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection pump with independent diesel.

036 - Create automatic swap-over to IP2-036 recirculation cooling upon RWST 50,787 106,921 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial depletion.

037 - Provide capability for alternate IP2-037 0 0 n/a n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

038 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP2-038 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

039 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP2-039 15,822 33,310 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-:Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 87of112 1

Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period! l Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL-14-' Conclusion SAMA !3enefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)


<\Y' 040 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP2-040 depressurization system.

340,642 717,142 1t34~~:~~;~ 2,000,000 n/a IP2-041 041 - Install a digital feed water upgrade. 101,591 213,875 n/a n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial 042 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP2-042 to steam generator atmospheric dump 5,830 12,274 n/a n/a 214,000 n/a Not Beneficial valves.

043 - Add a motor-driven feed water IP2-043 101,591 213,875 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.


  • 045 - Replace current pilot operated relief valves with larger ones such that IP2-045 370,556 780,118 n/a n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial only one is required for successful feed and bleed.

046 - Modify emergency operating IP2-046 procedures for ability to align diesel 0 0 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial power to more air compressors.

047 - Add an independent boron IP2-047 0 0 n/a, n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection system.

048 - Add a system of relief valves that IP2-048 prevent equipment damage from a 34,139 71,871 n/a n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

049 - Install motor, generator set trip IP2-049 14,154 29,799 n/a n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 88of112 Table 13- Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 050- Provide capability to remove power I IP2-050 from the bus powering the.control rods.

14,154 29,799 n/a n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial I IP2-051 051- Provide digital large break LOCA protection.

052 - Install secondary side guard pipes 0 0


n/a n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial I IP2-052 up to the MSIVs.

202,387 426,078 :L'

c~~;.c' 7"":*,,
272,349 1,100,000 n/a 053 - Keep both pressurizer PORV block I IP2-053 valves open.

366,394 771,355 800,000 1,471,234 I

055 - Perform a hardware modification IP2-055 to allow high-head recirculation from 0 0 n/a n/a 1,330,000 n/a Not Beneficial either RHR heat exchanger.

056 - Keep RHR heat exchanger discharge IP2-056 motor operated valves (MOVs) normally 22,479 47,323 n/a n/a 82,000 1,704,938 Not Beneficial open.

057 - Provide DC power backup for the IP2-057 25,815 54,347 n/a n/a 376,000 n/a Not Beneficial PO RVs.

058 - Provide procedural guidance to IP2-058 allow high-head recirculation from either 0 0 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial RHR heat exchanger.

059 - Re-install the low pressure suction trip on the AFW pumps and enhance IP2-059 9,992 21,036 n/a n/a 318,000 n/a Not Beneficial procedures to *respond to loss of the normal suction path.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit.Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 89 of 112 Table 13 - case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 11l Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 063 - Provide a water-tight door for IP2-063 additional protection of the RHR pumps 18,317 38,561 n/a n/a 324,000 n/a Not Beneficial against flooding.

064 - Provide backup cooling water IP2-064 18,317 38,561 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.


066 - Harden the EOG building and fuel IP2-066 oil transfer pumps against tornados and 1,431,373 3,013,416 n/a n/,a 33,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial high winds.

067 -*Provide hardware connections to IP2-067 allow the primary water system to cool 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

068 - Provide independent source of IP2-068 cooling for the recirculation pump 4,162 8,762 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial mr;>tors.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 90 of 112 Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline . Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-001 130,932 189,757 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-002 injection system without a dedicated . 72,396 104,921 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP3-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 0 n/a n/a 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Improved ability to cool the RHR IP3-004 heat exchangers by allowing manual 76,906 111,458 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

005 - Install a filtered containment vent IP3-005 881,292 1,277,235 n/a n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial to provide fission product scrubbing.

006 - Create a large concrete crucible IP3-006 with heat removal potential under the 3,001,157 4,349,503 n/a n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial base mat to contain molten core debris.

008 - Create a core melt source reduction 4,349,503 n/a n/a 90,000,000 system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 91 of 112 1

Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Periodr >

Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 009 - Provide means to inert IP3-009 1,413,243 2,048,179 n/a n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

010 - Use the fire protection system as a IP3-010 backup source for the containment spray 0 0 n/a n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

011- Install a passive containment spray IP3-0ll 0 0 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

012 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP3-012 516,072 747,930 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

013 - Construct a building connected to IP3-013 primary containment that is maintained 2,921,761 4,234,437 n/a n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

014 - Install a redundant containment IP3-014 0 0 n/a n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

015 - Erect a barrier that provides IP3-015 containment liner protection from 730,440 1,058,609 n/a n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial ejected core debris at high pressure.

016 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal system IP3-016 818,245 1,185,863 7,400,000 n/a that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

017 - Increase secondary side pressure IP3~017 capacity such that an SGTR would not 8,422,802 12,206,960 n/a n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 92of1'12 Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)


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018 - Route the discharge from the main

~~k~ ~:n2~:~ ~;

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steam safety valves through a structure .' ',

IP3-018 where a water spray would condense the 1,897,557 2,750,083  ; ');'i;,n.:i~ :i , 12,000,000 35,691,159

'r"i,:;~~,).:~~*..~:~~~;, ,

,;,+',  ;,

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steam and remove most of the fission products. ' '

019 - Install additional pressure or leak IP3-019 1,336,807 1,937,402 n/a n/a 2,800,000 6,369,223 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for_ISLOCAs.

020 -Add redundant and diverse limit IP3-020 switches to each containment isolation 648,555 939,934 n/a n/a 4,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial valve.

021 - Increase leak testing ofvalves in IP3-021 648,555 939,934 n/a n/a 10,604,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

022 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP3-022 1,336,807 1,937,402 n/a n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP3-023 023 - Improve MSIV design. 0 0 n/a n/a 476,000 n/a Not Beneficial 024 - Provide additional DC battery IP3-024 16,349 23,694 n/a n/a 1,875,000 . n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

025 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP3-025 16,349 23,694 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial batteries.

026 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP3-026 16,349 23,694 n/a n/a 460,000 n/a Not Beneficial shedding.

027 - Create AC power cross-tie IP3-027 35,188 50,997 n/a n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial capability with other unit.

  • 028 - Create a backup source for diesel IP3-028 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 93 of 112

.)' Table 13- Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Usmg

  • Shortene d License

. . d 11>

Renewa I Perio Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 029 - Use fire protection system as a IP3-029 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

l~ ~~1:1;~6~,;1~~:'~, ~* ~

030 - Provide a portable diesel-driven IP3-030 125,013 181,178 938,000 n/a battery charger. ' ' .,,, ' ,, *. * , **: ,. , ;,!

031 - Convert under-voltage, AFW and reactor protective system actuation IP3-031 71,456 103,560 n/a n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

032 - Provide capability for diesel-driven, IP3-032 7,940 11,507 n/a n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial.

low pressure vessel makeup.

033 - Provide an additional high pressure IP3-033 37,208 53,925 n/a n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection pump with independent diesel.

034 - Create automatic swap-over to IP3-034 292,073 423,294 n/a n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial recirculation upon RWST depletion.

035 - Provide capability for alternate IP3-035 7,940 11,507 n/a n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

036 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP3-036 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

037 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP3-037 37,208 53,925 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

038 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP3-038 156,301 226,524 n/a n/a - 4,600,000 n/a Not Beneficial depressurization system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 94of112 Table 13- Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty IP3-039 039 - Install a digital feed water upgrade. 131,872 191,119 n/a n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial IP3-040 040 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup to steam generator atmospheric dump 151,484 ~i <;~,~; .:~~*~,

108,664 950,000 n/a valves. ~j'.~.*)* .;!;. * ' .<*... ;w A ~

N . .

041 - Add a motor-driven feedwater I IP3-041 pump.

131,872 191,119 n/a n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial 042 - Provide hookup for portable generators to power the turbine-driven IP3-042 16,349 23,694 n/a n/a

  • 1,012,000 n/a Not Beneficial AFW pump after station batteries are depleted.


. .. . *::** . .> ;d'c  :\*k;'1' ...,.*

043 - Use fire water system as backup for IP3-043 steam generator inventory.

234,147 339,343 £.: ' 273,~45 396~~76.*.* *~* 1,656,000 n/a

( ,"AG'.J~y;,> ')(;:;*V  ;':; *:.{*.

044 - Replace current pilot operated relief valves with larger ones such that IP3-044 741,809 1,075,086 n/a n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial only one is required for successful feed and bleed.

045 - Add an independent boron IP3-045 0 0 n/a n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection system.

046 - Add a system of relief valves that IP3-046 prevent equipment damage from a 105,094 152,310 n/a n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

047 - Install motor generator set trip IP3-047 18,839 27,303 n/a n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

048 - Provide capability to remove power IP3-048 18,839 27,303 n/a n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial from the bus powering the control rods.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 95of112 Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Pha~e II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT _Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 049 - Provide digital large break LOCA IP3-049 0 0 n/a n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

050 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP3-050 1,432,552 2,076,162 n/a n/a 9,671,000 n/a Not Beneficial up to the MSIVs.

051- Operator action: Align main IP3-051 5,450 7,898 n/a n/a 55,000' n/a Not Beneficial feedwater for secondary heat removal.

056 - Install pneumatic controls and IP3-056 indicatio11 for the turbine-driven AFW 16,349 23,694 n/a n/a 982,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

057 - Provide backup cooling water IP3-057 24,289 35,201 n/a n/a 109,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

058 - Provide automatic DC power IP3-058 48,577 70,402 n/a n/a 1,868,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup.

059 - Provide hardware connections to IP3-059 allow the primary water system to cool 0 0 n/a n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 96of112 1

Table 13 - Case 7 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Periodt l


Tl-SGTR Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated -

Phase II Baseline Benefit With Benefit Description Benefit With (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Uncertainty Without Uncertainty 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 060 - Provide independent source of IP3-060 cooling for the recirculation pump 0 0 n/a n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

I (1) Legend: green highlight = SAMAs retained in Case 0, baseline case using 20 year license renewal period.

lavender highlight = SAMAs evaluated for Tl-SGTR.

red text= SAMAs with NL-14-143 estimated costs.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 97of112 11 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Descrip.tion (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143) 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-001 263,151 . 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated.diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP2-002 injection system without a dedicated 219,846 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP2-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 n/a 1,500,000. n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Enhance procedural guidance for IP2-004 22,479 n/a 1,750,000 n/a Not Beneficial use of service water pumps.

  • 005 - Improve ability to cool the RHR IP2-005 heat exchangers by allowing manual 67,452 n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

006 -Add a.diesel building high IP2-006 14,154 274,000 n/a :Not* Beneficial temperature alarm. ' ' '~,<,, ',' c,'z~; ,: ,~,s'? ,i' 007 - Install a filtered containment vent IP2-007 1,247,651 n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial to provide fission product scrubbing.

008 - Create a large concrete crucible IP2-008 with heat removal. potential under the 5,771,842 n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial base mat to contain molten core debris.

IP2-010 n/a 90,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial reduction system.

011 - Provide a means to inert IP2-011 3,299,861 n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.


IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 98 of 112 1* Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(ll Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 012 - Use the fire protection system as a IP2-012 backup source for the containment 0 n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

013 - Install a passive containment spray IP2-013 0 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

014 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP2-014 851,201 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

015 - Construct a building connected to IP2-015 primary containment that is maintained 5,783,503 n/a. 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

016 - Install a redundant containment IPi-016 0 n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

017 - Erect a barrier that provides IP2-017 containment liner protection from 2,133,833 n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial ejected core debris at high pressure.

018 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal IP2-018 75,792 n/a 7,400,000 n/a Not Beneficial system that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

019 - Increase secondary side pressure IP2-019 capacity such that a SGTR would not 7,127,756 n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 99 of 112 1

Table.14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period( J Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT . Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 020 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP2-020 where a water spray would condense 699,617 n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial the steam and remove most of the fission products.

021 - Install additional pressure or leak IP2-021 2,690,190 n/a 3,200,000 4,632,227 Not Beneficial monitoringinstrumentation for ISLOCAs.

022 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP2-022 switches to each containment isolation 1,345,095 n/a 2,200,000 7,692,784 Not Beneficial valve.

023 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP2-023 1,345,095 n/a 7,964,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

024 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP2-024 2,690,190 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP2-025 025 - Improve MSIV design. 122,433 476,000 n/a .*.~ot~g~fi~i~lilu*i 026 - Provide additional DC battery IP2-026 22,479 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

027 - Use fuel cells instead of lead-acid IP2-027 22,479 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial 029 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP2-029 22,479 460,000 n/a shedding. A('"~,~ --~,. :~,,~~; t,'"

030 - Create AC power cross-tie IP2-030 32,471 n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial capability with other unit.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 100 of 112 11 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 031- Create a backup source for diesel IP2-031 18,317 n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

032 - Use fire protection system as a IP2-032 18,317 n/a 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

033 - Convert under-voltage AFW and reactor protective system actuation IP2-033 0 n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signais from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

034- Provide capability for diesel-IP2-034 0 n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial driven, low pressure vessel makeup.

035 - Provide an additional high IP2-035 pressure injection pump with 50,803 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial independent diesel.

036 - Create automatic swap-over to IP2-036 recirculation cooling upon RWST 79,938 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial depletion.

037 - Provide capability for alternate IP2-037 0 n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

038 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP2-038 4,162 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to maintain reactor water storage tank inventory.

039 - Replace two of three motor-driven IP2-039 50,803 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered pumps.

j IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 101 of 112 11 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period l Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

/., ~+- ,;'

040 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP2-040 depressurization system.

492,226 2,000,000 n/a *:;!')!,gt Be~t'.t:ifia!.,;10:

&~ti:>*;<<. :*>d* :-, :)Yi;t 041 - Install a digital feed water IP2-041 107,421 n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial upgrade.

042 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP2-042 to steam generator atmospheric dump 5,830 n/a 214,000 n/a Not Beneficial valves.

043 -Add a motor-driven feed water IP2-043 107,421 2,000,000 Not Beneficial pump.

]~fl re'.~~~ r~~$~~

,.J~.~n~ra,to r1f!"lve'nt 045 - Replace current pilot operated relief valves with larger ones such that IP2-045 463,838 n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial only one is required for successful feed and bleed.

046 - Modify emergency operating IP2-046 procedures for ability to align diesel 0 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial power to more air compressors.

047 - Add an independent boron IP2-047 0 n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection system.

048 - Add a system of relief valves that IP2-048 prevent equipment damage from a 63,290 n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

049 - Install motor generator set trip IP2-049 14,154 n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 102 of 112 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 11l Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost . Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 050 - Provide capability to remove IP2-050 power from the bus powering the 14,154 n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial control rods.

051- Provide digital large break LOCA IP2-051 0 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

IP2-052 052 - Install secondary side guard pipes up to the MSIVs.

365,631 1,100,000 n/a ~#M;~~f}~ri~ial *.

~,- ~,,
,,~~<~', ';:;;.,::?&~ ;'

053 - Keep boSh pressurizer PORV block IP2-053 459,676 800,000 1,471,234 Not Beneficial valves open.

IP2-055 to allow high-head recirculation from 0 n/a 1,330,000 n/a Not Beneficial either RHR heat exchanger.

056 - Keep RHR heat exchanger IP2-056 discharge motor operated valves 22,479 n/a 82,000 1,704,938 Not Beneficial (MOVs) normally open.

057 - Provide DC power backup for the IP2-057 60,796 n/a 376,000 n/a Not Beneficial PO RVs.

058 - Provide procedural guidance to IP2-058 allow high-head recirculation from 0 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial either RHR heat exchanger.

059 - Re-install the low pressure suction trip on the AFW pumps and enhance IP2-059 9,992 n/a 318,000 n/a Not Beneficial procedures to respond to loss of the normal suction path.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 103of112



1. Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143) 063 - Provide a water-tight door for IP2-063 additional protection of the RHR pumps 18,317 n/a 324,000 n/a Not Beneficial against flooding.

064 - Provide backup cooling water IP2-064 18,317 n/a 710,000 Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

066 -Harden the EDG building and fuel IP2-066 oil transfer pumps against tornados and 1,769,521 n/a 33,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial high winds.

067 - Provide hardware connections to IP2-067 allow the primary water system to cool 4,162 n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.

068 - Provide independent source of IP2-068 cooling for the recirculation pump 4,162 n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial motors.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 104of112 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 111 Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143) 001 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-001 178,570 . 1,137,000 n/a injection system with a dedicated diesel.

002 - Create an independent RCP seal IP3-002 injection system without a dedicated 120,033 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial diesel.

IP3-003 003 - Install an additional CCW pump. 0 n/a 1,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial 004 - Improved ability to cool the RHR IP3-004 heat exchangers by allowing manual 84,845 n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial alignment of the fire protection system.

005 - Install a filtered containment vent IP3-005 1,048,023 n/a 5,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial to provide fission product scrubbing.

006 - Create a large concrete crucible IP3-006 with heat removal potential under the 4,247,669 n/a 108,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial base mat to contain molten core debris.

n/a 90,000,000 Not Beneficial

  • reduction system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Pag~ 105 of 112 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(l)


  • Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 009 - Provide means to inert IP3-009 2,286,596 n/a 10,900,000 n/a Not Beneficial containment.

010 - Use the fire protection system as a IP3-010 backup source for the containment 0 .n/a 565,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

011 - Install a passive containment spray IP3-011 0 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial system.

012 - Increase the depth of the concrete base mat or use an alternative concrete IP3-012 603,407 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial material to ensure melt-through does not occur.

013 - Construct a building connected to IP3-013 primary containment that is maintained 4,295,307 n/a 61,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial at a vacuum.

014 - Install a redundant containment IP3-014 0 n/a 5,800,000 n/a Not Beneficial spray system.

015 - Erect a barrier that provides IP3-015 containment liner protection from 1,278,271 n/a 5,500,000 n/a Not Beneficial ejected core debris at high pressure.

016 - Install a highly reliable steam generator shell-side heat removal IP3-016 1,112,009 7,400,000 n/a system that relies on natural circulation and stored water sources.

017 - Increase secondary side pressure IP3-017 capacity such that an SGTR would not 15,560,475 n/a 100,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial cause the relief valves to lift.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 106of112 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period 11l Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143) 018 - Route the discharge from the main steam safety valves through a structure IP3-018 where a water spray would condense 3,437,833 12,000,000 35,691,159 the steam and remove most of the fission products.

019 - Install additional pressure or leak IP3-019 2,527,743 n/a 2,800,000 6,369,223 Not Beneficial monitoring instrumentation for ISLOCAs.

020 - Add redundant and diverse limit IP3-020 switches to each containment isolation 1,283,720 n/a 4,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial valve.

021 - Increase leak testing of valves in IP3-021 1,283,720 n/a 10,604,000 n/a Not Beneficial ISLOCA paths.

022 - Ensure all ISLOCA releases are IP3-022 2,527,743 n/a 9,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial scrubbed.

IP3-043 023 - Improve MSIV design. 0 n/a 476,000 n/a Not Beneficial 024 - Provide additional DC battery IP3-024 24,289 n/a 1,875,000 n/a Not Beneficial capacity.

025 - Use fuel cells ir:istead of lead-acid IP3-025 24,289 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial batteries.

026 - Increase/ improve DC bus load IP3-026 24,289 n/a 460,000 n/a Not Beneficial shedding.

027 - Create AC power cross-tie IP3-027 35,188 n/a 1,156,000 n/a Not Beneficial capability with other unit.

028 - Create a backup source for diesel IP3-028 5,450 n/a 1,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial cooling (not from existing system).

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 107 of 112 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period(l)

Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044} 143}

Uncertainty 029 - Use fire protection system as a IP3-029 5,450 497,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup source for diesel cooling.

030 - Provide a portable diesel-driven IP3-030 172,650 938,000 n/a battery charger.

031- Convert under-voltage, AFW and reactor protective system actuation IP3-031 79,396 n/a 1,254,000 n/a Not Beneficial signals from 2-out-of-4 to 3-out-of-4 logic.

032 - Provide capability for diesel-IP3-032 15,879 n/a 632,000 n/a Not Beneficial driven, low pressure vessel makeup.

033 - Provide an additional high IP3-033 pressure injeetion pump with 76,906 n/a 5,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial independent diesel.

034 - Create automatic swap-over to IP3-034 339,710 n/a 1,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial recirculation upon RWST depletion.

035 - Provide capability for alternate IP3-035 15,879 n/a 750,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection via diesel-driven fire pump.

036 - Throttle low pressure injection pumps earlier in medium or large-break IP3-036 5,450 n/a 82,000 n/a Not Beneficial LOCAs to ma.intain reactor water storage tank inventory.

037 - RepJace two of three motor-driven IP3-037 76,906 n/a 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial SI pumps with diesel-powered punips.

038 - Create/enhance a reactor coolant IP3-038 203,939 n/a 4,600,000 n/a Not Beneficial depress,urization system.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 108of112 1

Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period' l Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 039 - Install a digital feed water IP3-039 179,510 n/a 900,000 n/a Not Beneficial upgrade.

040 - Provide automatic nitrogen backup IP3-040 to steam generator atmospheric dump 195,999 950,000 n/a valves. <\.-\ .

.. :,i~-~

041 - Add a motor-driven feedwater IP3-041 179,510 2,000,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

042 - Provide hookup for portable generators to power the turbine-driven IP3-042 24,289 n/a 1,072,000 n/a Not Beneficial AFW pump after station batteries are depleted.

043 - Use fire water system as backup IP3-043 321A82 1,656,000 n/a r.:Not'Be ,.~

for steam generator inventory. ' '<> *:9(:*

044 - Replace current pilot operated relief valves with larger ones such that IP3-044 995,876 n/a 2,700,000 n/a Not Beneficial only one is required for successful feed and bleed.

045 - Add an independent boron IP3-045 0 n/a 300,000 n/a Not Beneficial injection system.

046 - Add a system of relief valves that IP3-046 prevent equipment damage from a 152,731 n/a 615,000 n/a Not Beneficial pressure spike during an ATWS.

047 - Install motor generator set trip IP3-047 18,839 n/a 716,000 n/a Not Beneficial breakers in control room.

048 - Provide capability to remove IP3-048 power from the bus powering the 18,839 n/a 90,000 n/a Not Beneficial control rods.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 109 of 112 111 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA Benefit Without 00044) 143)

Uncertainty 049 - Provide digital large break LOCA IP3-049 0 n/a 2,036,000 n/a Not Beneficial protection.

050 - Install secondary side guard pipes IP3-050 1,940,684 n/a 9,671,000 7 n/a Not Beneficial up to the MSIVs.

051- Operator action: Align main IP3-051 13,389 55,000 Not Beneficial feedwater for secondary heat removal.

056 - Install pneumatic controls and IP3-056 indication for the turbine-driven AFW 24,289 n/a 982,000 n/a Not Beneficial pump.

057 - Provide backup cooling water IP3-057 32,228 n/a 109,000 n/a Not Beneficial source for the CCW heat exchangers.

058 - Provide automatic DC power IP3-058 48,577 n/a 1,868,000 n/a Not Beneficial backup.

059 - Provide hardware connections to IP3-059 allow the primary water system to cool 0 n/a 576,000 n/a Not Beneficial the charging pumps.



IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 110 of 112 111 Table 14- Case 8 Sensitivity SAMA Results Using Shortened License Renewal Period Tl-SGTR Estimated Cost Estimated Phase II Baseline Benefit Description (IP-RPT Cost (NL Conclusion SAMA ./ Benefit Without 00044) 143}

Uncertainty 060 - Provide independent source of IP3-060 cooling for the recirculation pump 0 n/a 710,000 n/a Not Beneficial I (1) Legend: green higl}light = SAMAs retained in Case 0, baseline case using 20 year license renewal period.

lavender highlight = SAMAs evaluated for Tl-SGTR. '

red text= SAMAs with NL-14-143 estimated costs.

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 111 of 112 Attachment 1 - List of Electronic Files Input spread~heets from IP-RPT-09-00044 (Reference 3):

FileName ... < .' *,'>;.:. ., ;t*

Unit *., ,D.ate . * ** <} Timev*< c Descrrption .*.. *. . ' ::. /,,:,{ '*'

sumi2NS-noE-R-NmetEC.xls PDR and OECR for SAMA analysis IP2 11/19/2009 10:17AM cases - baseline Cost-20-7-1 P2-NS-noE-R-NmetEC.xls Benefit calculations for SAMA IP2 11/19/2009 10:14AM analysis cases - baseline IP2 Radionuclide Release Results-Base- Source term for I P2 Tl-SGTR IP2 04/30/2008 11:03AM RAl#5.xls sensitivity sumi2NS-noE-R-NmetEC-RAl5.xls PDR and OECR for SAMA analysis IP2 11/18/2009 ci9:44AM cases - Tl-SGTR sensitivity Cost-20-7-IP2-NS-noE-R-NmetEC-RAl5.xls Benefit calculations for SAMA IP2 11/18/2009 10:10AM analysis cases - Tl-SGTR sensitivity sumi3NS-noE-NmetEC-R-level130a.xls PDR and OECR for SAMA analysis IP3 11/19/2009 10:29AM cases - baseline ER-Cost-20-7-1 P3-NS-noE-NmetEC-R-nm8- Benefit calculations for SAMA IP3 11/19/2009 10:33AM level 1-30a.xls analysis cases - baseline IP3 Radionuclide Release Results-Base- Source term for IP3 Tl-SGTR IP3 04/30/2008 11:53AM RAl#5.xls sensitivity sumi3NS-noE-NmetEC-R-level 130a- PDR and OECR for SAMA analysis IP3 11/18/2009 10:10AM RAIS.xis cases - Tl-SGTR sensitivity ER-Cost-20-7-1 P3-NS-noE-Nm etEC-R-nm8- Benefit calculations for SAMA level 1-30a-RAl5.xls IP3 11/18/2009 10:08AM analysis cases - Tl-SGTR sensitivity Input spreadsheet from IP-RPT-07-00007 (Reference 6):

Unit **..* ;bate
  • Time IP2 SAMA Radionuclide Release Results-IP2 01/29/2007 12:55PM Level1-20.xls Input spreadsheet from IP-RPT-07-00008 (Reference 7):

IP3 SAMA Radionuclide Release Results- Source Term for Analysis Case 14 IP3 01/23/2007 06:36AM Leve12-18.xls - Phase II SAMA IP3-018.

Input spreadsheet from IP-RPT-16-00077 (Reference 4):

':E'.ile:Name * . "' *..... *. ,*,*.'.' *,. Oate"': 1

  • Time . ..nescriotiorl"* ** *.* ,:*:' '.) .. :** :; ';{

2016 IPEC MACCS2 Sens- RevD.xlsx IP2 11/24/16 1:08PM MACCS2 results for RAI CLl-16-07 and sensitivity cases IP3

IP-RPT-16-00078 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Revision 1 Page 112 of 112 Attachment 1 - List of Electronic Files (cont.)

Output spreadsheets for IP-RPT-16-00078 (this report):

  • F:ne;Name . * . . '*, .:':* * * : **'.:*,: "< '. Date*,J ..


Unit Time Description .

Case 0 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx IP2 Case 0 spreadsheet with shortened and 3/15/17 10:42AM license renewal period.

IP3 Case 4 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx IP2 Case 4 spreadsheet to evaluate e ****- and escalated VALWNF and VNFRM 3/15/17 10:56AM IP3 with shortened license renewal period.

Case 5 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx IP2 Case 5 spreadsheet to evaluate and increased TIMDEC and CDNFRM 3/15/17 11:02AM IP3 with shortened license renewal period.

Case 7 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx IP2 Case 7 spreadsheet to evaluate and escalated VALWNF and VNFRM 3/15/17 11:06AM IP3 and revised VDEPOS with shortened license renewal period.

Case 8 IPEC SAMA Sensitivities_R1 .xlsx IP2 Case 8 spreadsheet to evaluate and increased TIMDEC and CDNFRM 3/15/17 11 :11AM IP3 with revised VDEPOS and with shortened license renewal period.