NL-14-1996, Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report - Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1

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Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report - Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/2014
From: Keithline K, Pierce C
MPR Associates, Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-14-1996 MPR-4122, Rev. 1
Download: ML15049A517 (57)


Charles A. Pierce Southern Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Director Operating Company, Inc.

40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 Tel 205.992.7872 Fax 205.992.7601 December 30, 2014 Docket Nos. : 50-424 NL-14-1996 50-425 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant- Units 1 and 2 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report -

Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1


1. NRC Letter, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3 of the Near- Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, dated March 12, 2012.
2. NEI Letter to NRC, Proposed Path Forward for NTTF Recommendation 2. 1:

Seismic Reevaluations, dated April 9, 2013.

3. NRC Letter, Electric Power Research Institute Final Draft Report XXXXXX, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near- Term Task Force Recommendation 2 . 1: Seismic" as an Acceptable Alternative to the March 12, 2012, Information Request for Seismic Reevaluations, dated May 7, 2013.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a request for information pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) associated with the recommendations of the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) (Reference 1). Enclosure 1 of Reference 1 requested each licensee to reevaluate the seismic hazards at their sites using present-day NRC requirements and guidance, and to identify actions taken or planned to address plant-specific vulnerabilities associated with the updated seismic hazards.

The NRC endorsed the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report, Seismic Evaluation Guidance: EPRI Guidance for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2. 1: Seismic, Draft Report, as an acceptable alternative to the information requested in Reference 1 by letter dated May 7, 2013 (Reference 3). In its endorsement, the NRC staff determined that the EPRI Guidance will provide an important demonstration of seismic margin and expedite plant safety enhancements through evaluations and potential near-term modifications of certain core and containment cooling equipment while more comprehensive plant seismic risk evaluations are performed . Reference 3 also provided NRC staff approval of the schedule modifications requested by

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-14-1996 Page2 Reference 2. Based on the modified schedule, Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) licensees are required to submit the reports resulting from the Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) by December 2014. Accordingly, the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ESEP Report for Units 1 and 2 is provided in . A table of outstanding actions required for completion of the ESEP activities, with a schedule for completion of each, is provided in Enclosure 2.

This letter contains NRC commitments described in Enclosure 3. If you have any questions, please contact John Giddens at 205.992.7924.

Mr. C. R. Pierce states he is the Regulatory Affairs Director for Southern Nuclear Operating Company, is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true.

Respectfully submitted,

c. ~e-C. R. Pierce Regulatory Affairs Director CRP/JMG/TWS ~

Sw rn to and sub cribed before me this 30 day of J)ecew. bu- ,2014.

My commission expires: llz./z.o/8 I


1. Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) Report
2. Required Actions and Schedule for Completion of ESEP Activities
3. Table of Regulatory Commitments cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. S. E. Kuczynski, Chairman, President & CEO Mr. D. G. Bost, Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Mr. D. R. Madison, Vice President- Fleet Operations Mr. M. D. Meier, Vice President- Regulatory Affairs Mr. B. K. Taber, Vice President- Vogtle 1 & 2 Mr. B. J. Adams, Vice President- Engineering Mr. G. W. Gunn, Regulatory Affairs Manager- Vogtle 1 & 2 (Acting)

RType: CVC7000 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. V. M. McCree, Regional Administrator Mr. R. E. Martin, NRR Senior Project Manager- Vogtle 1 & 2 Mr. L. M. Cain, Senior Resident Inspector- Vogtle*1 & 2 State of Georgia Mr. J. H. Turner, Director- Environmental Protection Division

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant- Units 1 and 2 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report -

Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Enclosure 1 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) Report

r.MPR ASSOCIATES INC ENGINEERS MPR-4122 Revision 1 December 29,2014 Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP)

Report QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix 8 and/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program.

Prepared for Southern Nuclear Operating Company


ENGINEERS Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP)

Report MPR-4122 Revision 1 December 29, 2014 QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix Band/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program.

Prepared by: '(~ Q'l(w:JiiW..

Kimberly A. Keithline Reviewed by: H -1 4/

loseph G. Konefal Approved by: ~...d~

Caroline S. Schlaseman Prepared for Southern Nuclear Operating Company 320 KING STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-3230 703-519-0200 FAX: 703-519-0224 http:\\

RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision Affected Pages Description 0 All Initial issue.

1 i, ii, iii, A-2 Modified description of item 1-1805-D3-37T in Table A-1 per SNC direction.

MPR-4122 iii Revision 1

Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... 1 1 Purpose and Objective ......................................................................................... 2 2 Brief Summary of the FLEX Seismic Implementation Strategies ..................... 3 2.1 Modes 1 through 4 and Mode 5 with Steam Generators Available ............................. .3 2.2 Mode 6 and Mode 5 without Steam Generators Available .......................................... .3 3 Equipment Selection Process and ESEL. ........................................................... 7 3.1 Equipment Selection Process and ESEL ...................................................................... 7 3.1.1 ESEL Development ............................................................................................. 8 3.1.2 Power Operated Valves ....................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 Pull Boxes ........................................................................................................... 8 3.1.4 Termination Cabinets .......................................................................................... 9 3.1.5 Critical Instrumentation Indicators ..................................................................... 9 3.1.6 Phase 2 and Phase 3 Piping Connections ............................................................ 9 3.1.7 Inaccessible Valve Interlocks .............................................................................. 9 3.2 Justification for Use of Equipment that is not the Primary Means for FLEX lmplementation....................................................................................................................... 9 4 Ground Motion Response Spectrum (GMRS) .................................................. 10 4.1 Plot of GMRS Submitted by Licensee ........................................................................ I 0 4.2 Comparison to SSE ..................................................................................................... II 5 Review Level Ground Motion (RLGM) ............................................................... 13 5.1 Description ofRLGM Selected .................................................................................. 13 5.2 Method to Estimate In-Structure Response Spectrum (ISRS) .................................... 14 6 Seismic Margin Evaluation Approach ............................................................... 15 6.1 Summary ofMethodologies Used .............................................................................. 15 6.2 HCLPF Screening Process .......................................................................................... 15 6.3 Seismic Walkdown Approach .................................................................................... 16 6.3 .1 W alkdown Approach ........................................................................................ 16 MPR*4122 lV Revision 1

6.3 .2 Application of Previous Walkdown Information .............................................. 17 6.3.3 Significant Walkdown Findings ........................................................................ 17 6.4 HCLPF Calculation Process ....................................................................................... 18 6.5 Functional Evaluation of Relays ................................................................................. 18 6.6 Tabulated ESEL HCLPF Values (Including Key Failure Modes) ............................. 18 7 Inaccessible Items .............................................................................................. 20 7.1 Identification of ESEL Items Inaccessible for Walkdown ......................................... 20 7.1.1 Items in Locked High Radiation Areas ............................................................. 20 7.1.2 Insulated Junction Boxes .................................................................................. 20 7.2 Planned Walkdown!Evaluation Schedule/Close Out.. ................................................ 20 8 ESEP Conclusions and Results ........................................................................ 21 8.1 Supporting Information .............................................................................................. 21 8.2 Identification of Planned Modifications ..................................................................... 22 8.3 Modification Implementation Schedule ..................................................................... 22 8.4 Summary of Regulatory Commitments ...................................................................... 22 9 References .......................................................................................................... 23 Attachment A: Plant Vogtle Unit 1 ESEL. ............................................................. A-1 : Plant Vogtle Unit 2 ESEL. ............................................................. B-1 MPR-4122 V Revision 1

Tables Table 4-1. GMRS for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 ......................................................................... .11 Table 4-2. Safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 ................................ 12 Table 5-1. Plant Vogtle ESEP RLGM ........................................................................................... 14 Table A-1. Plant Vogtle Unit 1 ESEL Items and HCLPF Results .............................................. A-1 Table B-1. Plant Vogtle Unit 2 ESEL Items and HCLPF Results ............................................... B-1 MPR-4122 vi Revision 1

Figures Figure 2-1. Flow Diagram for Plant Vogtle FLEX Strategies (Reference 3) .................................. 5 Figure 2-2. Electrical Diagram for Plant Vogtle FLEX Strategies (Reference 3) ........................... 6 Figure 4-1. PlantVogtle GMRS .................................................................................................... 10 Figure 4-2. GMRS and SSE for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 ......................................................... .12 Figure 5-l. Plant Vogtle ESEP RLGM compared to SSE and GMRS .......................................... 13 MPR-4122 vii Revision l

Executive Summary Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 have performed the Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) as an interim action in response to the NRC's 50.54(f) letter (Reference 1). The purpose was to demonstrate seismic margin through a review of a subset of the plant equipment that can be relied upon to protect the reactor core following beyond design basis seismic events. The ESEP was performed using the methodologies in the NRC endorsed industry guidance in EPRI 3002000704, Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 - Seismic (Reference 2). As a result of the ESEP, no modifications have been identified as necessary to meet ESEP acceptance criteria specified in Reference 2.

MPR-4122 1 Revision 1

1 Purpose and Objective Following the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant resulting from the March 11,2011, Great Tohoku Earthquake and subsequent tsunami, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) established a Near Term Task Force (NTTF) to conduct a systematic review ofNRC processes and regulations and to determine if the agency should make additional improvements to its regulatory system. The NTTF developed a set of recommendations intended to clarify and strengthen the regulatory framework for protection against natural phenomena.

Subsequently, the NRC issued a 50.54(f) letter on March 12,2012 (Reference 1), requesting information to assure that these recommendations are addressed by all U.S. nuclear power plants.

The 50.54( f) letter requests that licensees and holders of construction permits under 10 CFR Part 50 reevaluate the seismic hazards at their sites against present-day NRC requirements and guidance. Depending on the comparison between the reevaluated seismic hazard and the current design basis, further risk assessment may be required. Assessment approaches acceptable to the staff include a seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA), or a seismic margin assessment (SMA). Based upon the assessment results, the NRC staff will determine whether additional regulatory actions are necessary.

This report describes the Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) undertaken for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (Plant Vogtle) Units 1 and 2. The intent of the ESEP is to perform an interim action in response to the NRC's 50.54(f) letter (Reference 1) to demonstrate seismic margin through a review of a subset of the plant equipment that can be relied upon to protect the reactor core following beyond design basis seismic events.

The ESEP is implemented using the methodologies in the NRC endorsed industry guidance in EPRI 3002000704, Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 -Seismic (Reference 2).

The objective of this report is to provide summary information describing the ESEP evaluations and results. The level of detail provided in the report is intended to enable NRC to understand the inputs used, the evaluations performed, and the decisions made as a result of the interim evaluations.

MPR-4122 2 Revision 1

2 Brief Summary of the FLEX Seismic Implementation Strategies The Plant Vogtle FLEX strategies for Reactor Core Cooling and Containment Function are summarized below. This summary is derived from the Plant Vogtle Overall Integrated Plan (OIP) in Response to the March 12, 2012, Commission Order EA-12-049 (Reference 3). A flow diagram and an electrical diagram depicting the FLEX strategies are shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 (Reference 3), respectively.

2.1 MODES 1 THROUGH 4 AND MODE 5 WITH STEAM GENERATORS AVAILABLE During FLEX Phase 1, reactor core cooling is achieved by natural circulation of the RCS coolant through the steam generators (SGs) with makeup provided by the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater (TDAFW) pump with suction from the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) and steam release through the Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs). The combined CST inventory is sufficient to feed the steam generators for more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

During FLEX Phases 2 and 3, RCS natural circulation will continue to provide reactor core cooling using the TDAFW pump or the SG FLEX pump. Prior to depletion of the initial CST inventory, a portable Makeup FLEX pump can be used to transfer additional water from the Reactor Makeup Water Storage Tank (RMWST) to the CST.

During FLEX Phase 1, RCS inventory control and subcriticality will be maintained by use of low-leakage reactor coolant pump (RCP) seals and injection of borated water from the Safety Injection (SI) accumulators. During FLEX Phases 2 and 3, supplemental boron will be injected to the RCS cold legs by a portable Boron Injection FLEX pump taking suction from the Boric Acid Storage Tank (BAST) or the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) while venting the RCS by remote operation of the 125 V DC reactor head vent valves.

Because of the minimal mass and energy input into containment, no FLEX coping strategies are required for the containment function beyond monitoring containment pressure.

2.2 MODE 6 AND MODE 5 WITHOUT STEAM GENERATORS AVAILABLE During FLEX Phase 1, core cooling and RCS inventory control can be achieved by providing makeup to the RCS via gravity feed from the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) via the SI system flow path to the RCS cold legs. During FLEX Phase 2, core cooling and RCS inventory control can be maintained using a portable, electric-motor driven pump (Mode 5-6 RCS FLEX Pump) for injection to the RCS cold legs via the RHR system with suction from the RWST.

During FLEX Phase 3, portable equipment delivered from off-site can provide a supply of borated water to restore the RWST inventory if it is needed after 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

MPR-4122 3 Revision 1

For events that are initiated when the plant is in Mode 6 or Mode 5 without steam generators available, containment integrity is maintained through manual actions to establish a containment vent path. This is accomplished by removing flanges inside containment and at grade level from one of two lines normally used for containment integrated leak rate testing, and then manually opening an isolation valve to establish a vent path and maintain containment temperature and pressure within design limits.

MPR-4122 4 Revision 1

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Figure 2-2. Electrical Diagram for Plant Vogtle FLEX Strategies (Reference 3)

MPR-4 122 Rev ision I 6

3 Equipment Selection Process and ESEL The selection of equipment for the Expedited Seismic Equipment List (ESEL) followed the guidelines ofEPRI 3002000704 (Reference 2) as described in SNCV086-PR-001 (Reference 4) and SNCV-086-PR-002 (Reference 5). The ESELs for Unit 1 and Unit 2 are presented in Attachments A and B, respectively.

3.1 EQUIPMENT SELECTION PROCESS AND ESEL The ESEL component selection followed the EPRI guidance outlined in Section 3.2 of Reference 2. The selection of equipment to be included on the ESEL was based on installed plant equipment credited in the FLEX strategies during Phase 1, 2 and 3 mitigation of a Beyond Design Basis External Event (BDBEE), as outlined in the Plant Vogtle Overall Integrated Plan (OIP) in Response to the March 12, 2012, Commission Order EA-12-049 (Reference 3). The OIP provides the Plant Vogtle FLEX mitigation strategy and serves as the basis for equipment selected for the ESEP.

The Plant Vogtle ESEL includes permanently installed plant equipment that could be relied upon to accomplish the core cooling and containment safety functions identified in Table 3-2 of Reference 2 in response to a beyond-design-basis earthquake. Per Reference 2, the ESEL does not include portable or pre-staged FLEX equipment (not permanently installed) or equipment that is used only for Phase 3 recovery strategies. The scope of equipment on the ESEL includes that required to support a single FLEX success path. Instrumentation monitoring requirements for core cooling and containment integrity functions are limited to those discussed in Reference 2.

In accordance with Reference 2, the following structures, systems, and components were excluded from the ESEL:

  • Structures (e.g., containment, auxiliary building, control building)
  • Piping, cabling, conduit, HVAC, and their supports

MPR-4122 7 Revision 1

3.1.1 ESEL Development The ESEL was developed by reviewing the Plant Vogtle FLEX OIP (Reference 3) to determine the major equipment involved in the FLEX strategies. Plant drawings (e.g., Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) and electrical one-line diagrams) were reviewed to specify the boundaries of the flow paths used in the FLEX strategies and to identify other components needed to support operation of the systems credited in the FLEX strategies. Boundaries were established at an electrical or mechanical isolation device (e.g., isolation amplifier, valve) in branch circuits I branch lines off the defmed strategy electrical or fluid flowpath. P&IDs were the primary reference documents used to identify mechanical components and instrumentation needed for FLEX. Once the flow paths were identified, specific components were selected using guidance in Reference 2. Electrical components needed to support FLEX were identified using one-line diagrams and schematics. Based on this review, base list tables of components were developed for each of the methods credited with accomplishing key functions in the FLEX strategies.

The base list tables were then reviewed to determine which equipment should be included on the ESEL. Most of the equipment decisions were clearly outlined in Reference 2; however, some judgments were necessary as discussed below.

3. 1.2 Power Operated Valves Per the Reference 2 EPRI guidance, the ESEL does not need to include power operated valves that are not required to change state as part of the FLEX mitigating strategies. However, Reference 2 also states, "In addition to the physical failure modes (load path and anchorage) of specific pieces of installed equipment, functional failure modes of electrical and mechanical portions of the installed Phase 1 equipment should be considered." Because relay chatter could cause a functional failure, the following criteria were used to determine whether specific power-operated valves should be included on the ESEL:
  • Power operated valves in the primary success path will be included on the ESEL if they need to remain energized during Phase 1 in order to maintain core cooling and containment integrity (e.g., certain DC-powered valves).
  • Power operated valves not required to change state as part of the FLEX mitigation strategies may be excluded from the ESEL if they would be de-energized by the event that causes an Extended Loss of all AC Power (ELAP) event.
  • AC power operated valves not required to change state as part of the Phase 1 FLEX mitigation strategies may be excluded from the ESEP if they are re-energized and operated during Phase 2 or 3 activities.

3.1.3 Pull Boxes Pull boxes were deemed unnecessary to add to the ESELs as these components provide completely passive locations for pulling or installing cables. No breaks or connections in the MPR-4122 8 Revision 1

cabling are included in pull boxes. Pull boxes were considered part of the conduit and cabling, which are excluded in accordance with Reference 2.

3.1.4 Termination Cabinets Although termination cabinets and junction boxes provide a passive function similar to pull boxes, they were included on the ESEL to ensure industry knowledge on paneVanchorage failure vulnerabilities is addressed.

3.1.5 Critical Instrumentation Indicators Critical indicators and recorders are typically physically located on panels/cabinets and are included as separate components; however, seismic evaluation of the instrument indication may be included in the paneVcabinet seismic evaluation (rule-of-the-box).

3.1.6 Phase 2 and Phase 3 Piping Connections As noted in Section 3.2 of Reference 2, the scope of the ESEL is limited to installed plant equipment and FLEX equipment connections" and "the selection process for the ESEL should assume the FLEX strategies (modifications, equipment, procedures, etc.) have been implemented." Section 3.2 of Reference 2 goes on to explain that "piping, cabling, conduit, HVAC, and their supports" are excluded from the ESEL scope. Therefore, piping and pipe supports associated with FLEX Phase 2 and Phase 3 connections are excluded from the scope of the ESEP evaluation. Except as described in Sections 3 .I and 3 .1.2 above, valves required to change position to establish/maintain FLEX Phase 2 and Phase 3 flow paths (i.e., active valves) are included in the ESEL.

3.1. 71naccessible Valve Interlocks Some components have interlocks that could potentially inhibit valve operation during Phase 2 or 3 of FLEX. Reference 2 specifically allows exclusion of interlock failures from the ESEL if plant procedures provide instructions for manual operation to ensure performance of the required FLEX function. For valves that cannot be operated locally due to location in containment or high radiation areas, this statement is interpreted as allowing the interlocks in the control circuit to be bypassed to allow remote manual operation. Therefore, these interlocks are excluded in Phase 3.

3.2 JUSTIFICATION FOR USE OF EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT THE PRIMARY MEANS FOR FLEX IMPLEMENTATION All components on the ESEL for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 are associated with the primary FLEX strategies. Therefore, since no alternate equipment is being used, no justification is needed.

MPR-4122 9 Revision 1

4 Ground Motion Response Spectrum (GMRS)

In response to the 50.54(£) letter (Reference 1), SNC reevaluated the Plant Vogtle seismic hazard in accordance with the NRC-endorsed industry guidance (Reference 6).

4.1 PLOT OF GMRS SUBMITTED BY LICENSEE The plot of the Plant Vogtle GMRS submitted by SNC to the NRC in Reference 7 is shown in Figure 4-1. Table 4-1 contains the corresponding numerical values that were also included in Reference 7. The GMRS and SSE control point elevation are defined at plant grade at an elevation of220 feet mean sea level (msl).





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0.1 1 10 100 Spectral frequency, Hz Figure 4-1. Plant Vogtle GMRS MPR-4 122 10 Revision I

Table 4-1. GMRS for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 Frequency (Hz) Spectral Frequency (Hz) Spectral Acceleration Acceleration (g)

(g) 100 0.436 3.5 0.909 90 0.438 3 0.855 80 0.441 2.5 0.731 70 0.447 2 0.587 60 0.458 1.5 0.449 50 0.480 1.25 0.460 40 0.534 1 0.276 35 0.583 0.9 0.242 30 0.651 0.8 0.233 25 0.748 0.7 0.247 20 0.883 0.6 0.276 15 1.02 0.5 0.262 12.5 1.07 0.4 0.210 10 1.09 0.35 0.184 9 1.09 0.3 0.157 8 1.07 0.25 0.131 7 1.03 0.2 0.105 6 0.964 0.15 0.0787 5 0.921 0.125 0.0656 4 0.939 0.1 0.042 4.2 COMPARISON TO SSE The plot ofthe safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2, submitted by SNC to the NRC in Reference 7, is shown in Figure 4-2. Table 4-2 contains the corresponding numerical values that were also included in Reference 7.

MPR-4122 11 Revision I

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0.1 Frequency (Hz) 10 100 Figure 4-2. GMRS and SSE for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 Table 4-2. Safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 Frequency (Hz) Spectral Acceleration (g) 100 0.2 33 0.2 10 0.46 9 0.522

2. 5 0.626 1 0.3 0.25 0.09 MPR-4122 Revision 1 12

5 Review Level Ground Motion (RLGM)

Reference 2 states that the ESEP may be performed using either the GMRS or a linearly scaled version of the SSE. The SSE is to be linearly scaled by the maximum ratio of the GMRS/SSE between the 1 and 10 Hz range (not to exceed 2 x SSE). In-structure RLGM seismic motions are to be derived using existing SSE-based in-structure response spectra (ISRS) scaled with the same factor.


OF RLGM SELECTED The Plant Vogtle ESEP was performed using an RLGM equal to two times the SSE as shown in Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1. This spectrum exceeds or is similar to the GMRS in the frequency range of 1 to 10Hz.

To facilitate an early start (prior to obtaining the GMRS) and timely completion of the ESEP, 2 x SSE was used as the ESEP RLGM.

- GMRS 1.2 - RLGM




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Figure 5-1. Plant Vogtle ESEP RLGM compared to SSE and GMRS MPR-4122 13 Revision I

Table 5-1. Plant Vogtle ESEP RLGM Frequency (Hz) Spectral Acceleration (g) 100 0.4 33 0.4 10 0.92 9 1.044 2.5 1.252 1 0.6 0.25 0.18 5.2 METHOD TO ESTIMATE IN-STRUCTURE RESPONSE SPECTRUM {ISRS)

The seismic demand used in the ESEP is 2 x Plant Vogtle SSE in-structure response spectra (ISRS). As explained in Reference 10, the Vogtle ISRS were conservatively developed (e.g.,

enveloping orthogonal horizontal directions to a single horizontal, absolute summing torsional effects). This approach provides additional seismic margin not explicitly requested in the Reference 2 guidance.

MPR-4122 14 Revision 1

6 Seismic Margin Evaluation Approach The objective of the ESEP is to demonstrate that the ESEL items have sufficient seismic capacity to meet or exceed the seismic demand associated with the RLGM. Section 5 of Reference 2 provides guidance for characterizing the seismic capacity by determining a high confidence of low probability of failure (HCLPF) using either the Seismic Margin Assessment (SMA) methodology ofEPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8) or the fragility analysis methodology ofEPRI TR-103959 (Reference 9). The Plant Vogtle ESEP used the EPRI NP-6041-SL SMA approach, consistent with the earlier Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) Program.

The HCLPF capacity is based on the weakest or most seismically limiting attribute of the equipment (structural, anchorage, or functional). The HCLPF evaluation considers the dynamic response of the equipment, but the HCLPF value is expressed in terms of a peak ground acceleration (PGA) to provide a common point of reference relative to the RLGM. Per Reference 2, ESEL items have sufficient seismic capacity if the HCLPF capacity is equal to or greater than the RLGM PGA.



OF METHODOLOGIES USED Seismic Margin Assessments (SMAs) were performed for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 in the early 1990s as part of the IPEEE Program and are documented in Reference 10. Those SMAs consisted of screening walkdowns and anchorage calculations, and they included several of the items on the ESEL. As part of the ESEP, the Seismic Review Team (SRT) evaluated each accessible item for seismic capacity, anchorage, and relay functionality (when a FLEX methodology relay was identified in the ESEL). (Inaccessible items are discussed in Section 7.1 ). The ESEP walkdowns and evaluations were documented in Screening and Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS), which include checklists that were developed from Appendix F of EPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8).

Each member of the SRT was trained as a SQUG Seismic Capability Engineer in accordance with the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) and trained in the use ofEPRI NP-6041-SL.

Selected team members also took the EPRI HCLPF course, which was developed for the ESEP implementation and is based on EPRI NP-6041-SL.

6.2 HCLPF SCREENING PROCESS ESEL items were screened based on an RLGM equal to 2 x SSE as shown in Figure 5-1. When seismic qualification test data were readily available, equipment capacity was compared to the RLGM using simple scaling to determine seismic demand (e.g., 2 times the Vogtle SSE ISRS),

and the evaluation was documented in the SEWS. When such data were not readily available, equipment capacity screening was performed using the criteria specified for the middle column (0.8-1.2g peak spectral acceleration) ofTable 2-4 in EPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8).

MPR-4122 15 Revision 1

Most of the anchorage capacity evaluations were performed by scaling existing design calculations and were documented in the SEWS. Loads on anchorage were determined using broadened ISRS. The ISRS were developed using the SSE ground motion. Accelerations were multiplied by two to determine RLGM acceleration levels. For equipment with anchorage that could not meet the HCLPF criteria for the RLGM using scaling, detailed HCLPF calculations were performed as discussed in Section 6.4. ESEL items were excluded from further evaluation if they were shown to have equipment and anchorage capacities greater than or equal to the RLGM, unless they contained relays needing functional evaluations.

6.3 SEISMIC WALKDOWN APPROACH 6.3.1 Walkdown Approach ESEP walkdowns were performed in accordance with the criteria provided in Section 5 of Reference 2, which refers to EPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8) for the Seismic Margin Assessment process. Pages 2-26 through 2-30 ofEPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8) describe the seismic walkdown criteria, including the following key points.

"The SRT [Seismic Review Team] should "walk by" 100% ofall components which are reasonably accessible and in non-radioactive or low radioactive environments. Seismic capability assessment ofcomponents which are inaccessible, in high-radioactive environments, or possibly within contaminated containment, will have to rely more on alternate means such as photographic inspection, more reliance on seismic reanalysis, and possibly, smaller inspection teams and more hurried inspections. A 100% "walk by" does not mean complete inspection ofeach component, nor does it mean requiring an electrician or other technician to de-energize and open cabinets or panels for detailed inspection ofall components. This walkdown is not intended to be a QA or QC review or a review of the adequacy ofthe component at the SSE level.

Ifthe SRT has a reasonable basis for assuming that the group ofcomponents are similar and are similarly anchored, then it is only necessary to inspect one component out of this group. The "similarity-basis" should be developed before the walkdown during the seismic capability preparatory work (Step 3) by reforence to drawings, calculations or specifications. The one component or each type which is selected should be thoroughly inspected which probably does mean de-energizing and opening cabinets or panels for this very limited sample. Generally, a spare representative component can be found so as to enable the inspection to be performed while the plant is in operation. At least for the one component ofeach type which is selected, anchorage should be thoroughly inspected.

The walkdown procedure should be performed in an ad hoc manner. For each class ofcomponents the SRT should look closely at the first items and compare the field configurations with the construction drawings and/or specifications. If a one-to-one correspondence is found, then subsequent items do not have to be inspected in as great a detail. Ultimately the MPR-4122 16 Revision 1

walkdown becomes a "walk by" ofthe component class as the SRT becomes confident that the construction pattern is typical. This procedure for inspection should be repeated for each component class; although during the actual walkdown the SRT may be inspecting several classes ofcomponents in parallel. Ifserious exceptions to the drawings or questionable construction practices are found then the system or component class must be inspected in closer detail until the systematic deficiency is defined.

The 100% "walk by" is to look for outliers, lack ofsimilarity, anchorage which is difforent from that shown on drawings or prescribed in criteria for that component, potential Sf [Seismic Interaction 1] problems, situations that are at odds with the team members 'past experience, and any other areas of serious seismic concern. Ifany such concerns surface, then the limited sample size ofone component of each type for thorough inspection will have to be increased The increase in sample size which should be inspected will depend upon the number ofoutliers and difforent anchorages, etc., which are observed It is up to the SRT to ultimately select the sample size since they are the ones who are responsible for the seismic adequacy ofall elements which they screen from the margin review. Appendix D gives guidance for sampling selection. "

6.3.2 Application of Previous Walkdown Information Several ESEL items were previously walked down during the Plant Vogtle IPEEE program and more recently in response to the seismic walkdown request for information in Reference 1 (NRC Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3). Although the ESEP SRT reviewed the IPEEE results, new walkdowns were performed and new SEWS were generated for items on the ESEL.

For two 125V DC motor control centers (l-1806-S3-DCC and 2-1806-S3-DCC), the NTTF 2.3 internal photos (Reference 11 and Reference 12) were used to eliminate the need for electrical bus outages and minimize the risk of tripping the plant by not opening this energized electrical equipment.

6.3.3 Significant Walkdown Findings Consistent with guidance from Reference 8, no significant fmdings were identified during the walkdowns at Plant Vogtle. Some small issues identified during the walkdowns (e.g., missing or loose fasteners on cabinet internals) were entered into the corrective action program to be resolved under the normal processes.

Block walls were not identified as a concern because there are no block walls in the vicinity of the ESEL items.

1 EPRI 3002000704 [2] page 5-4 limits the ESEP seismic interaction reviews to "nearby block walls" and "piping attached to tanks" which are reviewed "to address the possibility of failures due to differential displacements."

Other potential seismic interaction evaluations are "deferred to the full seismic risk evaluations performed in accordance with EPRI1025287 [15]."

MPR-4122 17 Revision 1

6.4 HCLPF CALCULATION PROCESS The simple methods discussed in Section 6.2 were sufficient for ensuring that the HCLPF capacity of most component failure modes was greater than the RLGM. A few ESEL items, however, had failure modes requiring more detailed HCLPF calculations. Those calculations are listed in the Notes/Comments" columns ofTable A-1 and Table B-1 in Attachments A and B.

For most ESEL item failure modes requiring detailed analyses, HCLPF capacities were developed using the conservative deterministic failure margin (CDFM) methodology ofEPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8).

The Separation ofVariables approach outlined in EPRI TR-103959 (Reference 9) was used to develop the seismic fragilities and HCLPF capacities referenced to the PGA of the 104 UHRS at plant grade for the Vogtle Units 1 and 2 Condensate Storage Tanks and Refueling Water Storage Tanks. These values were used to develop conservative estimates for HCLPF capacities referenced to the PGA of twice the SSE.

6.5 FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION OF RELAYS For each unit, the ESEL contains four relays with active functional requirements associated with the FLEX Phase 1 response. Two relays are in a motor control center (MCC), and two relays are in cabinets. Each relay was evaluated using the SMA relay evaluation criteria in Section 3 of Reference 8.

These eight relays were functionally qualified as part of the seismic test qualification of the MCC and cabinets. Therefore, in-cabinet amplification was included within the testing. The test response spectra used to excite the MCC and cabinets bounded two times the applicable SSE ISRS.

The ESEP relay functional evaluations were documented in the SEWS packages for the items containing the relays.


Tabulated ESEL HCLPF results are provided in Attachments A and B for Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2, respectively. The following notes apply to the information in the tables.

  • Items which screened out of an explicit functional capacity analysis using EPRI NP-6041-SL (Reference 8) Table 2-4, or dynamic test qualification documentation, have a HCLPF greater than or equal to the RLGM; therefore, the HCLPF is shown as "~RLGM" in Tables A-1 and B-1. This is consistent with the SMA methodology of not calculating an explicit HCLPF capacity if the criteria for functional capacity (e.g., EPRI NP-6041-SL Table 2-4) are met and instead providing results as meeting or exceeding the seismic input level selected as the RLGM.
  • It is unknown whether anchorage is the controlling failure mode for items that were screened for their functional capacity because the functional capacity may or may not be MPR-4122 18 Revision 1

higher than the anchorage capacity. The one exception to this is that large, flat-bottom vertical tanks (e.g., the Condensate Storage Tanks (CSTs), Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST), and Boric Acid Storage Tank (BAST)) were evaluated using a methodology that includes all failure modes (i.e., anchorage failure modes and tank shell failure modes). The HCLPF values for these tanks are reported in Tables A-1 and B-1. In the few cases where an explicit HCLPF value for anchorage was calculated, this value is provided in the

Notes/Comments" column ofTables A-1 and B-1.

  • Equipment containing FLEX Methodology ("FM") relays was assessed for relay functional capacity as described in Section 6.5 of this report. Because it is not known whether the capacity of the equipment containing the relay, the equipment's anchorage, or the relay's capacity is the controlling HCLPF, the HCLPF is shown as "2:-:RLGM" in Tables A-1 and B-1, and the "Notes/Comments" column identifies the presence ofFM relay(s).

MPR-4122 19 Revision 1

7 Inaccessible Items 7.1 IDENTIFICATION OF ESEL ITEMS INACCESSIBLE FOR WALKDOWN 7.1.1/tems in Locked High Radiation Areas The Vogtle ESELs contain two neutron flux instruments (one in each unit) and two junction boxes (one in each unit) that are located in Locked High Radiation Areas. These ESEL items were evaluated to determine whether a walkdown was necessary.

Appendix D of Reference 8 provides information regarding "Sampling." Specifically, on page D-1, "sampling is technically valid for identical or similar components if there is evidence that the components are manufactured and installed in a consistent manner... .In some instances access is severely limited by radioactive environments and limited sampling is the only practical method of conducting a walkdown."

Several local instruments and junction boxes were walked down during the ESEP, and no seismic issues have been identified. Therefore, sufficient sampling has been conducted to justify avoiding the dose associated with walking down these eight components (total for both units).

7.1.2/nsulated Junction Boxes Three junction boxes (two in Unit 1, one in Unit 2) located inside containment were heavily insulated such that the boxes and their anchorage were not visible. Dozens of junction boxes were walked down during the ESEP, and no seismically significant issues were identified due to the passive nature and small weight of these devices; therefore, junction boxes in the drywell do not merit walkdowns.

Each component discussed above is identified in Table A-1 or B-1 in Attachments A and B.

7.2 PLANNED WALKDOWN/EVALUATION SCHEDULE/CLOSE OUT Walkdowns have been completed for installed accessible items on the ESELs. Section 7.1 discusses the disposition for inaccessible items. ESEL items that have not been installed as of the time of the final walkdowns/report preparation will be evaluated after installation per the SMA methodology outlined in Reference 8. See Section 8.4 and Tables A-1 and B-1 for details.

MPR-4122 Revision 1 20

8 ESEP Conclusions and Results 8.1 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Plant Vogtle has performed the ESEP as an interim action in response to the NRC's 50.54(f) letter (Reference 1). It was performed using the methodologies in the NRC endorsed guidance in EPRI 3002000704 (Reference 2).

The ESEP provides an important demonstration of seismic margin and expedites plant safety enhancements through evaluations and potential near-term modifications of plant equipment that can be relied upon to protect the reactor core following beyond design basis seismic events.

The ESEP is part of the overall Plant Vogtle response to NRC's 50.54(f) letter (Reference 1).

On March 12, 2014, NEI submitted to the NRC results of a study (Reference 13) of seismic core damage risk estimates based on updated seismic hazard information as it applies to operating nuclear reactors in the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS). The study concluded that site-specific seismic hazards show that there has not been an overall increase in seismic risk for the fleet ofU.S. plants based on the re-evaluated hazard. As such, the "current seismic design of operating reactors continues to provide a safety margin to withstand potential earthquakes exceeding the seismic design basis."

The NRC's May 9, 2014 NTTF 2.1 Screening and Prioritization letter (Reference 14) concluded that the "fleetwide seismic risk estimates are consistent with the approach and results used in the GI-199 safety/risk assessment." The letter also stated that "As a result, the staff has confirmed that the conclusions reached in GI-199 safety/risk assessment remain valid and that the plants can continue to operate while additional evaluations are conducted."

An assessment of the change in seismic risk for Plant Vogtle was included in the fleet risk evaluation submitted in the March 12, 2014 NEI letter (Reference 13); therefore, the conclusions in the NRC's May 9letter (Reference 14) also apply to Plant Vogtle.

In addition, the March 12,2014 NEI letter (Reference 13) provided an attached "Perspectives on the Seismic Capacity of Operating Plants," which (1) assessed a number of qualitative reasons why the design of SSCs inherently contain margin beyond their design level, (2) discussed industrial seismic experience databases of performance of industry facility components similar to nuclear SSCs, and (3) discussed earthquake experience at operating plants.

The fleet of currently operating nuclear power plants was designed using conservative practices, such that the plants have significant margin to withstand large ground motions safely. This has been borne out for those plants that have actually experienced significant earthquakes. The seismic design process has inherent (and intentional) conservatisms which result in significant seismic margins within structures, systems and components (SSCs). These conservatisms are reflected in several key aspects of the seismic design process, including:

MPR-4122 21 Revision 1

  • Safety factors applied in design calculations
  • Damping values used in dynamic analysis of SSCs
  • Bounding synthetic time histories for in-structure response spectra calculations
  • Broadening criteria for in-structure response spectra
  • Response spectra enveloping criteria typically used in SSC analysis and testing applications
  • Response spectra based frequency domain analysis rather than explicit time history based time domain analysis
  • Bounding requirements in codes and standards
  • Use of minimum strength requirements of structural components (concrete and steel)
  • Bounding testing requirements, and
  • Ductile behavior of the primary materials (that is, not crediting the additional capacity of materials such as steel and reinforced concrete beyond the essentially elastic range, etc.).

These design practices combine to result in margins such that the SSCs will continue to fulfill their functions at ground motions well above the SSE.

8.2 IDENTIFICATION OF PLANNED MODIFICATIONS No modifications have been identified as necessary to meet ESEP acceptance criteria.

8.3 MODIFICATION IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE No modifications have been identified for the items that have been evaluated. SNC intends to comply with the ESEP schedule (Attachment 2 of Reference 19) for any modifications determined to be necessary for items to be walked down as identified in Sections 7.2 and 8.4.



OF REGULA TORY COMMITMENTS Please refer to the Table of Regulatory Commitments that will accompany this report.

MPR-4122 22 Revision 1

9 References

1. NRC Letter to All Power Reactor Licensees et al., "Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 ofthe Code ofFederal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Review oflnsights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," dated March 12, 2012 [ADAMS Accession Number ML12053A340].
2. EPRI Report 3002000704, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1- Seismic," Electric Power Research Institute, May 2013.
3. SNC Nuclear Letter NL-14-0594, "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Third Six-Month Status Report of the Implementation of the Requirements of the Commission Order with Regard to Mitigation Strategies for Beyond Design-Basis Events (EA 049)," dated August 26, 2014.
4. ENERCON Engineering Report SNCV086-PR-001, Rev. 4, "Equipment Selection for the Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process for Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.,

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 1."

5. ENERCON Engineering Report SNCV086-PR-002, Rev. 4, "Equipment Selection for the Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process for Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.,

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No.2."

6. EPRI Report 1025287, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution ofFukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic," Electric Power Research Institute, February 2013.
7. SNC Nuclear Letter NL-14-0344, "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Seismic Hazard and Screening Report for CEUS Sites," dated March 31, 2014.
8. EPRI NP-6041-SL R1, "A Methodology for Assessment ofNuclear Power Plant Seismic Margin, Revision 1," Electric Power Research Institute, August 1991.
9. EPRI TR-103959, "Methodology for Developing Seismic Fragilities," Electric Power Research Institute, 1999.
10. SNC, "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Individual Plant Examination of External Events for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities," dated November 1, 1995, C.K. McCoy to NRC.
11. SNC Report No. SNCV061-RPT-01, "Vogtle Unit 1 Seismic Walkdown Report, RER SNC432485 for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3:

Seismic," Version 1.0.

MPR-4122 23 Revision 1

12. SNC Report No. SNCV061-RPT-02, "Vogtle Unit 2 Seismic Walkdown Report, RER SNC432485 for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3:

Seismic," Version 2.0.

13. NEI (A. Pietrangelo) letter to NRC (E. Leeds) dated March 12, 2014, "Seismic Risk Evaluations for Plants in the Central and Eastern United States."
14. NRC (E. Leeds) letter dated May 9, 2014, "Screening and Prioritization Results Regarding Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code ofFederal Regulations 50.54(t) Regarding Seismic Hazard Re-Evaluations for Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review oflnsights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident."
15. MPR Calculation 1380-0004-01, "HCLPF Evaluation for Anchorage ofVogtle 1 & 2 7.5 kV A Inverters," Revision 0.
16. MPR Calculation 1380-0004-03, "Vogtle 1 & 2 Processing Unit Anchorage HCLPF Calculation," Revision 0.
17. MPR Calculation 1380-0004-05, "Vogtle 1 & 2 Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger HCLPF Calculation," Revision 0.
18. MPR Calculation 1380-0004-06, "Vogtle 1 & 2 Boric Acid Storage Tank HCLPF Calculation," Revision 0.
19. NEI (A. Pietrangelo) letter to NRC (D. Skeen) dated April9, 2013, "Proposed Path Forward for NTTF Recommendation 2.1: Seismic Reevaluations."

MPR-4122 24 Revision 1

Attachment A: Plant Vogtle Unit 1 ESEL Table A-1. Plant Vogtle Unit 1 ESEL Items and HCLPF Results Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results RVLIS TRANSMITTER RACK 1-1201-PS-TIA Operating Operating ~RLGM TRAINA 1-1204-T4-001 See Sections 6.4 RWST Available Available 0.51

& 6.6 Anchorage 1-1205-E6-001 RHR HEAT EXCHANGER A Available Available ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.4g (Reference 17)

BORIC ACID STORAGE TANK 1-1208-T4-003 Available Available 0.44g Reference 18 (BAST) 1-1302-P4-001 TDAFW PUMP AND TURBINE SKID Standby Operating ~RLGM 1-1302-P4-001- AUX FEED PUMP, TURBINE Standby Operating ~RLGM K01 DRIVER AUXILIARY FEEDWATER TURBINE 1-1302-PS-AFP Standby Operating ~RLGM PUMP CONTROL PANEL 1-1302-PS-AFT AUX FDW TURB CONTRL PNL Standby Operating ~RLGM CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK See Sections 6.4 1-1302-V4-001 Available Available 0.55g (CST) #1 &6.6 CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK See Sections 6.4 1-1302-V4-002 Available Available 0.55g (CST) #2 & 6.6 1-1601-QS-MCB MAIN CONTROL BOARD Available Available ~RLGM 1-1601-U3-T03 MCB TERMINATION CABINET Available Available ~RLGM 1-1601-U3-T04 MCB TERMINATION CABINET Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1601-U3-T19 MCB TERMINATION CABINET Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1602-PS-NFA NFMS AMPLIFIER - TRAIN A Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-1602-05-NIR NIS INSTRUMENT RACK 1 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-1604-Q5-PP1 BOP PROTECTION PANEL 1 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-1604-Q5-PP2 BOP PROTECTION PANEL 2 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-1604-Q5-PP3 BOP PROTECTION PANEL 3 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-1604-Q5-PS1 PROCESS I&C PROTECT I Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-1604-Q5-PS2 PROCESS I&C PROTECT II Operating Operating ~RLGM MPR-4122 A-1 Revision 1

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results Anchorage ALTERN SHTDWN IND EAGLE 21 1-1605-C5-ASI Available Available ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g CAB (Reference 16) 1-1605-P5-SDA SHUTDOWN PANEL- TRAIN A Available Available ~RLGM 1-1605-P5-SDB SHUTDOWN PANEL- TRAIN B Available Available ~RLGM THERMOCOUPLE REF JUNCTION 1-1612-P5-TRA Available Available ~RLGM A

Anchorage REMOTE PROCESSING UNIT A 1-1623-05-002 Operating Operating ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g CAB 2 - TEMP AND LEVEL (Reference 16)

Anchorage REMOTE PROCESSING UNIT-1-1623-D5-005 Operating Operating ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g HYDRAULIC ISOLATORS (Reference 16)

Anchorage 1-1623-D5-006A DISPLAY PROCESSING UNIT A Operating Operating ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g (Reference 16)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Not yet installed 1-1805-D3-04T 1BBA04T for Battery Charger Normal FLEX N/A (See 1BD1CA Section 8.4)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Not yet installed 1-1805-D3-37T 1ABE37T for Battery Charger Normal FLEX N/A (See 1CD1CA Section 8.4)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Not yet installed 1-1805-D3-38T 1ABE38T for Battery Charger Normal FLEX N/A (See 1AD1CB Section 8.4)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Not yet installed 1-1805-D3-39T 1BBE39T for Battery Charger Normal FLEX N/A (See 1DD1CB Section 8.4)

Not yet installed 1-1805-F3-009 Electrical Termination Box Available Available N/A (See Section 8.4)

Not yet installed 1-1805-R3-01 P FLEX Primary Connection Box Available Available N/A (See Section 8.4)

Not yet installed FLEX Boron Injection Pump 1-1805-R3-09R Available Available N/A (See Receptacle Section 8.4)

Not yet installed 1-1805-S3-B30 480V FLEX Switchboard Standby Operating N/A (See Section 8.4) 1-1805-S3-RHR1A TRAIN C RHR ISO VLV STARTER Available Available ~RLGM MPR-4122 A-2 Revision I

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results TRAIN D RHR ISO VLV START 1-1805-S3-RHR2A Available Available ~RLGM (DISCONNECT) 1-1805-Y3-IC5 25KVA 3 PHASE INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1805-Y3-ID6 TR D 480V 3 PHASE INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-BYA 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-BYB 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-BYC 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-BYD 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-CAB BATTERY CHARGER Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-CBA BATTERY CHARGER Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-B3-CCA BATTERY CHARGER Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-Q3-DA2 125 VDC DIST PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-Q3-DB2 125 VDC DIST PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-Q3-DC1 125 VDC DISTR PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-S3-DCC 125VDC MCC Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-S3-DSA 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-S3-DSB 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1806-S3-DSC 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1806-S3-DSD 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized ~RLGM 1-1807-Q3-VI1 120 VAC VITAL DISTR PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1807-Q3-VI2 120 VAC VITAL DISTR PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1807-Q3-VI3 120 VAC VITAL DISTR PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM 1-1807-Q3-VI5 120 VAC VITAL DISTR PANEL Energized Energized  ?: RLGM Anchorage 1-1807-Y3-IA1 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized  ?: RLGM =

HCLPF 0.48g (Reference 15) 1-1807-Y3-IA11 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized  ?: RLGM Anchorage 1-1807-Y3-IB2 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized <:RLGM =

HCLPF 0.48g (Reference 15)

Anchorage 1-1807-Y3-IC3 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized  ?: RLGM =

HCLPF 0.48g (Reference 15) 1-1816-U3-002 AUX RELAY PANEL Available Available <:RLGM 1-1816-U3-007 ELECTRICAL AUXILLIARY BOARD Available Available <:RLGM 1-1821-U3-001 SF SEQUENCER BOARD TRAIN A Operating Operating <:RLGM MPR-4122 A-3 Revision 1

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results 11RNFMSJB1 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1-2207-NS-009 1/H CABLE CONNECTOR PLATE Available Available ~RLGM 13WJB2729 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM Inaccessible -

1ARJB0056 JUNCTION BOX Available Available N/A Insulated (see Section 7.1) 1ARJB0285 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB0286 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB0297 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB0298 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB0309 JUNCTION BOX Available Available e!:RLGM 1ARJB0310 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB0321 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB0322 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB3613 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB3614 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB3677 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB4931 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB4960 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB4961 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB4962 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ARJB4963 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ATJB2453 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ATJB2458 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ATJB2464 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ATJB2467 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1ATJB2781 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0287 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0288 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0299 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0300 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0311 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0312 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0323 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB0324 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM MPR-4122 A-4 Revision 1

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results 1BRJB3615 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1BRJB3679 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CDJB0001 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM Inaccessible -

1CRJB0924 JUNCTION BOX Available Available N/A High Dose (see Section 7.1) 1CRJB0925 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CRJB0929 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CRJB0930 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CRJB0931 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CRJB0931A JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM Inaccessible -

1CRJB0942 JUNCTION BOX Available Available N/A Insulated (see Section 7.1) 1CRJB3682 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CRJB3683 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2680 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2681 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2683 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2684 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2686 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2687 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2689 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1CWJB2690 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1DDJB0001 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1DRJB3684 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1DRJB3685 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1DRJB4957 Electrical Termination Box Available Available ~RLGM 1FI-5150A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FI-5151A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FI-5152A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FI-5153A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FT-5150 AFW FLOW TO SG 4 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FT-5151 AFW FLOW TO SG 2 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FT-5152 AFW FLOW TO SG 1 Operating Operating ~RLGM 1FT-5153 AFW FLOW TO SG 3 Operating Operating ~RLGM MPR-4122 Revision 1 A-5

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results 1-FV-0610 RHR PUMP 1 MINIFLOW Open Closed ~RLGM Open/




1-HV-5113 Closed ~RLGM 2MOV Open 1-HV-5120 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 4 Open Throttled ~RLGM 1-HV-5122 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 1 Open Throttled ~RLGM 1-HV-5125 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 2 Open Throttled ~RLGM 1-HV-5127 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 3 Open Throttled ~RLGM RX HEAD VENT TO LETDOWN Open/






1-HV-8821A Closed ~RLGM ISO Closed Open/ Open/





1-HV-8875D Closed ~RLGM VENT VALVE Closed MPR-4122 A-6 Revision 1

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results 1-HY-0442A 1/P CONVERTER Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-HY-0442B 1/P CONVERTER Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-HY-0943A liP CONVERTER Operating Operating ~RLGM 1LI-0102A BAST LEVEL INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM PRESSURIZER LEVEL INDIC, PROT 1LI-0459A Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 2 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 1LI-0529 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 3 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 1LI-0539 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 1 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 1Ll-0551 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I 1Ll-0554 SG 4 Level Indicator, PROT SET I Operating Operating ~RLGM 1LI-0990A RWST LEVEL INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 1Ll-51 00 CST NO.1 LOCAL INDICATION Operating Operating ~RLGM 1LI-5115 CST NO.2 LOCAL INDICATION Operating Operating ~RLGM 1-LT-0102 BAST LEVEL XMTR Operating Operating ~RLGM PRESSURIZER LEVEL 1LT-0459 Operating Operating ~RLGM TRANSMITTER SG 2 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, SET 1LT-0529 Operating Operating ~RLGM I

SG 3 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, SET 1LT-0539 Operating Operating ~RLGM I

SG 1 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, SET 1LT-0551 Operating Operating ~RLGM I

SG 4 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, SET 1LT-0554 Operating Operating ~RLGM I

1-LT-0990 RWST LEVEL XMTR Operating Operating ~RLGM RV PLENNUM LEVEL UPPER 1LT1310 Operating Operating ~RLGM RANGE 1LT1311 RV LEVEL NARROW RANGE Operating Operating ~RLGM 1LT1312 RV LEVEL WIDE RANGE Operating Operating ~RLGM 1LX1310 CONTAINMENT COMPONENT Available Available ~RLGM 1LX1311 CONTAINMENT COMPONENT Available Available ~RLGM 1LX1312 CONTAINMENT COMPONENT Available Available ~RLGM 1NRJB0940 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1PDIC-5180A AUX FW TURB STM IN - PMP OUT Operating Operating ~RLGM RCS LOOP 4 HOT LEG PRESSURE 1PI-0438 Operating Operating ~RLGM INDIC MPR-4122 A-7 Revision I

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results SG 1 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 1PI-0514A Operating Operating c::RLGM PROT SET I SG 2 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 1PI-0524A Operating Operating c::RLGM PROT SET I SG 3 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 1PI-0534A Operating Operating c::RLGM PROT SET I SG 4 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 1PI-0544A Operating Operating c::RLGM PROT SET I CONTAINMENT PRESSURE 1-PI-0937 Operating Operating c::RLGM INDICATOR SG 1 MAIN STEAM SAFETY RELIEF Open/








1-PSV-3032 Closed <!:RLGM VALVE Closed RCS LOOP 4 HOT LEG PRESSURE 1PT-0438 Operating Operating c::RLGM XMTR 1PT-Q514 SG 1 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Operating Operating <!:RLGM 1PT-Q524 SG 2 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Operating Operating <!:RLGM 1PT-Q534 SG 3 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Operating Operating <!:RLGM 1PT-Q544 SG 4 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Operating Operating <!:RLGM 1PT-0937 CNMTPRESS Operating Operating <!:RLGM TDAFW PUMP, TRIP AND <!:RLGM 1-PV-15129 Open Open THROTTLE SG 1 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/ c::RLGM 1-PV-3000 Closed VALVE Closed SG 2 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

1-PV-3010 Closed <!:RLGM VALVE Closed SG 3 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

1-PV-3020 Closed c::RLGM VALVE Closed MPR-4122 A-8 Revision 1

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments ID Description Normal Desired Results SG 4 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

1-PV-3030 Closed <:RLGM VALVE Closed XMTR CONTAINMENT 1-PX-0937 Available Available <:RLGM COMPONENT Inaccessible -

1RE13135A NEUTRON FLUX- TRAIN A Operating Operating N/A High Dose (see Section 7.1)

AUX FW TURB SPEED 1-SC-15109 Standby Operating <:RLGM CONTROLLER/ GOVERNOR 1SE-15109A AUX FW PUMP 1 TURB SPEED Standby Operating <:RLGM 1SE-15109B AUX FW PUMP 1 TURB SPEED Standby Operating <:RLGM 1-SV-15133 TDAFW PUMP GOVERNOR VALVE Closed Open <:RLGM TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0413A Operating Operating <:RLGM 1, SET I TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0413B Operating Operating <:RLGM 1, SET II TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0423A Operating Operating <:RLGM 2, SET I TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0423B Operating Operating <:RLGM 2, SET II TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0433A Operating Operating <:RLGM 3,SETI TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0433B Operating Operating <:RLGM 3, SET II TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0443A Operating Operating <:RLGM 4,SETI TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, LOOP 1TI-0443B Operating Operating ~RLGM 4,SETII 1ZIS1310 RVLIS HYDRAULIC ISOLATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 1ZIS1311 RVLIS HYDRAULIC ISOLATOR Operating Operating <:RLGM 1ZIS1312 RVLIS HYDRAULIC ISOLATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM MPR-4122 A-9 Revision 1

Plant Vogtle Unit 2 ESEL Table B-1. Plant Vogtle Unit 2 ESEL Items and HCLPF Results Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired RVLIS TRANSMITTER RACK 2-1201-P5-TIA Operating Operating ~RLGM TRAINA See Sections 6.4 2-1204-T4-001 RWST Available Available 0.51g

&6.6 Anchorage 2-1205-E6-001 RHR HEAT EXCHANGER A Available Available ~RLGM =

HCLPF 0.4g (Reference 17)

BORIC ACID STORAGE TANK 2-1208-T4-003 Available Available 0.44g Reference 18 (BAST)

TDAFW PUMP AND TURBINE 2-1302-P4-001 Standby Operating ~RLGM SKID 2-1302-P4-001- AUX FEED PUMP, TURBINE Standby Operating ~RLGM K01 DRIVER AUXILIARY FEEDWATER 2-1302-P5-AFP TURBINE PUMP CONTROL Standby Operating ~RLGM PANEL 2-1302-P5-AFT AUX FDW TURB CONTRL PNL Standby Operating ~RLGM CONDENSATE STORAGE See Sections 6.4 2-1302-V4-001 Available Available 0.55g TANK (CST) #1 &6.6 CONDENSATE STORAGE See Sections 6.4 2-1302-V4-002 Available Available 0.55g TANK (CST) #2 &6.6 2-1601-05-MCB MAIN CONTROL BOARD Available Available ~RLGM 2-1601-U3-T03 MCB TERMINATION CABINET Available Available ~RLGM 2-1601-U3-T04 MCB TERMINATION CABINET Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1601-U3-T19 MCB TERMINATION CABINET Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1602-P5-NFA NFMS AMPLIFIER - TRAIN A Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-1602-05-NIR NIS INSTRUMENT RACK 1 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-1604-Q5-PP1 BOP PROTECTION PANEL 1 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-1604-Q5-PP2 BOP PROTECTION PANEL 2 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-1604-Q5-PP3 BOP PROTECTION PANEL 3 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-1604-Q5-PS1 PROCESS I&C PROTECT I Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-1604-Q5-PS2 PROCESS I&C PROTECT II Operating Operating ~RLGM MPR-4122 B-1 Revision I

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired Anchorage ALTERN SHUTDOWN IND 2-1605-C5-AS I Available Available ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g EAGLE21 CAB (Reference 16) 2-1605-P5-SDA SHUTDOWN PANEL- TRAIN A Available Available ~RLGM 2-1605-P5-SDB SHUTDOWN PANEL- TRAIN B Available Available ~RLGM THERMOCOUPLE REF 2-1612-P5-TRA Available Available ~RLGM JUNCTION A Anchorage REMOTE PROCESSING UNIT-2-1623-D5-002 Operating Operating ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g TEMP AND LEVEL (Reference 16)

Anchorage REMOTE PROCESSING UNIT-2-1623-D5-005 Operating Operating ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g HYDRAULIC ISOLATORS (Reference 16)

Anchorage 2-1623-D5-006A DISPLAY PROCESSING UNIT A Operating Operating ~RLGM HCLPF = 0.47g (Reference 16)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch for Not Yet Installed 2-1805-D3-04 T Standby Standby N/A Battery Charger (See Section 8.4)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch for Not Yet Installed 2-1805-D3-37T Standby Standby N/A Battery Charger (See Section 8.4)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch for Not Yet Installed 2-1805-D3-38T Standby Standby N/A Battery Charger (See Section 8.4)

FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Not Yet Installed 2-1805-D3-39T Standby Standby N/A for Battery Charger (See Section 8.4)

Not Yet Installed 2-1805-F3-009 Electrical Termination Box Available Available N/A (See Section 8.4)

Not Yet Installed 2-1805-R3-0 1P FLEX Primary Connection Available Available N/A (See Section 8.4)

FLEX Boron Injection Pump Not Yet Installed 2-1805-R3-09R Available Available N/A Receptacle (See Section 8.4)

Not Yet Installed 2-1805-S3-B30 480V FLEX Switchboard Standby Operating N/A (See Section 8.4) 2-1805-S3-RH R 1A TRAIN C RHR ISO VLV START Available Available ~RLGM 2-1805-S3-RHR2A TRAIN D RHR ISO VLV START Available Available ~RLGM 2-1805-Y3-IC5 25KVA 3 PHASE INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1805-Y3-l D6 TR D 480V 3 PHASE INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-B3-BYA 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-B3-BYB 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-B3-BYC 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-B3-BYD 125 VDC BATTERY Energized Energized ~RLGM MPR-4122 B-2 Revision 1

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired 2-1806-B3-CAB BATTERY CHARGER Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-B3-CBA BATTERY CHARGER Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-B3-CCA BATTERY CHARGER Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-Q3-DA2 125 VDC DIST PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-Q3-DB2 125 VDC DIST PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-Q3-DC1 125 VDC PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-S3-DCC 125VDC MCC Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-S3-DSA 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-S3-DSB 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-S3-DSC 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1806-S3-DSD 125 VDC SWITCHGEAR Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1807-Q3-VI1 120 VITAL AC PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1807-Q3-VI2 120 VAC VITAL DISTR PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1807-Q3-VI3 120 VAC VITAL PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM 2-1807-Q3-VI5 120 VAC VITAL DISTR PANEL Energized Energized ~RLGM Anchorage 2-1807-Y3-IA 1 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM =

HCLPF 0.48g (Reference 15) 2-1807-Y3-IA11 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM Anchorage 2-1807-Y3-IB2 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM =

HCLPF 0.48g (Reference 15)

Anchorage 2-1807-Y3-IC3 VITAL AC INVERTER Energized Energized ~RLGM =

HCLPF 0.48g (Reference 15) 2-1816-U3-002 AUX RELAY PANEL Available Available ~RLGM ELECTRICAL AUXILLIARY 2-1816-U3-007 Available Available ~RLGM BOARD SF SEQUENCER BOARD 2-1821-U3-001 Operating Operating ~RLGM TRAINA 21RNFMSJB1 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 1/H CABLE CONNECTOR 2-2207-N6-009 Available Available ~RLGM PLATE ITEM 01 2-2403-P4-001 D.F.O. STOR TANK PUMP-1 Standby On/Off ~RLGM 2-2403-P4-001- DIESEL FUEL OIL STORAGE Standby On/Off ~RLGM M01 TANK PUMP 1 MOTOR DIESEL FUEL OIL STORAGE 2-2403-T4-001 Available Available ~RLGM TANKA 2-2403-T4-003 DIESEL FUEL OIL DAY TANK Available Available ~RLGM MPR-4122 B-3 Revision 1

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired 23WJB2729 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM Inaccessible -

2ARJB0056 JUNCTION BOX Available Available N/A Insulated (see Section 7.1) 2ARJB0285 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0286 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0297 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0298 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0309 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0310 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0321 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB0322 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB3613 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB3614 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB3677 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB4931 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB4960 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB4961 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB4962 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ARJB4963 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ATJB2453 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ATJB2458 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ATJB2464 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ATJB2467 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2ATJB2781 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2-AZ-JB-3740 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2-AZ-JB-3741 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0287 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0288 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0299 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0300 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0311 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0312 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0323 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB0324 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2BRJB3615 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM MPR-4122 B-4 Revision 1

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired 2BRJB3679 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CDJB0001 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM Inaccessible-2CRJB0924 JUNCTION BOX Available Available N/A High Dose (see Section 7.1) 2CRJB0925 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB0929 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB0930 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB0930A JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB0930B JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB0931 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB3682 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CRJB3683 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2680 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2681 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2683 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2684 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2686 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2687 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2689 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2CWJB2690 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2DDJB0001 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2DRJB3684 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2DRJB3685 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM 2DRJB4957 Electrical Termination Box Available Available ~RLGM 2FI-5150A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FI-5151A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FI-5152A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FI-5153A AFW FLOW INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FT-5150 AFW FLOW TO SG 4 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FT-5151 AFW FLOW TO SG 2 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FT-5152 AFW FLOW TO SG 1 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2FT-5153 AFW FLOW TO SG 3 Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-FV-0610 RHR PUMP 1 MINIFLOW Open Closed ~RLGM REACTOR HEAD LETDOWN Open/

2-HV-0442A Closed ~RLGM sov Closed MPR-4122 B-5 Revision 1

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired REACTOR HEAD LETDOWN Open/

2-HV-04428 Closed i::RLGM sov Closed ACCUM NITROGEN HDR VENT Open/


2-HV-5113 Closed i::RLGM CST2 MOV Open 2-HV-5120 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 4 Open Throttled i::RLGM 2-HV-5122 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 1 Open Throttled i::RLGM 2-HV-5125 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 2 Open Throttled i::RLGM 2-HV-5127 TDAFW DISCH MOV TO S/G 3 Open Throttled i::RLGM RX HEAD VENT TO LETDOWN Open/




2-HV-80968 Closed i::RLGM ISOLATION Closed RHR PMP A SUCT FROM HL 2-HV-87018 Open Closed i::RLGM LOOP 1 MOV RHRP-8 IRC SUCT ISO FROM 2-HV-8702A Open Closed i::RLGM LOOP 4 HL,*,*,8 RHR PUMP A SUCTION FROM Open/

2-HV-8812A Operating i::RLGM RWST Closed SIP TRAIN A TO RCS COLD Open/

2-HV-8821A Closed i::RLGM LEG ISO Closed SIS COLD LEG LOOP IN HDR Open/ Open/

2-HV-8835 i::RLGM ISO Closed Closed ACCUMULATOR 1 NITROGEN Open/




2-HV-8875D Closed i::RLGM VENT VALVE Closed 2-HY-0442A liP CONVERTER Operating Operating i::RLGM 2-HY-04428 liP CONVERTER Operating Operating i::RLGM 2-HY-0943A liP CONVERTER Operating Operating i::RLGM MPR-4122 B-6 Revision 1

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired 2LI-0102A BAST LEVEL INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM PRESSURIZER LEVEL INDIC, 2LI-0459A Operating Operating ~RLGM PROT SET I SG 2 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 2LI-0529 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 3 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 2LI-0539 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 1 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 2LI-0551 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 4 LEVEL INDICATOR, PROT 2LI-0554 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I 2LI-0990A RWST LEVEL INDICATOR Operating Operating ~RLGM 2LI-5100 CST NO. 1 LOCAL INDICATION Operating Operating ~RLGM 2LI-5115 CST NO. 2 LOCAL INDICATION Operating Operating ~RLGM 2-LT-0102 BAST LEVEL XMTR Operating Operating ~RLGM PRESSURIZER LEVEL 2LT-0459 Operating Operating ~RLGM TRANSMITTER SG 2 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, 2LT-0529 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I SG 3 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, 2LT-0539 Operating Operating ~RLGM SETI SG 1 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, 2LT-0551 Operating Operating ~RLGM SETI SG 4 NARROW RANGE LEVEL, 2LT-0554 Operating Operating ~RLGM SET I 2-LT-0990 RWST LEVEL XMTR Operating Operating ~RLGM RV PLENNUM LEVEL UPPER 2LT1310 Operating Operating ~RLGM RANGE 2LT1311 RV LEVEL NARROW RANGE Operating Operating ~RLGM 2LT1312 RV LEVEL WIDE RANGE Operating Operating ~RLGM 2LX1310 CONTAINMENT COMPONENT Available Available ~RLGM 2LX1311 CONTAINMENT COMPONENT Available Available ~RLGM

.2LX1312 CONTAINMENT COMPONENT Available Available ~RLGM 2NRJB0940 JUNCTION BOX Available Available ~RLGM AUX FW TURB STM IN - PMP ~RLGM 2PDIC-5180A Operating Operating OUT RCS LOOP 4 HOT LEG ~RLGM 2PI-0438 Operating Operating PRESSURE INDIC MPR-4122 B-7 Revision 1

Equipment Operating State HCLPF Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired SG 1 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 2PI-0514A Operating Operating <::RLGM PROT SET I SG 2 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 2PI-0524A Operating Operating <::RLGM PROT SET I SG 3 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 2PI-0534A Operating Operating <::RLGM PROT SET I SG 4 PRESSURE INDICATOR, 2PI-0544A Operating Operating <::RLGM PROT SET I CONTAINMENT PRESSURE 2-PI-0937 Operating Operating <::RLGM INDICATOR SG 1 MAIN STEAM SAFETY Open/








2-PSV-3032 Closed <::RLGM RELIEF VALVE Closed RCS LOOP 4 HOT LEG 2PT-0438 Operating Operating <::RLGM PRESSURE XMTR SG 1 PRESSURE 2PT-0514 Operating Operating <::RLGM TRANSMITTER SG 2 PRESSURE 2PT-0524 Operating Operating <::RLGM TRANSMITTER SG 3 PRESSURE 2PT-0534 Operating Operating <::RLGM TRANSMITTER SG 4 PRESSURE 2PT-0544 Operating Operating <::RLGM TRANSMITTER 2PT-0937 CNMTPRESS Operating Operating <::RLGM TDAFW PUMP, TRIP AND 2-PV-15129 Open Open <::RLGM THROTTLE SG 1 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

2-PV-3000 Closed <::RLGM VALVE Closed SG 2 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

2-PV-3010 Closed <::RLGM VALVE Closed MPR-4122 B-8 Revision 1

Operating State HCLPF Equipment Notes/

Screening Comments Results ID Description Normal Desired SG 3 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

2-PV-3020 Closed <= RLGM VALVE Closed SG 4 ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF Open/

2-PV-3030 Closed <= RLGM VALVE Closed XMTR CONTAINMENT 2-PX-0937 Available Available <= RLGM COMPONENT Inaccessible-2RE13135A NEUTRON FLUX - TRAIN A Operating Operating N/A High Dose (see Section 7.1)

AUX FW TURB SPEED 2-SC-15109 Standby Operating <= RLGM CONTROLLER/ GOVERNOR 2SE-15109A AUX FW PUMP 1 TURB SPEED Standby Operating <= RLGM 2SE-15109B AUX FW PUMP 1 TURB SPEED Standby Operating <= RLGM TDAFW PUMP GOVERNOR 2-SV-15133 Closed Open i2:RLGM VALVE TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0413A Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP 1, SET I TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0413B Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP 1, SET II TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0423A Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP2, SET I TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0423B Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP2, SET II TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0433A Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP 3, SET I TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0433B Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP3, SET II TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0443A Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP4, SET I TEMP INDICATOR HOT LEG, 2TI-0443B Operating Operating <= RLGM LOOP4, SET II 2ZIS1310 RVLIS HYDRAULIC ISOLATOR Operating Operating <= RLGM 2ZIS1311 RVLIS HYDRAULIC ISOLATOR Operating Operating i2:RLGM 2ZIS1312 RVLIS HYDRAULIC ISOLATOR Operating Operating i2:RLGM MPR-4122 B-9 Revision 1

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant- Units 1 and 2 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report -

Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Enclosure 2 Required Actions and Schedule for Completion of ESEP Activities to NL-14-1996 Vogtle Electric Generate Plant- Units 1 and 2 Required Actions and Schedule for Completion of ESEP Activities Vogtle Unit 1 Required Actions and Schedule for ESEL Items Not Installed as of Walkdowns/Report Issuance

  1. Equipment Outage Required Scheduled Number Required Action Completion Date 1
  • 1-1805-D3-04T- FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Does NOT require outage to After the item is installed, December 2016 1BBA04 T for Battery Charger 1BD 1CA walk down or install perform Seismic (2 years after ESEP Report modification (if modification is Walkdown, generate
  • 1-1805-D3-37T- FLEX Manual Transfer Switch necessary) HCLPF evaluations in submittal) 1ABE37T for Battery Charger 1CD1 CA accordance with EPRI
  • 1-1805-D3-38T - FLEX Manual Transfer Switch 3002000704 and EPRI 1ABE38T for Battery Charger 1AD1CB NP-6041-SL, and design/

implement any

  • 1-1805-D3-39T - FLEX Manual Transfer Switch modifications necessary to 1BBE39T for Battery Charger 1 DD1 CB meet ESEP requirements.
  • 1-1805-F3-009 - Electrical Termination Box
  • 1-1805-R3-01 P - FLEX Primary Connection Box
  • 1-1805-R3-09R- FLEX Boron Injection Pump Receptacle
  • 1-1805-S3-B30- 480V FLEX Switchboard 2 NA NA Submit letter to NRC March 31, 2017 summarizing results of (90 days following completion Item 1 above and provide of ESEP activities) confirmation that corresponding plant modifications, if required, are complete.

E2-1 to NL-14-1996 Vogtle Electric Generate Plant - Units 1 and 2 Required Actions and Schedule for Completion of ESEP Activities Vogtle Unit 2 Required Actions and Schedule for ESEL Items Not Installed as of Walkdowns/Report Issuance

  1. Equipment Outage Required Scheduled Number Required Action Completion Date 1
  • 2-1805-D3-04T - FLEX Manual Transfer Switch Does NOT require outage to After the item is installed, December 2016 2BBA04T for Battery Charger 2BD1 CA walk down or install perform Seismic (2 years after ESEP Report modification (if modification is Walkdown, generate
  • 2-1805-D3-37T - FLEX Manual Transfer Switch necessary) HCLPF evaluations in submittal}

2ABE37T for Battery Charger 2CD1 CA accordance with EPRI

  • 2-1805-D3-38T - FLEX Manual Transfer Switch 3002000704 and EPRI 2ABE38T for Battery Charger 2AD1 CB NP-6041-SL, and design/

implement any

  • 2-1805-D3-39T - FLEX Manual Transfer Switch modifications necessary to 2BBE39T for Battery Charger 2DD1 CB meet ESEP requirements.
  • 2-1805-F3-009- Electrical Termination Box
  • 2-1805-R3-01 P- FLEX Primary Connection
  • 2-1805-R3-09R- FLEX Boron Injection Pump Receptacle
  • 2-1805-S3-B30- 480V FLEX Switchboard 2 NA NA Submit letter to NRC March 31, 2017 summarizing results of (90 days following completion Item 1 above and provide of ESEP activities) confirmation that corresponding plant modifications, if required, are complete.


Vogtle Electric Generating Plant- Units 1 and 2 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report -

Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Enclosure 3 Table of Regulatory Commitments to NL-14-1996 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Units 1 and 2 Table of Regulatory Commitments Type Scheduled Commitment Completion Date One-Time Continuing Action Compliance (If Required)

Vogtle Unit 1 Complete the remaining NTTF 2.1 X Within 90 days Unit 1 ESEL walkdowns/evaluations following completion of for items that are not currently ESEP activities but no installed. These items are identified later than March 31 I in Attachment A of the Vogtle 2017.

Units 1 and 2 ESEP Report (Enclosure 1 of this letter) and summarized in Enclosure 2.

Vogtle Unit 2 Complete the remaining NTTF 2.1 X Within 90 days Unit 2 ESEL walkdowns/evaluations following completion of for items that are not currently ESEP activities but no installed. These items are identified later than March 31 I in Attachment B of the Vogtle 2017.

Units 1 and 2 ESEP Report (Enclosure 1 of this letter) and summarized in Enclosure 2.
