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Final Rept Orise 95/E-81, Confirmatory Survey of Exterior Areas of Bldgs 1 & 2,Cintichem,Inc,Tuxedo,NY
Person / Time
Site: 05000054, 07000687
Issue date: 05/17/1998
From: Abelquist E, Laudeman M, Payne A
Shared Package
ML20236S022 List:
CON-FIN-A-9076 ORISE-95-E-81, NUDOCS 9807240096
Download: ML20236S040 (65)


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1 ORISE 95/E-81 1 CONFIRMATORY SURVEY OF TIIE EXTERIOR AREAS OF BUILDINGS 1 AND 2 CINTICHEM, INCORPORATED TUXEDO, NEW YORK Prepared by  ! E. W. Abelquist l Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program Energy / Environment Systems Division Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117 l I l Prepared for the  ; i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I Office FINAL REPORT l MAY 1995  ! l I 4 i i i I This report is based on work performed under an Interagency Agreement (NRC Fin. No. A-  ; 9076) between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education performs complementary work under contract nurnber DE-AC05-760R00033 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Cinhchem Sile Tuxedo, NY May 16,1995

CONFIRMATORY SURVEY OF THE  ! EXTERIOR AREAS OF BUILDINGS 1 AND 2  ! CINTICIIEM, INCORPORATED TUXEDO, NEW YORK 1 Prepared by: P Date: l E. W. Abelquist, Project geader Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program i Reviewed by: hk kekw Date:f/rthr M. J. I2udeman, Radiochemistry Laboratory Supervisor l Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program Reviewed by: & '7 h h Date: 5/D/4f A. T. Payne, Quality Aslurance Officer Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program Reviewed by: / Date: $//Mf/ W. L. Beck, Program Director Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program l t cwcw swine. en . my 16, im l i .j

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS l The author would like to acknowledge the significant contributions of the following staff , members: l FIELD STAFF , G. R. Foltz l T. L. Bright l A. L. Mashburn  ! J. R. Morton  ; I LABORATORY STAFF 1 R. D. Condra  ; R. L. Epperson M. J. Laudeman S. T. Shipley I CLERICAL STAFF  ! l D. A. Adams R. D. Ellis K. E. Waters l ILLUSTRATOR l T. D. Herrera I' I I l Cmtichem Site-Tuxedo, NY . May16,1995

l l

                                                                                          . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii List of Tables ..............................................iii
             ' Abbreviations and Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv                                                          ,

i l Introduction and Site History . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Site Description ............................................. 3 Obj ectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 I

            . Document Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                                                           '

Procedures ................................................ 4 Findings and Results .......................................... 8 l Comparison of Results with Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

            . S u m mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     12 References                 ...............................................41 Appendices:

Appendix A: Major Instrumentation

                                                ' Appendix B:                      Survey and Analytical Procedures
                                             - Appendix C:                         Regulatory Guide 1.86, Termination of Operating Licenses for                                 l Nuclear Reactors l

l j l 1 l l F I l _ Cuarlwen She-Tuxedo, NY . May 16,1995 i  ! l I i E_____________._.____.____ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _. . _ _ . _ ._J

LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURE 1: Location of the Cintichem Site, Tuxedo, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 j FIGURE 2: Plot Plan of the Exterior Areas South of the Reactor Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

 . FIGURE 3: HUT Floor-Measurement and Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                  15 l

FIGURE 4: HUT Floor Cores-Measurement and Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . 16 i FIGURE 5: Bedrock Wall of HUT Excavation-Measurement and Sampling

                     ' Locations       .......................................17 FIGURE 6: Pump Room Roof-Measurement Ixcations ..................18                                                      ;

FIGURE 7: Pump Room South Wall-Measurement locations ..............19 FIGURE 8: Reactor Building Roof-Measurement and Sampling Locations . . . . . . . 20 FIGURE 9: East Exterior Wall of the Reactor Building-Measurement  ! Locations .......................................21 FIGURE 10: West Exterior Wall of the Reactor Building-Measurement l Locations ....................... ...............22 FIGURE 11: Storage Tank Foundation-Measurement and Sampling locations . . . . . 23 FIGURE 12: Cooling Tower and Shack-Measurement Locations ............24 FIGURE 13: Asphalt Drive -Measurement Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

 - FIGURE 14: General Grounds-Exposure Rate Measurement and Surface Soil Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            26 FIGURE 15: HUT Excavation-Surface Soil Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                               27 FIGURE 16: General Area, Spoils Pile-Surface Soil Sampling locations . . . . . . . .                                28 FIGURE 17: Grounds East of Asphalt Drive-Surface Soil Sampling locations . . . . .                                  29 FIGURE 18: Cooling Tower Adjacent Grounds-Surface Soil Sampling Locations . . .                                      30 FIGURE 19: 5K Tank Area and Mall Spoils Pile-Exposure Rate Measurement I                       and Surface Soil Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                31 FIGURE 20: Background Surface Soil and Exposure Rate Measurement Locations . . .                                     32 l

Cienctwun She Tuxedo, NY . May 16,1995 il l l


    . TABLE 1:            Summary of Surface Activity Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                           33 TABLE 2:             Exposure Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                 34
    , TABLE 3:            Background Exposure Rates and Radionuclides Concentrations in Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                 35 TABLE 4:             Radionuclides Concentrations in Soil . . . . .                                                                       .................36 TABLE 5:             Radionuclides Concentrations in Miscellaneous Samples . . . . . . . . . . .                                                            40 I'

I i Cintichem site-Tuxedo, NY . May 16,1995 iii

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS R/h microroentgen per hour ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers em centimeter

                 .cm 2                   square centimeter epm                    counts per minute DOE                    Department of Energy dpm/100 cm2            disintegrations per minute /100 square centimeters EML                    Environmental Measurement Laboratory EPA                    Environmental Protection Agency ESSAP                  Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program GM                     Geiger-Mueller HUT                    Hold-up Tank kg                     kilogram m                      meter m2                     square meter mm                     millimeter MeV                    million electron volts MDA                    minimum detectable activity Nal                    sodium iodide NI6f                   National Institute of Standards and Technology NRC                    Nuclear Regulatory Commission ORAU                   Oak Ridge Associated Universities ORISE                  Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education pCi/g                  picoeuries per gram l

PIC pressurized ionization chamber RCA radiologically controlled area ZnS zinc sulfide I l l Cintichem She-Tuxedo, NY May 16, 1995 iv I


                                                                                     .;                 CINTICHEM, INCORPORATED TUXEDO, NEW YORK L                                                                                                                                                                    ,

INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY ! Originally constructed by the Union Carbide Corporation during the period of 1957 to 1960, the - L Cintichem, Inc. research reactor and radiochemical processing facilities operated for-30 years- q

                                                            'until its shutdown in 1990. Union Carbide operated the facility until 1985, when Cintichem, Inc. became owner under the parent company Medi-Physics, Inc. The property was later
                                                            - purchased by the present parent company, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. in 1990. The 1990
shutdown occurred in view of two basic defects.that delineated the plant to be functionally i

! outmoded. Therefore, it was decided that radiochemical processing operations be permanently

                                                            . terminated and decommissioning initiated.

Cintichem operated a reactor housed in Building 1 that achieved initial criticality in 1961 and commenced routine operation at 5 MW on a limited duty cycle. Experimental work in neutron activation analysis, radioisotope production, and neutron spectroscopy was also initiated in 1961. In'1963, the Cintichem site began production of medical application radioisotopes including I-131, Mo-99, Au-198, I-125, Fe-59, Hg-197, and Hg-203 through thermal neutron activation. Fast neutron activation products such as P-32 were also produced in the reactor while all other radioisotopes were produced in the hot cells in Building 2. In 1971 fission products from U-235 were separated for the production of Mo-99. This process eventually allowed the production of

                                                            - Xe-133 and I-131, as well, and was the predominant operation activity until shutdown occurred in 1990.8 The first of the two defects that led to the operations halt and decommissioning commencement            l
                                                            -involved a hot cell exhaust duct. The exhaust duct, which was constructed of vitreous clay, ran underground from the main filter room to the hot cell filter room and to a header under the hot cell operating floor. In late 1989, groundwater contamination was discovered in a sump _in the northeast corner of the Tl room. Evidence indicated that existing voids caused by the backfilling       ;

1 Cintichem Siec-Tuxedo. NY - May 16, 1995

of large pieces of rock in the surrounding ground of the Tl room allowed air to leak from the hot cell exhaust duct. This exhaust air leakage occurred upstream of the hot cell filter room and passed around the Tl room and re-entered the hot cell exhaust duct system somewhere under the hot r room or downstream of it. While investigating the groundwater contamination created from the hot cell exhaust duct, leaks were discovered in the reactor primary coolant containment system. One leak was identified at l the base of the gamma facility north wall and the other leaks were located at the southeast and southwest corners of the hold-up tank (HUT). During decommissioning, a third leak was discovered in the south end of the canal where it connects to the pool. While only decommissioning activities are currently taking place at the site, Cintichem maintains l Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license numbers R-81, Docket 50-54 and SNM 639, Docket 70-687. The facility is also licensed for possession of by-product material under N.Y. Code Rule 38 by the Agreement States Program, license #0729-0322. l t The HUT interior was initially decontaminated by scabbling the ceiling, walls, and floor. . Pipe penetrations and cracks in the wall between the HUT and the pump room were removed by core drilling and sawing. Approximately 30 feet of overburden (soil and rock) was excavated from above and around the HUT so that the east, south, and west sides were exposed down to the L ' HUT floor level. The roof and pump room south wall were also uncovered in this excavation. Contaminated soil was not encountered until the excavation reached the HUT roof. Some of the uncontaminated soil and rock was placed in a spoils pile, located near the south entrance gate t l~ of the radiologically controlled area (RCA). The majority of the uncontaminated overburden i was staged in a spoils pile south of the Waste Storage Building. Contaminated soil was packaged and shipped to a licensed disposal facility. The roof and walls of the HUT were removed to facilitate decontamination as necessary. The HUT floor was decontaminated in situ. The primary radiological contaminants for surfaces and grounds near the reactor building include Fe-55, Co-60, Sr-90, Tc-99, Ag-110m, and Ni-63. I Cinuchre She Tuxedo. NY May 16,1995 2

The primny coolant storage tank and accessory above-ground piping, located south of the reactor building, were dismantled for decontamination. Contaminated soil that was identified below the tank floor was excavated down to several feet below grade. Uncontaminated soil from this excavation was placed in the spoils pile near the south entrance gate of the RCA. Two SK storage tanks were located underground east of the reactor building. The tanks, used for storage of processed waste water from Buildings 1,2, and 4, were mounted on saddles and a concrete pad. Water was stored in these tanks so that it could be sampled and assayed for radioactivity prior to release to the environment. The tanks and surrounding soil were excavated. Some contaminated soil was identified around the manhole access at the top of the tanks and was removed. The uncontaminated soil was placed in a nearby spoils pile. At the request of the NRC's Region 1 Office, the Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program (ESSAP) of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) performed an independent confirmatory survey of the exterior areas adjacent to Building 1 at the Cintichem site in Tuxedo, New York. SITE DESCRIPTION The Cintichem sit is located in the extreme southeastern corner of Orange County, New York in the city of Tuxedo (Figure 1). The plant site is approximately six miles north of the New Jersey state line and is situated on 40 hectares (100 acres) of land in an area known as Sterling Forest. The plant is situated on the eastern slope of Hogback Mountain. Large volumes of bedrock comprising the east slope of the mountain were blasted away and removed during construction of the foundations of Buildings 1 and 2. 2 The region of concern for this survey was the approximate 4,500 m exterior area south of the reactor building. This area included the hold-up tank excavation and the pump room roof which l are adjoined to the southeast corner of the reactor building, the primary coolant storage tank area, and the secondary coolant forced convection reactor cooling tower (Figure 2). The 5K tank area was located east of the reactor building. Cmnchem Stie-Tuxedo, NY - May 16, 1995 3 l

OBJECTIVES The objectives of the confirmatory survey were to provide independent document reviews and radiological survey data for use by the NRC in evaluating the adequacy and accuracy of the licensee's procedures and final status survey results. DOCUMENT REVIEW ESSAP has reviewed the licensee's final status survey plan and report, including radiological survey data.2 Procedures and methods utilized by the licensee were reviewed for adequacy and appropriateness. The data were reviewed for accuracy, completeness and compliance with guidelines. PROCEDURES During the period April 4 through 6,1995, ESSAP performed a confirmatory survey at the Cintichem site in Tuxedo, New York. The survey was conducted in accordance with a survey

plan dated March 29,1995, submitted to and approved by the NRC's Region I Office.2 This report summarizes the procedures and results of the survey. Additionalinformation concerning l J


- major instrumentation, sampling equipment, and analytical procedures is provided in Appendices l' 'A and B.

SURVEY PROCEDURES The licensee divided the exterior areas of the site into survey units to facilitate the final survey. The survey units included the 1) HUT floor, 2) exterior walls of the reactor building, 3) roof of the reactor building,4) south exterior wall of the pump room,5) bedrock wall of the HUT l excavation, 6) exterior roof of the pump room,7) grounds area south of the reactor building l i within the radiologically controlled area, 8) storage tank excavation,9) cooling tower shack and l soil area, and 10) 5K tank excavation. chim wruao. ru - my is, im 4

l Reference Grid

                 .ESSAP used the reference grid system established by the licensee for survey documentation.

Measurement and sampling locations on ungridded surfaces were referenced to prominent site features or the existing grid. Surface Scans Exterior- soil surfaces were. scanned for gamma radiation using NaI scintillation detectors. 1

                 . Approximately 50% of the soil area, including the spoils pile near the south entrance gate,-      l within the radiologically controlled area, was scanned. .A 50% scan of the asphalt drive was performed with a large area. gas proportional detector. . Surface scans for alpha, beta, and gamma activity were performed on 5 to 25% of other surfaces, including the HUT floor and          l l

bedrock. walls, reactor building and pump room surfaces, and 5K tank area, using gas  ! proportional, ZnS, GM, and/or NaI scintillation detectors. Particular attention was given to j cracks and joints in the surfaces and walls, ledges, ducts, drains, and other locations where l material may have accumulated. All' detectors were coupled to ratemeters or ratemeter-scalers with audible indicators. Locations of elevated direct radiation detected by scans were marked ' for further investigation. , . Surface Activitv Measurements , 1

                  ' Direct measurements for total alpha and total beta activity were performed at 151 locations,     :

measurements on the reactor building roof were performed on three separate roof surface layers at each measurement location. This resulted in a total of 163 surface activity measurements, including locations of elevated direct radiation identified by surface scans. These measurements

                  . were representative of nine of the ten survey units listed above; surface activity measurements  ,

on the 5K tank concrete foundation were not performed because the excavation had been backfilled (with NRC concurrence) prior to ESSAP's arrival. Measurements were performed using gas proportional and/or ZnS detectors for alpha activity, and gas proportional and/or GM Catichem Site Tuxedo NY - May 16,1995 5

detectors for beta activity, coupled to ratemeter-scalers. Measurement locations are shown on Figures 3 through 13. Because exterior surfaces had weathered, and were not expected to exhibit removable surface l activity, smear samples were not collected. Exoosure Rate Measurements 1 i Exposure rate measurements were performed within the general grounds of the RCA, the HUT l floor, roof of the reactor building, and the 5K tank' area. Exposure rates were measured at 1 m above surfaces at 24 locations using a pressurized ioniza' ion chamber (PIC) and/or a microrem I meter. Background exposure rate measurements were performed using a PIC at five locations within a 0.5 to 10 km radius of the site. Measurement locations are shown on Figures 3, 8,14, 19, and 20.  ! j- Soil Samnline Five background soil samples were collected from each location of external background exposure rate measurement. . I ' A total of 50 surface soil samples (0 to 15 cm) were collected from the exterior areas included in the survey scope. Specifically, these sampling locations included the grounds area south of

             . the reactor building within the radiologically controlled area (12 samples), bedrock walls of the HUT excavation (8 samples), spoils pile from the HUT / storage tank excavation (8 samples),                    !
             . grounds east of the asphalt drive (5 samples), storage tank excavation area (5 samples), cooling tower soil area (6 samples), and the 5K tank area spoils pile and backfilled excavation (6 samples). Soil samples were collected both randomly and from locations of elevated direct radiation identified by surface scans. Subsurface soil samples were not collected due to the
             . difficulty in penetrating the rocky terrain. Soil sampling locations are shown on Figures 11 and 14 through 20.

Cindebem She-Tuxedo. NY May 16,1995 6

l Miscellaneous Samoling l A total of 11 miscellaneous samples were collected from the HUT floor (4 samples), bedrock walls of the HUT excavation (3 samples), HUT floor cores (2 samples), and reactor building ! roofing material (2 samples). . Miscellaneous sampling locations are illustrated on Figures 3, 4, 5, and 8. l ! SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION l j Samples and data were returned to ESSAP's laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for analysis and interpretation. Soil and miscellaneous samples were analyzed by solid state gamma spectrometry. Spectra were reviewed for Co-60, Ag-110m, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-144, and Eu-152, and any other identifiable photopeaks. A limited number of samples were analyzed by wet chemistry methods for Sr-90. Soil and miscellaneous sample results were reported in units

of picocuries per gram (pCi/g). Direct measurements for surface activity were converted to 2

units of disintegrations per minute per 100 square centimeters (dpm/100 cm). Since the radionuclides Fe-55, H-3, and Ni-63 comprise approximately 70% of the radionuclides mix, and are not detectable with the field instrumentation being used, a scaling factor was applied to the net count rate to account for all of the detectatie and non-detectable radionuclides present. Thus, a scaling factor of 0.3 was used to correct the net count rate: surface activity (dpm/too cm') - (epiciency) (Pro area) (0.3) Exposure rates were reported in units of microroentgens per hour ( R/h). Results were compared with the licensee's documentation and NRC guidelines established for release to unrestricted use, which are provided in Appendix C. I I i 7 cmtichem Site-Tuxedo, NY - May 16,1995 L__-__.----_ _ _ _ _ _ - . - _. ._ . _ _ _ - . _ _ _ . . . _ _ - _ _ __ --_-.-_A


ESSAP reviewed the licensee's final status survey plan and report, including the final status survey data.8 The survey instrumentation and procedures used, including measurement and sampling frequencies, were discussed at length, and guidelines for surface contamination, radionuclides concentrations in soil, and exposure rates were clearly stated. The site description, operational history, and decommissioning activities provided detailed information on the
radiological status of the site.

One deficiency identified involved the survey data contained in the tables. The data column headings were not clearly described in the final status survey plan. It was recommended that each column of the data tables be defined and described in more detail. Also, there was a discrepancy between the minimum detectable activity (MDA) values that were reported in Table 5.3 (based on 0.2 minute counts) and one minute counts that were performed in the field. It was recommended that Table 5.3 be revised to include the actual count times in determining the MDA. These deficiencies were resolved by the licensee.d In general, the radiological survey data adequately represented the radiological status of the exterior surveyed areas adjacent to the reactor building. SURVEY RESUI,TS l Surface Scans Surface scans identified numerous locations of elevated beta and gamma activity within the general grounds south of the reactor building, asphalt drive, and the 5K tank area. Granite rock I

                   .was present at each of these locations and considered to be the reason for the elevated activity.

Soil samples were collected at many of these locations to confirm that the elevated activity was due to naturally occurring radioactivity contained in the rock. cman SMudo, NY . my M, M5 8 l t

Surface scans also identified several locations of elevated beta and gamma activity within the HUT excavation on both the floor and bedrock walls. One particular location within the HUT l excavation exhibited gamma activity at levels approximately 20 times background. This area, identified as a vein of natural thorium and uranium ore, was sampled to verify this assumption. Surface Activity Measurements


l l Surface activity measurements for total alpha and beta activity are summarized in Table 1. Direct measurements were also performed at locations of elevated surface activity identified by scans. Total alpha activity levels for all measurement locations ranged from <73 to 1,300 dpm/100 cm2 . Total beta activity levels for measurement locations outside of the HUT 2 excavation ranged from <2,000 to 6,800 dpm/100 cm . The total beta activity levels for measurement locations within the HUT excavation ranged from < 5,400 to 140,000 dpm/100 cm2 . Miscellaneous samples were collected from representative locations to confirm that the elevated beta activity was due to natural radioactivity. Exposure Rates Background exposure rates ranged from 8 to 12 R/h (Table 3). Exposure rate measurements ranged from 15 to 50 R/h above the floor in the HUT excavation; ranged from 8 to 9 pR/h on the reactor building roof; ranged from 11 to 14 R/h over the general grounds south of the reactor building;~and ranged from 10 to 12 R/h in the 5K tank area (Table 2). i Radionuclides Concentrations in Soll Samoles Radionuclides concentrations in background samples are summarized in Table 3 and were

                    <0.5 pCi/g for Ce-144, <0.2 pCi/g for Eu-152, <0.1 pCi/g for Cs-134, <0.1 pCi/g for Ag-110m, <0.1 to 1.5 pCi/g for Cs-137, <0.1 pCi/g for Co-60,1.3 to 2.6 pCi/g for total thorium, and <2.3 pCi/g for total uranium Concentrations of total thorium and total uranium are provided to demonstrate that the elevated direct radiation levels identified at certain site Cinuchean Site-Tuedo, NY - May 16.1995               9

V l locations were due to natural radioactivity. It should be noted that the concentrations of thorium ! and uranium reported herein are not from licensed operations, but are the results of natural ore deposits. L Concentrations of radionuclides in surface soil samples collected randomly and from locations of elevated direct radiation are summarized in Table 4. Radionuclides concentration ranges are as follows: <0.4 to 0.5 pCi/g for Sr-90, <0.4 pCi/g for Ce-144, <0.2 pCi/g for Eu-152,

                      <0.1 pCi/g for Cs-134, <0.1 pCi/g for Ag-110m, <0.1 to 1.7 pCi/g for Cs-137, <0.1 to 0.2 pCi/g for Co-60,1.6 to 4.8 pCi/g for total thorium, and <1.0 to 19.2 pCi/g for total uranium. Background radionuclides concentrations have not been subtracted.

I The elevated levels of natural radioactivity were apparently due to deposits of thorium and l . uranium in the bedrock. Total uranium and total thorium concentrations for samples were calculated, based on the secular equilibrium state of the two decay series.' Total uranium was determined by multiplying the measured U-238 concentration, based on the Th-234 daughter, by 2 (to account for the U-234) and adding to that value, the measured U-235 concentration. Total thorium was determined by adding the measured Th-232 concentration, based on the - Ac-228 daughter, and the Th-228 concentration, based on the Pb-212 daughter.

                   . Radionuclides Concentrations in ' Miscellaneous Samoles Concentrations of radionuclides in miscellaneous samples collected randomly and from locations of elevated direct radiation are summarized in Table 5. Radionuclides concentration ranges are as follows: <0.4 to 1.4 pCi/g for Sr-90, <2.3 pCi/g for Ce-144, < 1.1 pCi/g for Eu-152,
                      <0.3 pCi/g for Cs-134, <0.4 pCi/g for .Ag-110m, <0.4 pCi/g for Cs-137, <0.3 pCi/g for
                   ' Co-60,'l.7 to 253.9 pCi/g for total thorium, and <44.4 pCi/g for total uranium. Background radionuclides concentrations have not been subtracted.

l l-cena saan.*>. w - my a. ms 10


                                      . The primary contaminants of concern for this site are activation and fission products (i.e., beta-gamma emitters) from the operation of the research reactor (e.g., H-3, Fe-55, Co-60, Sr-90,

, ' Tc-99). The applicable NRC guidelines for surface activity levels are based on the Regulatory i ! Guide ~ 1.86 limits, as modified by the NRC-approved increased H-3 and Fe-55 surface contamination limits.54 The effective beta-gamma surface contamination limits, using the sum-L of-the-fractions mrt!.odology, are: Total activity i 13,500 dpm/100 cm2 , averaged over a 1 m2 area 40,500 dpm/100 cm2 , maximum in a 100 cm2 area ) l The alpha surface contamination limits are based on uranium: Total activity ! 5,000 dpm a/100 cm 2, averaged over a 1 m2 area i 15,000 dpm a/100 cm2 , maximum in a 100 cm2 area As previously discussed, surface scans and direct measurements performed within the HUT t excavation identified numerous locations of elevated direct radiation at the site that were marked for further investigation. Analytical results indicated that the elevated radioactivity was due to natural deposits of thorium and uranium. Therefore, elevated surface activity within the HUT is the result of these natural radioactive deposits, rather than residual contamination from site activities.- t The guideline for exposure rates, measured at 1 m from the surface, is 5 R/h above , background. With the exception of the elevated exposure rates measured in the HUT l i excavation, all exposure rates were within this guideline. The licensee performed in situ gamma spectrometry within the HUT excavation to evaluate the radionuclides comprising the gamma l I L c.=i.m m.Tuedo, NY . my H, MS I1 l l

flux. The licensee concluded that the elevated exposure rates in the HUT excavation originated from the naturally occurring thorium and uranium decay series.8 The site-specific soil guidelines, approved by the NRC, are presented in Table 2 of Appendix C.7d Concentrations of radionuclides in both soil and miscellaneous samples are l

   . comparable to the concentrations measured in the background samples (Table 3). Due to the elevated natural radioactivity identified on-site, the concentrations of thorium and uranium in L    some soil and miscellaneous samples exceed the concentrations in the background soil samples.


During the period April 4 through 6,1995, at the request of the NRC's Region I Office, the ! Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program of ORISE performed a confirmatory survey at the Cintichem site in Tuxedo, New York. Survey activities included document reviews,- surface scans, direct measurements, exposure rate measurements, and miscellaneous material and soil sampling. I The confirmatory survey identified numerous locations of elevated direct radiation with surface scans, direct measurements, and exposure rate measurements. Most of these areas were located in the HUT excavation. Miscellaneous and soil sample results indicated that each of these locations of elevated activity were due to elevated levels of natural radioactivity. The confirmatory survey results are consistent with those obtained by the licensee and support the licensee's conclusion that residual activity levels in the exterior areas of Buildings 1 and 2, including the HUT excavation, satisfy the guidelines for release to unrestricted use. l l l I Cis& hem Sine Tuxedo, NY May 16, IMS 12

192-020 (x) NEW l



                                                                                                                                                -                                         /


                                                    /                                   7                                                                      17 j      %.                                                                               S l
                                         '/,                                                                                                                 87 TUXEDO GREENWOOD LAK,E' (N'

y ( p,f yg

                                                                                                                                                  >]      )

h,lE k

                                         \/                             N                    pG                                                   j'             l l

j' (j

                                                                                           #                                         'y
                                                                                                                                    /          -
/ 1
                                                                                                                                 ,.        e                   .

Q,,~I j 17 N h JL T

i. O i-NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 1: Location of the Cintichem Site, Tuxedo, New York Cir.&heen Ene-Tuxedo My . May 16,1995 O

192-001 (2) l

                                                                                                                                       . . .l.                     .,.       - , .


                                                                  $                                                                               v =-i l


                                                                                                             . .b ggoc..._yg REACTOR                                       l [ k,q

_.- l

                                                                                                       !!E                         i                                .f
4. ..
l. 4 p .. . . 4 l.. .i.;

t !l'm t i  !  ! i l \ s \ t

                                                                                                                                                                                          's i

i \ !5 , 4___ .l g s >

                                                                                                           'gEXCAVdTION  --                                             -

j l 3

                                                                                                     ,j                                  -e                                                . . . .
  • I e l i
                                                                                                                                                             * .~.i' A *i .                        [


p. 9...
                                                                                                   /    STORAGE TAN $


                                                                                                 .g....,,.E. X...C...A. V..A.r     1
                                                                                                                                                           ,, '/

t d ""'".1:' t  ! s . CUFF AREA i

                                                                                                                                                  !f,' f i
                                                                  .I .                   4.                        u               ..          .'.. .. . .s     ... ' !
                                                                                              ,8        V.                                 [.!-

BLDG #4 f../- is


4 i.'. . ,.: g


4.- COOUNG - I l TOWER / j . '. ',1 l SHACK ,',- #

                                                                                                                      .7.....         .s.
                                                                                                                                             .. . 7 i
- if i RCA FENCE Il.
                                                                                                                         ,' /                      i                j t                                                                  ,......,*....,                                   gy.,1..,s       3               j.

9.. ... . 3 l Qm........n.,.'T,l .: .s. .. .

                                                                      . . . . . . . .                 J           b                a                               .            .l.


                                             -==- RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL AREA FENCING                                                                                                                                 i
                                                   ..                                                                                                                                           N            f l                                                 , . , , ASPHALT                                                                                                                           FEET 0                        60 0

METERS t FIGURE 2: Plot Plan of the Exterior Areas South of the Reactor Building l Cind:heim Site-Tuxedo. NY May 16,1993 14 i l l )

192-016(2) i8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R PUMP ROOM WALL

                                                        .. ...q.

8 (. . . l l- -~]u....3-l,' l,


l l [ josg j .., 7 6 9 9 ei U. 4. 1

                                                                                           '                           . . . . .            5 i             e *                                    !
                               .       .. . . . .             j.                             9].                                            4 e                                        i       o                 e     ;          e                                 3 l,
                                                       ......j..........i........,            j. _                               . . . . .

M! 3 )... ...,! . _ _l h.. ... 2 i . t  !  ! t! i  ;  ; i 2+;  ; jj ,

                                      #4 4          42 N


             #$ MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLE                                                                           b
             # $ EXPOSURE RATE                                                                           D          9 METERS FIGURE 3: HUT Floor - Measurement and Sampling Locations Cmtichem Site-Tuxedo, NY - May 16,1995                                           15


                                 -                                                                                  --ili- r1- 0                ll
                                                                                                     -ill;l=l E i1I:
                                 !ll                                                                                       Si t- -        n 7-   .

l s .,A .!8

                                                      .. C..: ..D.. E.. .F ...G, ..H    1    .g.        K... f              31 !          34i
                                                                                   ,   7.. .

l 2 'E 25 24 23 32 2 20 9 18 ;8 il s j ,  :- ,.. . s , . . . . . . . - -

                                =l hC BB              AA   'Z     Y      X   W    V    IJ     T       'S     R f[

p j

                                                 ..     .  !. .. e.. e. _ e..     ..r. . . . . . .      . _. s                    --

3 $2

                                         .,  9     p  10 l11 12 13          If   h-    )     16        17 5s
                                                                                                '-  x4

l .. i I s s '. ' ' ' ' '

                                                                                                                    ,         ROCK UNE l

n M N h MEASUREMENT / SAMPLING yp LOCATIONS g SINGLE-POINT ON FLOOR CORE SAMPLES h Soll h 0$ MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLE FEET 9 6 1'o METERS FIGURE 4: HUT Floor Cores - Measurement and Sompting Locations Cintathesu site-Tuxedo. NY . May 16,1995 l6

192-018 (1) I l l l l A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R i ,- , , , , , , -r , , , , , , B 3 i '

                                                                         !       !!        l PUMP ROOM WALL j              i
                                                                                                                                                                  . 7 i         l
                                                             !          l        !
                                                                                       .. _j... ...!
                                                                                                   !             i              I                           !
                                                                         .. ....J...                            .!        l' . ..i.-                        !
                                                                                                                                                                  ..i  6
                                                                                                                                                      ... ..f          5
                                        !        .!                              l                                              l                          !

4 i  ; i i i

                                           .. . . . .               ..5....               ,...._..,

l . . . - J ..  ! .. 3 9 i i l \ l i

                                     ..              . ... . y.l.                       +
                                                                                                                                                           !...        2
                                                     !!                 i        i   !    l        !  !   !      I      i i     i\          . _   . . _.i... ..]    1 n ~4;                 ioe                              ,             e'      i o!          ! e; ei t            i i                                     e+s
     ~ j,              2,e                                              ;            j    j ej ,          j      j        j                        e WEST WALL                                                            SOUTH WALL                                          EAST WALL N


                #$ MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLE FIGURE 5: Bedrock Wall of the HUT Excavation - Measurement and Sampling Locations Cantichean Eiu-Tuxedo. NY . May 16, 1995                                                     17

l 192-009 (2) l I MAIN TUNNEL 8 3 i I I l l 1 l  !

                                                                                                                                                                  !                                  !                          !           !           !     1       i         !'           !         l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .i 7             ..,.                ,..
                                                                                                                                                                     ,.LLL                                                 .ll.1...            . l.LL         LL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..LLL:        ....! LL        ., .1L A T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;              i 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,                        ,            .        .              t 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                _                                .

l 1 1. i. , i I I: . . . I l i .. ... .___.4.__ _u_ _ _ ;4._ _ _ . e  :::gre:___ _::::- a e s_ _em_ _. ' e e _:_:_: A :_:_:_?_:_:_. _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _5_ _:_:; _:_:_ ; _:_:_?_: _ e 3 j. . . . i

                                                                          !     O,r---- ---  >                                                                                                                      #                                                                   $

2 ..1. . . . . . . . . -+ m

                                                                                   ,        9                                                                                                                                               h^$ & & S i-O           O 1
                                                                                   ,  .oO. !                                                  1" .                                                                                           -

______-=--+__e_ L_ _ _,, ,.; O o 9 i i i. i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               $ ~ _ & ___ 1_9               __ __ _ -                          _ _ _

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O F N l i j

                                                        - MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS SOIL                                                         JL-T g SINGLE-POINT                                                                                                                                                      CWgR/

EXTERIOR ROOF SURFACE g O PIPE g m l 0 METERS 10 ! FIGURE 6: Pump Room Roof - Measurement Locations Cmtichem Sne Tunedo. NY . May 16, 1995 }8 i 1

192-014 (3) 1 1 I i 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R l 1 i  ! i i  ! I i i i i i j_ ' . _ _ _  !

                                                                                                                                                                                              ..   . 8 i          i                 I                                                                      .       ]


                                                   ,                    UPP                  WALL              I                                                                      i --~'";~ '"~'   7 F
                                                                                                                                    ' ' ~          "'~

T".'-~T~"~'i~ER ""'I' l . f"'"'= PUM'P RDOM i l -I i j

                                                      ..... 9                                p-                1                J                t y .. ....4.                            6    {


                                                        *{  .----~~                                       --.-

e 4..-~.+--


I 1

                                                                                                                                                                                         -.-...        5 i.i     i             i.                  !-      t                i. i                      .i                       I' .-.

i 1 = x' s x = x x s l=_l;f

                                                                                                                                                                                        =ll:j; t_4
                                                                                                 =x       x s-s x s                =x        y           ,'

s ijl l s l

                                                                                                                                                .L lllNi :::-ll 3
                                                     .. s                                    t....                                        t. .s                      ...4... ..i'       . . .               i el                    +        ltoyR vetJ......_                . 1.._...       x.; ... 1                 s i            . i.

J , .. ..! 2 llk ,s . _7 ._._.;. .. .. .. .! . ,.. .. .:... . ... _._1 .. . s

                                                                                                                                                ..,                                j 1

N d JL

                        . MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS Y.

SOIL g SINGLE-POINT - WALL SURFACE d 0 N 9 I METERS FIGURE 7: Pump Room South Wall - Measurement Locations i Cinnchem Sne-Tunedo, NY . May 16.1995 19  ; !' ) 4 L ..

192-013 (1)  ! l, l I i ! l l l-

                                                        -- s l

G '

                                         $1 1$
a l

l l < m O u o o G . e

                   ]               y        y   y     y 2$    y          y l                                                                     .a
a  :

1 t l l 9 9

                                                   $2                       ,
                .                  _        _   _     _       L          _




              # S EXPOSURE RATE FIGURE 8: Reactor Building Roof - Measurement and Sampling Locations l

i Cintihem Site Tuxedo. NY May 16,1995 20 i i

192-012(2) 15 r-F = 0 -

                                                                                                                                            --g     9

{ 6 10 0 b I EL 80 -O' ROAD1 M ElllE! IIElllE l 5lll=1 IIE o HOLD-UP TANK L- - EL 782'-7 1/2" p UPPER LEVEL hsn MAIN TUNNEL h ,  !^j _l i glll ._jlg ll-lll[ FLOOR p LOWER LEVEL  :



                                                                                                                                   ---     A y-  _ N g SINGLE-POINT                                                                   NOT TO SCALE WALL SURFACE RGURE 9: East Exterior Wall of the Reactor Building - Measurement Locations Cetichem Sae-Tuxedo. NY - May 16, 1995                                  21

192-011 (2) 9 , e 0 0 e e G EL. 847'-8.5" l 1 l MEASUREMENT - LOCATIONS x g- ~ ar -


g SINGLE-POINT NOT TO SCALE WALL SURFACE l FIGURE 10: West Exterior Wall of the Reactor Building - Measurement Locations l l Canchem site-Tuneda, NY May 16,1995 22 l L_______________.___________________________._______.

192-008(1) 9" CONCRETE 7 6 i 9 10 11 E 2 2 12 p,, j


1 f 13 % I 5 15 o 1 14 - E3 26 15 i 1 25 16 l 4 \ E 24 17 23 18 19 ' \ 22 20 21 N h MEASUREMENT / SAMPLING x LOCATIONS y g SINGLE-POINT FOUNDATION g t #E SURFACE Soll NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 11: Sterage Tonk Foundation - Measurement and Sampling Locations Can6 chem Site Tuxedo, NY . May 16,1995 23 L - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

192-007(3) . l 1 OUT BUILDING / -@ SHACK l 4

                                                                               . . . . .                                               l 1

I I 9 < l

                                                                                                                .g I             i             --
                                         ...g'......w             i 7._....
                                                    !                      x   . . . .
                                                                  ,        o w
                                                    =(.... ...,j..       g, .. .._..         . _
                                                            . . 4._ .                                                                  4 W                                                           i Q   . . . . . .           . . . .

4...... F

                                                            %              0 z   . . .

s g o z l 8

                                                      . . . , .-- }        o      --

j . . . .

                                                          !                                        S                                   i l

i e

                                                                               . . .                ......,.4_.                   .. o l         I         b
                                                                                                    . .. ...L            1. ...

i  !  ! t N A



                 $ SINGLE-POINT                                                                                      j; O

RET 30 0 m 10 METERS FIGURE 12: Cooling Tower and Shock - Measurement Locations Cm6 chem Sne-Tuxedo, NY . May 16,1995 24 l l

192-004 (1)  ! i l 7 e STORAGE TANF e

  • EXCAVATION r t... , ... i.

e ' I I

                                                                                                                                                           ;*                a l
                                                                                                                   +.                 .
                                                                                                                                                  . .... 7 . .. ..).. .#.
                                                                                                                                                    .                    (
                                                                                                                                                           .i' a

1 b--

1. -

e.. l




V . o; . , r

                                                                                                                                  .-.. P. . .. .. f / ...,..

O $ ' 8 1 o e #b

                                                                                                                                           .                                                                                 l O


                                                                                                                            *        /.                      i I-
                                                                                                                                 ../..l.                   1                                        . .q                     l 1
                                                                                                                                /                                                                                            ,
                                                                                                                            /                                                                                                .
                                                                                                            ........I.. ./                                 L.       ,              4. .

I N~ ~ .* , J

                                                                                                           % '%      i b                 6.*-                 4..                    .&...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,1 N

i l MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS h RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL SINGLE-POINT _ . . _ AREA FENCING O LOWER WALLS AND FLOOR R 0 E 30 I 0 J METERS FIGURE 13: Asphalt Drive - Measurement Locations I Cinuchem Sne-Tuxedo. NY . May 16, 1995 25

192-019 (1) l l

                                                                         ..-                      s.                                     1.. .                   .,                    .
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..,                                                                j EXTERIOR! ROOF OF                               '

i PUMP RO M j . .. ..h .., ... .. -

4. ..; .; .;.g. . .

fl$ REACTOR l 3 it

                                                                    . . 1... O                           _ _j i
                                                                                                                                                           . . .i:f i
                                                                                                         ... i.                                  1.                         . .
                                                                                                                                                                                  . 1._ . . 4 l                i               !                  !                 !                                i
                                                                                              '                               .        )         :I                ;               '
                                                                                                                                                                                                     't j

4 fkf g;


e.._ l , i

                                                                                                      d EXCAVdTION * - J- "                                                                       j E 12 j'N, !                                                                 H                   '
                                                     ... 7               g...    .. ... e { .                 [.                hmae v.e
                                                                                                                                                                                .L                       .

g... .. .. E .2 -[- . , y.. 9 . j.; ; 4s  ; CUFF AhEAf f

  • jff' 4
                                                     . . . . ' . ] f. ...f.g0 ..


                                                                                                                     .g .   ..s   .. .. . ./..I . .. q .i!
                                                                                                                                                               .s .                      ..... . . . .
                                                                                                                                        - x>/
                                                                                 ,                            i i*                                              BLDG #4                                                                    <


                                                                                              .STORAbE gTA..N.                                               .
                                                                                                                                           . . 7. o .
                                                                            !*            $i 8                                  ;,, .                                                                                                                                         l
j. - aj 3
                                            . .. .. .... ..u...

E.6 ., . . .# ..e . . . . . . - COOUNG

                                                                ... .. /.

TOWER /  ; J. ',+i

                                                                                                                        't SHACK
                                                                    .y .. . ..                                       7.%..            4      ...n..........           .                                    .
                                                                                                              , .. . j f                          ,



4 ! ' '., * / RCk FENCE p.. ... g . .. ! ... .. .k.g. ... . . .. k..., . , . 4 p!

                                                                                                                 ,.                                               .,I .. .        ..%......./                                                                                l i

11 0


I 3 iJ. ._ - 1 . . . . . .. i J

                                                                                .q.                    .                                      - - . . . .

i 1


1 n-

                                                                                                          , %. s              .s                   u              .s..               a..      ---


                                                                                       -= =- RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL
                              #$ EXPOSURE RATE                                                                          AREA FENCING
                                                                                              -                                                                                                                                                               n
                              # E SURFACE S0ll                                                /._ ASPHALT                                                                                                                                           TEET
o. 60 6 2'o METERS FIGURE 14: General Grounds - Exposure Rate Measurement and Surface Soil Sampling Locations Cinnchem $> Tuxedo, NY . May 16,1995 26

r-- - -- - - - 192-017 (2) l l I I i REACTOR RDOF EQUIPMENT GATE l

               % .                                                                                                    .                                ag .
                         =%      .  . . ..
                                                         ~ ~        ~~                ~   ~

BLACFTOP l j, {@ g BEF:M

                    's                                                                              I                             F

,  !$ . 5 .. . .l.- to i l _ i..............Q~~.

                    !8 d          l                      F EAC'Ok                                   ,
                            @                            FUIL0dG                                                                                                            CREST OF                   ,
                                                                                                                       ,                                                    DIRT                      1 iu
                        !         l                                                                 1,        EXTERbR ROOF                                            ,

ROADWAY ) OE...Pl!MR-.RM.. .. M.....-

                                                                                                                      !                                                                               i
                                                                                                               --           ~'                              [
                                                 .       :_-_                              :          1 i                             E1     i                                           !
                     !                                                                                          HUTi                      7,.               e                                          I i {i                                                                                        FLOOR                       e'               j i*
                   .;. .                           . . .        . . .                        . . ,                   4-                                         }

7 2  ;( 3 ()(. j

                                 ,               i gi                                        HU        E                                                           ,
                                                             **                   g6
                   . SOUTH- EXTERIOR g3
                                                                                                                    ... - .. s ,,


  • i.


                                                                                  ~ ~ ~ APPROX. SURVEY                                                               T SAMPUNG LOCATIONS -                                                                       B0VNos
               #E SURFACE SOIL                                                                                                                                          n FEET l                                                                                                                                                          0                         30 m

uErres ' FIGURE 15: HUT Excavation - Surface Soil Sampling Locations Cintschem Sne-Tunedo. NY . May 16.1995 27 _ _ _______-________-________ ~

192-005(2) COOUNG TOWER . 1 J,

                                                                                              . C.
                                                                  .                          J:O.

s . 3 0.O.Q~

                                                                                               .'o'. '?l0
                                                                                                     .h O                           ..
                                                                                                       ^0d.i                        ,,
                                                                                                        ,93.                        .-
                                                 .....+           a.                           (..
                                                                                                          .u,                         ..;      . . . . . .   ...
                                                                                                          * '_% 0'.                   **
                                                                                                          .oto.                     '.,

4 x q. . . g W.ob 6 50. . to b:

  • E *'

g0 ;OM. o: . F-

3. q. ' ",


                                                                                                                    *g' 1

3 g  :- 2 ' T. 9. g o:o . .. a.. Lp 5 .4...

                                                                                                                        . *f ;. . '.

7 ., E ',,

                                                      !            j3                                                                 .-

(g , 4 v t-x x x x x x x 2' N Ji X X X FENCE g SAMPUNG LOCATIONS v

                                                                              .o a GRAVEL g g SURFACE SOIL                                                                                                                  b
                                                                               ',.< ASPHALT FED' r

o so 0 METERS FIGURE 16: General Area, Spoils Pile - Surface Soil Sampling Locations Cin6chern Sae-Tuxedo, NY - May 16,1995 28 I L___-___

192-003 (3) T'~~ N'"" ' - l-- T EXTERIOR! ROOF 'OF PyMP R0 M k 04::::.~.;b::; f SLDG"'ft REACTOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ;4 4 sq ll$                                                             l L         --.              .l$                                                              f,.               \
                                                                                                                                                                          .                            2. ..             !. .       .


                                                                                                                                                                                                        !                !                i                   i
                                                                                                                                                                         !s                                                                                    s e           s.

i !s a

                                                                                                                                                                                                        !\I       v 14x.      '.          io d -                      I
                                                                                                                                                                                 ,IEXCAVdTION Y
                                                                                                                                               -                    -,j l'N, i            ., _,A l       H rLM'..'. ,I, i

3...... , STORAGE TANK **.'  % l 7..q.E. XCAV. ATION ,i . .l*, ' .,. p.. 7... ,

                                                                                                                                               +          !       ,                                                         . ' '

CLIFF AR , j ,t,* .. ! SOIL AND 1 - -- e p ... z...!: ,f ...!CONCR LTEs ... l

                                                                                                                                                               ,8           V                                     g' i. ' -

5 iPILE F BWG #4 5 4../.. Ie



                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . .l. . ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .4. .
                                                                                                                              . . . . . . . . COOLING. . . . . .                                    .6 TOWER /         ,                                      ,', i SHAQK                                               .,.'..;..,...
                                                                                                                                                        ........)...                                                                     ,...


                                                                                                                                                    ,. L p.:. ..o:

RCA FENCE [ .[ .

                                                                                                                                                                                         * ?,                                                         )                            1
                                                                                                                                                               . g.. .. 9...         ;.v.. g, a . . ..,                    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                         .i                                i I        b                  .,                                    .

m. N

                                                                                                                                                                                 -- == - = HUT EXCAVATION AREA SAMPUNG LOCATIONS                                                                                                 _..- RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL AREA FENCING h


                                                                                                                                                                                   $         CONCRETE PILE METERS FIGURE 17: Grounds East of Asphalt Drive - Surface Soil Sarnpling Locotions Cintichem Site-Tuxedo, NY . May 16.1995                                                                                                                  29

l 192-006 (2) l l l l E4 35 l l +.........j.. p. j x ~g6 w u ! 3, l o p.. . ..m. O

                                                                               +          4 r

l O o

                                                          . ...r.              ,          .,

t.. . z... a 9 i i 8 U

                                                                               ,......,      +.                                                     _

l _ El 52 i N A JI.,. SAMPLING LOCATIONS 7c t f E SURFACE SOIL j{ 0 FEET 30 O METERS 10 FIGURE 18: Cooling Tower Adjacent Grounds - Surface Soil Sampling Locations Cuitachem Sne-Tuxedo NY . May 16,1995 30 l

l. .

192-010 (4) etoo.1

                                                                                              #5 il      ,
                                                                       ..                           4                  v         .,          0+20N MALL SPOILS PILE                                                 ;

7 [. - .. 0+ ION f;C..y W gl 1g 36 6, ( 1 4* 7 '. ... / 4 .. .g.. o+oo N s i f 3 35 k ,

                                                                         . . . .  .h                ,.

4 #5 0+105

                                                         -                                                   g4        .


1. L, , 0+205 n... ..F -


                             //$ EXPOSURE RATE                                                                                                   FEET o          30 M

O 10 METERS FIGURE 19: SK Tonk Area and Mall Spoils Pile - Exposure Rote Measurement and Surface Soit Sampling Locations Cintichem Site-Tuxedo. NY . May 16.1995 31

192-002(2) o o

                                                                                    '8 o


                                                      * [ URA ERTO W 3

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i ( 4 i N h MEASUREMENT / SAMPLING aL LOCATIONS T J E SURFACE SOIL U f 4 EXPOSURE RATE NOT TO SCALE l FIGURE 20: Background Surface Soil and Exposure Rote Measurement Locations Cuuichem She-Tuaeco, NY . May 16,1995 32



OF SURFACE ACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS CINTICHEM, INC. TUXEDO, NEW YORK Number of Range of Total Activity Location Figure No. Individual (dpm/100 cm2) Measurements Alpha Beta 1 Hold-up Tank Floor HUT Floor 3 15 < 110-1,300 < 5,400-140,000h  ! HUT Floor Cores" 4 15 < 110 < 5,400 HUT Bedrock 5 12 < 110-130 5,400-47,000b Wall Pump Rcom Roof 6 16 < 88 < 2,200 Pump Room Exterior South Wall Lower 7 8 < 110 < 5,400-6,800 Ledge 7 5 < 90 < 4,700 Upper 7 10 < 90 < 4,700 Reactor Building Roof Gravel 8 6 < 73 < 4,600-4,700 Membrane 8 6 < 73 < 4,600' Original Roof 8 6 < 73 < 4,600 Reactor Building Exterior Walls East 9 8 < 110 <5,400 West 10 8 < 110 < 5,400 Storage Tank 11 8 < 110 < 5,400 Foundation Cooling Tower Concrete 12 6 < 110-280 < 5.400 Other 12 4 < 73 < 4,600 Asphalt Drive 13 30 < 78 < 2,000-2,900 l

 ' HUT floor cores were removed from the HUT excavation and surface activity measurements were performed on them in a low-background area.

The elevated surface activity levels were due to natural deposits of thorium and uranium in the bedrock. Cinuthem SusJuaedo NY - May 16,1995 33

TABLE 2 EXPOSURE RATES CINTICIIEM, INC. TUXEDO, NEW YORK I Exposure Rate ( R/h) at Location. 1 m Above Surface l HUT Floor 1 15 2 17 3 18  ! 4 50 Reactor Building (RooO 1 9 2 8 3 9 General Grounds South of Reactor Building i 14 2 11 3 11 4 12 5 12 6 12 7 11 8 11 9 13 10 12 SK Tank Area 1 10 2 12 3 12 4 11 5 10 l 6 11 7 10

 ' Refer to Figures 3, 8,14, and 19.

l Canchem Site-Tuxedo. NY May 16, m5 34 l L ..

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1. " Final Status Survey Plan and Report," Cintichem, Inc., December 5,1994.
2. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education " Confirmatory Survey Plan for the Exterior Areas of Buildings 1 and 2, Cintichem, Inc., Tuxedo, New York (Docket No.

70-687)," March 29,1995.

3. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, letter from E. W. Abelquist to T.

Dragoun, NRC/ Region I, " Comments on the Final Status Survey Plan and Report for the Cintichem, Inc. Decommissioning Project, Tuxedo, New York," February 3,1995.

4. Letter from J. Adler, Cintichem, Inc. to T. Dragoun, NRC/ Region I, March 3,1995.
5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors," Regulatory Guide 1.86, Washington, D.C., June 1974.
6. Letter from T. S. Michaels, NRC/HQ to J. McGovern, Cintichem, " Modification of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.86 Surface Contamination Limits for Iron-55 (Fe-55) and Tritium (H-3)," October 3,1994.
7. Letter from J. Austin, NRC/HQ to J. McGovern, Cintichem, August 26,1993.
8. Letter from J. Austin, NRC/HQ to J. McGovern, Cintichem, October 17, 1994.

i I l i i c m m-roao,ny- 41 L

i l APPENDIX A MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION l t l l i l l l F Cintichem Site Tuxedo. NY - May 16,1995 __-__-___________a

APPENDIX A MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION The display of a specific product is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or its manufacturer by the authors or their employers. h DIRECT RADIATION MEASUREMENT Instruments Bicron Micro-Rem Meter (Bicron Corporation, Newbury, OH) Eberline Pulse Ratemeter Model PRM-6 (Eberline, Santa Fe, NM) Ludlum Floor Monitor Model 239-1 (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., } Sweetwater, TX) Ludlum Ratemeter-Scaler Model 2221 (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, TX) Detectors Eberline GM Detector Model HP-260 Effective Area,15.5 cm2 (Eberline, Santa Fe, NM) Eberline ZnS Scintillation Detector Model AC-3-7 Effective Area,59 cm2 (Eberline, Santa Fe, NM) Ludlum Gas Proportional Detector Model 43-37 Effective Area,550 cm 2 (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, TX) A-1 Cintzhem Site-Tuxedo, E i - May 16,1995  !

i Ludlum Gas Proportional Detector Model 43-68 Effective Area,100 cm2 (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, TX) t Reuter-Stokes Pressurized Ion Chamber l Model RSS-111 (Reuter-Stokes, Cleveland, OH) Victoreen NaI Scintillation Detector Model 489-55 3.2 cm x 3.8 cm Crystal (Victoreen, Cleveland, OH) LABORATORY ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION High Purity Extended Range Intrinsic Detectors Model No: ERVDS30-25195 (Tennelec, Oak Ridge, TN) Used in conjunction with: Lead Shield Model G-11 (Nuclear Lead, Oak Ridge, TN) and Multichannel Analyzer 3100 Vax Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, CT) High-Purity Germanium Detector Model GMX-23195-S,23% Eff. (EG&G ORTEC, Oak Ridge, TN) Used in conjunction with: Lead Shield Model G-16 (Gamma Products, Palos Hills, IL) and Multichannel Analyzer 3100 Vax Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, CT) Low Background Gas Proportional Counter Model LB-5110-W (Oxford, Oak Ridge, TN) Cinncheen Site-Tuxedo NY May 16,1995 A-2

i I i APPENDIX B SURVEY AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES I l Custichem Site-Tuxedo, NY - May 16,1995

APPENDIX B SURVEY AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES i l SURVEY PROCEDURES Surface Scans Surface scans were performed by passing the probes slowly over the surface; the distance between the probe and the surface was maintained at a minimum-nominally about I cm. Large surface area, gas proportional detectors were used to scan the asphalt drive. Identification of elevated levels was based on increases in the audible signal from the recording and/or indicating instru lent. Combinations of detectors and instruments used for the scans were: Alpha - gas proportional and ZnS detector with ratemeter-scaler Alpha-Beta - gas proportional detector with ratemeter-scaler Beta - gas proportional and GM detector with ratemeter-scaler Gamma - Nal scintillation detector with ratemeter Surface Activity Measurements Measurements of total alpha activity levels were performed using gas proportional and ZnS detectors with ratemeter-scalers. Measurements of total beta activity levels were performed using gas proportional and GM detectors with ratemeter-scalers. Alpha activity contributions to beta measurements made with gas proportional detectors were eliminated by using suitable absorber thicknesses to attenuate alpha radiation. Count rates (cpm), which were integrated over 1 minute in a static position, were converted to 2 activity levels (dpm/100 cm ) by dividing the net rate by the 4r efficiency and correcting for the active area of the detector. The alpha activity background count rate for the gas proportional detectors was 6 and 8 cpm, and for the ZnS detectors was 2 and 3 cpm, on asphalt and concrete surfaces, respectively. The alpha efficiency factors ranged from 0.17 to 0.19 for the gas proportional and Zns detectors calibrated to Th-230. The beta activity background count rate for the gas proportional detectors was 378 and 493 cpm, and for the GM detectors was 63 and c.aao wraao NY May 16. 1995 B-1

84 cpm, on asphalt and concrete surfaces, respectively. The beta efficiency factors ranged from 0.16 to 0.18 for the gas proportional and GM detectors calibrated to Tc-99. The effective probe area for the gas proportional detectors is 100 cm2 , for the GM detectors is 15.5 cm2, and for the ZnS detectors is 59 cm2, Exposure Rate Measurements Measurement of gamma exposure rates were performed using both a pressurized ionization chamber (PIC) and a microrem meter. Although the microrem meter disp *.ays data in prem/h, the prem/h to R/h conversion factor is essentially unity. Both instruments were positioned one meter above the surface and allowed to stabilize. Miscellaneous Samples Soll Sampling l Approximately 1 kg of soil was collected at each sample location. Collected samples were j placed in a plastic bag, sealed, and labeled in accordance with ESSAP survey procedures. Miscellaneous Materials Sampling i Miscellaneous materials (e.g., concrete cores, bedrock, roofing material) were collected at each sample location. Collected samples were placed in a plastic bag, sealed, and labeled in j accordance with ESSAP survey procedures. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES I Soll and Miscellaneous Samples l Gamma Spectrometry  ! Samp'es of soil and miscellaneous materials were dried, mixed, crushed, and/or homogenized l as necessary, and a portion sealed in 0.5-liter Marinelli beaker or other appropriate container.

                        - The quantity placed in the beaker was chosen to reproduce the calibrated counting geometry.         !

Catachsen Site-Tunedo. NY . May 16,1995 B-2

Net material weights were determined and the samples counted using intrinsic germanium !- detectors coupled to a pulse height analyzer system. Background and Compton stripping, peak search, peak identification, and ' concentration calculations were performed using the computer f capabilities inherent in the analyzer system. l All photopeaks associated with the radionuclides of concern were reviewed for consistency of

      ' activity. Energy peaks used for determir,ing the activities of radionuclides of concern were:

l Co-60 1.173 MeV Ag-110m 0.658 MeV Cs-134 0.605 MeV Cs-137 0.662 MeV Ce-144 0.134 MeV

                              . Eu-152                                                0.344 MeV Th-228                                               0.239 MeV from Pb-212*

Th-232 0.911 MeV from Ac-228* U-235 0.186 MeV U-238 0.063 MeV from Th-234*

  • Secular equilibrium assumed.  ;

Spectra were also reviewed for other identifiable photopeaks.  ! l

       - Strontium-90 Samples of soil and miscellaneous materials were dried, mixed, crushed and then aliquots of the material were dissolved using a potassium fluoride pyrosulfite fusion in which strontium was precipitated as a sulfate. Successive treatments with EDTA preferentially removed lead and excess calcium and returned strontium to solution. Ferric and other insoluble hydroxides were
       . precipitated at a pH of 12 to 14                                                    Strontium was reprecipitated as a sulfate and barium was removed as a chromate using DTPA. The final precipitate of strontium carbonate was counted i

using a low-background Tennelec gas proportional counter and the activity calculated using an  ! in-house algorithm specifically designed for strontium analyses. l Cinsielum Sise-Tuedo. NY - May 16.1995 B-3 ,

                                                                                                                  . _ _   -   _ __ --- - _ --__--- __ _ _ -- _          a

l UNCERTAINTIES AND DETECTION LIMITS  ; The uncertainties associated with the analytical data presented in the tables of this report represent the 95% confidence level for that data. These uncertainties were calculated based on both the gross sample count levels and the associated background count levels. Additional uncertainties, associated with sampling ed measurement procedures, have not been propagated  ! into the data presented in this report. l Detection limits, referred to as minimum detectable activity (MDA), were based on 2.71 plus j 4.65 times the standard deviation of the background count [2.71 + (4.65/BKG)]. When the l activity was determined to be less than the MDA of the measurement procedure, the result wa: reported as less than MDA. Because of variations in background levels, measurement j efficiencies, and contributions from other radionuclides in samples, the detection limits differ from sample to sample and instrument to instrument. I CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Calibration of all field and laboratory instrumentation was based on standards / sources, traceable to NIST, when such standards / sources were available. In cases where they were not available, standards of an industry recognized organization were used. Calibration of pressurized ionization chambers was performed by the manufacturer. Analytical and field survey activities were conducted in accordance with procedures from the following documents of the Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program: l

  • Survey Procedures Manual, Revision 8 (December 1993) l
  • Laboratory Procedures Manual, Revision 9 (January 1995)


  • Quality Assurance Manual, Revision 7 (January 1995) j The procedures contained in these manuals were developed to meet the requirements of DOE Order 5700.6C and ASME NQA-1 for Quality Assurance and contain measures to assess processes during their performance.

Cinnchem Siie-Tuxedo. NY . May 16,1995 B-4 L.

Quality control procedures include:

               *         ' Daily instrument background and check-source measurements to confirm that equipment operation is within acceptable statistical fluctuations.
  • Participation in EPA and EML laboratory Quality Assurance Programs.
  • Training and certification of all individuals performing procedures.
  • Periodic internal and external audits.

i l l Cintictuun Sac-Tuxedo. NY - May 16, 1995 B-5

l 1 i APPENDIX C REGULATORY GUIDE 1.86, TERMINATION OF OPERA'ITNG LICENSES FOR NUCLEAR REACTORS l i I l f i l I i l l Cintichem She-Tuxedo. NY - May 16,1995 l t

i U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Juns 1974 l REGULATORY DIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDS GUIDE l REGULATORY GUIDE 1.86 TERMINATION OF OPERATING LICENSES l FOR NUCLEAR REACTORS A. INTRODUCTION from the reactor and placing it in storage (either onsite or offsite) may be continued. Section 50.51, " Duration oflicense, renewal," of 10 CFR Part 50, " Licensing of Production and Utilization A licensee having a possession-only license must Facilities," requires that each license to operate a retain, with the Part 50 license, authorization for production and utilization facility be issued for a special nuclear material (10 CFR Part, 70, 'Special specified duration. Upon expiration of the specified Nuclear Material"), byproduct material (10 CFR Part period, the license may be either renewed or terminated 30, " Rules of General Applicability to Licensing of by the Commission. Section 50.82, " Applications for Byproduct Material"), and source material (10 CFR termination oflicenses," specifies the requirements that Part 40, " Licensing of Source Material"), until the must be satisfied to terminate an operating license, fuel, radioactive components, and sources are removed including the requirement that the dismantlement of the from the facility. Appropriate administrative controls facility and disposal of the component parts not be and facility requirements are imposed by the Part 50 inimical to the common defense and security or to the license and the technical specifications to assure that health and safety of the public. This guide describes proper surveillance is performed and that the reactor methods and procedures considered acceptable by the facility is maintained in a safe condition and not Regulatory staff for the termination of operating operated. licenses for nuclear reactors. The advisory Conunittee on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning A possession-only license permits various options this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position. and procedures for decommissioning, such as mothballing, entombment, or dismantling. He B. DISCUSSION requirements imposed depend on the option selected. When a licensee decides to terminate his nuclear Section 50.82 provides that the licensee may reactor operating license, he may, as a first step in the dismantle and dispose of the component parts of a process, request that his operating license be amended nuclear reactor in accordance with existing regulations. to restrict him to possess but not operate the facility. For research reactors and critical facilities, this has ne advantage to the licensee of converting to such a usually meant the disassembly of a reactor and its possession-only license is reduced surveillance shipment organization for further use. The site from requirements in that periodic surveillance of equipment which a reactor has been removed must be important to the safety of reactor operation is no longer decontaminated, as necessary, and inspected by the required. Once this possession only license is issued, Commission to determine whether unrestricted access reactor operation is not permitted. Other activities can be approved. In the case of nuclear power USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Cooms w e e m wo w w - e w u % 8''ed to the u.s. Atomac Ensegy Commission, Wes#wrgten. D.C. 20646, meouiety, owdes n seued to dacnbe end make ove.we to te. pubhc ^""'" D"t 8*,uimmy siendede. conome ,,4 supent re f, mehene acceptabie te it. AEc reeuseie,y morf of nnpiemmine specific pate impre*ements #5 these Owdee are encouraged and ohnuid be sent to the of the Commesion's ,egulatione. to s'secate techneewee used by the staff m owy M N mm'en. . Mac cemenior Weehmoten, evoluetmo specific prob 6eme er postulated eccidente, or to provide Guidance te C. 20646. Anonum Chef. Pubhc Proceedings Staff. oppissante. Reguietary Gwees are not oubetstutes for regulations and eemphence with them se not ,oguned. Motheds and seiutione different foem these set out m the guides win be ecces:abe af troy provide a besse for the The swdee ne soeued m the fehowmo ten breed diviseens. fmdmgo reeweate to the soeuence or conimuence of a permit er bcense by the

1. Power hectore 6. Products Comm s.en. 2. Aeneerch and test Reactere 7. Tronoportetion
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Note: Section electronically reproduced from photocopy. C-l l

reactors, dismantling has usually been accomplished by e. An inventory of activtted materi:Is and their shipping fuel offsite, making the reactor inoperable, location in the facility.

              . and dispoemg of some of the radioactive components.
2. ALTERNATIVES FOR REACTOR Radioactive components may be either shipped RETIREMENT off-site for burial at an authorized burial ground or secured on the site. Those radioactive materials Four alternatives for retirement of nuclear reactor remaining on the site must be isolated from the public facilities are considered acceptable by the by physical barriers or other means to prevent public Regulatory staff. These are:  ;

access to hazardous levels of radiation. Surveillance is j aar===ary to assure the long term integrity of the a. Mothballing. Mothballing of a nuclear reactor 1 barners. The amount of surveillance required depends facility consists of putting the facility in a state of I upon (1) the potential hazard to the health and safety of protective storage. In general, the facility may be  ! the public from radioactive material remaining on the left intact except that all fuel assemblies and the site and (2) the integrity of the physical barriers. radioactive fluids and waste should be removed Before areas may be released for unrestricted use, they from the site. Adequate radiation monitoring, must have been decontaminated or the radioactivity environmental surveillance, and appropriate secunty must have decayed to less than prescribed limits procedures should be established under a (Table 1). possession-only license to ensure that the health and , safety of the public is not endangered. l The hazard associated with the returned facility is evaluated by considering the amount and type t,f h. In-Place Entomhment. In-place entombment remaining contamination, the degree of confinement of consists of sealing all the remaining highly j the remaining radioactive materials, the physical radioactive or contaminated components (e.g., the


security provided by the confinement, the susceptibility pressure vessel and reactor internals) within a { to release of radiation as a result of natural phenomena, structure integral with the biological shield after j and the duration of required surveillance, having all fuel assemblies, radioactive fluids and i wastes, and certain selected components shipped 1 C. REGULATORY POSITION offsite. The structure should provide integrity over the period of time in which significant quantities )

1. APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE TO POSSESS (greater than Table 1 levels) of radioactivity remain. ;

BUT NOT OPERATE (POSSESSION ONLY with the material in the entombment. An i LICENSE) appropriate and continuing surveillance program j should be established under a possession-only 1 A request to amend an operating license to a license, possession-only license should be made to the Director of Licensing, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, c. Removal of Radioactive. Components and Washington, D.C. 20545. The request should include Dismantling. All fuel assemblies, radioactive fluids the following information: and waste, and other materials having activities  ; above accepted unrestricted activity levels (Table 1)

a. " A description of the current status of the facility, should be removed from the site. The facility owner may then have unrestricted use of the site
b. A description of measures that will be taken to with no requirement for a license. If the facility I prevent criticality or reactivity changes and to owner so desires, the remainder of the reactor minimize releases of rulioactivity from the facility. facility may be dismantled and all vestiges removed and disposed of,
c. Any proposed changes to the technical specifications that reflect the possession-only facility d. Conversion to a New Nuclear System or a  ;

status and the necessary disassembly / retirement Fossil Fuel System. This alternative, which applies activities to be performed. only to nuclear power plants, utilizes the existing j turbine system with a new steam supply system.

d. A safety analysis of both the activities to be The original nuclear steam supply system should be l accomplished and the proposed changes to the separated from the electric generating system and technical specifications.-

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disposed cf in accordance with ons of the previous soil, vrg:tation, and water should be tiken at locr.tions three retirement titrrnatives. for which statistical data has been established during reactor operations.

3. SURVEILLANCE AND SECURITY FOR THE RETIREMENT ALTERNATIVES WHOSE e. A site representative should be designated to be
        . FIN AL STATUS REQUIRES                            A      responsible for controlling authorized access into and POSSESSION-ONLY LICENSE                                  movement within the facility.

A facility which has been licensed under a f. Administrative procedures should be established possession-only license may contain a significant for the notification and reporting of abnormal amount of radioactivity in the form of activated and - occurrences such as (1) the entrance of an unauthorized contanunatal - hardware 'and structural . materials. person or persons into the facility and (2) a significant . Surveillance and commensurate security should be change in the radiation or contamination levels in the provided to assure that the public health and safety are facility or the offsite environment. not endangered.

a. Physical security to prevent inadvedent exposure g. The following reports should be made:

of personnel should be provided by multiple locked barriers. The presence of these barriers should make (1) An annual report to the Director of it extremely difficult for an unauthorized person to gain Licensing, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, access to areas where radiation or contamination levels Washington, D.C. 20545, describing the results of the exceed those specified in Regulatory Position C.4. To environmental and facility radiation surveys, the status prevent inadvertent exposure, radiation areas above of the facility, and an evaluation of the performance of 5 mR/hr, such as near the activated primary system of security and surveillance measures. a power plant, should be appropriately marked and should not be accessible except by cutting of welded (2) An abnormal occurrence report to the ! closures or the disassembly and removal of substantial Regulatory Operations Regional Office by telephone structures and/or shielding material. Means such as a within 24 hours of discovery of an abnormal l remote-readout intrusion alarm system should be occurrence. The abnormal occurrence will also be l provided to indicate to designated personnel when a - reported in the annual report described in the preceding physical barrier is penetrated. Security personnel that item. [ _ provide access control to the facility may' be used matead of the physical barriers and the intrusion alarm h. Records or logs relative to the following items systems, should be kept and retained until the license is l I terminated, after which they must be stored with other

b. The physical barriers to unauthorized entrance plant records

into the facility, e.g., fences, buildings, welded doors, and access openings, should be inspected at least (1) Environmental surveys, l quarterly to assure that these barriers have not deteriorated and that locks and locking apparatus are (2) Facility radiation surveys, intact. (3) Inspections of the physical barriers, and

c. A facility radiation survey should be performed at least quarterly to verify that no radioactive material (4) Abnormal occurrences, is escaping or being transported through ; the .

containment barriers in the facility. Sampling should be done along the most probable path by which 4. DECONTAMINATION FOR RELEASE FOR radioactive material such as that stored in the inner UNRESTRICTED USE containment regions could be transported to the outer regions of the facility and ultimately to the environs. If it is desired to terminate a license and to eliminate any further surveillance requirements, the

d. An environmental radiation survey should be facility should be sufficiently decontaminated to prevent performed at least semiannually to verify that no risk to the public health and safety. After the significant amounts of radiation have been released to decontamination is satisfactorily accomplished and the the environment from the facility. Samples such as site inspected by the Commission, the Commission may Note: Section electronically reproduced from photocopy. C-3

1 authorize the license to be terminated and the facility within the limits specified in Tchle 1. A survey report , abandoned or released for unrestricted use. The should be filed with the Director of Licensing, U.S. licensee should perform the decontamination using the f Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545, following guidelines: with a copy to the Director of the Regulatory Operations regional Office having jurisdiction. The

a. The licensee should make a reasonable effort to report should be filed at least 30 days prior to the i eliminate residual contamination, planned date of abandonment. The survey report should:
b. No covering should be applied to radioactive l

surfaces of equipment of structures by paint, plating, or (1) Identify the premises; other covering material until it is known ' hat contamination levels (determined by a survey and (2) Show that reasonable effort has been made to documented) are below the limits specified in Table 1. reduce residual contamination to as low as practicable In addition, a reasonable effort should be made (and levels; documented) to further minimize contamination prior to any such covering. (3) Describe the scope of the survey and the general procedures followed; and

c. The radioactivity of the interior surfaces of pipes, drain lines, or ductwork should be determined (4) State the finding of the survey in units specified by making measurements at all traps and other in Table 1.

appropriate access points, provided contamination at these locations is likely to be representative of After review of the report, the Commission may contamination on the interior of the pipes, drain lines, inspect the facilities to confirm the survey prior to or ductwork. Surfaces of premises, equipment, or granting approval for abandonment. scrap which are likely to be contaminated but are of such size, construction, or location as to make the 5. REACTOR RETIR'EMENT PROCEDURES surface inaccessible for purposes of measurement should be assumed to be contaminated in excess of the As indicated in Regulatory Position C.2, several permissible radiation limits. alternatives are acceptable for reactor facility retirement. If minor disassembly or "mothballing" is

d. Upon request, the Commission may authorize a planned, this could be done by the existing operating licensee to relinquish possession or control of premises, and maintenance procedures under the license in effect.

equipment, or scrap having surfaces contaminated in Any planned actions involving an unreviewed safety excess of the limits specified. This may include, but is question or a change in the technical specifications not limited to, special circumstances such as the should be reviewed and approved in accordance with transfer of premises to another licensed organization the requirements of 10 CFR i 50.59. that will continue to work with radioactive materials. Requests for such authorization should provide: If major structural changes to radioactive components of the facility are planned, such as removal (1) Detailed, specific information describing the of the pressure vessel or major components of the premises, equipment, scrap, and radioactive primary system, a dismantlement plan including the contaminants and the nature, extent, and degree of information required by i 50.82 should be submitted to residual surface contamination. the Commission. A dismantlement plan should be submitted for all the attematives of Regulatory Position (2) A detailed health and safety analysis indicating C.2 except mothballing. However, minor disassembly that the residual amounts of materials on surface areas, activities may still be performed in the absence of such together with other considerations such as the a plan, provided they are permitted by existing prospective use of the premises, equipment, or scrap, operating and maintenance procedures. A are unlikely to result in an unreasonable risk to the dismantlement plan should include the following: health and safety of the public.

a. A description of the ultimate status of the facility
e. Prior to release of the premises for unrestricted use, the licensee should make a comprehensive b. A description of the dismantling activities and radiation survey establishing that contamination is the precautions to be taken.

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                          ~c. A safety analysis cf the dismantling activities
                    > including any affluents which may be released.
d. A safety analysis of the facility in its ultimate status.

Upon antisfactory . review and approval of .the i dismantling plan, a dismantling order is issued by the !- Commission in accordance with ! $0.82. When

                    . dismantling is completed and the Commission has been notified ' by ~ letter, the appropriate Regulatory
                    -Operations Regional Office inspects the facility and l-                     verifies - completion in accordance with the                                        '

dismantlement plan. If residual radiation levels do not exceed the. values in Table 1, the Commission may . ternunate the license. If possession-only license under

                    . which the dismantling activities have been conducted I                     or, as an alternative, may make application to the State
                    - (if an Agreement' State) for a byproduct materials license, i

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  • U-nat, U-235, U-238, and associated decay products 5,000 dpm a/100 cm 2 15,000 dpm a/100 cm2 1,000 dpm a/100 cm2 Transuranic, Ra-226, Ra-228, Th-230, D-228, Pa-231, Ac-227. I 125, I-129 100 dpm/100 cm2 300 dpm/100 cm2 20 dpm/100 cm2 Th-nat, D-232, St-90, Ra-G, Ra-224, U-232, I-126, ' 131,1-133 1,000 dpm/100 cm2 3,000 dpm/100 cm2 200 dpm/100 cm2 Beta-gamma emitters (nudides with decay modes other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission) except Sr-90 and  ;
 , others noted above.                              5,000 dpm Sy/100 cm2                                    15,000 dpm Sy/100 cnf          1,000 dpm Sy/100 cm2 ;

oi (here surface contamination by both alpha- and beta-gamma-emitting nuclides exists, the limits established for alpha- and beta- gamma-emitting nuclides should apply independently. D As used in this table, dpm (disintegrations per minute) means the rate of emission by radioactive material as determined by ] correcting the counts per minute observed by an appropriate detector for background, efficiency, and geometric factors  ! associated with the instrumentation. I Measurements of average contaminant should not be averaged over more than 1 square meter. For objects ofless surface crea, the average should be derived for each such object.

 *The maximum contamination level applies to an area of not more than 100 cm2 .

l *The amount of removable radioactive material per 100 cm2 of surface area should be determined by wiping that area with l dry filter or soft absorbent paper, applying moderate pressure, and assessing the amount of radioactive material on the wipe l with an appropriate instrument of known efficiency. When removable contamination on objects of less surface area is ! determined, the pertinent levels should be reduced proportionally and the entire surface should be wiped. l l cm s% n . u., u. im C-6

TABLE 2 CINTICHEM SITE SOIL RELEASE CRITERIA Radionuclides pCi/g H-3 815.4 Mn-54 3.3 Fe-55 521,920.7 ) Co-60 0.9 Ni-63 42,500.0 Zn-65 3.7 i Sr-90 17.4 Zr-95 2.5 Nb-95 2.3 Tc-99 450.0 Ru-106 13.5 Ag-108m 1.1

                                                                                                                             ' Ag-110m                                                 0.7 Cd-109 -                                          63.1 Sb-125                                             6.5 Cs-134                                              1.8 Cs-137                                             3.8 l

Ce-144 63.4 Eu-152 2.0 Eu-154 1.8 Eu-155 99.5 U-234 19.6 U-235 15.9 U-238 21.9  ! Pu-238 - 24.1 Pu-239 4.3 Pu-241 26.4 Cm-244 17.1 l c m s.t n.w., ions C-7}}