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Refers to Investigation Rept 1-1997-035 Conducted at Millstone Nuclear Power Station by NRC Ofc of Investigation Field Ofc,Region I on 970915 to Determine Whether Former Health Physics Technician Discriminated Against
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1999
From: Linville J
To: Necci R
NUDOCS 9910120210
Download: ML20217B322 (4)



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.SEP 3 01999 I Mr. R. P.. Necci, Vice President Nuclear. Oversight and Regulatory Affairs

- clo Mr. D. A. Smith, Manager- Regulatory Affairs

Northeast Nuclear Energy Company P.O. Box 128 ~

.Waterford, CT. 06385 ' 4




Dear Mr. Necci:

This letter refers to an investigation conducted at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station by the NRC Office of Investigations (01) Field Office, Region I. ~ On September 15,1997, Ol initiated an

investigation to determine whether a former health physics (HP) technician employed by Bartlett Nuclear Inc., at Millstone, was discriminated against for raising safety concems. Based upon

- the evidence' developed during the investigation, this concem was not substantiated. Enclosed  !

with this letter is a synopsis from Of Report 1-1997-035.

Please note that final NRC documents, including the final Ol report, may be made available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) subject to the redaction of appropriate -

. information under FOIA. Requests under the FOIA should be made in accordance with 10 CFR 9.23, Records of Requests (copy enclosed).

No reply to this letter is necessary. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," a cr,py of this letter and the enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Doev nent Room (PDR).

If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 610-337-5129 Sincerely, original Signed By:

m James C. Linville, Acting Director Millstone inspection Directorate 7

' Docket Nos. . 50-245; 50-336; 50-423 License Nos. DPR-21; DPR-65; NPR-49

- Enclosurest As stated h i

()'[R QAl., Ob[id0 b 9910120210 990930 1  : PDR- ADOCK 05000245


Mr. R. P. Necci 2 Distribution w/ encl:

Region l Docket Room (with concurrences)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)


. D. Screnci, PAO R. Borchardt, OE DOCDESK i

DOCUMENT NAME: A:\O! CASE 97035.WPD Ta rec'lve a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attaphrnent/ enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE ORA /MID ]- ORA / SAC l17 ORA /MID F ORA ,1 / 01 u, NAME RUrban ()\W DVito - T) JLinville Y ' BFeweld7 BLett(f' DATE 9/$99 : 7 9/M99 9/%/99 9AU/99 % d 9/3)/99 OFFICIAL RECORD' COPY ' l 190085


. This investigation was initiated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Investigations (OI), Region I (RI), on September 15,1997, to determine whether a former health physics (HP) technician employed by Bartlett Nuclear, Inc. (Banlett), at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (Millstone), Waterford, CT, was discriminated against for raising safety concems.

Based upon the evidence developed during the investigation,01 did not substantiate the j allegation that the contract HP technician was discriminated against for raising safety concerns regarding radiation monitoring activities.

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1 Case No. 1-97-035 1 i

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, h 9.ft .oO'\. 5

records destroyed or discarded before (c) II a requested agency record that receipt of a request or wluch are cre- has been reasonably descriDed is I ated after the date of the request, cated at a place other than the NRC (2) All Freedom of information Act Public Document Room or NRC head.

requests for copies of agency records quarters, the NRC may, at its discre.

must reasonably describe the agency tion, make the record available for m.

reccrds sought in sufficient detail to spection and copring at the other loca.

permit the NRC to identify the re- tion.

6923 Requesta for n ecords. quested agency records. Where pos- (d) Fxcept as provided in 19.3%-

(a)(1) A person may request access to sible, the requester should provide spe. (1) If the record requested under records routinely made available by cific information regarding dates, ti- paragraph (b) of this section is a record the NRC under 19.21 in person or in ties, docket numbers, file designations, available through the Ne.tlonal Tech.

writing at the NRC Public Document a.nd other information which may help nical Information Service. the NRC Room. 2120 L Street. NW., Washington, identify the agency records. If a re- shall refer the requester to the Na.

DC 20555. Quested agency record is not described tional Technical Information S";sce; (1) Each record reques.ed must be de- in sufficient detail to permit its identi- and scribed in sufficient detail to enable fication, the Director. Division of Free- (2) If the requested record has been the Public Document Room to locate dom of Information and Publications Slaced in the NRC Public Document the record. If the description of the Services, shall inform the requester of Room under 19.21 the NRC may inform record is not sufficient to allow the the deficiency within-10-working days the requester that the record is in the Public Document Room staff to iden- after receipt of the request and ask the PDR, and that the record may be ob- ,

tify the record, the Public Document requester to submit additions.1 infor- tained in accordance with the proce- l Room shall advise the requester to se- mation regarding the request or meet dures set forth in paragraph (a) of this f lect the record from the indexes pub- with appropriate NRC personnel in section. i 11shed under 19.21(c)(6). order to clarify the request. (e)The Director. Division of Freedom (ii) In order to obtain copies of (3) Upon receipt of a request made of Information and Publications Serv.

records expeditiously, a person may under paragraph (b) of this section, the ices, shall promptly forward a Freedom open an account at the Public Docu- NRC shall provide written notification of Information Act request made under ment Room with the private contract- co the requester that indicates the re- 59.23(b) for an agency record which is j ing firm that is responsible for dupli- quest has been received, the name of not publicly ava.11able in the NRC Pub- 1 cating NRC records, the individual and telephone number to lic Document Room under 19,21 to the I (2) A person may also ordor records contact to find out the status of the re- head of tha office primarily concerned routinely made available by the NRC quest. and other pertinent matters re- with the records requested and to the under 19.21 from the National Tech- garding the processing of the request. Geners.1 Counsel, as appropriate. The nical Information Service. 5285 Port (4) (1) The NRC shall advise a re- responsible ofnce will conduct a search for the agency records responsive to Royal Road. Springfield. Virginia, quester that fees will be assessed if-22161. (A) A request involves anticipated the request and compile those agency (b) A person may request agency costa in excess of the minimum speci. Nds to M Mewed for iniuti dis-records by submitting a request au- fled in 19.39; and 1 sure detergnination under H9.25 and thorized by 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3) to the Di- (B) Search and duplication is not pro-rector. Division of Freedom of informa- vided without charge under 19.39; or (62 FR G35E Dec. 31.1987. as amended at 53 tion and Publications Services. Ofnce FR 4300. Oct. M.1988; 53 FR 62993. Dec. 30' of Administration. U.S. Nuclear Regu- {q{eser

, cost involved s - N H m 5331 c. 28.1%

latory Commission. Washington. DC 20S55. The request must be in writing ceptable or acceptable up to a specified II*It-and clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is a " Freedom of (ii) The NRC has discredon to dis-Information Act request.' The NRC continue processing for records respon-does not consider a request as received sive to a request made un'ier this para-until it has been received and logged in graph (b) until-by the Director. Division of Freedom of (A) A required advance payment has information and Publications Services, been received; Ofnce of Administration. (B) The requester has agreed to bear (1) A Freedom of information request the estimated costs; covers only agency records that are in (C) A determination has been made existence on the date the Director. Di- on a request for waiver or reduction of vision of Freedom of information and fees; or Publications Services, receives the re- (D) The requester meets the require-quest. A request does not cover agency ments of 19.39.

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