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Submits NRC Maint Rule Workshop Summary for 980121-22. Significant MR Issues Include Listed Info
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/06/1998
From: Spessard R
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Grobe J, Jaudon J, Wiggins J
NUDOCS 9803110025
Download: ML20197B323 (8)


{{#Wiki_filter:_. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - __ _ . a ut go  ?% UNITED STATES s" j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WABHINGToN, D.C. 20661@ 001

                                             '4 9  * * * * ,d March 6, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO:                 James T. Wiggins, Director Division of Reactor Safety, RI Johns P. Jaudon, Director Division of Reactor Safety, Ril John A. Grobe, Director Division of Reactor Safety, Rlli Arthur T. Howell, Director Division of Reactor Safety, R!V Kenneth A. Raglin, Director Technical Training Division Office for Analysis and Evaluation                                     T of Operational Data FROM:                           R. Lee Spessard, Director         <
                                                                                                                             '[# "'

Division of Reactor Controls and Human Factors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation




JANUARY 21-22,1998 The subject works, hop, an output from DRCH's operating plan, was hosted by the Quality Assurance, Vendor Inspection, and Maintenance Branch (HQMB), at NRC headquarters, Rockville, Maryland. NRC staff members from all four regions and headquarters representatives from organizations associated with and responsib'? for the maintenance rule (MR), enforcement, general counsel, license renewal, technical training and probabilistic safety assessments were in attendance to reach a " common understanding" on certain itsues to ensure consistency between inspections and enforcement actions. Significant MR issues were highlighted during this MR workshop. These issues are part of the feedback process for HQMB's uses to provide the progmmmatic oversite of the maintenance rule implementation. Significant MR issues include: , NRC enforcement and legal positions on 10 CFR 50.65 (a)(2) violations. p Future rule changs to 10 CFR 50.65(a)(3). Proposed methods of inspecting plants that have been shutdown. NRC Maintenance Rule Baseline Inspection (MRBI) schedule, inspection support, MR training, methods for closing MRBI open items, NRC MR Web page, inspection and PRA resources, use of risk insights during each inspection, and the acceptable method of addressing QA requirements for MR implementation. 9003110025 980306 PDR


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b Multiple Addressees March 6, 1998 Assignments were made during this MR Workshop as part of HOMB's charter to provide guidance and implementation direction for the maintenance rule program. These assignments are identified in Attachment I and will be tracked to closure by HOMB. The egenda for the January 21-22,1998 NRC MR Workshop is identified as Att& Ment il and the lie of attendees are ineJuded in Attachment 111. This workshop included sessions on numerous technical areas and inspections . It was a very dynamic workshop, during which very candid and open dialogue on methcds olimproving the overall MR program were emphasized. These types of interactions help ensure consistency of inspections throughout each of the r agions and enaole us to work toward a standard approach for inspections for future risk-informed, performance-based regulations. Our appreciation is conveyed to you and your staff for your support and efforts during it.e NRC MR Workshop.


As stated cc w.atichs: S. J. Collins F. J. Miraglia B. Sheron i G. Holtisn F. Gillespie R. Zimmerman l B. Boger G. Tracy (OEDO) J. Lieberman (OE) J. Goldberg (OGC) B. Prato (PDLR) C. Grimes (PDLR) L. Miller (TTD) R. Borchardt DISTRIBUTION: M. Satorious, OE Ed Ford, NRR Bob Latta, NRR Donnie Ashley, NRR Frank Talbot, NRR Wayne Scott, NRR Pete Wilson, NRR Glen Meyer RI Rich Conte, Rt Paul Fredrickson, Rll Ron Gibbs, Ril Jim Gavula Rlli Martin Farber, Rll! Andy Dunlop, Rlli Dale Powers RIV Lee Ellershaw, RIV Claud Johnson, RIV Bob Prato, NRR Dick Dudley, NRR Paul Harris, NRR Pete Balmain, NRR CENTRAL FILES /PUBLIC HQMB R/F

               *: . previous e.oncurrence DOCUMEN f NAME: G:\ FINAL \WORKJAN. SUM To recoive a copy of this document. Indicate in the box: *C' e Copy without enclosures
                                                                                                *E' Copy with enclopures 'N' = No copy

, OFFICE HOMB SC:HOMB l BC:HQMB l D:DRCH d j l NAME JDWilcox:cct RPCorreia SCBlack RLSpess/dh DATE 02/03/98* 02/06/98* 02/20/98* 03/6/98 03/ /98

k ATTACHMENTI ASSIGNMENTS MADE DURING THE NRC MR WORKSHOP (JANUARY 2122,1998). ITEM # DESCRIPTION BESPONSIBLE ESTIMATED PARTIES TARGET NRC 98-001 (1) Continue to train the NRC staff HQMB Ongoing on the MR.- . TTD (2) Establish a plan to tum 4/98 MR training over to TTD. (3) Establish training qualification 12/98 requirements in MC1245. NRC-98-002 Establi;h HQMB oversite of all HQMB Ongoing MRBIs. Regions 7/98 NRC-98-003 Revise Reg Guide 1.160 to HOMB 12/98 address QA requirements within the MR. NRC 98-004 (1) Formally issue supplemental HOMB 2/98 PRA guidance to the regions for comment. ' (2) Fomially issue all of the 4/98 supplementalinspection guidance. NRC 98-005 Revise enforcement gu dance2 HQMB 8/98 EGM 96-002 to reflect lessons- OE leamed from MRBis with OGC's OGC and OE's concurrence include enforcement flow chart. NRC 98-006 Oversee and coordinate MR HQMB 12/99 inspection activities with the Region resident staff. NRR/ DISP NRC-98-007 Oversee and coordinate closure HQMB .6/99 of MRBIIFis, URIs, and NOVs. Regions OE i l

                  . . . = . , , , , , .. ..   .

4 Attachment Il NRC MAINTENANCE RULE RABEl INE WORKSHOP (Update 1/20/98) January 2122,1998 Lt, cation: T 09A1 AGENDA WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 21.1998: 12:30 Session 1 (location: T-09A1) l ' l #Welcome

                                                         . Speaker: Rich Correia
                                        ] # introduction
  • Speaker: Lee Spessard l 1:00 Session 2 (location: T-09A1) l Panel Discussion and Workshop (recommendations)
                                                        #MR initial and refresher training (lead - Scott, NRR / Miller TTD) future training by TTD
                                                        #MRBI schedule (lead Scott, NRR)
                                                        -inspection yeady schedule inspection support (lead Scott, NRR)

SSM support

                                                        - ust
  • esidents and DRP inspectors us ather regional support
                                                        #QA requirements for MR programs (lead Ford, NRR)
                                                        # Condition Monitoring (lead Wilcox, NRR)
                                                        # Upcoming changes, schedule and actions related to (e)(3)

(lead i Meia, NRR) 2:00 Break

2:15 Session 2 (T 09A1) continued

                                                #MR interface with other future regulations, such as licensee renewal, TS changes, shutdown risk, decom-missioning, dry cast storage, etc. (lead Correia, NRR)
                                                #PRA issues (lead Wilson, NRR)
                                                - contractor use and badging
                                                - SRA use
                                               - PRA training
                                               #lFI, Unresolved items and Violations future closure (lead latta, NRH)

RPS monitodng issue (lead Talbot, NRR)

                                               # Office of the inspector General Audit Report on *NRC Needs Compreh9nsive Plan to Resolve Regulatory issues."

items dealing with MR areas - measuring the effectiveness of the MR. (lead Balmain, NRR)

                                               #NEl's recent positions, on various topics. Shutdown operations, important to safety - safety related (lead Latta,

, NRR)

                                              #lnspection Procedure 62706, " Maintenance Rule" revision and incorporation of lessons leamed (lead Talbot, NRR) 3:15  Break 3:30  Session 2 (T-09A1) continued i
                                             # Pre-conditioning (lead Ashley, NRR)
                                             # Difficult and Delayed Final IR, report input, and Enforcement Packages (lead Correia, NRR)

Surry, Nine Mile, Quad Cities, Callauay, SONGS (why and what adjustments need to be made). (the regional repre3entative should be able to discuss)

                                             # Uniformity and Corsistency within the MRBI. Issues raised by certain licensees, intemational visitors, web page, and attribute link listing (lead Wilcox, Ashley, NRR)
                                             # Commission /ACRSlintemational Summaries -

Management's insights from the MM (lead Black, NRR) 4:30 Daily Closure __ L

THURSDAY. JANUARY 22.1998: 8:00 Sesc!on 2 (T 09A1) continued l l Panel Discussion and Workshop (recommendations)

                                        # Enforcement Training - OE's position on enforcement of the MR and future pocalons and policies as it relates to the MR (lead Satorius, NRR) 10:00 Break 10:15 Session 3 (le .ations: T-09A1) l Panel Discussion on NRC Baseline Inspection Results and NRC -

Lessons Leamed (Team leader / lead SSM) Callaway (TL:Whittemore; SSM: Bergman) I Monticello (TL:Dunlop; SSM:Talbot) Oconee (TL:Gibbs; SSM: Taylor) Beaver Valley (TL: Williams; SSM: Scott)

                          *Diablo Canyon (TL: Johnson; SSM: Bergman)

Harris (TL:Crowley; SSM:Wilcox) Kewaunee (TL:Dunlop; SSM: Scott) McGuire (TL:Gibbs; SSM;Talbot). Salem / Hope Creek Followup (TL:Bissett; SSM:Wilcox) Farley (TL:Crowley; SSM: Scott) 11:00 Break 11:15 Session 3 (locations: T 09A1) l Panel Discussion on NRC Baseline inspection Results and NRC Lessons Leamed (Team leader / lead SSM)

  • Quad Cities (TL:Farber; SSM:Balmain)

Fitzpatrick (TL:Bissett; SSM:Talbot)

                          *Nor* Anna (TL:Gibbs; SSM:Wilcox, Ashley)

Duane Arnold (TL:Dunlop; SSM:Balmain) o

  • River Bend (TL:Paulk; SSM: Scott, Ford) spokesman Lee Ellershaw Robinson (TL:Crowley; SSM:Talbot)

Point Beach (TL:Farber; SSM:Wilcox)

  • San Onofre (TL:Whittemore; SSM:Balmain) spokesman - Claude Johnson Vermont Yankee (TL:Florek; SSM: Scott)

Braidwood (TL:Dunlop; SSM:Talbot)

  • Closing remarks
  • Speaker: Rich Correia 12:00 ADJOURN NOTE:
       # Key topics to be discussed during the workshop. Other topics will discussed .'s time permits.
  • designates plants selected by each region to be discussed based on greatest impact to gain experience from. it plants not designated will be removed from discussion.

l i 1


O ATTACHMENT lil ATTENDEES OF THE NRC MR WORKSHOP (JANUARY 21-22,1998) Rl: Glen Meyer, Rich Conte Ril: Paul Fredrickson, Ron Gibbs, Scott Sparks Rill: Jim Gavula, Marty Farber, Andy Dunlop, Brent Clayton RIV: Dale Powers, Claude Johnson, Lee Ellershaw NRR/DRCH: Lee Spessard NRR/DRCH/HOMB: Donnie Ashley, Pete Balmain, Suzie Black, Rich Correia, Ed Ford, Bob Latta, Wayne Scott, Frank Talbot, J.D. Wilcox, Jr. OE: Mark Satorius, Jim Lieberman, Dave Nelson OGC: Dick Hoefling I NRR/DRPM/PDLR: Bob Prato l NRR/DSSA/SPSB: Pete Wilson TTD: Lee Miller _ _ - _ .}}