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Insp Rept 50-245/87-35 on 871214-18.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Response to Generic Ltr 84-11
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1988
From: Mcbrearty R, Strosnider J
Shared Package
ML20148G907 List:
50-245-87-35, GL-84-11, NUDOCS 8801270062
Download: ML20148G914 (3)

See also: IR 05000245/1987035


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Report No. 50-245/87-35

Docket No. 50-245

License No. OPR-21 Priority --

Category C

Licensee: Northeast Nuclear Energy Company

P.O. Box 270

Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270

Facility Name: Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1

Inspection At: Waterford, Connecticut

Inspection Conducted: December 14-18, 1987

Inspector: h*

R.-A. McBrearty, Reactor ineer

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Approved by: d' / [88

J. R. Strosnider, Chief, Materials & Processes date

Section, EB, DRS.

Inspection Summary: Inspection on December 14-18, 1987 (Inspection Report

No. 50-245/87-35)

Areas Inspected: A routine announced inspection was conducted by one regional

based inspector of the licensee's response to Generic Letter 84-11.


Results: No violations were identified.



8801270062 880114


PDR ADOCK 05000245





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1. Persons Contacted

D.-Cleary, Engineer

  • J. Leason, ISI Coordinator

J. Nowell, Shift Supervisor

  • J. Stetz, Station Superintendent
  • R. West, ISI Coordinator

D. Wilkens, Chemistry Supervisor


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • M. Conner, Project Engineer
  • Denotes those present at-the exit meeting.


2. Licensee Response to Generic Letter 84-11

Because of occurrences throughout the industry of intergranular stress

corrosion _ cracking (IGSCC) of BWR recirculation system and associated

piping response to NRC IE Bulletins, the licensee has established

an inspection program for early detection of IGSCC at Millstone Unit 1.

The licensee's program has been updated periodically to comply with

revised examination and _ personnel qualification requirements. The

. licensee's actions up to and including-the 1987 refueling outage are

discussed in Inspection Report No. 50-245/87-16.

Subsequent to the establishment of'the licensee's 1987 inspection program

! a draft NRC Generic Letter associated with NUREG-0313, Revision 2 was

proposed to provide revised NRC staff positions on IGSCC in BWR austenitic

stainless steel piping. When this Generic Letter is issued it will

supersede Generic Letter 84-11.

.The inspector reviewed licensee records to ascertain compliance with

Generic Letter 84-11, and to determine to what extent the licensee has

applied in its program the guidelines of NUREG-0313, Revision 2 and the

associated draft Generic Letter. The following were included in the-

inspector's review:

  • Updated inspection program summary - based on 1987 refueling outage

examination results

  • - Computer listing of welds - based on updated summary
  • Updated inspection summary - based on draft Generic Letter guidelines






  • Computer listing of welds - based on draft Generic Letter
  • Computer listing of welds to which stress improvement and/or overlay

repair was applied

  • Computer listing of welds identifying weld and piping materials and

the associated ISI isometric drawing number

Marked up system ISI isometric drawings identifying original and new

welds which are in the IGSCC program

The inspector found that the licensee's IGSCC program has been updated to

incorporate the new guidelines of the draft Generic Letter. The licensee

has included in its program Table 1 of NUREG-0313, Revision 2 which

categorizes welds and provides an inspection schedule based on the type

of material and the various processes to which the welds may have been

subjected. In some instances the licensee has established subcategories

to accommodate specific plant conditions. The licensee's computer based

IGSCC program can be readily updated to reflect revised NRC requirements

and current program status.

The staff position on leak detection, as defined by the NUREG and the

draft Generic Letter, is incorporated in the facility Technical

Specification (TS) 6.3, and in operating procedures which are more

restrictive than the TS regarding frequency of monitoring.

The water chemistry in use at the facility is based on the guidelines

established by the BWR Owners Group but is more restrictive. Hydrogen

water chemistry is being considered by the licensee and a short term

pilot program has been completed at the site. The results are being

evaluated at this time.

No violations were identified.

3. Exit Meeting

The inspector met with licensee representatives, denoted in paragraph 1,

at the conclusion of the inspection on December 18, 1987. The inspector

summarized the purpose and the scope of the inspection and the findings.

At no time during this inspection was written material provided by the

inspector to the licensee. The licensee representatives did not indicate

that this inspection involved any proprietary information.