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FOIA Request for All Records Re Recent Direction from NRR Mgt Concerning OL Amend Request for Facility Noticed in 871211 Fr.Excerpt from Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 880115 Encl
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/1988
From: Hiatt S
To: Grimsley D
FOIA-88-105 NUDOCS 8803240077
Download: ML20148D547 (2)


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'o NDOM OF INFORMAT10N Februory 11, 1988 ggACT REQUEST

,p y Donnie H. Grimsley. Osreceor Dsvssion or Rules and Records kQ g /f pf Orrice of Adasnistration ond Resources Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washsneton. DC 28555 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Pursuont to ene Freedom of Ir.rormation Act. 5 USC 552 os caended, o r. d the provisions of 10 CFR Port 9, the understgned nereby requests the ro11cwing:

all records concerning the 'recent direction from NRR monogement' regardsng the operating 1seense omenomene request for the Perry Nuclear Power plant whsch was not ced in the Federal Regsster on December 11. 1987 wsth opportunity for ersor hearing and wsthout noking o significont hozords determination, See the otecched excerpt from the Weekly Informotion Report for the week ending Jonuary 15. 1988.

t I agree to oCCept the enorges for the above documentt, '



Suson L. Hiore OCRE Representative 8275 Munson Rood Mentor. 04 44868 5216) 255-3158 8803240077 880211 PDn FOIA PDR HIATT88-105 1



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Crystal River Unit 3 "

Crystal River Unit 3 achieved criticality on January 8,1988 af ter a scheduled refueling outage which began on September 19, 1987. Fede I was reached on January 10, and the plant is currently at 451 power in its power ascension .


During the restart, three EFIC actuations of emergency feedweter occurred caused by problems in the main feed system. No significant over cooling i resulted from these actuations, but during one event the steac-driven EFW pump j tripped on overspeed due to inadequate opening of the wamup valve. #

4 Pe rry 1

On Septrmber 18, 1987, the Cleveland Electric 111uminating Conany, et. al. , h licensees for tne Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1, requested a license 7 amendment to remove the MSIV leakage centrol systen from the Technical 4 Specifications and to modify the allowable MSIV leakage fron 25 (SCFH) Standard }

Cubic Feet per Hour per line to 100 SCrH through any combination of lines.  !!

Their technical basis for this roquast was a plant specific analysis of 4 huREG-1169 "An Evaluation of Boiling Water Reactor Mad n Stean : solation Yalve  ?

Leakage and the Effectiveness of Leakage Treatrrent Methods" for the Perry 3 Naclear Power Plant, Unit 1. y,


This amendment recuest was noticed in the Federal Register on Decer bar 11, 1987 [

with prior opportunity for hearing without making a significant hazards 5 determination in accordance with recent direction from NP.R managerent. On January 8,1988, Suscn L. Hiatt, a representative for the Ohio Citizens for '9 2

Responsible Energy (0CRE) filed before the Atomic Sefety anc Licensing Board, h a Petition for Leave to !ntervere and Request for Hearing with respect to the 1 amendment.

Followin 3


Act\on L'g the Steamon'Janua/y etterMssped Generator7,1988, Dry Out Event jnd asEdison Consolidat'ed documented in 4to agree'd,not Confirrxtory

'take Y N

1 until a thorized by the Regipnal A'dmir~1strator. The Augmented


3 the plant Inspep't. ion Te'crit'ic)MIT) arf disd(aKhed to Indf'dgPoiqt 2 on January e 7 tosint i

the (ve' hdld' an h it m,eetingson January 112x f Basedj aap6n\the 'resul,ts of the 3 ins ectio ' he ice se 'was jp ompd that se? s y al #ction items mus't be cAmpleted C Regi n dminis iga f authortz hg itarti FirK, Cohsglidated '5 pror,[toth E sop msr s bmi e er t ; e RC disc si hortkan'd longsterm correc't.f ve a tions. eco ,tb/uti ' N i C

plan.] T e utili ? ;st' der tys 'kate th'e ra'tionale used in determinifig itsJst neet with the/N j corrective ac tionPV It must' deson' strate .he' effectiveress of shcrt-term actions 4 and justify why Jon,-term actions should not be completed prior to restart. a i

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D UARY 15, 1988 m l