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Informs of Plans on Restarting Unit 2 W/Open Operability Assessment Associated W/Gl 96-06.Operability Assessment Will Be closed-out Consistent W/Implementation of long-term Corrective Actions for Resolving GL 96-06 Issues
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1997
From: Kraft E
ESK-97-102, GL-91-18, GL-96-06, GL-96-6, NUDOCS 9705280007
Download: ML20141J232 (3)


commonwc.aoi raism omm n3 i Quad Citic , Generatin); Station

, 22'10 /OQh Menue North

. , Ca dou,11 612 # 2 'r"10 Tel .MYM6 412 ii J

ESK-97-102 May 16,1997 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk 4


Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 NRC Generic Letter 96-06 Status


(a) John Hosmer Letter to USNRC, Response to Generic Letter 96-06 " Assurance of Equipment Operability and Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions,"

dated January 24,1997.

(b) NRC Memorandum to Division of Reactor Safety l Division Directors from G. M. Holahen, dated January 24,1997.

On May 2,1997, Comed provided a response to Generic Letter 96-06, " Assurance of Equipment Operability and Containment Integrity During Design Basis Accident I

! Conditions." The Generic Letter required licensees to evaluate equipment operability I 2

and containment integrity during design basis accident conditions. In accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Quad Cities has developed a corrective action plan for s esolving the long-term issues raised by Generic Le - " 06. To support power operation, Quad Cities has completed operability asr. ~

an affected 7

h equipment in accordance with Generic Letter 91-18. These operability assessments address the concerns raised in Generic Letter 96-06 and conclude affected components will remain operable during design basis accide a conditions. Quad Cities Unit 2 is scheduled to return to service following refueling on May 27,1997. Consistent with the

, NRC's staff guidance associated with plant startup relative to Generic Letter 96-06,

[ Reference (b)], Quad Cities plans on restarting Unit 2 with an open operability assessment associated with Generic Letter 96-06. This operability assessment will be closed-out consistent with the implementation of the long-term corrective actions for resobring Generic Letter 96-06 issues.

9705280007 970516 PDR ADOCK 05000265-PDR P

l ll l l


ESK-97-102 Page1of1 i

Penetration p Number Description  !

e X-24 Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) Outlet From Dynvell ,

Resolution: Reliefvalve installed.  !

X-23 Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) Inlet to Drywell .,

. Resolution: Reliefvalveinstalled. l 1 i

! X-41 Reactor Recirculation System Sample Line Piping.

Resolution: Relief valve to be installed on the 3/4" line at first outage of l

sufficient duration follcwing receipt of the valve. However, the current

, expected valve delisery date is beyond the projected outage completion

! date.

X-12 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling (SDC) Suction Piping. l j Resolution: Relief valve installed.

X-14 Reactor Water Clean-up (RWCU) Suction Piping.

Resolution: Reliefvalve installed.

! X-20 Clean Demineralized Water Piping to the Drywell. l j Resolution: This piping is provided for convenience during outage work  ;

} inside the drywell and is not used during operation. Operating procedures have been revised to require that this volume be drained prior

to startup from every refuel outage or any other outage if the piping was valved into service.

X18 Drywell Floor Drain Sump (DWFDS) Discharge Piping l & Drywell Equipmer.t Drain Sump (DWEDS) Discharge Piping j X19 Resolution: Evaluation determined existing pressure relief valve provided adequate protection.

i l



l U. S. NRC ESK-97-102 2. May 16,1997 l l

In Reference (a) Quad Cities described that eight (8) penetrations were determined to be L susceptible to thermally induced pressurization conditions. Currently, there remains only one penetration which has not been resolved. Delivery of a relief valve is expected to be beyond the projected outage completion date. The valve will be installed at the first outage of sufficient duration following receipt of the' valve. Resolution of each penetration is enclosed in Attachment A to this letter.

Ifyou have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Chuck Peterson, Regulatory Affairs Manager, at (309) 654-2241, extension 3609.

Respectfully, bb t, .

E. S. Kraft,(,It.

Site Vice President  !

Quad Cities Station l


Attachment A.

cc: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region III R. M. Pulsifer, Project Manager, NRR C. G. Miller, Senior Resident Inspector, Quad Cities W. D. Leech, MidAmerican Energy Company D. C. Tubbs, MidAmerican Energy Company F. A. Spangenberg, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Dresden  :

INPO Records Center Office of Nuclear Facility Safety, IDNS DCD License (both electronic and hard copies)


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