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Informs That Based on Ltrs & 931216,plant Staff Finds Ltr Commitment No Longer Necessary & Will Revert to Not Restricting Testing on Redundant Rps/Esfas Channels on Same Day by Same Instrument Mechanics
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1997
From: Stanley H
NUDOCS 9705150122
Download: ML20141B087 (2)



' Ornimonwcalth lifiv>n Q>mpany


liraidwml Generating Station '

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. Tcl H15-45H 2801 May 7,1997 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Attention: Document Control Desk


Braidwood Generating Station Unit I and Unit 2 Revision to Commitment on Technical Specification Surmillances' Quarterly Analog Channel Tests of Instrument Channels in the Reactor Protection System (RPS) and the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) -

NRC Docket No. 50-456 and No. 50-457


1. A. D. Miosi letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, dated September 25,1986, Same Subject in Part
2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission letter to the Westinghouse Owners Group, dated February 22,1989, transmitting the Safety Evaluation Report on Westinghouse Topical Reports WCAP-10271, Supplement 2, and WCAP-10271, Supplement 2, Revision 1, " Evaluation of Surveillance Frequencies and out of Service Times for the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS)"
3. Nuclear Regulatory Commission letter to Commonwealth Edison <

Company, dated December 16,1993, transmitting Amendment No. 44 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-72 and Amendment No. 44 ,

to Facility Operating License No. NPF-77 for the Braidwood Station, {g Unit No.1 and Unit No. 2, respectively Reference 1 made the commitment to restrict quarterly analog channel operational test p)b surveillances on redundant channels of the RPS on the same day by the same instrument mechanics using the same instmments. This was done to support revising the analog channel tests for the ESFAS instmment channels from monthly to quarterly surveillance intervals.

Reference 2 conchided that a staggered test strategy was not necessary for the ESFAS analog channel testing and was no longer required for the RPS analog channel testing. i Finally, Reference 3 approved changing to quarterly intervals all except one of the monthly surveillance frequencies for the ESFAS analog channel tests.

9705150122 970507 PDR ADOCK 05000456 '

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Document Control Desk Page 2 ,

l l

~ Based on Reference 2 and Reference 3, the Braidwood staff finds the Reference 1 I commitment no longer necessary. Therefore, we will revert to not restricting testing on l redundant RPS/ESFAS channels on the same day by the same instrument mechames usmg <

the same instruments. j 1

.If you have any question about this, please call T. Simpkin, Regulatory Assurance i Supervisor.

Sincerely, i ,/

~ N( ,

  • Ufsene anley Site Vice President .

Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station 4


A.B. Beach, Regional Administrator - RIII i C. Phillips, Senior Resident Inspector - Braidwood  !
G. Dick, Byron /Braidwood Project Manager - NRR l Office of Nuclear Safety - IDNS oAconMadmaast nrc\97101mt Aw I

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