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Documents Actions Re EOI Licensing Basis Assessment & UFSAR Review Initiatives
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf, Arkansas Nuclear, River Bend, Waterford  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1997
From: Dewease J
CNRO-97-00010, CNRO-97-10, NUDOCS 9705140400
Download: ML20141A618 (3)


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. Vce Premant Operawa Sgport May 7,1997 i

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Comrol Desk l l

Mail Station P1-137 Washington, DC 20555 Arkansas Nuclear One - Units I and 2 River Bend Station Docket Nos. 50-313 and 50-368 Docket No. 50-458 i License Nos. DPR-51 and NPF-6 License No. NPF '

Grand GulfNuclear Station Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Docket No. 50-416 Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-29 License No. NPF-38


EOI Licensing Basis Assessment And UFSAR Review Initiatives CNRO-97/00010 Gentlemen:

On September 27,1996, the NRC published a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SECY 154), " Proposed Revision to NRC Enforcement Poli:,y, NUREG-1600, Enforcement Guidance for Departures from the FSAR in Violation of 10CFR50.59 and for Failures to Update the [0 FSAR in Violation of 10CFR50.71(e)." The revised Enforcement Policy was published in the Federal Register on October 18,1996 (61FR54461). The revised policy provided new guidance for severity levels and civil penalties involving violations of 10CFR50.59 and

- 10CFR50.71(c). In addition, the Staff revised the Policy in Section VII.B.3 to include an enforcement discretion provision for encouraging licensees to identify and correct FSAR discrepancies through voluntary initiatives. The discretion is available for two years beginning on the date of the FederalRegister publication. As discussed in the Staff Requirements Memorandum, to be able to receive enforcement discretion, the licensee's voluntary initiative 4 must be described in writing and be publicly available.

9705140400 970507 F PDR- ADOCK 05000313 P PDR g ll...ll ll l.ill 1

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EOI Licensing Basis Assessment And UFSAR Review Initiatives ,

' May 7,1997 CNRO-97/00010 Page 2 of 3-h Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) recognizes the need to ensure that our sites' Updated Final ~

- Safety Analysis Reports (UFSARs) are accurate and the associated update processes are effective in evaluating changes and revising the UFSAR. Therefore, beginning in June of 4

,1996, EOI performed licensing basis assessments utilizing EOI-based teams. These

- assessments were performed at Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station; River Bend Station and Waterford-3 Steam Electric Station. The assessment methodology used by Entergy Operations is consistent with NEI 96-05, " Guidelines for

, Assessing Programs for Maintaining the Licensing Basis." The scope of the assessments included reviewing 10CFR50.59 and 10CFR50.71(e) control processes and sampling sections in the UFSARs to evaluate their overall adequacy. While no safety significant issues were 1 ideatified, EOI concluded that additional UFSAR reviews and certain control process improvements were appropriate. EOI presented the results of our findings to NRR on .

November 14,1996 and to NRC Region IV on December 17,1996.



Each of the EOI sites submitted their response to the NRC's Request for Information Pursuant to 10CFR50.54(f) Regarding the Adequacy and Availability of Design Bases Information in  :

early February,1997. In the responses, a brief discussion of the planned UFSAR review .

initiatives was provided for each site based on the individual site specific assessment findings.

These UFSAR review initiatives are either underway or are currently being developed at the

- ' individual sites. Since the scope and details of the site initiatives may change as the neviews ,

progress, details of the site-specific programmatic UFSAR reviews will be available at the -

sites for examination.

The EOI presentations to the NRC in November and December,1996 provided our methodology in performing the licensing basis assessments and our intent to perform ,

additional UFSAR reviews. While we believe that our meetings with the NRC served to '

qualify for enforcement discretion under Section VII.B.3 of the revised Enforcement Policy, this' letter formally documents our actions, a If you have further questions, please contact Steve Bennett at (501) 858-4626.

- Sincerely,-

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w ,, > 0 iJGD/SAB/b'aa cc: . (See Next Page) 6 x 1 1



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,3 j EOI Licensing Basis Assessment And UFSAR Review Initiatives May 7,1997 '


' Page 3 ; of. 3 -


'l cc: Mr. J. J. Hagan NRC Senior Resident Inspector I Mr. C. R. Hutchinson Grand GulfNuclear Station i Mr. J. R. McGaha P. O. Boy '756 l Mr. L. J. Smith (Wise, Carter) Port Gibson,MS 39150 -

Mr. F. W. Titus Mr. D. C. Hintz Mr. David Wigginton ,

Mr. J. W. Ysiverton NRR Project Manager Region IV/RBS i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. E. W. Merschoff NRR Mail Stop 13-H-3 Regional Administration One White Flint North U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ..11555 Rockville Pike Region IV Rockville, MD.  ;

611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 J Arlington, TX 76011-8064 NRC Senior Resident Inspector River Bend Station Mr. George Kalman P. O. Box 1051  ;

NRR Project Manager Region IV/ANO-1 & 2 St. Francisville, LA 70775 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Mail Stop 13-H-3 Mr. Chudu Patel One White Flint North NRR Project Manager Region IV/W-3

. I1555 Rockville Pike U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville,MD 20852 NRR Mail Stop 13-H-3 One White Flint North NRC Senior Resident Inspector 11555 Rockville Pike .

Rockville,MD 20852 1 Arkansas Nuclear One P.O. Box 310 .I London, AR 72847 NRC Senior Resident Inspector l i Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Mr. J, N. Donohew Trailer 426 NRR Project Manager Region IV/GGNS P. O. Box B U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Killona,LA 70066 NRR Mail Stop 13-H-3 L One White Flint North

. '11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 -

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