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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/97-02 on 970119-0308.Corrective Actions:Event Rept 96-1131 Initiated & Documented Detailed Root Cause Investigation
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/1997
From: Reid D
50-271-97-02, 50-271-97-2, BVY-97-61, NUDOCS 9705140198
Download: ML20141A258 (2)


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p Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301-7002 .


(508)779-6711 May 9, 1997 i BVY 97-61 l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-ATTNs Document Control Desk l Washington, DC 20555 1


(a) License No. DPR-28 (Docket No, 50-271)

(b) Letter, USNRC to VYNpC, NRC Inspection Report 97-02, 1 NVY 97-47, dated 4/9/97 )

I Subjects Reply to a Notice of Violation - Inspection Report No. 97-02 This letter is written in response to Reference (b), which documents that our activities were not in full compliance with NRC requirements. This violation was identified during an inspection conducted from January 19 to March 8, 1997. Our

-response to the violation is provided below.

VIOLATION Technical Specification 6.fs, " Plant Operating. Procedures", states that detailed ,

written procedures involving both nuclear and non-nuclear safety operations rhall be prepared, approved, and adhered to. Vermont Yankee Administrative Procedure (AP)-0125, " Plant Equipment Control", Appendix B, " Conditions Required to Remove Non-Technical Specifications Required Equipment from Service," Revision 7, dated October 31, 1995, requires that prior to a planned evolution which will remove from service or otherwise make inoperable any power supply, the shif t supervisor will ensure that a detailed review of loads impacted by the de-energization of the power supply is completed.

Contrary to the above, on November 25, 1996, while the reactor was operating at 100 percent power, the shif t supervisor did not ensure that a detailed review of loads impacted by the de-energization of 480V electrical bus No. 6 for planned '

preventative maintenance was conducted prior to its de-energization, resulting in the unanticipated automatic isolation of the in-service c:endenrate ,

domineralizers and the opening of the associated bypass valve. ,

This is a severity Level IV. violation. I i


  • 1 ) : ' Reason for the violation j

{l l> Vermont Yankee does not contest this violation. The root cause of this

  • j' -occurrence was personnel error. A contributing cause was over-reliance on an

! uncontrolled sequence of events guideline. In addition, programmatic weaknesses  !

in. planning the on-line de-energization by the operations and Work control

' departments also contributed to the event. ,

l 2) Corrective steos that have been taken and the results achieved j.

~ Event Report 96-1131 was initiated and documented the detailed root cause 9705140198 970509 E 1 PDR ADOCK 05000271 l 1$014 ^ E!Il!@M  :



. VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION U.S Nudcar Regulamry Comminion May 9,1997 Page 2 of 2 investigation. Expectations for any future equipment de-energizations have been communicated to shif t Supervisors and the Operations Planning Coordinator by the Operations Manager. Changes have been made to the administrative procedure AP-0125. Plant Equipment Control, used by Operations personnel to control removal of equipment from service to ensure proper reviews are completed. These procedure changes and expectations for any future equipment de-energizations have also been provided to all operating personnel via Operations Night Orders.

3) Corrective stens that will be taken to avoid future violations Procedures used by the Operations and Work Control departments to plan maintenance activities where equipment must be de-energized are being revised to further enhance the process. The revisions to these procedures will:

a) Provide more specific guidance and expectations for ensuring that sufficient consideration is given to the effect of maintenance work on overall operation oL the plant (particularly for bus or power supply de-energizations).

b) Ensure that personnel can verify that the necessary reviews have been completed prior to on-shift operators authorizing equipment release.

Lessons learned from this event are being incorporated into the Operations Training program and will be addressed with all Operations personnel in greater detail as part of Training Cycle 19.6.

These additional corrective actions to enhance the process, as listed above, will be completed by August 1997.

4) Date when full _g_omoliance will be achieved Full compliance was actieved when the Operations Manager reinforced expectations for the removal of equipment from service with the Shift Supervisors and a procedure revision was made and issued on March 28, 1997 to Operations Department Administrative Procedure AP-0125.

We trust that the information provided is fully responsive to your concerns; however, should you have additional questions or require additional information, please contact this office.

Sincerely, VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION Donald A. Reid i Vice President, Operations  ;

L cc USNRC Region 1 Administrator USNRC Project Manager - VYNPS USNRC Resident Inspector - VYNPS l

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