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Notice of Issuance of 851018 Amend of Director'S 800211 Order & Motion to Conform Proposed Tech Specs W/Requirements Contained in Generic Ltr 83-43.Formal Amend of License Awaits Action by Aslb.Svc List Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/22/1985
From: Chandler L
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20140J577 List:
CON-#485-879 GL-83-43, OLA, NUDOCS 8510240375
Download: ML20140J573 (5)



Q s 22, 19859

'tober  %



ja j In the Matter of )




(Three Mile Island Nuclear Station,)

Unit 2) )

y NRC STAFF NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT OF ORDER AND MOTION TO CONFORM PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH The Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Director) has issued the attached Amendment of Order, dated October 18, 1985, pursuant to his authority under 10 C.F.R. 6 2.717(b). This' amendment will modify the license requirements imposed by an Order of the Director dated February 11, 1980, by modifying the proposed Technical Specifications by (1) making changes necessary to conform with requirements contained in NRC generic letter 83-43, " Reporting Requirements of 10 C.F.R. Part 50, il 50.72 and 50.73, and the Standard Technical Specification", (2) deleting requirements for equipment and monitoring that is no longer needed, (3) changing the text of the definition of " Review significant" with respect to the programmatic environmental impact statement and (4) making a number of administrative changes for clarification.

This Amendment of Ord?r will be effective on November 22, 1985.

The Staff's Safety Evaluation Report and revised proposed Technical Specifications-are also attached.

f l 8510240375 851022 PDR ADOCK 05000320 g PDR L

l Pursuant to an Order of the Commission, dated May 12, 1980, this

, Licensing Board has been designated to conduct the proceeding with respect to the proposed formal license amendment incorporating the Technical Specifications proposed in the February 11, 1980 Order. In order to conform the proposed Technical Specifications with the actions taken by the Director in the attached Amendment of Order, the NRC staff hereby moves that the proposed Technical Specifications be fomally modified to conform to the Amendment of Order subject to the authority which 10 C.F.R.

I 2.717(b) explicitly preserves in the presiding officer for purposes of this proceeding. In this connection, however, the Staff has also filed, on this date, a " Joint Motion to Approve Stipulation " " Joint Stipulation Regarding Settlement of ECNP Proposed Contentions," and a proposed " Order Granting Joint Motion to Approve Stipulation." Entry of an order such as that proposed will terminate this proceeding and would obviate the need for the Licensing Board to act on the attached Amendment of Order. None-l theless, the Staff requests that the Board rule on this motion prior to ruling on the other matters noted above. In any event, to assure that public notice of those matters encompassed by the Amendment of Order is provided, the Staff is publishing the Amendment of Order in the Federal Register, consistent with its long-standing practice. Formal amendment of the license will await action by the Board.

Respectfully submitted, M

Lawrence J. Chandler

! Special Litigation Counsel Dated in Bethesda, Maryland this 22nd day of October,1985

. . - - _-.- . . . - - - . . - . - . . - . - . - _ - ~ . . - - - . . .

l 8


, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I I wasHWGTON, D. C. 20506 l October 18, 1985

! k..... .

r b

i r Docket No. 50-320 ,

i I

i 4 L

. Mr. F. R. Standerfer ,

l Vice President / Director

Three Mile Island Unit 2 i
GPU Nuclear Corporation  !

1 P.O. Box 480  ;

! Middletown, PA 17057  ;


! Dear Mr. Standerfer


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 '

Operating License No. DPR-73

! Docket No. 50-320 r Technical Specification Change Requests No. 48 and 50 1

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued the enclosed Amendment of j Order in response to your April 12, 1985 and June 18, 1985 requests to i modifysectionsoftheAppendixAProposedTechnicalSpecifications(PTS). ,
Our review of the Recovery Operations Plan Changes requested by these two  !

l 1etters is presented in separate concurrently issued correspondence. Our i ,

review of the Appendix B change, requested in the April 12, 1985 letter.

l will be issued in separate correspondence.


Your April 12, 1985 letter requested changes to the Appendix A PTS to i

! confom with the requirements contained in the NRC Generic Letter 83-43,  !

! " Reporting Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.72 and 50.73, and ,

the Standard Technical Specifications." 'Other changes requested delete l l requirements for equipment and monitoring that are no longer needed and t

! propose editorial changes to improve clarity. You also requested that  !

1 reference to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)

! be dropped from the definition of " review significant"; under the current

! definition, you are required to make a determination as to whether .


! documents implementing the cleanup are bounded by the PEIS. Your June 18, j 1985 letter also requested a nusber of administrative changes to correct or 1 clarify the PTS. j l

l The staff has reviewed the safety evaluations in your April 12, 1985 and I

! June 18, 1985 letters and has concluded, with the exception noted below,  !

! that your requests are acceptable with minor changes as discussed with your i i staff. We have determined that it is not appropriate to delete the PEIS as j a document used to determine review significance; however, for those t i activities that are clearly within the scope of an NRC approved system l 4

description, SER or TER, no additional comparison to PEIS values is t l

required. The text of the definition for " review significant" has been f i  !

I .____..._.____,.J

. _ _ _ _ . . _ - _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . , . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . ~ . _


] i l

s tir. F. R. Standerfer

  • changed accordingly. _

Since the February 11, 1980 Order imposing the PTS is currently pending before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, the staff will be advising the Licensing Board of this Amendment of Order through a Notice of Issuance of Amendment of Order and a Motion to Conform to the Proposed Technical Specifications in Accordance Therewith.

A Federal _ Register Notice for the subject issuance is enclosed. Copies of the related Safety Evaluation and revised pages for the PTS are also enclosed.

4 Sincerely, W .

,=e_! s, Bernard J. Snyders/ Program Director Q

Three Mile Island Program Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i



! 1. Amendment of Order

2. Safety Evaluation
3. Proposed Technical Specifications Page Changes
4. Federal Register Notice cc: T. F. Denmitt R. E. Rogan S. Levin W. H. Linton J. J. Byrne A. W. Miller Service Distribution List (seeattached)

I l


TMI-2 SERVICE LIST Cillis'Bisby. Site Matager

  • Or. Thomas Murl y U.S. Department of (nergy Regioral Administrator. Region I P.O. Son 88 U.5. Nclear Regulatory Conetssion Middletown PA 17057-0311 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia. PA 19406 David J. McGoff John F. Wolfe. Esq.. Chairman, 01 vision of Three Mile Island Programs
  1. f-23 Aowinistrative Judge 3409 Shep* erd 5t.

U.S. Department of inergy #*

Washington D.C. 20545 Chevy Chase. MO. 20015 .

William Lochstet Dr. Oscar M. Paris 104 Davey Laboratory Administrative Judge Pennsylvanta State Untversity Atomic safety and Licensing University Park. PA 16802

  • Board Panel U.S. % clear Regulatory Coseission Randy Myers, (ditorial hashington. 0.C. 20555 The Patriot Dr. Frederics M. Shon 812 Market St.

Administrative Judge Harrisburg. PA 17105 Atomic Safety and Licensing Scard Paael RoLert B. Borsum U.S. % clear segulatory Coamissten Babcott 8 witcos hashingten. D.C. 20555  % clear Power Generetten Otvision Suite 220 -

Karin W. Carter 7910 woodmount Ave.

Assistant Attorney Geaeral Sethesia. MO. 20814 505 faecutive mouse Michael Churchh111. Esq.

P.O. Son 2357 Harrisbur g, PA 17120 PILCOP 1315 Walnut St., 5utte 1632 Cr. Judith M. Jomptrue Philadelphia, PA 19107 (natroceental Coalttton on Linda W. Little Nuclear Power A33 Orlando Ave. 5000 Mermitage OR.

State College, PA 16801 Ral,ei gh .4C 27612 George F. Trowbridge. Esq. Marvin I. Lewis Shaw. Pittman, Potts and 6504 $radford Terrace Tro.ortage Philadelphia. PA 19149 1800 M. St. . Nu.

hasningten. 0.C. 20036 Jane Lee 183 valley Rd.

Ateeic Safety and Liceesing Board Panel [tters.PA 17319 U.S. % clear Regalatory Corrission wesetngton. 0.C. 20555 J.8. Liberman, tscuire Berlack.Israels. Liberman Atomic Saf ety and Licensing Appeal Panel 26 groa bay U.S. %ctear Regulatory Coaristion he= fork. NY 10004 masM egton. 0.C. 20555 Walter W. Cohen. Consumer Advocate Secretary Department of Justice U.S. % clear Regulatory Corrission Strawberry Square.14th Floor ATTN: Catef. Docteting 4 Service Branch Marrisbur g. PA 17127 washington. 0.C. 20555 Edward D. $= art:

Mr. tarry Mockendoaer Board of Supervisors Dauphin County Copeissioner Londonderry Township P.C. Bos 1295 RFD el Geyers Church Rd.

Marrisburg. PA 17108-1295 Middletown. PA 17057 John [. Mirnich, Chairperson. , Robert L. Enupp. (squire Dauptin County Scard of Coretssioners Assistant solicitor Dauphin County Courthouse Enupp and Andrews Frcat and Market Streets P.O. Son P Marrisburg. PA 17101 407 N. Front St.

Harrisburg. PA 17108 Caup*in Cowety Of fice of Emergency Preparedness John Levin. [soutre -

Cour t Mouse. Room 7 Pennsylvania Pubitc Utilities Conn.

Front & Market 5treets P.O. Sos 3265 Marrisbur g, PA 17101 Marrisburg. PA 17120 U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency Region !!! Office ATTN: [I5 Coordinator Cur tis Building (51sth Floor) 6th & Walnut Streets Mr. Eintner Philadelphia, PA 19106 (secutive Vice President General Public Utt11ttes %close Corp.

Thomas M. Ger u sty. Ofrector 100 Interpete part.ay Bureau of Radiation Protection Parsippany NJ 07054 Departmeet of Enviromental Resources P.O. Bos 2063 Marrisburg. PA 17120 Dan Kennedy Ad Crable Office of Envirorpental Planning "g 'g , g ,",e t Department of (aviremental Resources P.O. tos 2043 Lancaster. PA 17602 Maretsbur g. PA 17120 5
