NPL-97-0351, Provides Addl Info for TS Change Request 192 Re Mod to Control Room Ventilation Sys

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Provides Addl Info for TS Change Request 192 Re Mod to Control Room Ventilation Sys
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1997
From: Patulski S
NPL-97-0351, NPL-97-351, NUDOCS 9706180439
Download: ML20140H753 (4)


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' Wisconsin L

Electnc POWER COMPANY 1 Point Beoch Nuclear Plant (414)755-2321 6610 Nuclear Rd., Two thers. WI 54241 NPL 97-0351 10 CFR 50A 10 CFR 50.90 June 13,1997 1 US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Document Control Desk Mail Station Pl-137 Washington, DC 20555 Ladies / Gentlemen:

DOCKETS 50-266 AND 50-301 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE REOUEST 192 POINT BEACil NUCLEAR PLANT. UNITS 1 AND 2 This letter provides additional information for Technical Specifications Change Request 192.

The information contained in the attachment to this letter provides additional details conceming the operability and operation of systems, structures, and components that impact control room ventilation and habitability.

Wisconsin Electric has provided information to the NRC supporting the license amendments proposed by our Technical Specifications change request. The information demonstrates that the Point Beach Nuclear Plant structures, systems and components will be operated, maintained and i

surveilled to ensure the plant is operated as designed, in accordance with the license as amended, and in accordance with applicable Commission regulations.


The discussion and commitments contained in the attachment to this letter are consistent with the analyses and proposed amendments and go beyond actions necessary to demonstrate compliance, llowever, these actions are considered prudent and reflect our conservative operating philosophy l focusing on safety.

9706180439 970613 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P PDR l -


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. NPI, 97-03)1 Page 2 l l . l l

As noted in the attachment and previous submittals, Wisconsin Electric has committed to additional analyses and modifications, if necessary. to the control room ventilation system to eliminate the use of potassium iodide for demonstrating compliance with the GDC 19 dose limits for the control room operators. The commitments and actions committed to in the attachment may be modified based on these analyses and any resultant actions.

I Please contact us if you have any questions.

Sincerely, l f .

i ffg( k.

  • Q, Scott A. Patulski Site Vice President i

Attachment  !

l cc: NRC Resident inspector NRC Regional Administrator PSCW l

l Subscribed and sworn before me on l this /3 A day ofJun # ,1997-YfA' Notary Public.Ge of Wisconsin Ches,ffee 8. /bacR' My commission expires g[3g/9fs'



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. Atta,chment to NPL 97-0351 l .


, The following information provides additional details concerning the operability and operation of systems, structuro, and components that impact control room ventilation and habitability:

Control Room Ventilation System l

During the past few months, the PBNP Control Room IIVAC system has been inspected, its material condition improved (door gaskets replaced, door latches replaced, dampers inspected, system openings sealed) and testing has been performed that shows the system will maintain 1/8 inch of positive pressure i l

as required. Technical Specification required surveillances continue to be performed in accordance with Technical Specification 15.4.11," Control Room Emergency Filtration," and as needed following system maintenance and testing.

In addition, periodic inspections will be performed to further ensure that the system material condition is not allowed to degrade. These inspections are in the form of newly created annual callups and revision to the Technical Specification test (TS-9). The Technical Specification test (TS-9) will include a walkdown of accessible portions of the system for material condition by the system engineer.

Control Room Ventilation System Filtration The Technical Specifications for control room ventilation system filter testing as described in TS 15.4.11 requires testing of the llEPA and charcoal adsorber barks at least once per year. We are currently planning to test the filtration system at approximately 6 month intervals. This testing frequency will provide additional assurance that the actual filter efficiencies meet or exceed the requirements.

ECCS Eouinment I eakage Afler completion of any necessary repairs and testing prior to restart of Unit 2, the ECCS leakage will be less than the 400 cc/ min used in the control room dose analysis. To provide additional assurance that the ECCS leakage will be maintained as low as reasonably achievable, the system engineers for the containment spray, low head and high head safety injection systems will perform monthly walkdowns and inspect for leakage from the accessible portions of these systems outside containment that would be expected to contain recirculated fluid from the containment during a LOCA. Accessible portions of these systems outside containment that would be expected to contain recirculated fluid from the containment during a LOCA and that are pressurized by the pump during quarterly inservice testing will also be walked down and inspected during the quarterly inservice test. Further, the leakage reduction and preventive maintenance program tests for these systems will be performed during any cold shutdown outage of suflicient duration (about 5 days or longer) in which 6 months or more has elapsed since the previous testing.

Corrective action will be taken based on the results of these walkdowns and tests to ensure system leakage via atmospheric pathways remains as low as reasonably achievable.

. Attachment to NPL 97-0351 Page1 Measured Containment Leakage The current measured containment leakage for each unit is 0.094 weight percent per day. This is substantially less than the 0.4 weight-percent per day used in the analysis. The most recent integrated leak rate test for Unit I was April,1993, and for Unit 2 was March,1997.

Commitment to Achieve Comnliance with GDC 19 Dose Linlits for Point Beach Nuclear Plant without the Use of Potassium 1odide or Supplied Air Breathing Annaratus A commitment to achieve compliance with GDC 19 dose limits for Point Beach Nuclear Plant without the use of potassium iodide or supplied air breathing apparatus was provided in a letter dated March 5, 1997. That letter also provided the plan and schedule for completion of this commitment as follows:

We propose that the first phase of this commitment will consist of analyse.s and evaluations that will determine how the GDC 19 dose limits can be achieved without the use of potassium iodide or supplied air breathing apparatus. The analyses and evaluations will include all accident conditions that are considered applicable for radiological consequences in the control room.

These analyses and evaluations are expected to be completed within one year. A license amendment request that contains the proposed method for compliance with GDC 19 dose limits and supporting analyses will be submitted to the Nuclear Rerulatory Commission by February 27,1998. It is expected that implementation of proposed method for compliance with  ;

GDC 19 can be completed within two years of the date that NRC approval of the license l amendment is granted.

The proposed February 27,1998, date for submittal of a license amendment and two years for implementation of the proposed method of compliance were based on estimates for the times to l

complete these activities, without knowing specific details about how this commitment will be resolved.

This commitment is a priority of Wisconsin Electric. All reasonable efforts will be made, commensurate with safety, to meet our commitment on or ahead of schedule.

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