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Forwards Summary of Allegation Re Unqualified Individual Granted Access to Protected Areas W/O Adequate Security Screening.Requests Review for Validity & Significance of Issue.Results Should Be Available for NRC Review
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1985
From: Norelius C
To: Edelman M
NUDOCS 8512240245
Download: ML20138P004 (2)


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. DE0181985 -

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Docket No.:50-440 -

]o Docket.No. 50-441

The Cleveland Electric' Illuminating Company- ,

i' ATTN:'-Mr.'Murray R.1Edelman -

~Vice President

, . . Nuclear Group- -

Post:0ffice Box 5000-Cleveland,-.0H 44101-


' Gentlemen:-

Region;III has received an'allegati u concerning an. individual working at the
Perry, site.f A sumary of that allegation. is enclosed for your. review.

It-is requested that you review this allegation to determine the validity and

< significance.of the issue.1We further request that the_ results of your review-be~available for Region =III-> inspectors after completion.--

^jYou'rcooperation._withusisappreciated. Should you have any questions with

  • 2(regard to.this matter, please do not. hesitate to. call me or Mr. R. C. Knop.


p ~


" Original Signed by E.G. Grecran"


Charles E. Norelius, Director-

-Division of Reactor Projects-


. Sumary of Allegation Lcc w/ enclosure:-

J. J. Waldron, Manager,-Perry.

Plant Technical Department .


M. D. Lyster, Manager,- Perry: Plant
Operations Department .

.L.LO._ Beck, General Supervising Engineer, Nuclear _-Licensing and FuelJManagement Section

- DCS/RSB ._ (RIDS) l Licensing Fee Management Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Harold W..Kohn,;0hio EPA Terry J. Lodge, Esq.

> James W.; Harris, State of Ohio "

Robert H. Quillin,-Ohio- 851224o245 e5121s PDR F ADOCK 05000440

~ Department of Health PDR ,,

. 44S RIII- - RIISg. RIII . - RI':I[ RIIL , RIII LMcCormick-Barger/rl d'W #4 Knop-

. RFLU Warnick j@

Neil P k W W Greenman Norelius

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SUMARY OF ALLEGATION MN , .; ,,..;thenindidatAdthatthere.wasanotherindividualwhoinhisestimation

.rshould not.have:been permittediaccess to the-security areas:of the plant, but'

, _

  • Ehadfadequately passed;the security screening-program. -........would not-identify-i the individual by,name,;but he_ indicated Lthat he was the operator of?the CEI-Mi


T owned 402 ton " cherry picker" and that-the individualehad a . fancy "h'airdo" and: _.

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neveriworeia hard hat because:he didn't want-to mess.up his " hairdo". ..... stated ithat(thelindividual.'wa's' a chronic alcoholic 1and had been emp.loyed for three, y years of; continuous' employment. . As such,.that; individual was not required;to


2takelthe KMPI. 3The only security' screening requirement in that situation was

,an acceptable' appraisal.from the individual's supervisor, which that crane-o , operator lobtained; f...... indicated the individual's_ supervisor was also an-alcoholic.;

i.In _ summary.jthe essence:of;.......... allegations can be sumed up i.n two' parts.-

c.1 First. ....;..... alleges that an unqualified individual was granted' access to the protected areas of:the Perry Nuclear Power Plant without adequate



  1. ~

LSecond, /......... alleges that th'e aspect:of the security screening program -


,, , Lwhich~ permits bypassing'of the MMPI~ test by'using supervisorsrecommenda-u ,

tions when individuals have been employed for more than three years:is

- ,' - beingTinvalidated by0 improper supervisor analyses of employees-backgrounds.-


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