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Responds to Describing Intention of Making Schedular Mod to Earlier Commitment to NRC Re long-term Corrective Actions to Address Problem of High Temp in Drywell.No Objections Raised to Deferral
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/1985
From: Paperiello C
To: Reed C
NUDOCS 8512170307
Download: ML20138H754 (1)


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DEC 101985 Docket No. 50-373 Coninonwealth Edison Company ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed Vice President Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 \

. Gentlemen: \

We have reviewed your letter of August 21, 1985, in which you described your intention of making a schedular modification to an earlier coninitment to us regarding certain--long-term corrective actions to address the problem of high temperatures in the Unit 1 drywell. Specifically, you notified us of your intent to defer work inside the drywell for additional coolers with associated piping and duct work from the first refueling outage to the second refueling outage. As discussed with Mr. D. Farrar and other members of your staff and me and other members of the Region III staff in meetings in this office concerning this matter on September 3 and November 1, 1985, we-understand that you.have performed analyses which indicate that the deferral will not affect the qualification of safety-related equipment inside the drywell. We also understand that careful attention will be given by you to the ongoing temperature monitoring program to assure any high drywell temperatures that might develop will be promptly detected, analyzed, and resolved. Given these understandings, we have no objections to the scope and timing of your intended deferral as described in your August 21, 1985, letter.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us.

Sincerely, Original signed by L. A. Reyes (for)

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bobk [ Carl J. Paperiello, Director Division of Reactor Safety cc: D. L. Farrar, Director

~.o f Nuclear Licensing G. J. Diederich, Plant Manager DCS/RSB(RIDS)

Licensing Fee Management Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Phyllis Dunton, Attorney General's Office, Environmental Control Division RIII RI II RI W bh' ]RII Falevits/jk W ams H rison perie o Davis 11/19/85 ff /M/'/#


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