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Motion for Hearing & Leave to Intervene in Opposition to Util Request for Extension for Leak Rate Testing on Primary Containment Valves from 860303 to 860526 Based on Possible Unsafe Operation of Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1986
From: Anthony R
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#186-378 OLA, NUDOCS 8603140083
Download: ML20138A138 (1)


U.S.NUC LEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. . . ACOMIC SAF S BOARID RE: PH ILA. ELEC. CO. Limerick Gen. Sta. Unila. & 2. Docke d o. 50-352,353 t MAR 111986> h!1.

Jud es I.w. Sai Chairman Dr. R. F. Cole ,C. A ng r. 6- Feb.26,1986 oudiTMUMBER' PROD. & UTIL FAC -

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V OfETERVEKE IN OPPO-SITION TO PECO'S REQUEST TO AMEND TS a d g, 1 Cr.NSE NPF-39 u J . IJOU t SEffvlCEly 0F Eh fuy On 2/15/86 we received notification of the eats 1W4Huent of an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board comprised of the judges above. Since this Board was design ated to respond to the notice to amend PECo's operating 11oenne,NPF-39, 50'F.R. 52874, we conclude that its jurisdiction extende also to a further request from PECo for an amendment to revise Technical Specifications 4 6.1.2 d and g , 50 F.R. 53235.

We received a copy of 50 F.R. 53235 on 1/29/86 as an attachment to a Monthly Notice form from NRC, dated 1/27/86, addressed to Mr. Edward G.Bauer,Jr.

Phila, Elect'ric Co. We are hereby responding to this notice within the prescrib-ed time period in opposition to the granting of this amendment and requesting a hearing before the Board and for leave to intervene as Robert L. Anthony /

Friends of the Earth in the Delaware Valley,as in our previous intervention.

We assert that the extention of time for the leak rate testing on pris..ry containment isolation valves from 3/3/06 to the proposed plant shutdown on 5/26/86 constitutes a high risk to the public and myself and my family and members of Friends of the Earth since the saf. operation of the reactor cannot be aosured without these testh" beek successfully concluded.

We believe that we are entitled as effected residente and PECo ratepayers (1 ) to be admitted as a party to the proceedinge,and that (2) as proper ty owners and workers in the area of the Limerick plant we have f amily and financial inter-eats in the proceedinge,and()) if this amendment were issued,there would be severe repercusaions for us through the threat of radioactive poisoning from a possible CW g radiological accident,the necessity to sell cur property and seek employment out-0- side the PECo area,and the accompanying financial and socisl disruption of our live m) Furthermore,these testa could have been performed during plant shutdowns ac which incluk"d h*kfor October,14-25 in Nov., 4 days inDec.01nd3-9and14-20 19 in January 1986. They should ,therefore be required without extention of time.


$ We call the Board's e ttention to our subalesions on Amendment "o.1 of 1/20, 2/5, 2/11.2/12,and 2/15/86 and we incorporate these here by reference.

On the basis of the above we petition the Bosrd for a hearing and leave to be admitted as an intervenor.

I certify copies by mail to: NRC-Sec., Gen Counst.1 **E *[,

Docketing and Servg G nye;& gg

  • e g g LEA Box 186 [Noylan,Pa. 1906 DSb2 . __ . - . . _ -