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Forwards NRC Proposed change,TSB-011,to Administrative Controls Section of STS to Accommodate Changes to 10CFR20, 10CFR50.36A,10CFR50, & 10CFR55
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1997
From: Charemagne Grimes
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Jennifer Davis
Shared Package
ML17312B394 List:
NUDOCS 9704140104
Download: ML20137R380 (14)


_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _

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\e.l.l + April 9, 1997 j' .

1 Mr. James Davis l Nuclear Energy Institute ,

! 1776 Eye Street, N. W.

i Suite 300 j Washington, DC 20006-2496

Dear Mr. Davis:

As you know, the NRC cancelled its plans to issue a Generic Letter for a line-i item improvement to the technical specification administrative controls 1 -

section, to devote more resources to conversion reviews and additional improvements to the improved standard technical specifications (STS).

j However, the proposed Generic Letter would have included several changes to the administrative controls to accomodate changes to 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50.36a. In addition, since the issuance of Administrative Letter 95-06 on the relocation of administrative controls related to quality assurance, the 1

staff has identified additional changes to the administrative controls to better accomodate the staffing requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 and Part 55, and

' to include a new staff position regarding controls for the working hours of personnel who perform safety-related functions.

i Enclosure 1 is an NRC proposed change, TSB-0ll, to the administrative controls i

' section of the STS to reflect the changes described above. In addition, the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) has proposed similar changes to the STS in TSTF-86 and TSTF-121. We request that the TSTF modify their proposals j

in these travelers, et withdraw those changes and submit a new traveler, to reflect consistent chances to the administrative controls for all versions of 4

} the STS. Should you have. any questions regarding this matter, please contact 1

Bob Tjader at 301-415-118) .


Sincerely, j

Christopher I. Grimes, Chief Technical Specifications Branch j Associate Director for Projects j Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i


as stated 4

i cc: C. Szabo, BWOG

L. Bush, WOG

! 8. Mann, CEOG i

A. Maron, BWROG l B. Ford, BWROG j D. Hoffman, EXCEL i

. _ _ . b/OV h _._ --



! NRC Prapssed Change to the STS 011 04/02/97 Criginetor: R. Tjader Mgr Approved: Date: 11/07/96

i NUREGs Changed 1430: X 1431: X

X 1433: X 1434: X Technieel Speelnestiene Changed:
1) Change A*nin Castreie Soosene s.2 and 5.3 en met seafang n _ r_ 1 i 2) Change Admin Centrols Scotten 5.5.4, Redoesthe Efnuent Centrais Psepam '

l 3) Replace Admin Controle Section 5.7, High Radiation Atee

! Deeeription of chase.:

Revin STS Admin CentrWe Seesene 5.2 en Urdt Staff and 5.3 en Unit Staff Quefifleetiene to numews reesiewnente redundant with reguisoone Change /repiece STS Admin Conoois Seesene 5.s.4 and 5.7, seapeethely, se refieet 10 CFR 20 ores to Crn 50.ase ehenges. te

, maintain sonautency between the sTS and reguistion.

l Justineation of Change:

, l j ReWeion of TS 5.2.2.e en unit staff working hours refleets recent CMGR-epproved ehenges to the STS. Revision of TS 5.3 en sistfing a requiremonte somoves requirement redundant to reguistions while poteining elemente required in TS by regulomons. Aevisione of to CFR j Port 20 and to CFR 50.36e have supereeded reisted information in the TS stof other reguistions, thereby prerroting NRC to propose this j generic change treweller to update the STS. The model STS provided in this peekage are specifically intended to ehminste poesitde eenfusion i or improper implementation of the revised 10 CFR Part 20 reentements. ISee attached justification.)

Entseed Database Date: 11/746 Filename: 3Afermewhengesendb d

l NRC REVIEW OF PROPOSED STS CHANGE 788 Reviewer: R. TNor Tech Reviewer: S.10ementowict Of review required)

Reeenunendenen Date: 11/746 flosemmendation: Date: 114/g6 i ix! APPROVE I I M00lFY I IREJECT

- IXl APPROVE I IMODIFY ! !IREJECT j comewnw. Commona.

f se ebewe Justification as ettechmente to trovator. 3/3/97 pkg


eres incorporated as en onclosure to a letter to NEl and provided to C. Grimes for signature. This ehenge wee to hows been provided l under e Generic Letter, which was eencelled. 4/2/97 TS 5.2 and 5.3 added to peekage: peakege forwarded to C. Grimes for deposition.

A, a PROPOSED STS CHANGE DISPOSITION l TSS Action / [ J4 \ Date: 44 .Q "- TSTF Action Of apphoeblel Date:


l Comumente: Commente-

/ l l


, chenew Assoas Databene Preefed Upde ed Retumed for Comment Resolution Cervoetions Databene Updated Centrol Booke close.eut Letter Updated Sent to TSTF Ses pu Peakepe Updated piled 01F0ftus\Ts44eo.011 l

1 1

Justification of Changes: -

I Revision of TS 5.2 and TS 5.3 on staff work hours and' staffing I requirements removes requirements redundant to regulations while retaining

' elements required in TS by regulations. Revisions of 10 CFR Part 20 and i 10 CFR 50.36a have superseded related information in the TS and other t

i regulations. thereby prompting NRC to propose this generic change traveller to update the STS. The model STS provided in this package are specifically l i intended to eliminate possible confusion or igroper implementation of the revised 10 CFR Part 20 requirements.

I Staffino Reouirements and Workino Hourn TS Chances (TS 5.2 & TS 5.3) -


Revision of TS 5.2.2.e on unit sta"f working hours reflects recent CRGR-1 approved changes to the STS. This change, to existing STS paragraph 5.2.2.e.

' from specific working hour limits to administrative procedures to control working hours will provide reasonable assurance that impaired performance caused by excessive working hours will not jeopardize safe )lant o>eration.

ji Specific working hour limits are not otherwise required to >e in t1e tecnnical specifications under 10 CFR 50.36(c)(5). Specific controls for working hours l of reactor plant staff can be described in a licensee

a deliberate decision making process to minimize the ')otential procedure for that requires impaired i personnel performance. and that a licensee's establis1ed procedure control i processes will provide sufficient control for changes to that procedure.

These programs have a level of detail necessary to satisfy the policy i statement (SECY-93-067) guidance and are retained in the Administrative

Controls section of the TS. Therefore, the procedures and details can be e

relocated outside the TS.

Existing STS paragraph 5.2.2.b is deleted because it is redundant to i 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(iii).

l Existing STS paragraphs 5.2.2.c is revised and a new STS paragraph 5.3.2

) is added to ensure that there is no misunderstanding when complying with

{; 10 CFR 55.4 requirements.

i Chanoes to TS result 11a from 10 CFR 20 Clances CTS 5.5.4 & TS 5.7) l Revisions of 10 C R Part 20 and 10 C R 50.36a have superseded related

! information in the TS and other regulations. thereby prompting NRC to propose ,

i this generic change traveler to update the STS. While 10 CFR Part 20 allows

! licensees to implement the rule without having to make any changes to their j approved TS. the NRC has crafted the enclosed model STS sections to provide

acceptable language that correlates with the wording in the revised 10 CFR i- Part 20 and 10 CFR 50.36a. Additionally in accordance with i 10 CFR 20.1601(c). the proposed model STS for high radiation areas contain l updated acceptable alternate controls to those given in 10 CFR 20.1601 and

' Regulatory Guide 8.38. Licensees may propose other alternate high radiation area controls based on their plant specific needs.

i In the case of gaseous and liquid effluent release rates, the model STS were crafted to allow licensees to maintain their same overall level of j! effluent control while retaining the o)erational flexibility that exists with i current STS under the previous 10 CFR ) art 20. The model STS continue to require that radiation doses to members of the public from gaseous and liquid i


effluent releases from nuclear power plants be within the values given in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and the limits in 10 CFR Part 20.

I i.

' The model STS provided in this letter are specifically intended to eliminate.possible confusion or improper implementation of the revised 10 CFR  :

Part 20 requirements. '

l l

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, d 5.2 Organization .

5.2.2 Unit staff The unit staff organization shall include the following:

a. A non-Licensed Operator shall be assigned to each reactor l containing fuel and an additional non-Licensed Operator shall be assigned for each unit when a reactor is operating in MODES
j. 1.2.3. or 4. -


[Two unit sites with both units shutdown or defueled, a total
of three non-Licensed operators are required for the two units.]


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rein andiin210 CFR 50.54(mF5hift]creno' mpositi6n may'be est~than"the~minish re~quirement of 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(1) and 5.2.2.a for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to

accommodate unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members t provided inmediate action is taken to restore the shift crew

! composition to within the minimum requirements.

i d~~ . A [ Health Physics Technician) shall be on site when fuel is in i

the reactor. The position may be vacant for not more than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to provide for unexpected absence, provided

inmediate action is taken to fill the required position.

l ed.


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' toliziothewrkino':

  • 1ated &nctions'tfeig hours 1cf 9ersonnelW

$1 ice;nsed :SeniorMe$erforn Hsafetye actor!cperators  !

SR0s)H11 censed Reactor,0peratorsitR0s)Rhealth physicists.1 l nixiliarjitgeratbrsdandley maintgga1 C ""~~~~ I iMrl1NHelDiEdiidi11his'enimortTn'g li5&Ff*thit
retadequate;jshifti!coveragejshall!$e maintained *1thout i j _ ineAneavyisase,;,sfavertimeJ

~n Ng35&faillheTShill?bi )

hor:12eddns.edvance;$y 4helIP)antj3uperintendent] 2crithe i i

Plant 5uperintendent's] designee.Mn accordance with approved l inistrative procedurtsns_nd 6 tith tiocumentatidef5the basi s' ,

i.: j @ M iatjon] -~ ~~

Continued l .

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5.2 Organization _

] 5.2.2 Unit staff (Continued) 7thit l


ndividualsovertime%ha111be'keviewed monthly 3 ~IPlant
  • hi nsure Wr(ntendent] ithat ssivethours)havemot;been exce#thei(R1 ant: asst 95uperintendentis)y gned !$

ito ine

@$heTaar$1gs.MoirJguidelines3shallfenot the, 4{. The [ Operations Manager or Assistant Operations Manager) shall hold an SRO license.

gY. ~ The Shift Technical Advisor (STA) shall provide cdvisory f

technical support to the Shift Su>ervisor (SS) in the areas of thermal hydraulics recctor eng'neering, and plant analysis with regard to the safe operation of the unit. In addition, the STA shall meet the qualifications specified by the Commission Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift.

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!. . - Unit Staff Qualifications


5.3 Unit Staff Qualifications i

1 .

i [ Reviewer's Note: Minimum qualifications for members of the unit staff shall be

l specified by use of an overall qualification statement referencing an ANSI ,

Standard acceptable to the NRC staff or by specifying individual position i qualifications. Generally, the first method is preferable: however, the second

! method statements isbecause adaptable to those of unique unit staffsstructures.

organizational requiring)special qualification

! 5.3.1 Each member of the unit staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of [ Regulatory Guide 1.8. Revision 2,1987. or more recent revisions, or ANSI Standard acceptable to the NRC staff]. The staff not j

' covered by [Regulato Guide 1.8) shall meet or exceed the minimum '

l qualifications of [ ulations. Regulatory Guides, or ANSI Standards j acceptable to NRC staf J.

i i


$_1_2.._T.  : 6BtWpurpoff?6730TTR!557474*?116EdisdiiMT6Fs6iist6FYpdfit6 h R0h msW N W tJ additi on : tofeeeting 4.he ^ requi nements;ef,j!Hjj.3.Elserform i JeXu_nct,1 ons; lescribed in10IFR 50.54(m)..

i lRevieweris NoteMThe minimuni'stiffthf6iiidissenti?stipUlitid3HI 10 CFR 50.54(mMforJunitWrs pratortseniorMperator,Oran.factively performing the functions rif~is be exceeded i Eta f({ngjegj_rementsin jpa ragraph'5.3.21] ~~)f~:stip~ulating~thej~ enha

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5.5.4 edinactive Effluent r=trols 7.aam - '

This program conforms to 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive l '. effluents and for maintaining the doses to members of the public from radioactive efnuents as low as reasonably achievable. The program shall i 6e contained in the CDCM, shall be laplemented by procedures, and shall l . include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are

! , escaeded. De program shall laclede the following elements:

-a . Maitattens en the functional capability of redieactive liquid and

{ gaseous monitoring instrumentation including survs111ance tests and

! setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in the

! # CMI e .

! 6. Limitations en the concentrations of radioactive material released i in licuid ofnuents to unrestricted areas, conforsino to"20 EN *^,



1x 8. Table 2, Column (* 8mn< as(7. A +av,s.

.n,f u.

  • e r m 'x sa. O
c. Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous ofnuents in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the methodology
and parameters in the 00CM;
d. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose consitaent to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid ofnuents released from each unit to unrestricted areas, conforming

! to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;

! e. Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive efnuents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in

{ the CDCM at least every 31 days; i

f. Limitations en the functional capability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatment systems to ensure that appropriate i portions of these systems are used to reduce releases of .

radioactivity when the projected doses in a period of 31 days would i exceed 25 of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I: -

i A s.

g. Limitations se the dose estei resulung teactive material released la gaseous affluentshto areasAMyond the ghboundary 4 C. 20 OT: ;0, "-_.m.. .,

f ' 'M2 t:+ 4 2, k 7., t = r r i t:"

[ l 6. Limitations en the annual and guarterly air doses resulting from sable gases released in gaseous efnuents from each unit to areas W the site boundary, eenforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;

i. Etnitattens en the ammual and guarterly doses to a member of the geblic from ledlee-131, dedine-133, tritium, and all radienucildes la particulate form with half lives > 8 days 61 gaseous ofnuents released from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; and

, .g - - .

4 iG. )

.' j. Limitation on the annual dose or dose commitment to any ensber of j  ; the publi ne to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from j .. . eranium f cycle sources, conforming to 40 CFR 190.

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. se 5.5.4 Radioactive Effluent Controls program .

This program conforming to 10 CFR 50.36a provides for the control of radioactive affluents and for maintaining the doses to members of the public from radioactive affluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program shall be contained in the 00CM, shall be emplemented by operattag precedures, and shall include remedial

., actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The

. program shall faclude the following elements
a. timitations on W functional capability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint detemination in accordance with the

'" methodology in W CDCM;

b. Limitations en the concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents from the sits t UNRESTRICTED AREAS, conforming to 10 times the concentration values in Appendix 8. Table 2, Column 2 to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402;
c. Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and
gaseous effluents pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the
methodology and parameters in the DDCM;
d. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive

, materials in liquid effluents released from each unit to unrestricted areas, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;

e. Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions
from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter

' and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least every 31 days; l f. Limitations on the functional capabiMy and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatment sytems to ensure that appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce i releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a period of 31 days would exceed 2 arcent of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose camm' taent, conforming to 10 CFR 50,

Appendix I;
g. Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive eaterial released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at er beyond the SITE 900NDARY shall be limited to the following:

. 3. For noble gases: less mn or equal to a dose rate of A00 mress/yr to W total body and less mn or equal to a dose rate of 3000 mress/yr to the skin, and

2. For iodine-131, todine-133, tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days: less Wn or equal to a dose rate e

, ye m el*W'se 9

- ~

I . .: . . . y.

l of 1500 aress/yr to any organ;

h. Limitations en the annual and quarterly air doses resulting 1

from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas at er beyond the site boundary, conforming to j 20 CFR 50, Appendix I; 1 e i * -

1. 14mitations en the annual and guarterly doses to a assber of l .; the public free fadlae-131, todine-133, tritium, and all
cadiensc16 des la particulate form with half-itves greater than 8 days la gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas

! 4eyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; j . and i J. Limitations en the annual dose or dose casesitaent to any

! essber of the public, beyond the SITE SOUNDARY due to j releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel .

cycle sources, conforming to 40 CFR 190.  !

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Nigh Radiation Area

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  • 5.7 -

l_ Nigh Radiation Area ,

,t j >

As provided in paragraph 20.1601(c) of 10 CFR part to, the following controls I i i shall be applied to high radiation areas in placa of the controls required by l paragraph 20.1001(a) and (b) of 10 CFR part 20:


! 5.7.1 i Minh Radiation Areas with Deze Rates Not Exceedina 1.0 ran thour at 30 i- f.antimeters from the Radiation tource or from Any Surface Penetrated by the j Radiation:


a. 'Esch entryway to se:h an area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area. Such

, barricades may be opened as necessary to permit entry or

exit of personnel or equipment.
b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be controlled by means of Radiation Work permit RWP or equivalent that includes smelfication of rad (tatio)n dose
rates in the ismediate wart area (s) and other. appropriate j radiation protection equipment'and measures.

t j c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures

! (e.g., health physics technicians) and personnel j continuously escorted by such individuals any be exempted fres the requirament for an RWP or equivalent while i performing their assigned duties provided that they are following plant radiation protection procedures for entry l to, exit from, and work in such areas.

l d. Each individual er group entering such an area shall t


1. A radiation sonitoring device that continuourly  !

displays radiation dose rates in the area; or tantinued i




j i ., y


j r .

Nigh Radiation Area l'.

5.7 Nigh Radiation Area 5.7 I

l 5.7.1 2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously (continued) fotogrates the radiation dose rates in the area and j alarms then the device's dose alars setpoint is j reached, with an appropriate alam setpoint, or

! 3. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transaits dose rate and cumulative dose to a remote seceiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for contro111ag personnel radiation 4

expo.sure within the area, or I

4. A self-reading destaster (e.g., pocket tonization j

chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, l (1) Se under the surveillance, as specified in the i WP or equivalent, while in the area, of an j individual j .

procedures,equipped qualifiedwith in radiation protection a radiation monitoring


device that continuously displays radiation dose i rates in the area; who is responsible for

controlling personnel exposure within the area, l or (11) Se under the surveillance as specified in the AlfP or epivalent, while in the area, by means of closS circuit television, of personnel i

' qualified in radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure in the erea, and with the means to communicate with ad control every individual in the area.

e. Except for individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been detemined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them.

5.7.2 '

lieh earliation 1 ream with trire mates aconter than 1.0 rem / hour at O Cent < meters < ' rem the ame ation Source or frem Any Surface enetrated by t w and' ation. but tens than 500 radt/ hour at 1 later from the i *diat< on Source er frem Any Surface Penetrated by A ed atton;

a. Each entrysty to such an area shall be conspicuously posted

. .as a high radiatten area and shall be provided with a locked centinued


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Nigh Radiation A.rea .7 l

l 5.7 Nigh Radiation Area i

l 5.7.2 door er gate that prevents unauthorized entry, and, in i (continued) addition:

! 1. All such door and gate keys shall be maintained under j the administrative centrol of the shift supervisor, j radiation protection manager, or his or ber designee.

2. Doors and gates shall remain locked except during
  • periods of personnel or equipment entry or exit.
b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be 1 controlled by means of an WP or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rates in the immediate work area (s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals be exempted from the requirement for an WP or equivalenta while1mrforming radiation surveys in such areas provided that tiey are following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work in such areas.
d. Each individual or group entering such an area shall possess:
1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiat'on rates in the area and alarms when the device's dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose' information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling 1mrsonnel radiation exposure within the area w'ti the means to communicate with and control every individual in the area, or f.antinued t



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  • 9

! .3 -

Nigh Radiation Area

! 5.7 l.-

l 5.7 Nigh Radiation Area 5.7.2 3. A self-reading dosimeter Co.s. ket tenization .

~(continued) chamber er electronic desteeter, and, '

, (1) Se under the serve 111ance as specified in the

! AfP or equivalent, dile In the area, of an l individual qualified in radiation protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring i device that continuously displays radiation dose I i rates in the area; who is responsible for 1 i controlling personnel exposure within the area, l

\ er -

1 (11) .Se under the surveillance as specified in the 1 RWP or equivalent, while in the area, by means l

. of closed circuit television, of personnel

! , qualified in radiation protection procedures, i  ; responsible for controlling personnel radiation l

' exposure in the area, and with the means to communicate with and control every individual in the area, or

4. In those cases where options (2) and tapractical or determined to be incon(3), above, sistent withare the

'As Low As is Reasonably Achievable" principle, a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area.

e. Except for individual qualified in radiation protection procedures, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been detemined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them.
f. Such individual areas that are within a larger area that is controlled as a high radiation area, where no enclosure exists for the purpose of locking and where no enclosure can reasonable be constructed around the individual area need I act be controlled by a locked door er gate, but shall be barricaded and conspicuous, clearly visible flashing light shall be activated at the area as a warning device.

9WDEL SPECIFICATION 5.0-19 ADNIN!sTRATIVE CONTROLS u---_____-_--_-__----------- - - - _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . _ , - - -- --m-- -- +m --