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Responds to GL 96-01, Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits, Indicating Completion of GL 96-01 Activities for Unit 2
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/27/1997
From: Sorensen J
GL-96-01, GL-96-1, NUDOCS 9704030145
Download: ML20137H896 (2)


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Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonado Dr. East Wek:h, Minnesota 55089 March 27,1997 Generic Letter 96-01 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-306 License No. DPR-60 Response to Generic Letter 96-01 Testing of Safetv-Related Logic Circuits This letter is in response to Generic Letter 96-01: Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits. The Generic Letter requests a written response confirming completion. By this letter we are indicating completion of Generic Letter 96-01 activities for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 2.

The review of Generic Letter 96-01 for Prairie Island Unit 2 has been completed in l accordance with the commitment made in our letter dated 4/7/96 " Response to Generic Letter 96-01, Testing of Safety Related Logic Circuits". The results of this review indicated, with one minor exception, that Prairie island was correctly 1 implementing and documenting the Unit 2 surveillance testing program for the reactor  !

protection system, emergency diesel generator load shedding and sequencing l functions and the actuation logic for the engineered safety features as outlined in the Prairie Island Technical Specifications.

l The one exception was documented in LER 1-96-18, " Missed Surveillance of Low j Pressure Start of Component Cooling Pumps Due to inadequate Procedure." All l corrective actions associated with LER 1-96-18 have been completed. In addition, enhancements were made to s-ome other surveillance testing procedures to more easily y; and completely identify compliance with the Technical Specifications.

1 Our original review process called for the Generic Letter 96-01 review to be

" coordinated with the development of the Prairie Island [ Improved Technical g)

Specifications]". This was subsequently altered such that Generic Letter 96-01 reviews 0 ^ ^ ^*99o4oao14s 97o227 PDR P

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USNRC NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY March 27,1997 Page 2 were based upon the current custom Prairie Island Technical Specifications instead of the improved Technical Specifications. The reason for this change was that the schedule for the Improved Technical Specifications conversion project could not support the review schedule for our response to Generic Letter 96-01.

We will submit another letter for Unit 1 when that review is complete.

In this letter we have made no new Nuclear Regulatory Commission commitments.

Please contact Jack Leveille (612-388-1121, Ext. 4662) if you have any questions related to this letter.

Joel P Sorensen Plant Manager Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant  ;

l c: Regional Administrator - Region lil, NRC Senior Resident inspector, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC J E Silberg ,



