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Forwards App Tp SALP Board Rept for Jan 1984 - June 1985, Consisting of Summary of 850926 Meeting.Issuance of App Serves as Final Step in SALP Assessment Process
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/1985
From: James Keppler
To: Edelman M
Shared Package
ML20136H863 List:
NUDOCS 8511250214
Download: ML20136H858 (2)


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3 Dma NOV 211985 Docket No. 50-440

-The Clevela'nd Electric. Illuminating Company ATTN: Mr. Murray R. Edelman

-Vice President Nuclear Group Post Office Box 5000 Cleveland, OH 44101 Gentlemen:

This refers to the NRC's Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) 5 Board Report for the Perry Nuclear Plant, our meeting of September 26, 1985, ,

which discussed in detail the contents of the report, and your written comments dated October 25,.1985, relative to the report.

The staff has reviewed your corrective action program in response to the.

Category 3 in the Preoperational Testing Functional area. In particular, the staff has recognized an increase in licensee management attention and awareness, '

a greater responsiveness to NRC. concerns, and an increased initiative in identifying and implementing self-imposed corrective actions. As evidenced by the number and type of violations identified during inspections immediately following the last assessment period, the effectiveness of these efforts has been slower than expected in manifesting itself in the program. The results of.more recent inspections, however, can be regarded as indications that these

'actio'ns appear to have produced actual improvements in program implementation.

Based on the formal exchange of information between our respective staffs, and in the absence of verbal identification of discrepancies within the report or formal written comments from you requiring resolution, no changes to the SALP Board Report are necessary.

Enclosed, as an Appendix to the SALP Board Report, is a summary of our meeting which includes names of those persons in attendance. Issuance of the Appendix serves as the-final step in our SALP assessment process.

In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rule of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter with the referenced attachments will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room. l l

8511250214 851121 PDR ADOCK 05000440 G PDR l

, IE'jO

The Cleveland Electric Illuminating 2 Company NOV 21 1985 No reply to this letter is required; however, should you have questions on the conclusions reached by NRC, or on the Appendix to the SALP Report, please let us know and we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Sincerely, Original signed by A. Bert thvis James G. Keppler Regional Administrator


Appendix to SALP 5 Board Report No. 50-440/85001 cc w/ enclosure:

J. J. Waldron, Manager, Perry Plant Technical Department M. D. Lyster, Manager, Perry Plant Operations Department L. O. Beck, General Supervising Engineer, Nuclear Licensing and Fuel Management Section DCS/RSB (RIDS)

Licensing Fee Management Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Harold W. Kohn, Ohio EPA Terry J. Lodge, Esq.

James W. Harris, State of Ohio Robert H. Quillin, Ohio Department of Health J. M. Taylor, Director, IE H. R. Denton, Director, NRR Regional Administrators RI, RII,-RIV, RV N. J. Palladino, Chairman J. K. Asselstine, Commissioner F. M. Bernthal, Commissioner T. M. Roberts, Commissioner.

L. W. Zech, Commissioner J. Stefano, NRR Project Manager H. L. Thompson, NRR J. Axelrad, IE RIII PRR RIII SGA State Liaison Officer, State of Ohio INPO RIII RIII RIII 94 f/ RIII RIII RII Etf. i , ll-1MT R & RM W k Peark/mj Schweidinz War k Knop McCor " k-Barger Norg JKppler us (4 Paperiello Hindg . 3 Davis v 11/16/85 '.r,, plyi h/M Ip