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Submits Copy of Describing Discharge Practices for Groundwater Seeping Into Fsv'S Reactor Building Sump
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1996
From: Borst F
To: Weber M
P-96099, NUDOCS 9612030328
Download: ML20135A636 (6)


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G rubiic service-16805 WCR 191/2; Platteville, Colorado 80651

=:. :=._

November 20,1996 Fort St. Vrain P-96099 i

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

ATrN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Michael F. Weber, Chief Decommissioning and Regulatory Issues Branch

. Docket No. 50-267


Fort St. Vrain Reactor Building Sump Groundwater Releases in Accordance With NPDES Permit Provisions 1

Dear Mr. Weber:

Attached for your information is a copy of a letter from Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) describing discharge practices for groundwater that seeps into Fort St. Vrain's Reactor Building Sump. The November 19,1996 letter identifies that groundwater which

ingresses into the Reactor Building Sump (approximately 10 gallons per day) will be transferred to the Turbine Building Sump, from which it is released to the environs. In accordance with the Fort St. Vrain National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDEE, Permit, Wastewater Discharge Permit No. CO-0001121, PSCo provided a copy of the groundwater radiological analysis which verified no concentrations of radioactive nuclides above the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) in the Reacf or Building Sump groundwater.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. M. H. Holmes i at (303) 620-1701.

Sincerely, h.t4Wd f I

Frederi J Borst Decommissioning Program Director h{jC i Attachment


9612030328 961120 PDR ADOCK 05000267 g PDR.


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4 P-96099 Novernber 20,1996

Page 2

$ FJB/SWC j cc: Regional Administrator, Region IV j Mr. Robert M. Quillin, Director ,

Radiation Control Division Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment i

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O Public Service' CTA P.O. Box B40 Denver, CO 80201 0840 i

November 19,1996  :

Mr. Don Holmer Permits and Enforcement Section Water Quality Control Division Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, CO 80222-1530 4

RE: Public Service Company of Colorado - Fort St. Vrain - CDPS Permit No. CO-0001121

Dear Don:

As discussed in our conversation on November 1,1996, regarding Fort St.

Vrain (FSV) Reactor Building Sump (RBS) groundwater ingress, Public Service Company of Colorado (PSC) , intends to transfer RBS groundwater into the Turbine Building Sump (TBS), which discharges into the Goosequill stub ( Discharge Point 0018) or the alternate pathway through the Slough (Discharge Point 002). A sump pump has been installed in the RBS and hard piped to the TBS to accommodate this transfer. Currently the volume ,

of groundwater ingress into the RBS is approximately 10 gallons per day. l The RBS, as well as the incoming groundwater, has been surveyed for radiological contamination and has been verified to meet all radiological release criteria as established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the FSV Decommissioning Project. A copy of the groundwater analysis  ;

is attached for your records as discussed and agreed to in FSV l Amendment 5, page 3, Section V, item 3 under " Additional changes which ,

may impact water usage and discharge rates".

We appreciate your expeditious response on November 1,1996 allowing PSC to begin the transfer of the RBS groundwater to the TBS.

l l

In addition, this letter also serves as notification of PSC's intent to perform ,

maintenance activities on the FSV Wastewater Treatment Lagoons )

(Discharge Point 007A), as discussed with Eldon Lindt on November 12, 1996. Maintenance activities will consist of transferring the water from the lagoons to the Northwest evaporation pond, removal and transfer of accumulated sludge to Conservation Services, inspection and repair of the aerators, and inspection of the lagoon hypalon liners. The Northwest evaporation pond is lined with a 60 ml. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) l Y

4 liner which is in excellent condition, is currently empty, and has a capacity of 2.5 million gallons. The volume of water from the sewage lagoons to be transferred to the evaporation pond is estimated to be approximately 100,000 - 150,000 gallons and will remain in the ponds until evaporation is complete.

Thanks again for your assistance on these issues. If you have any questions concerning discharge issues at FSV please contact Eldon Lindt at 571-7440 or call me at 620-1341.

Sincerely, oe

' Jesse Brungardt Sr. Environmental Analyst I

1 cc: Eldon Lindt - PSC Mark Fox - PSC Marty Block - PSC -

Sam Chestnutt - PSC Alan Albrandt- PSC Dave Fetterolf - PSC Kathleen Sullivan - CWQCD

CO',0BADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENb7ROMiENT, Water Quality Conerst Division j ' gationale. Amendment No. 5 Page 3 Permit No. CO-0001121 l ~V.


i j

3) Instauation of a 'conpressor wsh skid' and a 2.000 gallon 'wthuter holding tank". The conpre


wsh skid wiu provide a high prasure wash of the turbine blades utilizing demsneralized water and detergent to remon combustion raidue introducedpom the natural gas and combustion air f from pond'.the washwater holding tank is estimated to awrage 200 gpd and will be routed the '

e PuMic Service Conpany of Colorado has inspeaed the South emporatwn pond liner integnty. This ,

i inspeaion and thepuow-up repon unjying the liner integrity has been subnuand to the WQCD. i Additional changer whid may inpact weer usage and disdarge rater include: i I

i  :

1) A decreate in service uter cochng usagepr reaaor budding equipment due to de--


'_=& '4 i Cwi=4 on pppronmately January 2.1996, a service water coolmg blowdown rate of Appraamately I

) 4.000 spd wiR be occurnng to suppen coolsng of the CT. The onrau net dea of there tw changet f \

should not modsfy the previous reneuel ratsonale, on page 6, of the FSV discharge permit. Mdd indicated a


maamum blowdown rate of 25.000 gpdfor the service unter cooling tower. 1 1


2) The mscinar Regulatory Conuncion (NRC) Scansmg reparementpr the 1,100 gpm bypan unta during radioaain ugund wste disdarga, win remma in dea until tenanaaon of the scente by the NRC.


. Presently, it is anticipated that this hcensmg requirement will by cancelled by the third quaner of1996.


--- :> h Reromang of the Reaaor Buddag Sep (RBS) to the Turbine Budding Sungl 4- -_ _ -- -2 , 4to accannadate groundwater ingmt. The amount ofgi- Fringrest a d theref re


theflow raterpom this discharye can not be determined at this time. As agreed to in the meaning ofMarch i ,

7,1993, PSC wiu subnut a copy of the radsologscal analysis of this groundwaterprior to rercaning this l discharge)fowpath. l i-i 4) Outfa0 007 (the egluentpcm the Sewage Treconent Plant) flow rater should remam fairly constant due to I

an intIscc ofip;mg personnel, with a si- %m decreate in decommissioning personnai. \

V Exceptfor the detergent to be used in the CT conpressor unsh skid. no new chemicais wiu be introduced into the l Jacshty process waters. Copies of the Material Safay Data 9seets (MSDS)for representatin CT washueter detergents were anached to the letter of May 15,1995.

Also attached to the PSClener of May 15,1995 is a copy of the mass balance processflow diagram, the design ;

1 mater analysis data, and the renonale used to prepare the design unter analysis. The design water analysis results '

\ are based ppon analysss perprmed by PSC, Calgon and Nalco Gemical Cget, at wu as data provided by l the WQCD. From a renew of duis data, the range of demical constituents in some areas is extreme. The Caner l Inke Treaanent Plant wiu be the source of most of the unter neededfor Phase 1A and isfairly connstant in quakty. Howewr, the range of the unter quaksypr the St. Vrain and South Plane riwr waters may be wrsable.

l Therefore, PSCplant to monssor the rintspr key parameters on a morefrequent basis and revise the water f

design analysss as addstional data becomes andable.

i Since the Combusnan Turkme OsVWater Separator wiu be a new contnbunng source in the Fort St. Vrainfacility.

l this amendment inetudet sigm)fcast thanger; howewr, as later disassted, no public nonce regsdrements are i applicable. The other more signifcant danges in the Phase LA acintist han been meluded bt the abow

{ discusnons of this amendment ranomate. Other less sigm)foost danget han been summarked in dae leuerpons

{ PSCdated Mard 10,1995. Thate nunor mods)fcanont in pan include: a) innauanon of a pH control system for

} the Turbine Budding Sunp: and b) sulpnc acid /sodsum hydrande treatnunt in the Turbine Building Sunp and 1

tenporary rerounnt of the Nonk Yard drams. Forpnher deals, see the letter dated March 10,1995.


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k RP Los Number b ~ b2IN Laboratory ID numh r 't i . O rW W cf 1 l

1.URGENTC Results Reqmrod by Dese: Time: Does Rase: O None Detectable l Removable Contamination

! Sample description: b 8b (-rc ud b O Leu kMC (h-e e I # 23 1 Sample I/ cation: Rec ~ h  % w uvi n. 9A Requested by: 0tm,w

! Sangled by: \Al 4-\ d e r- Mc eJ Dese i o- li-% Time iG'oO l RWP Number: MiA System Nuseber: NIA Air Sample Number: A/ /4 PCR Number: NiA Survey Cross Reference Number: A/i.4 i j 2. Analyses sq -

"d (plenes check) i 1

O Gross Beta O Groes Alpha O St-90 H3

% Gamma-Quantitative O Gamma - Qualitative l O Other (indicate) 4

3. Is this inW for uncaamtional relenes? % Yes O No If Yes: Is sample representative of entire contents? %Yes O No Are reqmrod MDAs standant? p(Yes O No ANALYSIS / NUCLIDE RESULTS + or - UNITS Counting MDA. COMMENTS (if reanimd)


6- A m me M;A* Sce belou>

4 i i

3 7 ,- i W v m M . G E-7 9% E-7 ~" C N 1 Cl t 9 6 '~7 L es,s R av m 0 4

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4. Analyzed in accordams whk - hau procedura? yYee O No If no, explain below.

4 Com-te: 5 M s A ( N o s m : L ea a- Ac 4 : e :4 ) mcu cmaes 4LcA- no oc he.4v lercluckua l

! f\cdumN o c co cie wc\:Je3 ) w= 3 c14 kcMcl abce e_ c , lk ea t (+ce l a 4 % [0 co n Gt clht e. \ tv e") ; s - p e co a ct We Lo c o .se r c, d.s e N d ekcto r- M.

5. RC Lab Review: MI k t Cv- r%h C 4

5 RC. ADM.134.2-5 Page1of1
