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Discusses 961218 Mgt Meeting in Region IV Re Waterford 3 Performance Improvement Plan.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation Matl Encl
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1996
From: Dyer J
To: Sellman M
NUDOCS 9701070023
Download: ML20133C052 (62)


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' '^ # [ AR LING ton, T EX AS 76011 8064 DEC 31 1996 Michael B. Sellman, Vice President Operations - Waterford Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box B Killona, Louisiana 70066 SUB JECT: WATERFORD 3 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN This refers to the meeting conducted in the Region IV office on December 18,1996. This meeting related to a discussion presented to NRC Region IV personnel on continuing efforts to improve overall performance at Waterford 3. The presentation focused on assessments, areas for improvement, initiatives, and accomplishments in operations, maintenance, engineering, and plant support. Other topics included, improving the safety culture, personnel and management issues, and corrective actions.

We appreciated the update on the status of your performance improvement plan.

In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room.

l Should you have any questions concerning this matter, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Sincerely, eV  ;

J. E. Dyer, Director Division of Reactor Projects Docket No.: 50-382 License No.: NPF-38


1 Attendance List i

2. Licensee Presentation 9701070023 961231 #

PDR ADOCK 05000382 P pm

= .

l Entergy Operations, Inc. I l


! Executive Vice President and i Chief Operating Officer Entergy Ope: rations, Inc.

P.O. Box 31905 j Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995 i

Vice President, Operatiens Support l

Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 31995 l

Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995 Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway P.O. Box 651 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 l

General Manager, Plant Operations Waterford 3 SES l Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box B l Killona, Louisiana 70066 l Manager - Licensing Manager Waterford 3 SES Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box B l Killona, Louisiana 70066 Chairman Louisiana Public Service Commission One American Place, Suite 1630 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70825-1697 Director Nuclear Safety Waterford 3 SES Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box B Killona, Louisiana 70066 William H. Spell, Administrator Louisiana Radiation Protection Division

i. P.O. Box 82135 l l Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884-2135 i

l l


I Entergy Operations, Inc.  !,

1 Parish President I i St. Charles Parish '

P.O. Box 302 '

i- Hahnville, Louisiana 70057 l 4

i Mr. William A. Cross l Bethesda Licensing Office

{ 3 Metro Center i

Suite 610 I Bethesda, Maryland 20814 4

Winston & Stravin

! 1400 L Street, N.W.

I Washington, D.C. 20005-3502 e

i e


i 4


i DEC 3 l 1996 l

Entergy Operations, Inc. 4 l 4


' bec to DMB (IE45) bec distrib. by RIV:

L. J. Callan Resident inspector DRP Director DRS-PSB Branch Chief (DRP/D) MIS System Project Engineer (DRP/D) RI V File Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) Leah Tremper (OC/LFDCB, MS: TWFN 9E10) l i

1 I

i To receive copy of document, indicate in bog: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy PE:DRf/p 6 C:DRMD p) D:DRP GE h PHHh g JEDyer SV 12/.io /96 12/1996 12/.3//96 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 070001

DEC 31 1996 Entergy Operations, Inc. -4 bec to DMB (IE45)

! bec distrib. by RIV:

L. J. Callan Resident inspector DRP Director DRS-PSB Branch Chief (DRP/D) MIS System Project Engineer (DRP/D) RIV File l Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) Leah Tremper (OC/LFDCB, MS: TWFN 9E10) d i

l l

I i

4 To receive copy of document, indicate in bog: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enrjosures "N" = No copy

, PE:DRf/ pr_ l C:DR)ND p) D:DRP l l l

GE\MW PHHby W JEDyer yg/V 12/3o/96 12/ $q96 12/3//96 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY




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,pdi,GJ Generstion v'v W3 / NRC MANAGEMENT MEETING December 18,1996

' Entergy Operations, Inc.

O O O~ ~


i introduction / Purpose M. Sellman, V.P. Operations Bounding ofissues/Becoming Self Driven ,

Operations C. Dugger, Gen. Mgr. Plant Operations

  • Engineering A. Wrape, Dir. Design Engineering F. Titus, V.P. Engineering Maintenance C. Dugger, Gen ~ Mgr. Plant Operations

. 1 Plant Support F. Drummond, Dir. Site Support Other F. Drummond, Dir. Site Support

- Safety Culture 1

- People

- Corrective Actions l Self-Assessment F. Drummond, Dir. Site Support -!

Summary M. Sellman, V.P. Operations A  ;

= Entergy \

b O O O~ ~

PURPOSE To Discuss:  !

W3's perspective on where we are with respect to bounding concerns - are we in recovery or discovery?

W3's perspective with respect to who's the catalyst (forcing function) - W3 or the NRC. Would W3 pursue and develop issues fully if we didn't have i NRC oversight?


t Provide Accomplishments Where Do We Go From Here j O  !

= Entergy

O O O' '


+ PERFORMANCE ROOT CAUSES (from 6/11/96 FOCUS Plan Presentation)

Self-Critical Attitude Not Fostered by Management Management Has Not Provided Leadership in Setting Appropriate Expectations 1

High Standards for Safety and Regulatory Performance Have Not Been Set With Same Vigor As Has Occurred for Cost and Operational Performance Insular Behavior Prevented Earlier Correction

=Entergy i

O O O~ '


PERFORMANCE ROOT CAUSES How W3 Looks Today (cont.)

Self-Critical Attitude Not Fostered by Management

- Timeless Principles Management Has Not Provided Leadership in Setting Appropriate Expectations

- True North Goals i

- Goal Alignment

- Significant Progress in Laying Out Expectations 1


~=Entergy l


O O O~ '!

+ PERFORMANCE How W3 Looks Today (cont.)

High Standards for Safety and Regulatory Performance Have Not Been Set With Same Vigor As Has Occurred for Cost and Operational Performance

- Employee Communications (Grassroots Advisory, FOCUS QAT, Meet With Mike, etc.)

- Resources and cost are no longer impediments to plant safety and regulatory performance

- Timely Communication with the NRC Insular Behavior Prevented Earlier Correction

- Assessments e

=Entergy j



i W3 Assess wents Status l Corporate Assessments 1

Black: Corporate Assessment /Outside Assessment 1. Chemistry 6. Systern Review- HPSI i Red: W3 Assessment 2. Radiation Protection 7. Engineering & Tech. Support i Blue: Not Assessed 3. Operations 8. System Review- CR HVAC

4. Maintenance /P&S 9. Training

' 5. Maintenance Rule ENGINEERING

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S ystenis l System lS; f. : Jm E m e n , Questionmg Attitudes and Enameenna ownersNr of Plant instrument Set Pomt Controi i f rom tNPO vw x Rwrung '

, OFT Control of Spec Nuc Mat Hm. <,ho ong e

= Entergy i

i t t '

i O W3 AssessCents Status O' Corporate Assessments Black: Corporate Assessment /Outside Assessment 1. Chemistry 6. System Review- HPSI Red: W3 Assessment 2 Radiation Protection 7. Engineenng & Tech. Support Blue: Not Assessed 3 Operations 8. System Review- CR HVAC

4. Maintenance /P&S 9. Training
5. Maintenance Rule .

i i Ors 7. E f t" ti . e ve Diegnostic Maint of. System Lmeups ' Radiniog, cal Cortr % T. E af et v E u!t s.-

l 'E Structures Systems " .

Emr v s C omponents 1:o, .#

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Normal Conditions j _ aw -mot s Enqio - oqSom m a Surveillance Testing Adequacy of EOPs F n o Pmtortion  ; ,a nt ,

, Marn coanc o ;5} C -sm an -


Implementation of EOPs -:

. Enginr+o,q Sorroc :" M se .o. e inspectm & Oo ugatrnnai (2) ,

Opentu ns (6; (-} '

Term ; Rad Jafety -

Procurement Activettes  !'. Instrument Cahbration Manipulating Reactor Radiation Waste 4 cuw m m -
Controls - < Managemeht contigm inoo Manag" mon' . Egoipment Operabihty Tests CP Dmt & Comm Partiotov al E f fluent D .ntr u ' -

{1) (2}

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Systems Design Post-Maintenance Testeng Operettons Use of and Transporation of Radioactive NPC O e .

Basis -

Control of Tech Specs Matenals '

1ST .

c .st S ta e T est o.; Operations Control of Work Emerg Plan ,

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A ctiv.ities Nottf r ations -

j Cakniatn>os Special Tests Post Maintenance Testing intm a ch o ns m Ortsite Ogs (5} (6!


] FSAP P E h oek C ont e Primary Coolant Leakage 1' .

j Impir m o n t atio n -


{5) i ' W r u k. Ef6 ie n . -,

System Questioning Attitudes and -

Engineenng . Ownershrp of Plant Findings from INPO A,ross m instrument SetWork PointPlanntog Control E&A Visst OFI

, A nthoo 7atton - '

Control of Spec Nuc Mat Housokeeping

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= Entergy i

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OPERATIONS Bounding the issues and Becoming Self-Driven I

1996 Assessments i

Areas for improvement Initiatives and Accomplishments ,

i Conclusion 1997 Assessments i i



=Entergy i



OPERATIONS 1996 Operations Assessments Monitoring of Plant Conditions Logging of Plant Conditions Manipulating Reactor Controls Control Room Professionalism and Communications Post-Maintenance Testing Primary Coolant Leakage Systems Questioning Attitude and Ownership of Plant Findings of Previous INPO E&A Visit a

=Entergy t i




OPERATIONS Areas for Improvement LCO Entry Personnel Error Rate i t

4 Ops Procedure Backlog Plant Cleanliness Control of M&TE Computer Applications i

i i

i 1


O O O' '

OPERATIONS Initiatives and Accomplishments New work planning meetings owned and chaired by Operations Operations instituted affected SS review of weekly work ,

schedule one week prior to implementation Aggressively staffing Operations department, including contract help with procedure backlog. Admin. staffis being restructured Restructured fire brigade Parallel run of Contingency / Caution Tag / Deviation databases Revise Emergency Plan logistics to improve Control Room response j Revise Emergency Operating Procedures a

= Entergy  ;


O O O~ ~

OPERATIONS Conclusion We are improving and realize we have some distance to go. Our efforts are focused on:

Identifying, correcting, and bringing to closure our own problems Tech spec LCO entry and compliance k

Continue to advance Operations ownership of j Waterford 3 i Aggressively pursuing daily operations with questioning attitude  ;


=Entergy i

i I


O O O~ ':

OPERATIONS 1997 Operations Assessments LCO Entry and Tech Spec Usage (12/96)

Equipment Out of Service Process (1/97)

Configuration Control (2/97)

Simulator Operations (7/97)

Operator Rounds (8/97)

EOP Implementation (10/97)



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ENGINEERING Bound!.ng the issues and Becoming Self-Driven 1996 Assessments Assessment insights Actions Taken and Results Future Challenges Conclusion a

=Entergy I



ENGINEERING 1996 Assessments HPSI Entergy Engineering & Technical Support Ultimate Heat Sink Entergy FSAR IST Audits i


'I Control Room HVAC INPO design basis Maintenance rule assessment ,

Entergy evaluation of engineering working relationships Entergy design basis *

  • In progress e


ENGINEERING Assessment insights Design / Licensing Basis

- Majority of system reviews originally intended by the FOCUS plan have been accomplished as a result of assessments and recent corrective action activities.

- Weaknesses in design basis documentation have been noted.

- Engineering rigor needs to improve in the areas of assumptions, questioning attitude and evaluations.

,Entergy '

O O O~ ~


Assessment insights (Cont.)

Design / Licensing Basis (Cont.) e

- Some challenging issues have emerged. To date, these have not involved a significant impact on plant safety.

- Corporate evaluation of W3's design basis is underway. This will supplement the FOCUS Plan results to determine the scope of future design basis documentation upgrade work.


=Entergy i

ENGINEERING Actions Taken and Results Design / Licensing Basis

- W3 is committed to licensirig & design basis alignment. This has been demonstrated in response to recent assessment findings.

Examples: ,

o ACCW waterhammer (DC-3470) 0 CVR-401 A&B 0 Containment isolation CVR-402 A&B (check valve)

O HVC-101 & 102 testing i o UHS tornado protection o BRTG monitor power supply O EDG fuel oil capacity plans Orniergy l

O O O' '

ENGINEERING Actions Taken and Results (Cont.)

Engineering Practices That Have Changed

- Fix vs. evaluate is a theme i

- Optimism is fine, but don't assume the condition is correct in all cases. l

- Solve the problem the first time. Be thorough.

Bound the issues.

t e

=Entergy i

O O O~ ~


Actions Taken and Results (Cont.)

Engineering Practices That Have Changed (Cont.)

- Resources" and " cost" are not constraints.

Adequate staffing and funding are available.

- Testing is the preferred method for demonstrating operability even if it is not specifically required.

- Support the plant. Ops needs are a priority.

l r

i i


4 ENGINEERING Actions Taken and Results (Cont.)

Significant Engineering Management rotation Implemented Design Review Committee Strengthened partnership with Plant i

- DE became full voting member on PORC

- Maintenance Rule expert panel Plant engineering organizational review ,


~= Entergy i


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WEntergy i

O O O~



Actions Taken and Results (Cont.)

Commissioned EOl System Wide Design Basis Integration Review Reevaluate DBD's mission

- Capture critical system / component assumptions

- Margin Control i

Selected Design Basis Reconstitution

- Containment Penetration Review

- lST plan reconstitution

- Tornado / Missile Design Basis Review ,

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ENGINEERING Victories Accumulator replacement NRC E&TS hydraulic reviews t

MOV fasteners BRGM Independent Power Supply O- Entergy

O O O~ '

ENGINEERING Future Challenges 1 i Assessment corrective action Selected design basis reconstitution i

Engineering Request (ER) process implementation Modifications I

Backlog reduction

  • Entergy


O O O' ~l ENGINEERING Future Challenges (Cont.)

Design Basis Review

- A corporate Design Basis review will identify gaps in design basis documentation.

- Significant work has already been done on the Electrical Distribution, UHS, EFW, Containment Isolation, and Control Room Ventilation systems.

- Combined, these two efforts provide a solid foundation for embarking on filling Design Basis gaps in these areas.


a=Entergy l

O O O' ~

! ENGINEERING Conclusions - Bounded Areas Fixing Problems Fixed Questioning Attitude Much improved s

Working Relationships Fixed

Work Quality improving t

Design Basis Documentation Assessing e




ENGINEERING Conclusions - Bounded Areas i

Electrical Design Good Piping Analysis Good i

Setpoints Good i

NSSS Systems Adequate w/ Exceptions A/E Mechanical Systems i

Assessing S

=Entergy l i



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O O O' 'l MAINTENANCE Bounding the Issues and Becoming Self-Driven t

1996 Assessments I Areas for Improvement Initiatives Results of Critical Management Reviews Conclusions 1997 Assessments e~= Entergy i

l O O O' 'l MAINTENANCE 1996 Assessments Predictive Maintenance of Structures, Systems, Components Corrective Maintenance of Structures, Systems, Components Inservice Inspection & Testing i

Post Outage Testing Work Control '

Work Efficiency I

i 8

=Entergy I

O O O' '


Areas for improvement Work control needs improvement More critical oversight of field activities i

Worker practice improvements needed Foreign material exclusion improvements Safety practices Human performance

-Procedure compliance

, -Work instructions improvement needed i

Post-maintenance testing during outages needs-improvement a= Entergy

O O O' '

MAINTENANCE Maintenance and Planning & Scheduling address areas in focus plans.


Work control natural work team kicked off

. Spare parts availability natural work team kicked off System Outage Coordinator implemented i

Schedule compliance monitored Operations owns schedule and chairs Work Control Meetings  !

i 8

=Entergy l


O O O' ~

MAINTENANCE Initiatives (Cont.)

Work plans developed for system outages Tagouts submitted four days in advance Supervisor expectations published Supervisor checklist being published Biweekly worker feedback meetings (AIM)

Monthly supervisors' seminars Foreign material exclusion program enhanced and training in progress e

~= Entergy

MAINTENANCE Initiatives (Cont.)

Improving Human Performance training Enhanced tool box knowledge for fasteners Revitalizing zone ownership program Outage post-maintenance testing program enhanced

= Entergy

O O O' ~

MAINTENANCE Results Worker practice errors low (1.6 per 10,000 manhours)

Maintenance rework rate very low Materiel condition improvement realized Housekeeping has improved Low safety system unavailability e


o o o '

-l MAINTENANCE Conclusions ,

Assessments and audits have been beneficial i Improvements have been realized in most areas Continued emphasis on work control, FME, and

! human performance e


O O O~ -

MAINTENANCE 1997 Assessments FME Housekeeping M&TE Control and Use Supervisor Activity in Field Worker Practices Work Control  !

45 assessments that touch on parts of maintenance Entergy l

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O O O~ ~

PLANT SUPPORT l Bounding the issues and Becoming .Self-Driven Summary From All Areas

- Radiation Protection

- Chemistry

- Emergency Planning

- Fire Protection

- Security i


=Entergy l

_ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _a

PLANT SUPPORT Radiation Protection  !

4 Assessments Chemistry i 4 Assessments Emergency Planning ,

4 Assessments 7 Drill Activities Fire Protection 4 Assessments e



Security 3 Assessments

- General Manager Plant Operations Assessment -

February 1996

- Director Site Support Assessment - April 1996

- Director Site Support Assessment - December 1996 e

=Entergy I'


Security (Cont.)


- February / April 1996 " Processes" Adequate but Need Improvement

- February / April 1996 " People Elements" - Needed immediate Change

- December 1996 " People Elements" - Improvement Apparent and Continuing

- December 1996 Regulatory Performance improved

- December 1996 Needed Process improvements Identified Entergy

O O O~ '

OTHER Bounding the issues and Becoming Self-Driven Safety Culture - Employee Concern i

People (Employees, Management)

, Corrective A~ction t

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OTHER Safety Culture Direction - Nuclear Safety Review Q Team (Old EC Program)

Program needed overhaul More detailed review necessary Supervisors not sensitive to employee needs Safety Culture Survey / Review Revised program is an alternative method to address any concern '

Contract and EOl Management is better informed in responding to employee concerns Departmental culture / concerns surveys are used to evaluate safety culture a Entergy

OTHER Safety Culture (Cont.)

NRC Review Identified similar issues Results to Date Program overhauled New coordinator Management training complete Improvement in cultural changes Improvement in identifying employee concerns j 1997 - will perform an additional review

= Entergy

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OTHER People Management / Organization New Management Management Performance improvements Management By Walking Around True North Goals & Goal Alignment I l-People Employee Communication Efforts Timeless Principles j Expectations






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OTHER Corrective Action Program Achievements Conservative Problem identification Culture New Grading Process Places Focus on Safety New Trending Program Monitors Effectiveness and Communicates Priorities New Human Performance Event investigation Process  ;

Regular Trend and Assessment Meetings Provide a Broader Look at issues and Ensure Senior Management involvement i Root Cause Analysis Program improvements Promote More Thorough and Detailed Analysis b

= Entergy

O O O' OTHER Corrective Action Program Challenges Multi-discipline Teams Being Initiated to Evaluate issues involving

- Procedure Noncompliance .

- Ineffective Corrective Action (Recurring Events)

.- Inadequate Procedures

- Inadequate Design Goal is to Validate the issue and identify Underlying Causes and Generic Corrective Actions Focus Plan Provides for Continued improvements in the i Corrective Action, Root Cause Analysis and Plant Trending Programs a


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SELF ASSESSMENTS Key to Success Used Extensively in FOCUS Plan Outside View of Waterford's Performance Current Performance Corporate Self-Assessments DepartmentalInitiated/ Coordinated Assessments l Future Direction Aggressive use of Corporate Assessments Initiate Site-Based Self-Assessment Process j 8

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1997 W3 Assessments  ?

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Engineering has performed a significant amount of assessments in 1996 - both Systems and Programs. Engineering is going to

) use the results of those assessments and the ongoing Corporate Design Basis Review, NRC E&TS Report, and SALP Report to

finalize the 1997 Assessment Plan.

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j Engineering has performed a significant amount of assessments in 1996 - both Systems and Programs. Engineering is going to

use the results of those assessments and the ongoing Corporate Design Basis Review, NRC E&TS Report, and SALP Report to finalize the 1997 Assessment Plan.


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W3 recognizes we had and will continue to have challenges W3 recognizes that in the past, NRC presence was needed to help push resolution of issues Much has been accomplished in 1996 to change culture W3 is self-driven to find and fix problems and now taking control of our own destiny Issues are being bounded m

= Entergy

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