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Forwards Third Quarter 1996 Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Per 10CFR50.59 for Plant
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/1996
From: Jamila Perry
JSPLTR:#96-0185, JSPLTR:#96-185, NUDOCS 9610240257
Download: ML20129D306 (15)


Comrnonw rakh litiwn Comguny

, Drexten Genrrating StJtion I

' 6500 North Drrxlen 1(oatl Morris. l!. 60 i so


Tel H 15912-2920 JSPLTR: #96-0185 October 14,1996 Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation l United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Washington, DC 20555 i Attention: Document Control Desk


1996 Third Quarter 10 CFR 50.59 Report Dresden Nuclear Power Station Commonwealth Edison Company Docket Nos.50-010, 50-237, and 50-249 i i

Enclosed is the third quarter 1996 Report of Changes, Tests, and Experiments  !

per 10 CFR 50.59 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station. These evaluations correspond to the conditions identified in 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) for determining i whether a proposed change, test or experiment shall be deemed to involve an i unreviewed safety question.

Sincerely, St he b y Site Vice President Dresden Station

, JSP/SR:ks l Enclosure cc: A. Bill Beach, Region lli Administrator jj J. F. Stang, Project Manager, NRR s Q'

C. L. Vanderniet, Senior Resident inspector, Dresden Office of Nuclear Facility Safety -IDNS n.

I 9610240257 961014 l

PDR ADOCK 05000010 1 l R PDR \ \

A l'nicom company l

l 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number- 9603 148 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evalutaion Reference Number. S EC. 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 TRie: Corner Room Structural Steel Descripuon: This UFSAR revision implemords the provnions of J. S. Perry letters JSPLTR 964000 and JSPLTR E0082 as approved by the NRC (License Amendment No.144 to Facility Operating License Number DPR-25). This allows operauon of Unt 3 on an interim basis wth qualification of the corner room structural steel based on Reg. Guide 1.61 damping values and excepting the corner room steel from requirements to meet acceptance crterla for stress leveis for OBE loading combination. In addnion, reference to the SER (see item 2) is provided in the UFSAR for evaluation of piping systems and concrete expansion anchor assemblies.


i Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist. '

I safety Evaluation Number: 9603 149 Type of Safety Evaluation: Exempt Change Evalutaion Reference Number: EC E12-2-96-208


Add 3/4" SR Ck vivs to reactor recirc pump


The scope of the change is to add two 3/4 inch safety related check valves in series to each reactor recirculation pump (RR) seal purge une in the vicinity of the containment penetration.

Addtbonally, test taps are added to each hne to facildate leakage testing. The RR seal purge water is then directed through the drywell penetration to the RR pump seal cavity by the instrument line.

It has been vertfied that the existing instrument hne flow check valves will stay open with reverse flows up to 2 gpm and when closed is designed and tested to leak 0.2 gpm, to facilitate reopening i

of the veno.

The purpose of the new check valves are to close post-LOCA to prevent the leakage of post.

LOCA containment fluid outside the primary and secondary containment through the CRD system. By a review of the system arrangement, it was concluded that containment atmosphere cannot leek through this path.

Backloakage through these hnes could occur any time the CRD pumps are off and there is a shghtly greeter pressure or static head in the reactor, including LOOP conditions. The only existing backflow prevention in the CRD system was CRD pump discharge stop check valves, I which are non safety related and not currently tested.

Both redundant check valves will be placed in the seal purge hne as close as practical to the connection to the instrument kne. The instrument hne excess flow check valve is between the seal purge line connection and the drywell penetration. The existing excess flow check valve and a single new check valve provide two valves in series. To provide redundant protection against secondary containment bypass flow through the seal purge into the CRD system, a second new check valve was added.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number. 9603 150 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evalutaion Reference Number: UFSAR Sec.


Ehminate Safety Related from Description


Update UFSAR Section 8

  • Computer Bus", Page 8.3-9. Eliminate " Safety Related" from the description of the 250VDC computer UPS battery. Also, remove the reference that made this change from the end notes.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unrevwwed safety question did not exist.

10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaiustion Number, 9603 151 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change l

1 Evolutaen Reference Number: SECTION





This change deletes the log rod monitor channel from the descripten in paragraph of the l UFSAR. The UFSAR descripton in paragraph and 2 now agree with the installed configuration in the plant.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

l Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 152 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evalutaion Reference Number: FSAR


Derating of power cabies.


The derating of power cables routed in cable pan system is being outlined to reflect the current


ResuR: This evalua' ion determined that an unreviewed safety queston did not exist.

l Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 153 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change l Evolutaion Reference Number UFSAR 12.5.1 TRie: EdMortal Change in UFSAR Sec.12.5.1 Desenption: Editorial change to titles in UFSAR Section 12.5.1, j ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

1 Safety Evaluaton Number: 9603 154 Type of Safety Evaluaton: Miscellaneous Evolutaion Reference Number: RUFSAR REV. FORM 21-06A l


REV. OF RUFSAR SECTION Desenption: Delete outdated historical availability analysis based on pre-appendix and ECCS equipment requirements. This change is being done to remove outdated information for evaluations which are not required by RG 1.70.

Resun: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did r.ot exist.

I Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 155 Type of Safety Evaluation: Miscellaneous Evalutaion Reference Number: ODCM Chapter 10 rev.1.8 l


Change Value for Rx Bldg Vent Rad Monitor Desenption: The allowable value for the Rx Building Vent Radiation Monitor Rx Building isolation on Hi-Rad has been changed from 4mr/hr to 10mrlhr to allow the reld setting to remain at 2.5 mr/hr. This change accounts for the radiation monitor instrument loop inaccuracies and is reflected in Technical Specification Upgrade Table 3.2.A 1.

Result. This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation somber: 9603 156 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evolutaion Reference Number: UFSAR SECT.


L. T. WrigM Memo to UFSAR Re: Baseline


Delete reference to the fission product concentration of (1 A X 10.5 uCl/cc to 300 Cl/cc) as listed in UFSAR Section (page 6.2.8 2). The value is incorrect and does not correlate to the correct radiation ran0e as indicated.

Resut: This evaluation determined that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evolustion Number: 9603 157 Type of Safety Evaluation: Miscellaneous Evolutaion Reference Number: DAP 21-06




1. Remove 100% capacNy" from description of RWCU domineralizers. This is inaccurate description of system.
2. Add descriptm of domineralizer and post-strainer differential pressure indicating switches.

These con @ents activate control room annunciators (not part of reactor protection) and are therefore significant.

3. Editorial changes to improve readabiitty. No content change.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety questm did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 158 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure Evalutaion Reference Number: DOP 6900-01, Rev.11


Change Voltage Procedure DOP 6900-01, Rev.11 Descripte: Change the 250 VDC chargers float voltage range from 260.4V - 262.8V to 262.8V- 265.2V per vendor recommended float voltages from Operation Guide Step 9.2. Also, I & C Eng.

recommendation in Chron Letter #211357 dated September 26,1994.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 159 Type of Safety Evaluation: Modification Evalutaion Reference Number: P12-3-94-258 ECN 12 00791M


REPLACE 3-4735 (3C)lNSTRUMENT AIR RECEIVER WITH A LARGER RECEIVER Descripte: This modification replaces the 3-4735 (3C) Instrument Air Receiver wtih a larger receiver. It also installs an additional check valve in the system to help prevent backflow of the sptem. The existing air receiver is being replaced due to unacceptable wall thickness. The new receiver is larger in size which is better suited to the system design. The rnoisture drain trap is being replaced wMh a more effective model to help reduce moisture and therefore corrosion in the system.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number- 9003 100 Type of Safety Evaluation: Modrrestion Evolutason Reference Number: P12 2-94 216 - ECN 12 00787M




This modification rapiaram the 2A instrument Air Rece#ver 2-4708 with a larger receiver it also insteils arMmW check velves in the system to help prevent beckflow of the system. The existing air receiver is being rapiarart due to failure of inlet nozzle and unacceptable well thickness on l veneel tank. The new receiver is larger in size which is better sulted to the system design and will l allow for future replacement of the compressor. Moisture drain traps are being replaced with a more effective model to help reduce moisture and therefore corrosion in the system.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

l Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 161 Type of Safety Evalusten Meecellaneous Evolutaion Reference Number: ODCM Chapter 12 Rev.1.2


RETS relocated to the ODCM


The changes to section 12 of the ODCM are made to assure conformance with the Technical SpecWicahon Upgrade Program, which relocates the RETS and associated instruments to the ODCM. Certain TS Sect. 6.0 sections are duplicated in Section 12 of the ODCM.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.

l Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 162 Type cf Safety Evaluation: Exempt Change Evoluta#on Reference Number: E12-0-95-212



Descnption: This exempt change installs five hand geometry readers in adjacent to the existing ingress card l readers in the Main Access Facility (MAF). The readers will be installed at turnstiles 1-4, and the badge issue area door, and will provide automatic access to the protected area for badged employees. A network linking the readers will be joined at a personal computer located in the SAS.

Resut: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question dxi not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 163 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evolutaion Reference Number: FSAR SECT.,! J 6.2,6.3.


Delete Ref. to 11,300 gal, of Shell Side Water


Delete reference to 11,300 gallons of shell side water as the correct criteria for isolation condenser operability. This value is less then the volume actually maintained and is also not adequate to remove the design basis head load. The design basis heat removal and initiation set points assumed in Chapter 15 are unaffected.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report l Safety Evaluation Number- 9603 164 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure Evolutaion Reference Number:,


Change DAP 21-06



  • Prime Computer System" from and replace wth "mincomputer".

Delete " Prime" twice from Secten (which is followed by minicomputer)",

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

l Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 165 Type of Safety Eva'uation: FSAR Change l

Evalutaion Reference Number: UFSAR 9.1, UFSAR 15.7


UFSAR Revision Form 21-06A DescriptionF lhe proposed changes state the correct description of the corrosion sampling program for the high density spent fuel pool racks, and Incorporate an editorial change. These changes will update the RUFSAR to the current operating constion and complete an editorial change.

l Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 166 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evalutaion Reference Number: UFSAR CHANGE #96-033


Change UFSAR Sec. to Clarify Statement


Change to UFSAR Section to clarify that the statement about " single element so,np =rds within the load path" having a safety factor of 7.5 does not apply to all crane components listed in Table 91.3. Only the components of the hoisting system are considered to be wthin the load path and are subject to a safety factor of 7.5. This is consistent with current information in Table 9.1.3. This change to the UFSAR is to close out an open item from the rebaseline project. The wording in the SER is correct but it is intended only to apply to those items required to be single failure proof by NUREG 0554.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety questxm did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 167 Type of Safety Evaluation: Misceltaneous Evalutalon Reference Number: FHA Sec. page 5.5-5


Operability Eval (Chron #0306328), Fire Hazards Anahsis


Change the original fire water supply design requirements by reducing the manual hose stream allowance for calculating the fire water supply from 750 gpm (as approved in the March 1978 SER) to 500 ppm, and deviate from the Dresden Administrative Technical Requirement (DATR)

Hazen-Williams coeffcient of 80 tnat was used in the previous hydraulic calculations.

The reasons for this change are:

A. The current hose stream allowance of 750 gpm is conservative (i e., exceeds NFPA 13 and Branch Technical Position CMEB 9 5-1). The new allowance will more accurately reflect the hose stream usage and the supply of water available for suppression systems.

B. The current hydraulic calculations for the Dresden water supply have been re-calculated with the more conservative Hazen-Williants coeffcient of 68 (Nexus Calc. 00196116). The coeffeient is periodcally compared to the yard loop flow test results to evaluate and assess the condition of the underground piping This 50.59 evaluates the deviation from the DATR bases section Hazen-Williams coeffeient of 80.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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( 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report l Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 168 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evalutsion Reference Number- UFSAR Sec.6.4.2,, FHA s


Mod. #M12-0-96-001, DCP #9600018, WR #960022000, ECN #000957E00 l Description. The purpose of th6s modification is to correct discrepancies in the Train A Control Room HVAC l

(CRHVAC) fire protecten system air circulation mode control logic. At the present time, the Train A CRHVAC System is unable to automatically confgure its air circulation mode to the purge mode or recirculation mode, as appropriate, when smoke is detected in the ventilation system. In the event of smoke in the ventilaten system, the operators need to manually configure the Train A CRHVAC system air circulation mode to the purge mode or recirculation rnode, as appropriate.

Upon correction of the discrepancies, the Train A CRHVAC system will automabcally configure its air circulation mode to the purge mode or recirculation mode, as appropriate, when smoke is detected in the ventilation system.

! As a result of Dresden CorrectNo Action Record (CAR) 12-94-006 regarding smoke detector maintenance, a special procedure to test the CRHVAC duct smoke detectors was issued and performed. When the procedure was performed it was discovered that the CRHVAC system did not respond as expected. Investigation showed that there were discrepancies in tte Train A CRHVAC fire protection system air circulation mode control logic. Commitments to perform this design change are CAR 12-94-006 which requires Design Engineering to issue a design change to resolve the design issue and the Updated Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA), Section 5.6.2, which requires smoke detectors in the CRHVAC system return air ducts which will automatically configure the air circulation mode to the purge mode.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 169 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes Evolutaion Reference Number: UFSAR Sec.,7.2,15.8.2


Ambient Compensated TOL (Relay & Heater) to Installin 2B RPS MG Set 480Vac Feed Desenption: The 3B RPS MG Set tripped on thermal overload. Troubleshooting has determined that the Thermal Overload (TOL) relay currently installed was not ambient compensated but should have been. It has been determined that the 2B RPS MG Set has the same non-ambient compensated TOL relay and heater size. This setpoint change will specify the appropriate ambient compensated TOL (relay & heater) to be installed in the 2B RPS MG Set 480Vac feed at MCC 29-2 Compartment C2.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 170 Type of Safety Evakiation: Miscellaneous Evalutaion Reference Number: 10.4.7 Condensate & FW Systems


Safety Eval to determine whether an unreviewed safety question existed.


During normal operation at full power, the 3A FWRV is in AUTO control and the 3B FWRV is j approximately 25% open in MANUAL control. However, on April 27,1996, with the reactor at approximately 87% power (712MWe) in coastdown, the 3A FWRV was closed due to vane body to bonnet leakage and the 3B FWRV was placed into AUTO control providing the full FW flow.

Result: This evaluation determ#ned that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.


1 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 171 Type of Safety Evaluation: Miscellaneous Evolutaion Reference Number: M12-2-88-013C Addendum 3


Replacement of Valve Actuators Trm on 2-642A Vane


Replacement of the vane actuators, vane trim on the 2-642A vane and the low flow valve will provide better flow contml during startup, operation, and shutdown. The new arrangement l provkles similar actuators and vane trim on all three vanes. The increase in low flow valve  ;

capacity win provide more overlap to allow tetter transition between operation on the low flow valve and the main vanes. The addition of the new pulse solenoid vanes, combined with the digital feedwater control system (DFCS), will provide rnore precise valve control for better response to plant operstmal changes and transients.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Numbec E303 172 Type of Safety Evaluation: Temporay Alteration Evalutaion Reference Number: DCP 9600153, ER 9602826


DC Ground Detected inside Drywell


A DC ground was detected on a 125Vdc circuit feeding an evacuation siren inside the drywell.

The 125Vdc circuit terminates in a junction box (2RB-30) located in the Reactor Building. With the Unit at higher power levets, drywell entry to repair the ground is not advisable. This Temporary AReration will temporarily lift the leads disabling the evacuation siren until a permanent repair can be maue. The repair can be performed during a forced outage of sufficient duration or D2R15.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9003 173 Type of Safety Evaluation: Miscellaneous Evalutaion Reference Number: E121-95-218


Isolate Loads not required when unit is in SAFSTOR period.


This EPC isolates loads fed from Unst 1480V Switchgear and MCCs SA, SA-1,6A,6A-1,15,16, 19(7A),20(4A),21(7A),20(4A), 21(78) and 22(48) that are no longer required when the unit is in the SAFSTOR period. This isolation will be performed by determinating and isolating all extemal power and control cables at these MCCs associated with the fonowing retired loads.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 174 Type of Safety Evaluation: Modification Evalutaion Reference Number: M12-3-88-067C


Install Hydrogen Addition System for U3


This modification installs a hydrogen addition system (HAS) for Dresden Unit 3. The HAS is designed to mitigate the intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) conditions prevalent in the reactor coolant piping and pressure vessel internals due to dissolved oxygen concentration in the reactor coolant. This will be accomplished by injecting gaseous hydrogen into the condensate /feedwater to shift the stoichiometric oxygen concentration below 20 ppb. This coupled with high quality water chemistry will reduce the electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) An oxygen injection system is also being added to the Unit 3 Off-Gas system to combine l with the residual hydrogen camed over from the steam. Oxygen will be injected downstream of the j booster steam jet air ejector (SJAE) at a rate equal to one-half of the hydrogen injection rate.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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l 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 l Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 9003 175 Type of Safety Evaluation: MaceNoneous Evolutaion Reference Number: RWCU HELB


Postulated High Energy Line Bresid  ;

Description The change is the aseeeement of a paam high energy line break (HELB) in the RWCU system outside of primary containment which requires manusileoishon. The scenario postulates a line break without loss of offene power and thus foodwater conhnues to make up reactor coolant inventory lost through the break. Potentisby, the RWCU system would not isolate on low vessel level. It is assumed that operator adion to leciate the break is not taken unti after 10 minutes.

Simulator drdis have shown 10 minutes is a conservative assumpton An additional 50 s is allowed for velve closure time and detector response time. The previous analyes had considered l automebe toelation on low vessel water level after 40 s. This is not a now accident but a different scenario of a previously analyzed accident. l Result This evekstion determined that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evolustion Number: 9603 176 Type of Safety Evolustion: FSAR Change Evalutaen Reference Number: UFSAR Sect. & 8.3.3


UFSAR Changes for Clarificahon Purposes I Descriphon. There are three proposed changes, aR ere for clarification purposes only; they do not result in any changes to the way the plant is operated or maintained. AH three relate to the 125 VDC system. 1 The first chenOs revises the words "less then the alarm setpoint of 125,000 ohms." This change clanfies the fact that it is the measured voltage that is "less than" the setpoint; resistance will be  !

"more than" the setpoint. The second change provides the clari6 cation that the aRemate battery is i similar to, but is not idenhcal to, the Unit bettery. The third change acknowledges and accounts for the pa=a% that the operator may not transfer the bus. This change is needed because various plant procedures may lead the operator to take other types of achons it also clanfies the fact that it is DC control power, not the AC bus itself, that is to be transferred.

Result: This evolushon determmed that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evalushon Number. 96G3 177 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evolutaion Reference Number: DFL 96-071 Tale: Clarificahon on Opershon of HPCI Room Coolers Description This change is to update the Rebasehne Updated Final Safety Analysis Re:wwt it#SAR)'o provide cienfication of the operation of the HPCI room coolers. This update wA @ify tbt AC l power is required for operation of the HPCI room cooler fan in order to keep the HNI system l operable.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evalushon Number: 9003 178 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evolutaion Reference Number: DFL 96-070


Provide Clarification on HPCI System


This change is ta todete the Rebenekne Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UF3AR) to provide cienfication of sie ooerating and design conditions of the HPCI system. This change is as i a result of the independent review c' the HPCI system that was performed at Dresden Station.

l Result: This evolustion determined that an urwoviewed safety question did not exist.


, 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 l Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evolustion Number: 9003 179 Type of Safety Evolushon FSAR ChanDe j Evolutmon Reference Number: UFSAR Table 6.2-3, C?-6 j


ClarWation on LPCl/CCSW Systems

} WW. The changes to the UFSAR tables are for ciertflcohon only and do not revies the dos;gn basis of a

to LPCl/CCSW eystems These changes are a result of the self aseosoment review of the

! LPCUCCSW systems which includes Tech Spec reviews, procedure reviews and various

{ calculation reviews Result: This evoluenon deteraned that an unroviewed safety queehon did not exist.

Safety Evolustion Number: 9803 180 Type of Safety Evolustion FSAR Change Evolutaen Reference Number: DFL 96-068


Clarification on LPCUCCSW Systems Deecnphon. The changes to the UFSAR are for cienfication only and do not revise the design basis of the sections teeing revised. These changes are a result of a review of the LPCUCCSW systems which includes Tech Spec reviews, procedure reviews and various calculation reviews.

Result: This evaluehon determmed that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.

p Safety Evolustion Number: 9803 181 Type of Safety'ivaluation: Set Point Changes Evolutaen Reference Number: SPC 02-96-065


Degraded Voltage Calculations Desenphon. Increses the setpoint on Bus 241 second level undervoltage reisys 127-3-241 and 127-42&1 from 3820V (current) to 3872V (revised). The degraded voltage calculations have been revised to document verificebun of the assumptions contained in the previous revisions of the calculation, and to remove the restnchons on 120vac load addihons in addition, the c**ian revision includes a more conservative loadin0 condlhon, This includes a constant current model of the bettery charger at current limit throughout the event. The earlier calculation revisions included only existing loads on the 120vec transformers. The revised calculebons treet these transformers as loaded to nameplete. Therefore, a revised degraded voltage analysis will not be required to approve an addihon to the 120vac distribution panels.

Result: This evaluehon determned that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 9803 182 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes Evolutaen Reference Number. SPC 02-96-077


EQ type EC Trip Units


As a result of EQ quehficahon concoms associated with the MicroVerseTrip RMS-9 trip unit, EQ qualified electro-mecherucal type EC trip units wiH be re-instoned in Bus 29 Main Feed (292B) and MCC 29-1/29-9 Feed (294C). Sethngs for those breakers as won at the to-breaker have been propered to support this change ResuR: This evaluation determmed that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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i 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evalui tion Summary Report Safety Evolustion Number: 9603 183 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evolutaen Reference Number- UFSAR Sect.


Descripton During the Droeden i, '_; _ .4 ; Aseeeement of the LPCl/CCSW system, the question was raised as to whether or not UFSAR Table 56.M10 represented the Dresden design basis configuration of 1 LPCI pump and 2 CCSW pumps. Since this curve was in the original FSAR Amendment 9/10 question IV.C, the curve was evaluated using assumptions and input parameters contained in the onginal FSAR amendments, wherever pa==N=. Where a parameter or assumphon could not be validated in the above documents, conservative parameters were chosen and justified Result: The evolustion determmed that en unreviewed safety question did not exist.

i Safety Evaluebon Number: 9603 184 Type of Safety Evolustion: Set Point Changes Evalutaion Reference Number: SPC 02-96-078


EQ Type EC Trip Units Desenphon. As a result of EQ quehficaSon concems nameWM with the MicroVersa Trip RMS-9 trip unit, EQ quehfied eiectrocochenical type EC trip units wiH be re4netailed in Bus 29 Main Feed (292B) and i MCC 29-1/29-9 Feed (294C). Sethngs for these breakers as weX as the tie-breaker have been Propered to support this change Result: This evaluation determined that an unrevowed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 185 Type of Safety Evaluation. Set Point Changes Evalutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96-081


EQ Type EC Trip Units Desenption: As a result of EQ quahfication concems maaeWed with the MeroVersaTrip RMS-9 trip unit EQ quahfied electro-mechanical type EC trip units will be re-installed in Bus 39 Main Feed (3928) and MCC 301 Feed (3938). Settmgs for these breakers as well as the tie-breaker (392C) have been prepared to support this change Result: This evaluehon determined that an unrevwwed safety question dd not exist.

Safety Evalusten Number: 9603 186 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes Evolutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96-082


EQ Type EC Trip Units


As a result of EQ qualification concerns maaeWad with the MeroVersaTrip RMS-9 trip unit, EQ quehfied electrocochenical type EC trip units wiH be re-installed in Bus 39 Main Feed (3928) and MCC 30-1 Food (3038). Settmgs for these breakers as well as the tie-breaker (392C) have been propered to support this change Result: This evaluation determmed that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 187 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes Evolutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96 080


EQ Type EC Trip UnRs


As a result of EQ quahfication concoms associated with the MicroVersaTrip RMS-9 trip unit EQ quahfied eiectroanschanical type EC trip unts wHl be re-installed in Bus 39 Main Feed (392B) and MCC 39-1 Feed (3938). Settings for these breakers as weH es the tie-breaker (392C) have been prepared to support this change ResuR: This evaluebon determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exht.

Safety Evaluation Number. 9803 188 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes Evalutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96-088


EQ Type EC Trip Units


As a resuR of EQ qualification concems associated with the MeroVersaTnp RMS-9 trip unit. EQ qualified electrwnechanical type EC trip units v ere left installed in Bus 38 Main Feed (382B) and MCC 38-1/38 4 Feed (384A). Settings for these breakers as weH es the tie-breaker have been revised to achieve better coordination with upstream and downstream bus breakers. The change will require resetting the EC-1 B trip und on the main breaker and the RMS-9 trip unit on the bus tie. The EC-2A trip unit on the MCC feed which has Long Time and instantaneous trip settings win be replaced with an EC-1 trip unt which has Long Time and Short Time trip settings.

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 189 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes Evalutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96-089 Titie: EQ Type EC Trip Units


As a resuR of EQ quahfcation concems associated with the MicroVersaTrip RMS-9 trip unit, EQ l quali6ed electro,T cte-M type EC trip unns were left instaned in Bus 38 Main Feed (382B) and MCC 38-1/38-4 Feed (384A). Settings for these breakers as wed as the tie-breaker have been

, revised to achieve better coordination with upstream and downstream bus breakers. The change win require resothng the EC-1B trip unit on the main breaker and the RMS-9 trip unit on the bus tie. The EC-2A trip unt on the MCC feed which has Long Time and instantaneous trip settings wiu be replaced with an EC-1 trip unit which has Long Time and Short Time trip settings.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 190 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes i

Evalutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96-090 4


EQ Type EC Trip Units


As a resun of EQ qualifcation concems associated with the MicroVersaTrip RMS-9 trip unit EQ qual #fied electrunechanical type EC inp units were left installed in Bus 38 Main Feed (3828) and 1 MCC 38-1/38 4 Feed (384A). Settings for these breakers as weX as the tie-breaker have been l revised to achieve better coordination with upstream and downstream bus breakers. The change win require resetting the EC-1 B trip unt on the main breaker and the RMS-9 trip unit on the bus tie. The EC-2A trip unit on the MCC feed which has Long Time and instantaneous trip settings l win be replaced with an EC-1 trip unit which has Long Time and Short Time trip settings. l d

I Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.


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! 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 l Safety Evaluation Summary Report

Safety Evaluation Number
9003 191 Type of Safety Evaluation: FSAR Change Evolutaion Reference Number: UFSAR 9.5.10 Ttie: Station Blackout De scription.. The UFSAR will be Tre=8M to include a section 9.5.10 for the Station Blackout system i descript6on and licensing basis.

4 Result: This evaluation determined that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.



Safety Evaluation Number: 9003 192 Type of Safety Evaluation FSAR Change i Evolutaion Reference Number: UFSAR Section


Correct Number of Floor Drain Sump Pumps


The proposed changes to the UFSAR are for clarification only and do not revise the design basis I of the sechons being revised. These changes include correcting the number of floor drain sump i pumps and removal of the statement that initiates a welkdown inspection of the torus area approximately every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. The installation of the submarine doors between the torus and the LPCI rooms and the redweste and control room indications for excessive water levels in the sumps will provide leakage indication. Therefore,8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> walkdowns are not required.

Result: This evalushon determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 193 Type of Safety Evaluation: Set Point Changes

! Evolutaion Reference Number: SPC 03-96-091 I '


Replace Trip Unit in 480V Swgear 39 Cubicle 3C


The existing EC-2a Trip Unit in 480V Switchgear 39 Cubicle 3C will be replaced with new GE RMS-9 Trip Units as port of the station's ongoing replacement / upgrade effort. Tiw breaker trip  ;

W settings will be set per the RSO issued with SPC #03-96491 (ESS Service UPS Feed).

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluehon Number: 9603 194 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure Evaluta.on Reference Number: DIP 1500-01


LPCI B Loop Selechon Jumpenng l Desenption This procedure will install jumpers and remove them when there is a need to defeat the LPCI B Loop Selection during refuel or shutdcwn. This procedure precludes the use of a Temp Alt.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.


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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Ii Safety Evaluation Summary Report l

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 195 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure


Evolutsion Reference Number: DEOP 500-01, Rev. 05 l

TRie: Procedure Revision to Correct Deficiencies l


Procedure revision was written to correct numerous deficiencies:

l. Added addihonal direction to operate the resin xtie valve AO 2/3-5561 if the affected unit is Unit j
3. This was added since the existing revision does not provide this direction. This valve must be  !

opened to permit transferring baron to Unit 3. )

l li. Added additional direction to provide steps to property isolate and drain the Service Unit to  !

permit a second irgecten of baron. This was added since the existing revision does not provide this direction. The Service Und must be drained to permR ref4ng since two injections must be completed to inject the cold shutdown weight of boron.

iii. Corrected numerous labeling, wrters guide and human factor weaknesses previously identirned.

iv. Added additonal direction for filling and venting Service Unit prior to placing it in service.

Failure to adequatey fill and vent the Service Unit would result in potential water hammer when cutting in the Service Unit.

v. Added direction for isolating potential reject / recirculation paths to the Main Condenser. This ensures that the boron is injected into the reactor rather than lost to the condenser.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 196 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure Evalutaion Reference Number: DAP 10-12


Guidelines on 10 CFR 72


Thm procedure provides guidelines to assist Station personnelin performing Safety Evaluations ut = ag Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 72), Licensing Requirements for the Independent Suage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, Part 48, Changes, tests and experiments, as guidance. This will provide the basis for determining whether a proposed change could involve an Unreviewed Safety Question for the operation of the independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).

ResuR: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 9603 197 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure Evalutaion Reference Number: SP l-95-04 48


Pressure Testing of HPCI MO 2-2301-14


This Special Procedure will perform differential pressure testing of HPCI MO 2-2301-14.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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- l 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter 9603 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evalushon Number. 9603 196 Type of Safety Evaluation: Procedure Evolutaion Reference Number: DOP 1400-03 l Titie: Remove Requirement for 3-1402-528 Valve to be Locked Descriphon This change removes the requwement to leave the 3-1402-52B valve in the locked condshon. This Safety Evolueten supersedes the one performed in Spetember 1994, and reflects current prochce. The change has been determined to be permanent.

Result: This evolushon determned that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evalushon Number: 9003 190 Type of Safety Evolushon Procedure i

Evolutaen Reference Number: DOP 0040-M4 '


Remove VeNe 3-1402-528 from Locked VeNe Checidtst i


This change removes veno 3-1402-528 from the locked valve checklist. This Safety Evaluation supersedes the one performed in September 1994, and reflects current practice. The change has i been determned to be permanent l

l Result: This evaluation determned that an unroviewed safety question did not exist.

i Safety Evaluaten Number: 9603 200 Type of Safety Evaluation: Miscellaneous


Evolutaion Reference Number. MO 2(3)-2301-8


HPCIinsecten isoistion Vanes i Desenphon. Drill a 1/4 inch hole in the disk on the high pressure side of the subject flex-wedge gate valves.

The HPCI injechon leolation valves MO 2(3)-2301-8 may be susceptible to temperature induced pressure locking during a unit start-up. To prevent this a hole will be drilled in the feedwater (reactor) side of the verve disk to preclude pressure locking.

Result: This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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