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Informs That Plant Emergency Plan ERO Respiratory Qualifications as Implemented Have Remained as Originally Approved by NRC
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1996
From: Mcmeekin T
NUDOCS 9609170349
Download: ML20117M233 (3)


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. Duke Ibu;er Company T. C hichfam hkGuire Nudear Generahon Department Vice President

. 12700Hagers FerryRoad(hlGonP) (TM)8754300 Huntersudie, NC28078 mis (704)8754809 Fax

\ DUKEPOWER September 5, 1996 l l

Document Control Desk i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Washington, D.C. 20555 - ,


McGuire Nuclear Station Docket Nos: 50-369 and 370 Emergency Plan - Section J.6 Emergency Response Organization l Respiratory Qualifications l l


4/19/95 Duke Power Letter - EP Plan, Rev. 95-2 l 2/22/96 NRC Inspection Report 95-29 4/22/96 Duke Power letter - EP Plan, Rev 96-1 8/20/96 NRC Letter - Review of Rev 96-1 8/27/96 Duke Power letter

Dear Sir:

I On 4/19/95, McGuire submitted Emergency Plan, Rev. 95-2 consisting of the annual review as required by 10CFR50.47. Rev. 95-2 included changes to the ERO respiratory requirements. The subject changes were analyzed per 10CFR 50.54q and determined not to decrease the Emergency Plan effectiveness. As a conservative measure, McGuire management decided to wait until receipt of NRC concurrence with the Rev 95-2 changes prior to implementing the section J.6 changes. Thus, ERO respiratory requirements as implemented onsite have remained as originally approved by the NRC in 1981 for the McGuire ERO.

NRC Region II reviewed this matter via a site inspection as documented in NRC inspection report 95-29 dated Feb. 22, 1996. The IR reads as follows: ' ...a violation of the regulatory requirements did not occur, principally because the licensee decided not to implement the changes delineated in Section J.6 of Revision 95-2 of the Emergency Plan.' Thus, ERO respiratory requirements have remained as originally approved for the McGuire ERO.

On April 22, 1996, McGuire issued Revision 96-1 consisting of the annual review of the Emergency Plan as required by 10CFR50.47. In part, it was the intention of Rev. 96-1 to return the wording of Part J.6 to that wording originally approved by the NRC. This would result in the Emergency Plan docunentation again reflecting the actual implemented practice regarding ERO respiratory qualifications. In compiling Rev. 96-1, the Part J.6 changes were erroneously omitted, thus section J.6 remained as proposed in the i

9609170349 960905 PDR ADOCK0500g9 [ (./ / h g sw: muum,

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission September 5, 1996 Page 2/3 Rev. 95-2 submittal. A problem investigation report (PIP) has been initiated by site Emergency Planning personnel to investigate this matter. The resolution of the PIP will identify the root cause and appropriate corrective actions. The corrective actions identified will be communicated to you in the near future. ERO respiratory requirements have remained as originally approved for the McGuire ERO, thus no Dnergency Planning program deficiency occurred, i.e.

the subject deficiency was limited to plan documentation only.

McGuire understands the importance of proper documentation and will evaluate the documentation issue through the PIP evaluation process.

Prior to receipt of the 8/20/96 NRC letter, McGuire issued the 8/27/96 letter .. to return Section J.6 as originally approved by the NRC'. The 8/27/96 letter completes the intended 4/22/96 revision to section J.6.

In summary, throughout this period, the McGuire Emergency Plan ERO repiratory qualifications as implemented have remained as originally approved by the NRC. No Emergency Plan program deficiency occurred since the proposed Rev. 95-2, part J.6 changes were not implemented. The deficiency was limited to program documentation and will be evaluated through the McGuire PIP l evaluation process. l If you require further information, please contact R. L. Hasty at 1 (704)8'75-4662.

Very truly yours, T. C. McMee" kin Vice-President McGuire Nuclear Station

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US Nuclear Regulatory Commission i September 5, 1996  !

Page 3/3 xc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter Administrator, Region II ,

l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j

! 101 Marietta St., NW, Suite 2900 l Atlanta, Ga. 30323 )

Mr. Victor Nerses U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (14H25)

Washington, D.C. 20555 J

i Mr. Peter S. Tam U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Scott M. Shaeffer

! NRC Senior Resident Inspector McGuire Nuclear Station Mr. Dayne Brown, Chief Division of Radiation Protection P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687