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Forwards Section J.6 Which Is to Be Returned as Originally Approved by NRC
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/27/1996
From: Mcmeekin T
NUDOCS 9609050236
Download: ML20117G548 (6)


1 Il

. >. I

  • DubeIbunt Company McGuire NuclearStation \

17700 Hagers Ferry Road l Huntersville, NC28078 I


. August 27,1996 i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington,DC 20666  :


McGuire Nuclear Station  !

Docket Nos. 50-369,50-370 License Nos. NPF-9, NPF-17 Emergency Plan Change I Ref.: Respiratory Qualification Submittal [

Rev. 95-2 Revision 95-2 to the McGuire Emergency Plan revised Section J.6 in accordance with  !

10CFR50.54(q). In this submittal there were areas of NRC concern related to the requirements  :

for members of the emergency response organization to be respirator qualified and to the intended use of respirators during an actual emergency.  ;

The purpose of this letter is to return Section J.6 back as originally approved by the NRC.  !

By copy of this letter, two copies are being provided to NRC Region II, Regional Administrator.

Yours Truly, V

T.C. McMeekin TCM/tsb /

) h Attachment m

9609050236 960827 \i PDR ADOCK 05000369 F PDR a i namr.wm

' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission August 27,1996

'Page 2 l

xc: w/two cooies of attachmenh S.D. Ebneter Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region H 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 w/o attachment Victor Nerses U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j Washington, D.C. 20555 NRC Site Resident McGuire Nuclear Site E.M. Kuhr (EC050)

Electronic Licensing Library (EC050)

E.P. File 1502 i


. . _ . - - - - . - _ . . - . - - ~ . . . -

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i August 27,1996  !

l i

All Holders of the McGuire Emergency Plan '

i j


McGuire Emergency Plan Revision 95-2 to the McGuire Emergency Phn revised Section J.6 in accordance with -

i- 10CFR50.54(q). In this submittal there were areas of NRC concern related to the requirements j for members of the emergency response organization to be respirator qualified and to the I

intended use of respirators during an actual emergency.

l The purpose of this letter is to return Section J.6 back as originally approved by the NRC.

i 1

Please update your Emergency Plan manual as instructed on Attachment 1.


j. If there are any questions, please call me at 704/875-4662.

l Sincerely, C li G j i

4 d i Becky Hasty l Emergency Planning Manager McGuire Nuclear Station RLH/tsb


Emergency Plan Revision cc: EP File 1502 i

i q

, Attachment 1 August 27,1996 l


1 Table of Contents 4 4 Section J J-2 J-2 1


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. Table of Contents Page #

I.2.b Radiation and Effluent Monitors I-l l I.2.c In-plant Iodine Instrumentation I-l  !

I.3.a/ . Method for Determining Release Source Term I-2 l I.3.b I.4 Effluent Monitor Readings Vs On-site /Off-site Exposure I-2  ;

I.5 MeteorologicalInformation Availability I-2 i I.6 Release Rates / Projected Doses for Offscale I-2 Instrumentation I.7/ Field Monitoring Within EPZ I-2 I.8 I.9 Detect and Measure Radioiodine Concentration I-3 l in the EPZ I.10 Relationship Between Contamination Levels I-3 and Integrated Dose / Dose Rates I.11 Plume Tracking I-3  !

J. Protective Response J.l.a Onsite Alening and Notification J-l thru  ;

J.l.d '

J.2 Evacuation Routes and Transportation J-1 i J.3 Personnel Monitoring J-l J.4 Site Evacuation Procedures - Decontarnination J-l J.5 Personnel Accountability J-2 J.6 Protective Equipment Breathing Apparatus, Protective J-2 ,

Clothing, KI J.7 Protective Action Recommendations J-3 J.8 Evacuation Time Estimates J-3 J.9 Implementing Protective Measures J-4 J.10 Implementation of Protective Measures for Plume J-4 Exposure Pathway J.10.a EPZ Maps J-4 J.10.b EPZ Population Distribution Map J-4 J.10.c EPZ Population Alerting and Notification J-5 J.10.d EPZ Protecting Immobile Persons J-5 J.10.e Use of Radioprotective Drugs for Persons in EPZ J-5 J.10.f Conditions for Use of Radioprotective Drugs J-5 J.10.g State / County Relocation Plans J-5 l J.10.h Relocation Center Locations J-5 )

J.10.i Evacuation Route - Traffic Capacities J-5 l J.10.j Evacuated Area Access Control J-5 J.10.k Planning for Contingencies in Evacuation J-5 J.10.1 State / County Evacuation Time Estimates J-6 I

Rev. 96-1 l 4 April,1996

.- -. - -- --- \

J.5 Personnel Accountability Within thirty minutes of a Site Assembly, all persons within the Protected Area at the McGuire j l Nuclear Site can be accounted for and any person (s) determined to be missing, will be identified by name. RP/0/A/5700/11, Conducting a Site Assembly or Evacuation, provides for the accounting of personnel (on site) continuously thereafter.

l J.6 Protective Eauipment - Breathina Apparatus. Protective Clothes. KI Protective equipment and supplies will be distributed to and used by personnel remaining on site or arriving on site during the emergency to minimize the effects of radiological exposures or contamination. "rotective measures to be utilized are as follows:

Individual Respiratory Protection - Rey iratory protective equipment will be used when airbome radioactivity levels exceed the appropriate limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B.

Self-contained breathing apparatus will also be used in areas that are deficient in oxygen or when fighting fires. Respiratory protective equipment will be issued by Radiation Protection or Safety and Health Services. Self-contained breathing apparatus are available with other fire fighting equipment for use by the site fire brigade. l l

Individual Thyroid Protection - All efforts should be made to utilize respiratory protective equipment to minimize ingestion and/or inhalation of radionuclides and to maintain internal exposure below the limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B. However, if an unplanned incident involves the accidental or potential ingestion or inhalation of radioactive iodine, Potassium Iodide Tablets (KI) are available to distribution by HP/0/B/1009/16, Distribution of Potassium Iodide Tablets in the Event of a Radioiodine Release.

Use of Protective Clothing - Protective clothing will be issued when contamination levels exceed 1000 dpm/100 cm2 beta-gamma and 20 dpm/100 cm2 alpha of smearable contamination. Protective clothing items are located in the Change Rooms inside the Radiation Control Area, available for emergency use. Special fire-fighting protective clothing and equipment is available in designated site supply storage areas for use by fire brigade personnel.

Rev. 96-2 J-2 July,1996
