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ISI - Owner Activity Rept I1-RF8 for Eighth Refueling Outage
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 06/26/1996
Shared Package
ML20115B157 List:
I1-RF8, NUDOCS 9607090274
Download: ML20115B158 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:- . . - .- . - . - -- - - Enclorura to ET 96-0049 P,rga 1 of 3

    .                                             FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number 'Il-RF8 Owner         Wolf Creek Nuclear Onerating Cornoration                                                                                         .

(Name and Address of Owner) Plant Wolf Creek Generating Station.1550 Oxen Lane Northeast. Burlington Kansas 66839 ,_ (Name and Address of Plant) Unit No. 1 Commercial service date 9-3-85 Refueling outage no. 8 (Ifapplicable) Current inspection interval 1st (1st,2nd,3rd,4th, other) Current inspection period 3rd (1st,2nd,3rd) Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to the inspection plan 1980 rdition through Winter 198i Addenda Date and revision ofinspection plan WCRE-07 Rev.1 dated 7-30-92 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repairs and replacements, if different than the inspection plan same CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that the statements made in this Owner's Activity Report are correct, and snat the examinathns, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations, and corrective measures represented by this report conform to the requirements of Section XI. Certificate of Authoriza 'on No. Expiration Date (Ifdpplicable) Signed iY m . I f'> - 7 h m m E w c//M) EwavE Date Ener o(Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holdin a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of (( A [M and employed by /8/[WAlGHT MMT@L JNJ@/ /C[ CD, have inspected the items described in this Owner's Activity Report, during the period Q. 3- RS to A/.7- % , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report in accordance with the requirements of Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations and corrective measures described in this report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury cr property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wit this 'nsp9ction. YMb [/-[ , Commissions { kV ()h iector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements D:te N b b f FACTD8Y Ml4TUM. Ef%pt)EERING ASTOCIA11061 This form (E00127) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 9607090274 960703 PDR ADOCK 05000482 G PDR

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  1. j

, . t l .., . Ely'lorufb to ET 9670049: ' Pagts 2 of 3 , TABLEI s ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS'AND TESTS i i t  ! l i { Total i Total f l Total Examinations f I Examinations  ! j

                            .-                                    j - Examinations        l Total Examinations} Credited (%)

Examination - _ Required for Credited for j Credited (%) l i Category The Interval i This Period i For The Period >

                                                                                                                        ' l . To DateRemarks L The Interval         ,          for                  l i

j { f .B-A ~26 l 18-

                                                                                         -{'     '100 %               100 %          !

] BB 8 l

                                                                               -4         i        100 %              100 %          1 B-D'                        36                            14              .100 %               100 %                                         j l                                                                                          l                   ,
B-E $9 59 i 100 % 100 % ,

I [ B-F. B-G 1 28

                                                 -270 10 1       .

100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % See Note i i l . B-G-2 57 ' 20 I 100 % . 100 % ,

f. . B-li 5 2 100 % -100 %

BJ 325 98 100 % 100 % L - B-L-2 ., 1 0 Note 2 Note 2 ' j.

                  ; B-M 2              !         Note 3                           1
                                                                                          }       Note 3              Note 3 BN1                            4                            2                 100 %              100 %

B-N 2 6 , 6 i 100 % 100 % , I I ! B-N-3 I f i 100 % 100 % 3 B-O I 5 l 0 f 0% 100 % 4 BP Note 4 i i Note 4  ! 100 % 100 % i I i 1 i CA 9  ! 3. 100 %  ! 100 % i C-B l 12 l 5 100 % j 100 % i l ~

.                      C-C                         70                           23        1        100 %      j       100 %          !

2 ' C.D. 1 0 l N/A l


100 %  !

                      'C-F             .

84 , 46 i 100 % 100 % i See Note 6

                                       !                          I              0        I         N/A               100 %          i C-G                           1 C-Il .                    Note 4                     Note 4        l        100 %               100 %         !-

l I  : ,

                                                                  .                       ;                                          I                                 l D-A                          1I            i              4        !        100 % -             100 %          ' See Note 5                     l l

D-B 99 .; 36  ! 100 % 100 % See Note 5 I F- A . 37 l

                                                                               .10                  100 %      j       100 %

43  ! F-B i: 145  : 100 %  ! 100 % ' F-C l' 324 [ 118 100 %  ! 100 % l l  ! i i  ! Note 1: The number of Category B-G-1 examinations are determined by the listing in the ISI Program Plan. A portion of the examinations are determined individually by bolt, nut, etc., as done for the Reactor Pressure Vessel, and others are determined by sets of bolts. The 24 ) Reactor Coolant Pump Main Flange Bolts are identiGed as one examination, as is reflected for Period 3, for all 24 bolts. I I Note 2: Relief Request IIR-38 was granted for performance of examination only when a planned maintenance activity is performed on the pump . that would allow access to examine the internal surface of the casing. No activities that would have allowed internal access were performed during this interval. Note 3; Relief Request ilR-40 was granted for performance of examination only when a planned maintenance activity is performed on the valve that would allow access to examine. 'he internal surface of the valve body. Five examinations were completed prior to granting of relief, one examination performed in Period 3 as reflected in table.  ! Not'e 4i Visual Examinations (VT-2) are performed as equired for a fuel cycle,40 month, and the 10-year system hydrostatic testing basis. Data reDects 100% accomplishment of the testing requirements.

       . Note 5: Numbers do not reflect pressure testing (VT 2). Note 4 applies.                                                                                       l Note 6: Augmented examinations required by NUREG 0800 are not reflected in this table. These examinations were completed for the interval as                 i required.

r ., I j

w - - - -_. . . g- Ermlo;uth to ET 96-0049 P:ge 3 of 3 TABLE 2

                                  !                           Flaw          ,       Flaw or Relevant Condition Found Examination      !

Item Item Characterization During Scheduled Section XI Category , Number Description (IWA-3300) Examination or Test (Yes or No) There were no components containing flaws or relevant conditions that required an evaluation to determine acceptability for continued service. TABLE 3 AHSTRACT OF REPAIRS, REPLACEMENTS, OR CORRECTIVE MEASURES REQUIRED FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Flaw or Reles ant Condition Found Repair, i  ! During Scheduled Replacement, Section XI Repair / Code or Corrective Item Description Examination or Date Replacement Cliss i Measure Description of Work Test (Yes/No) Complete Plan Number No components contained a flaw or relevant condition exceeding acceptance criteria that required repair, replacement, or corrective measures. i I l I I i}}