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Forwards Description of Revs to Operational QA Program,In Response to NRC 840808 Request for Addl Info to Ensure Compliance W/Paragraph (3)(ii) of 10CFR50.54(a)
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/24/1984
From: Hintz D
To: James Keppler
CON-NRC-84-161 NUDOCS 8504150313
Download: ML20113D471 (6)





. P.O.' Box 1200, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54305 RINCI?AL STAFF j

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September 24, 1984 Mr. J. G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Dear Mr. Keppler:


Docket 50-305 Operating License DPR-43 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Operational Quality Assurance Program Revision


1) C. W. Giesler to J. G. Keppler, June 11, 1984, Operational Quality Assurance Program Description
2) R. L. Spessard to C. W. Giesler, August 8, 1984, Request Additional Info on WPSC's 00AP Revision On June 11, 1984 WPSC submitted Revision 4 to the Kewaunee Operational Quality Assurance Program (00AP) Description (reference 1). On August 8, 1984 the NRC responded to reference 1 and requested additional information in order to ensure compliance with paragraph (3)(11) of 10 CFR 50.54(a).

Specifically, the NRC requested WPSC to:

1) identify each change (to the 00AP description),
2) the reason for each change, and
3) the basis for concluding that the revised program incorporating each change continues to satisfy the criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and the Safety Analysis Report Quality Assurance Program Description com-mitments. ,

A short explanation identifying each revision to the 0QAP description sub-mitted in reference 1 is attached. In regards to requests (2) and (3) above:

all the non editorial revisions were necessitated by a recent reorganization to the WPSC nuclear effort; hence, do not reduce the level of commitment in the 0QAP Description previously accepted by the NRC.

8504150313 840924 5 gDR ADOCK 0500 gnr p j i a

Mr. J. G.'Kepplar September 24, 1984

, Page 2 L Very trul yours, A/LS D. C.'Hintz Manager - Nuclear Power GWH/js

, Attach.

cc - Mr. S. A. Varga, US NRC Mr. Robert Nelson, US NRC Ob 5

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N1-28.3 l -

September 24, 1984 Attachment to Letter from D. C. Hintz to J. G. Keppler Description of Revisions to the Kewaunee Operational Quality Assurance Program Description ..

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. Mr. J. G. Kappler S:ptember 24, 1984 Attachment Page 1 Following is a list of the changes made from 1983 to 1964 in the OQAP descrip-tion. The changes noted below are indicated per page with #1 corresponding to the first change bar on the top of a page and #2 to the next change bar from the top and ,so on.

PA5I 1

  1. 1 Vice President - Nuclear Power has been changed to Vice President -

Power Production.

  1. 2 Vice President - Nuclear Power has been changed to Vice President -

Power Production.


  1. 1 Vice President - Nuclear Power has been changed to Vice President -

Power Production ,

  1. 2 Fuel Management is now under authority of the Senior Vice President -

Power Supply and Engineering.

  1. 3 The word established has been changed to implemented.
  1. 4 Manager - Power Plant Design and Construction has been changed to Superintendent - Power Plant Design and Construction.
  1. 5 Senior Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering has bFen changed to Vice President - Power Production.
  1. 6 The authority and responsibility for implementation of Quality Assurance activities has been delegated to the Quality Assurance Supervisor.
  1. 7 Vice President - Nuclear Power has been changed to Manager - Nuclear Power.
  1. 8 Senior Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering has been changed to Vice President - Power Production.
  1. 9 The responsibility for ensuring that a comprehensive training program is developed and implemented has been added.


  1. 1 Nuclear Licensing and Systems Supervisor changed to Nuclear Licensing and Systems Superintendent.

Also, several functions previously delegated to the Manager - Nuclear Power have been delegated to departmental heads, i.e.,

~ ~~

Mr. J. G. Keppler Siptember 24, 1984 Attachment Page 2 The Manager - Nuclear Power has' delegated the responsibility for:

. - engineering activities, balance of plant technical support

- ~ and the Technical Review Program to the Nuclear Services Supervisor.

- modification project administration to the Nuclear Design Change Supervisor.

- training (licensed, non-licensed, and professional) to the Nuclear Training Supervisor / Health Physicist.

  1. 2 Vice President - Nuclear Power changes to Manager - Nuclear Power.
  1. 3 Technical Supervisor changes to Plant Technical Superintendent.


  1. 1 Manager Fuel and Fossil Operation changes to Director - Fuel Services.
  1. 2 The word modification was stricken from ... modification of nuclear fuel and fuel materials.

- note that the second paragraph under the 1983 OQAP Description of Manager Fuel and Fossil Operation was deleted. ..

- note that the 1983 description of Director - Fuel Services was deleted.

  1. 3 Quality Assurance and Technical Services Supervisor - This position has been deleted.

f The Quality Assurance Supervisor is now responsible to the Superintendent Power Plant Design and Construction instead of -

the Quality Assurance and Technical Services Supervisor.

The Quality Assurance Supervisor is now responsible for review and approval of directives which control activities affecting. quality.


  1. 1 The Power Plant Design Supervisor is now responsible to the Superintendent Power Plant Design and Ccnstruction instead of the Manager Power Plant Design and Construction.
  1. 2 The Environmental Supe'rvisor is now Director - Environmental Services.
  1. 3 Manager System Planning and Engineering changes to Senior Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering.


. Mr. J. G. Keppler S:ptemb:r 24, 1984 Attachment Page 3

  • #4 NSRAC is now responsible to the Vice President - Power Production instead of the Vice President Nuclear Power.
  1. 5, The NSRAC function of reviewing QA audits has been clarified by

. adding ... "the results" ... .

T- -


  1. 1 Final Safety Analysis Report has been changed to Updated Safety Analysis Report.


  1. 1 Quality Assurance and Technical Services Supervisor has been changed to Quality Assurance Supervisor.


  1. 1 Manager of Fuel Fossil Operations is changed to Director - Fuel Services.

PAGE 10 il Final Safety Analysis Report has been changed to Updated Safety Analysis Report.


PAGE 18 & 19

  1. 1 The offsight functional quality assurance organization diagram has been revised to reflect the above changes.

k 4