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Part 21 Rept Re Cracking of Stellite 21 Hardfacing on Guide Nose of Poppets Supplied as Part of MSIV Leakage Improvement Mod.Initially Reported by Clei on 920522. Recommends That Liquid Penetrant Exam Be Performed
Person / Time
Site: Perry, Fermi, Oyster Creek, Hope Creek, Clinton
Issue date: 06/24/1992
From: Shields S
To: Berlinger
REF-PT21-92 NUDOCS 9207280257
Download: ML20102B207 (4)


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tw< Od & fam & Marine a trusustriel Servece Atwood and Morrill Co., Bnc.

Dengners and Manufacturen Sinte 1900 28S LANAL STi't.U SALLM MASMCHUSETTS 01970 PHONE 508 74.! 5690 TCt.EX A0299 FAX 508 741-3626 June 24,1992 USNRC Operations Center Notification to Report Possible Defects

!0 MSIM.Poopets_syoolbd Av Atw_ nod & Morrii!

This notification is supplied subsequent to that provided by CEI Perry on May 22,1992.,

Recent problems have been encountered with cracking c.* the Stellite 21 hardfacing on the guide nose of the poppets supplied as part of the MSIV icakage improvement modification at CEl Perry Station.

While no specific root cause of the cracking has been determined, it appears that major repair welds to the hardfacing on the poppet nose may have contributed to a significant inciease in residual stresses induced in the material. These residual stresses have, in some cases, been of suf1icient magnitude te cause the Stellite 21 hardfacing to.cra .k well af ter the poppets were manufactured.

This delayed cracking has appeared only on the hardfaced nose guide or nose cone and seat on the end of the poppet. No cracking has appeared on either of the poppet guide bands or the pilot poppet seat. .

We have conducted a review of our records for poppets manufactured for the leakage improvement modification and have determined that pnppets with major.

repairs to the hardfacing have been supplied to the following listed plants.

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- Atwood and Morrill Co., Inc.

Designers sod Msnu 'acturers Smee 1900 285 CANAL Sird!I %1.[M, MA5sAcHUSETT5 01970 rHONE 508 744 5690 TELEX 9a0M SM S08 741-3626 Page 2 of 2 June 24,1992 POPPET SERIAL NUMQEB EA_rg One Poppet lilinois Power 243569-8 Clinton Power Station One Poppet Detroit Edison 234794-1 A Enrico Fermi Nuclear Plant One Poppet GPU Nuclear Corporation 219570-2 Oyster Cr'eak (Juclear Station One Poppet Public Service E.actric & Gas 216485-1 Hope Creek Generating Stetion in accordance with regulatory requirements we have notified appropriate personnel at each location. We have recornmended that if the poppet is not yet installed, a liquid penetrant examination be pelformed on the guide nose and seating surf ace up to but not including the lower guide band.

-if the poppet is installed we have recommended that the examination be performed when the MSIV is disassembled.

Submitted by S.N. Shields V.P. Engineering Atwood & Morrill Company, Inc.

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. < TRANSACTION REPORT > 06-24-1992(WED) '09:47 4


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COMPANY: US Al R O r>< r a k s C c - e r-i FAX NO: 30/- N- / 87 ATTENTION: ._

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NAME: S.N. Shields - V.P.Inaineerina t

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