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Informs That 1-2A DG Outage Currently Rescheduled for 960429 Due to to Revised Ship Date for Intercooler Tube Bundle,Per GL 87-02
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1996
From: Dennis Morey
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR GL-87-02, GL-87-2, NUDOCS 9604020391
Download: ML20101K501 (1)


. . .. - - . . . - _ ,_.

South 1rn Nucisar Operating Company Post Offics Box 1295

  • * ' @rrrfingham. Alabama 35201 Teltphona (205) 868 5131
& l'
o. . uor.y Southern Nuclear Operating Company L Vice President Farley Project the Southern electric system ,

l March 29, 1996 I Docket Nos: 50-348 10 CFR 50.4 50-364 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A'ITN: Dxument Control Desk Washin-tan, D. C. 20555-0001 i

l Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant I Resolution of Seismic Outliers I l

Ladies and Gentlemen:

l By letter dated December 21,1995, Southern Nuclear provided a revised schedule to resolve certain l

outliers with regard to seismic evaluation criteria in response to Generic Letter 87-02, 1

" Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operatmg Reactors, l Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46." Two items associated with the Diesel Generator 1 2A were ,

l scheduled to be completed during the next scheduled generator outage and were to be completed by l April 1,1996. These items involve improvements to equipment suchorage for the Local Control Panel and Relay Panel.

i The Diesel Generator 1-2A outage was scheduled for March 9,1996, but due to a revised ship date l ', for an intercooler tube bundle, the 1-2A Diesel Generator outage is currently rescheduled for April 29,1996. 'Ihe improvements to the Diesel Generator 1-2A equipment anchorage will be completed during the next scheduled 1-2A Diesel Generator outage.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, f )/lo"*

Dave Morey BDM:maf NRCSEL. DOC I cc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter, Region II Admmistrator

. Mr. B. L. Siegel, NRR Senior Project Manager l Mr. T. M. Ross, Plant Resident Inspector 1

i I 020098 l

9604020391 960329 i PDR ADOCK 05000348  %

p PDR 9 4 j