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Urges Commissioner to Act Affirmatively on 840907 to Return Facility to Svc.Commission Action Can Demonstrate That Plant Has Been Carefully Examined,Modified & Improved to Meet Every Reasonable Concern
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1984
From: Albohn A
To: Palladino N
SP, NUDOCS 8409120165
Download: ML20098H206 (1)



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0 1. E T Anrni:n R. AI.nonx AS S EMBLYM AN. Ol5TRICT 25 (MORRIS) 264 sot TH ST.

j @ 2 '.2.3 MORRISTOWN, 07960 Gzstan ASSEMBLY 201-540-1502 or NzwJraser .


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jh September 5, 1984 SEJJ:: SE? J 11994 Mr. Nunzio Palladino, Chairman r '

Nuclear Regulatory Commission J' --

1717 H Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20555

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Gentlemen :

It is my understanding that on September 7th the NRC will make a determination as to whether or not Unit 1 at Three Mile Island should be allowed to return to service iry the immediate future.

I write to urge you to act affirmatively, so that the substan-tial benefits of returning this unit to duty without further delay can be achieved.

It is. time that groundless emotional arguments be rejected, par-ticularly those by persons who are simply anti-nuclear energy, regardless of its form or use. Let us continue in efforts to give the people of our state information, background, and educa-tion, so that they may understand nuclear energy, and be better able to make informed rather than emotional value judgments.

Re-starting Unit 1 will be a major step in that direction.

You should give notice that this valuable and sqfe source of en-ergy ahould not be arbitrarily blocked from use--thereby denying positive benefits to society. Your action can demonstrate that this plant has been most carefully examined, modifie d, and im-proved, physically and staff-wise, to meet every reasonable con-cern.

Now is the time to act positively and set the wheels in motion for re-starting this important element of the northeastern energy grid.

Sinc ~erely yo e , g

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