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Special Rept 2-SR-92-002:on 920324,generated LCO for Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Incomplete in That Requirements of TS Not Invoked. Monitor Inoperable for More than 7 Days
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/08/1992
From: Spencer J
2-SR-92-002, 2-SR-92-2, NUDOCS 9205190026
Download: ML20096E036 (2)


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CP&L ~

Caroline Power & Light Company gmmar mmmmmmmy Bruns;1ck Nuclear Project P. O. Brx 10429 Southport, N.C. 28461-0429 May 8, 1992 FILE: B09-13510C U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 BRUNSVICK STEAM ELECTRIC PIANT UNIT 2 DOCKET NO. 50-324 LICENSE NO. DPR-61 SPECIAL REPORT PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ~ AND PURSUANT TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 6.9.2 (2-SR-92-002)


  • At 0825 hours0.00955 days <br />0.229 hours <br />0.00136 weeks <br />3.139125e-4 months <br /> on March 24, 1992, clearance of the Unit 2 Turbine Building Air Filtration Exhaust Fan was initiated to support scheduled maintenence activities which included turbine building ventilation exhaust fan filter and radiation monitoring system central processing unit (CPU) component replacements. CPU component replacement involved ~ the de-energization and subsequent inoperability of the Unit 2 Turbine Building Wido-Range Cas Monitor (WRCM) . Prior to the CPU.

component replacement activity, a thirty day Limiting- Condition of Operation -

(LCO) as required by Technical Specification (TS),. Radioactive Gaseous -

Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation, was initiated. A review of the requirements established by TS, Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, erroneously determined that the requirements of that specification were not applicable due to the clearance of the Turbine Building Air Filtration Exhaust Fan. On 3/31/92, followir.g completion of the work on the turbine- building ventilation and radiation monitoring systems, Operations personnel recognized that the LCO t generated on March 24, 1992 was incomplete in that the requirements of TS, Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, were not invoked.

On March 31, 1992, Operations back dated a seven - day LCO for -TS - to document the appropr' ate condition for operation during the time the WRCM was de-energized. Additionally, on March 31, 1992,' Operations generated an' Adverse -

Condition Report (ACR) to document the event and ensure:appsopriate corrective  ;

action. Due to uncertainties associated with the impact of the related turbine  ;

building ventilation equipment clearances on the operability . of the ' accident -

monitoring system, actions required by the- ACR were initiated to determine WRGM operability from March 24, 1992 throu 1992 - and the appropriate--

reportability requirements. On Aprilgh24,-1992, March 31, the completed ACR response determined that the accident monitoring system was inoperable from the time the-turbine building URCM was de-energized on March 24,- 1992 -until the monitor was-restored to service at 1519 hours0.0176 days <br />0.422 hours <br />0.00251 weeks <br />5.779795e-4 months <br /> on March 31, 1992. The total out of service time was days, six-hours, and nineteen minutes.

I 180030 7y I 9205190026 92050s

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.k l DR ADOCK 05000324 l PDR

Carolina Power and Light Company is submitting this report pursuant to TS 6,9,2.

The fourteen day reporting requirement was initiated from the completion of the response to the ACR on April 24, 1992 which was required to resolve the necessary -

operability determination.

Very truly your ,

' 2

-Q ..

, . Spencer, neral Manager ru swick Nuclear Project ec: Mr. S. D. Ebneter Mr. N. E, Le BSEP NRC Resident Office 4

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