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Protests Policy Change Discussed in Board Notification 84-127 Dtd 840705,ending Direct Transmittal of Tdi Owners Group Repts to Parties in Proceedings Via Board Notifications.Pdr Slow in Providing Copies
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/1984
From: Hiatt S
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8407270256
Download: ML20090H890 (1)


, . . _ _



t July 23, 1984 -

Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccmnission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

By this letter Chio Citizens for Responsible Energy ("OCRE")

.is objecting to the NRC's new policy on Board Notifications on +

'j f , the Transamerica Delaval diesel generator problem, as related in Board Notification 84-127, dated July 5, 1984. ' 'Iherein you stated

i. that 'IDI Owners Group m.uii.s will no longer be transmitted to i parties in proceedifys via Board Notifications, but will be 4

available in the IPDRs.

'Ihis new policy creates. an undue hardship on public interest intervenors like OCBE. 'Ihe LPDR, with its inconveniences of location 3-and hours, is not the best vehicle for volunteer researchers, upon which OCRE, 'a small public interest organization with limited resources, must rely. Nor does the availability of the reports in a library j satisfy the evidentiary purposes for which we will eventually need the dx.unents. I.e., we must have hard copy. h cost of copies of these reports, even from the PDR (with its new higher prices) is

- prohibitive. .

i 1 .

'Ihe problem of delay must also be considered. 'Ihe Conmission has j' often voiced concern over delay in licensing proceedings. 'Ibe 'IDI -

i Board Notifications have been of great-help to us in participating

, in a timely manner in the Perry OL proceeding,. in whidt the reliability i of 'IDI diesels is a contested issue.- Imagine the delay engendered in i all sudi prvceedings if the intervenors must wait for the docunent to appear in the LPDR,'and then order a copy frcm the PCR (copying ' costs

' for the LPDR is over twice .that;at. the PDR) . 'Ihe PDR has been notoriously

. slow of late in responding to requests for copies. .'Ihe' delay will not j be the fault of the intervenors; it is ~a natural result of your new policy.

i ..

'Ihere is another dimension of this as well. Parties to proceedings (and the Staff is always a party)" have an affirmative obligation to-i' keep the Boards and parties-informed of information relevant to the j proceeding. Does the Staff now: intend ~to default;on this cbligation? ,

Presunably tin Board Notification is the~ Staff's vehicle for informing

the Boards. Or will the Boards continue .to be informed, but not' the:

parties:(i'.e.,,intervenors, since the utilities are generating the reports), -

thereby constituting ex parte ormunication? Your'new policy may not be - ' /

,  : legal.

~'Ihe policy is most assuredly not 'in the pslic interest. : Planea Loonsider reverting to your former policy. - ; Justice and fairness'dsnand nothingLless.

i Sincerely, S407270256 840723'~ ' # ~

.PDR ADOCK 050J0440 - ' * '~

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