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Advises That NRC Response to Author 2.206 Petition Disgraceful.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 950822
Person / Time
Site: Neely Research Reactor
Issue date: 08/18/1995
From: Blockeyobrien
To: Bechhoefer, Kline, Lam
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#395-17021, CON-#395-17022, CON-#395-17023 2.206, OM, REN, NUDOCS 9508230220
Download: ML20087K340 (14)



'gg./ ..hR00. & UTIL FAC.80 O-84d* OM 00CKETED  :

< 50 - /M Cz.2d usN9c

/70@ """""'**""'"""""" '95 E 22 m a N'M,1,,vi11 oTr j

/.7022 rhmhimers fcr the rE Atnnic Safety and Liarsirg Rnrd Justi s pou Inth:efer, Klire and Ian, -

er y ard tM stim Service list 01 tie msrzw to my 2 I-

' _ T57f pist,1995 wu:diirg tie Gecrgia 7trh Ibrtcr, n:cket 50-160 are athr t t 7 \ YW U.S. tE, Wrtirrfmn, D.C. 20555 f ERVED 200 2 2 IW'i

'Ib All tie aine cita$ pers2s : Greetirgs, I fird this se pa m a By trw you will hne all recieved tie E imraw to my ptiticn.

DISI M E, in prticular sirm the E a;;mts to hsve either rot Imd, rnisread ancVx icyrra$ nany Befcre I list than, I wish to nake a imm I raised and als) did rot tother to addrus sme cf thyn.


I ms, I believe, neant to hne been put cn the "Srvice list" by ?E (sie Ftb. 24th letter fran tie IE cf this ymr to m. Glem Carroll of GVE) . I een asHEX! IE twice at 1mst to te Set lany tine I  !

zupaun to my petiticn that cme in, as I trA&i tlat es my right mder tin law. 'He cn Other y tlan '

cpt a opy of Mut ms cpirg cn frt2n fE ms an atta:frnst to the abwe letter to m. Carroll.

a couple of petiticn a:trowiulpuds pople hx3 sent in and a few ge FCIHDC.

another route vecks later. 'Ihe pints I argued tack werer thEn ignCEB3 by E Dy the 1Cck of it.

Irrkrd, a nutt:er of IE's om staff agres3 they knew there were its:s a isstes I had (trder t which were tot i1hu.d. If cre actmily rarb my 2.205, cre can see tX. '

tbv to the ?E's repas to my 2.206 Petiticn : FIIET, ITRSE READ M BEIEE 2.206 mrchPEITIIGJ, 6th, thsh I WiIOi INYYYPR M 1EITIES AUD T IGBER 12, Dr. 4th 1994 ard Ro. 21st,Rb. Zard, 28th, A;ril 19th, my 18th, Jtre 27th, and July 18th,1995.

?E Ibints ?Arirrs 1, 4, 6, 7.

Plese Imd my Ebb. 22rrV23rd letter detailirg my cxnvetsstian with tie erginmr Mr. Cumbers fran t tie "ratural drairage arm" was a creek. (Even if it was ,

DM (Divisicn cf Rblic Wrks, city of Atlanta) smsmal, mter still wuld cxrre thratzjh it.) Ad katn who live 3 in tie arm befcre tie Imctor ms there '

told rre this wrk that wter DID drain and colla:t in tint arm che to tie terrain (which l chrryd basim11y.) Further tint there es a Creek abcut 500 yards fran Were tle rarter 'Ibe ror a large alwtt was put ut$cr State St. which helped take tle Dig dip there as of Cf State St.. I culwet tan 11y hx! aM 2 to 2 irr:hES Cf mter in it . (lhleEE it IainEd hmVily of CDurm). 'De drawirry in the lismroe rmewal aIplicaticn fa this reactcr show hw tle drairap (ctek/-mal drairajecreek pt' the eter fcr cryirg cut laud) ms cianreled UUR the Irw+rr tuildirg cc:pict. 'Ibe surfa tE speaks of is a wueb: limd chrrel as tiey say, but rrgla:t to nmticn hw the meer ruetts dam this in hmvy rains ard also twerfloc it and hw the are next to it is taally s:cgy freguEItly With EfJ ndify e tGE . ID3 fE PIyEl attatiCD, IE wtMid h3Ve sem tint I gxtsd a REIUU IINE KR GEDUIA IUY , in ny Oct. 23rd.19M letter hgimirg tie 2.206 IrtxIss, where their GN SIUY IfJNED


nany tines cn tl'e cr pts, in Inttimiar in amas rot far fran tie ,

Imctcr ard the regrt wnt into cbtails (as did tie hge article in tin Atlanta Paper I sufuuud) as t' hw tie powerful leks in tlat hge seuer (the Otte St. tark tuilt in 1892) ertrh sail frtra aratrd tie sewer (rari it yourselves p1mm) ivitirg the one -in of the erth cwerbarthn and in sa:e mses the sewer itself. I calicd the authrs of the stu3y fcr 'Rxt1, imne the facrer Min 1mim1 S!tfety Office l i t

hx3 told ne tint he ta$ seEn tin ImCtCE 1mzudfico$ and the parkirg lot fill cn note thn crei )

ermimicn with atatt thrm feet, of eter whEn all tle liDer/stCUn drairs (fedi!g to tie trunk l re etC hdc tp an$ hx3 srxn it (parkirg lat) utier wter ) . The authr of the sttdy fcr ' Itch had rrt cnly rrt becn told tiere ms a rectcr cn the arps, he ta$ rrt ctEcREd tie lines LYrir it. As I told IE in my 2.3]6 Ibtiticn , Dr. Karan hirnself agem3 with rre (by yttre, July "Dth,1993) tint the area FUIIE. a

' tint the crrrrete slab tie reactor sits cn ta3 rrmr tan X-R3yu3 (to me if there were cracks) all tlat ,

9508230220 950818 PDR ADOCK 05000160 G PDR 7gcM

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s 1 2

hagpens is that he diecks it daily by lockirg at it. I told NC that les not altarA. I r==edly asked the MC toinve the lines (sewer lines,driirs) testad, chased cut; . Die note g a back to Jan. 21st 1994 to NC fran me cn this. NC rea*M1y told ne trat this 1culd be dtne ( I lad ask fx a one die raditas, not; jtst; u1 der ard arot:1d the reactrr) MC told ne they tad aded for all the testirg cn 300 feet of line(frtm mder the r=+x cn) . I ranaedly tad stated it nust be for

' radianctive crntamiraticn in the lirus, the ntrtar, joints etc ard cf the soil arard the lines and the reacter br,==== cf the radimetive cru$ they lad. repeatedly dtmped or spilled dam the line .

and due to petblens rai=ri in 'Drts om rupcrts cn mm=1& pr+1s==, in ; articular fran the.  !

tnzk line 1&lich muswi backips to the reactcr arm, tiere lad to be crntaaniraticn. MC told ne they had amed far it and it iculd be ckne. An NC_ staff pretn aim I r==FM1y told amad theneplaceNC1e staff sould]


put; it in iritirg for ne tint tle place /sittation ses safe.MC finally cpt its act iupas:=


than about a sirkhole ccrurrirg . I told MC MXP 'IO 'DE IBC13. NC mays the sirkhole tes nearl teste storap tark (p.12) 1&at NC leaves out, is that 'DE WGIE SIGPE 'DGE IS N!XP 'ID '


'DPN( G D NC DID M7T DISIME A SINHI.E AS 'DEY D0HDED 'DE AREA W NC appears to be beirg gazpamfMLly asum= ca theiemde inumm- Tie immae is dwicaulty1 the tut, ===mg to mC ad ' arts ami an==its arr==vn==r was tdt at 11 sent haa== ther pt the rs==r*rr ttune cuer a '*=irury path' (czeek) cut txp of fill immisrla1, dth an the fimhgi hr*fierw&rs in the asua theme are Intesy laup inutiotes and 'soids tuukrneath tie dte ad must tie lines and MC stouad cb au the taats I assed far, L. - -'-g X4hys e that 3L year cEd dup? j '

d a ruur*rr ieddi yanar cast An-uits may had ruus=*: in the battaa to "att as 1=11mm against; the lacyumcy of tie getasubmeur'. 'Ihe vast infantatial I prtvided MC cn everythirg fran aret tej to the fact; that nearby Olynpic tousirg tuilt an' gcrirg tack to 1949, (ard iriwuie,icn by phme)tle sarre N400 Creek focatic 1 Olyr:pic limirg project; told ne they had raroved large amataits of tratable mil bef to artiMsw noted that have Im in the Atlanta papers (Atlanta Btasiness 01rtnicle) and the 'IV ainost seekly cn the w usR, problers ard trunks in sewer line and pipes acrts MLWIK, an over !

the arm point to pertnh1p ptCblens illich, as rector efety officer Jerry Taylor told ne cn July 30th 1993 mild lead to a big fear of mine, reely te agres$ that GTEP "IF RMNrIDH A SDERIF j IT MIID BE9E AREtr" Any smsible peram knows this. 'Ihe artire ttut line cannot; be reptind befcre the 01prpics. Iutbum, a a:imtist m11aar== cf mine idio werks cn i==== w :udre the i stire sewer ness in Atlanta, can testify to the fact that )&1en tiny Iquired the tuge adsidste that wind the perpse a seer marw*= &nat ftna the ===rtre at; utfr camera amt the tairrir** hrt=4, 8 diticus galkms of ====p tfat; daily used to go tturasjt theme las 'gtse dammirrf.1 tis means W11ty e6cJt edilim galkms is kuking ar=ne re. e n! scar the <priert

'Ihe State (werde, Ir. Misttre, told ne te was faced soie of my letters (but; rrt the stire 2.20E petiticn) by MC. 'Ihat N did rot, know, nar had sem, that Osorgia 'Rxf1 had ckne (hnd lad) its om ;l study cn the state of the pechlers Itzptding the taswers, Tuff-Aps etc. cn astgus, did not know l

that the r=+m ses pt cn fill naterial was not; given rrr saw an the hirdreds of pages of ir*==tirri on the reactrr, did rrt kncw the area fimk, ard a lot ncre besides. Ih tes ratfer astcnited. NC grtwichd naterials cat of mntec, therefcre gt m anser cut of crntact. As I wrot tack to the NC the cnly thirty tint were eenins$,were a goirg over of the old plans and lackirg >

at the place. I can aard my ckg to 1crk at it for wtat tlat's worth frun a safety m dve. i Another Leierde with the State told ne tlat ifKR theWE fill9EC1D unterial trder the resabor had- fl SDGE (INE 14) intrifE -

earple linestone in it, it mild have washed cut;. 'l IEMEDENT & SDEHUS MBR S DDR ifE'1EBCIR IS Mr A fEurWKR Bigq[" is a 12E. GE ffE XMBER HETWED MBR IT Ni MC NDE,ND NUlfER A PBf HH3 S IDH WE END. I told you an cnce '

weathered IttR is !D1L, dirt. I LEVER rai'u:rl the questien of the ner1 hole covers Idrg thtom to dE the reactor, I raised it in omnExtion with the fact tint ) tun they wirbri thsn r=1rsu:ri on the Cang .

to prevert than leirq pahed off by the fcroe of inter tatkirg tp the sewer lines an$ mmirg tha to te blom off, it nede the pctblen wtrae and they were blasts $ cff anyway even tiotry welde thrown tp to eight feet. I 1es inustratirg the tower of tie seter below grotrd, the crntat of which I vin ten the Atanic Diergy (hmic=icn Justices if reed be as it was a wrsrity issue, in a ;!

hmiert with law stuusass, ard the NC, not; fx wi% ==3 ptblic crrstmpt;icn. It) wever, l


.--.- ._--m._,m,- - - , _ ,.~ ,~ , ~. _ , . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 6

i 3

c2siderity ITC's su+um cn this part of my 2.205, tre t52rjht, cbes crms crrs r"ird, tMt if a ranhole ,

crwer blew off and hit the MC offirlala mud 1@e fcr tM m4um to mY 2.206 petiticn squate betwetn tre eyes, all cre micJt hear muld te aru ecio. ( I mir*1't rmist tlat one !)

Te "physimi examiraticrs" (p.4) of the rmatcr fa:ility and site as ridimle as MC rever examirrd eithr belcw grtmd, rever sark prtbes, rever dtg test wells, rever did X-Ibys, rever ewn ran rtrote 'IV equipart down the lims, the sewers, eemired the fill etc. etc. Te sutstantial hnith ard safety imues still rtrain. Te cmtairnrat fcmchticn las rot been X-rayed, the pool holdirg tre hrdreds of thcmands of curim of rrtn1t-60 las rot hem X-rayed & chacsed to see if it is sirkirg, the reactcr and Wut it stards cn las rot tatn chec3md to me if it tas strk cr is sinkirg. (Ard its might is swirg, fcr cre thirg, there is a !D tcn crane in tiere). Paga 20, ctroernirg the ability of tre a21tairemnt hdlehrg steel stru:ture to cmtrol radiaticn releases : 'IbtiVIE's Of1 chta (Milch I thirk you stould rmd ) agrees with ::e trat dat is cuer tle tcp, i.e. tre bit of steel crntairrrrrt cbre, is tasiently treless. SE p.2B, C 2 "9da1M= by Dmrtrr na *-t ndidm" UIRE : "Te roof of tin hdirHm, edch cIrsi dts vrl==rI1y of a WB-irris thidc stsei plate mM Inzwkle very liftio sidelr& g." I told MC tht over ard outr. MC icyrus! it.

Te June 21st 1995 MC Irgrcticn Rpart (diich I did rrt Itcieve util a few chys tefore I cpt the rugum to my 2.205 - the irrpecticn Itpact es trailed to tre July 27th, the answer ty MC to my 2.206 is c chtcd 4 chys later cn July 31st) Lists Violation by the G1. 'Ibch thely ruimr Rerdi Rnctor, ,

(MC Irmrr+4m Rpart ib 50-160/35-01.) which MC's zuww cxrnmietly ignate3.  !

R=*wfly, cuer a perio5 of yeam irrerMa &ta or ro &ta on certain o- M dem of l r= Mew +4ve miram wre rotxd by NC. Rr exarple, f<r 1988,1989,1930,1991,1932,1993 tinre ms to listirg of tre traxir:un (Irnrtraticn of grms radicactivity m1mW to tre inrestricted arm. Rr l l agrt2c. elewn years idmtical wirdrme d4== hd but mcd , apparmtly tamd cn histcrimi chta but r reither chta collecticn period rrr locaticn em1d be cbbamined, ftail .m even tingh the April 1994 S' indiental tint sprial, c2tirums , a*=tk trmsurumrt ard resztlirg sjuiprtre fcr wird speed ard directicn (vital in case of accdcht, ard re1mem) hd Inan irrta11M, IT DIIN'T DCIST.. It also agxnrs tint there vete a h mt of othr pttblars wwudrg limits and hm12im set point fcr H-3, (tritiun) ?D rutire arplirg fcr partim1*a radirw+4ve traterial m1mmd thrtuft tie exhut, cys systen, the licmsee ('IRh Pactor etc.) hd squad m1mem of partim1*a rMimr+ive traterial as rrt M..Mia in Arruni Operatirg Rprts , however evtn th2gh the lisEro2e las tie ,mhility to gugj j srple ard aralym fcr potential particniate rMirw+1ve traterial , tie partim1*a filter ms ME' teirg l 2nalynd. ED (N TMP I!HE DE IIrr RM WRP TE IHL MHP GJP TE EHEP SIXK. 1 j

Orbr "Prtvisicm fcr Insurirg 1mk Tisind 4.3.2. SW p. 49 (pry 20 MC REpanse) it says tle hdidirg ES testcd arnally siroe it es M .pM by Orrgia TKil (tack in tte 60's presarably). Bt l trrir armury of O2fiarmxt 1bildirg '1bst Ibsolts p.174 of tM SE, it afrus (nly nine tests, which itc1tde thtne cbn Iricr to a > yww. 'lhe first test slowed o.6% of the hdlehrg volute 1EBkiry fIUn the a21tairrmrt Nmm1 ard tie tcst es otrdrtcd by OIICKD IRIIIE NO IRN. do also ran a setxrd test, after thit, it es cbc by Ortgia 'Itxt Rwmth Rrctor p2 uh:1 for times listirg sa:e rurm and .

then frun 1967 to 1991 ro tests are listed , and the three #11ch follow just says GIRR Staff. Wat I qualificaticrs cb them staff lave to Itn ath cIr:plimted tests ? Te last t4et stowed a 1Eakap rate f l

of 0.63% of tuildirg voltre. Is all this cttdible ? I My artyrmts with MC cn tie faTots shieldirg in cam cf amlMt etc. spak for tinmelms, tle st@idity of pretsding tint a chrn picxn of mil is goirg to shield the ph14r if the ch:ned rmataq blows (cr anythirg elm tugms e.g. with the crb11 TAO) spewirg rMimetive crid oar the arm is 1xyrd telief. I krpb tellirg MC tin chta is CID, let alcre stmid, let alcre hwd cn idiotic stuff likr!

trw tall amrre is cr rithich like if s2neane mS SINUItc rYN 'ID IT TE RADIATIQ1 Hm TE '1T CIID '

FOT IE SEB4 En strtx2e vuld rot hrve mIh to vtrry atr2t in esmnm. See prys 210 ,211, 212, It is psitively Otve111an. If this sxt cf nihinh watked, M1y dich't 'Itd1 call up the prple tryirg to r:nrap the OURGYL disaster and tell tien th?y'd te fire if they vete shrt prple ard jtst hriksrud cb(

ruxt to the explcdirg Imctcr all. MC utuld tuve to te ccrpletely aalwp at tie whee 1 so 3 to speak,to rot tud2 dad Mut I ms grttirg at. Te "ruumy cinin rmeticn"(p.21 of MC m4um to my 2,205) referm3 to the spent ftel rath cn site (see my letter cf thr.12th 1934, p. 2. and my raintainirg tint


k l

l an,wasC Hm sE Rwur ohm ascrrw. sed I ser noE...." RN MNrIGE11M!S NC igroced tint 1RE SDtHMNr. NC tium cym into =*=== atx2t tie ....IMDL IBMBL HDi JNEN (F ME ID I IRVE 'K) MHRF TMF 1H3 HEC's ON IIIINNr SMR p.134) SDGE :"



De umpa y rmiirg in case of a disaster has I infermi. ht NC w221ch't listal.

Ture are 300 gancrs(in a tank) of D20which, at 8 ry11rns per mirute w211d cxz1 tre mobac fcr 30 cdrutas. In the reectcr vessel there are 1,100 gancrs 211ch p-h1y w221d be drainirg, ime draired a datever. Te Eng tama sqplies NC referes to are

1) the trx$c sp to city water w211d take piam by cpirg ard cyttirg cbwn in the IAtinuud MimG PIIE 'IUNEL WIIDi IS HEDi SE M9CEE (p.67) and cbirg a mnal trx3c-tp InEwst


Eb, Mtile an hell is irmkirg 1 rose, sme IIxr ax:ker is sent cbwn to cp into tre pi;n ttnnel to trxic up the eter - either le/de cyts irradiata$ and dies AFIIR sentttirg @, theifreidhaiud they IBVe for a slet tle ke5 hr:rur to tash the cbtr in (it's icx: red, Lumb-) if to Crle Can find the key, tley'n gt irradiata$ ard die while tryirq to trx$c up mnany to city eter with the fanots 'tpicsc crrrrrt spool pie e". HUVIDD it an utrks , which I very mxh rhi+ c2sichrirg the duas tint w221d be cpirg cn ard tie cpesticxs of it rrt a;parirg to lave ever bem tmtal (is it evm rrwihla ? l cnpled with tie err *31am one can ime of tryirg to nn mter throuji lines 1crg in disme, cre penxn ;

w211d pedably die. If the systen fails (ard cxrsiderirg the arry state of Atlanta water lines it micJ ' 1 ue cpt to tac $c-up systan ruter two, tsirg the rMirw+4ve eter in the pool tlat shields the l *1 TAO and ( if tiere at tie tire) spat fuel Itzh :

2) aftzr talkirg to tie State of Omyins RMinHrn Surveinaroe staff (do lismnse thecpucns ah,* 12,(X)0 erhiltAO) .

they tave to keep tie cdmit shioldM of course, therefrre, cre mild cnly use Mtich would last about 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br /> cr2nirg in at 8 ryillens a mirute - if the eter es drainirg cut of tie rectxr d11eldirg systen sinultaneamly ,that is trw icrg y22'd lave to try and figure out bac$c-tp systen three, Miich cbem't edst.

NC is urtrg in statirs there vauld te ro radiaticn exposa j '

nakirg tle above cx2nr.ticrs, and there is to icrri term eter sulply frtm the Exn1 available at all.

'Ib nake tp mter beirg tsal frun the Exni, (if ttat em1d be ctre at the time) they hr.e a to use a girtin hoEn I beliOVO. I nmn, this is like a IBd CBrtxxn. MC sayhg (p.24) the cxrnecticrs are are ebclevirg in tlat NC inplies everythirg is CE and d es nade outside tie etntairutnt stncture" rrt say 104 it an lagxm. Were calld te najcr sfety trthia's p.26 of NC's tuwm ard p. 24 u.,wudrg how tie coolirg etc. would all vark are reany a jcke as tie Atxmic D1erty Q2mimicrs own staff were aware frtm bac$c in the 1960's ard later, the ad R11111p Rittertruse's work were in ausste nassive rqxrts by Oecrga Brockett ("Brockett 14xrt")

dlawd untbr tle ng. Imx2f-aaolant amichits, evm in this type of resmrth Im+rr , are a3ncet iriossible to figure cut in aharte, and tin prob 1sts cfastly, rargirg frun ficw bicckacy to 011ra syndture. H>ever, Wat is truly dis;;raceful, is NC's tryirg to naintain that in tie eart of cxre turrout plutcniun etc. would rrt be relmwrl, rrr cesitrn Mm 3 this uauld be the case as NC uen knows ard airdts a cx2ple of liros furtter cbwn. IF TEIEC IDSPT NOf1E KM WMFIMHIS j CID IRP IE KL. I told MC ttnt tie refere1am ard data tsed in tie SE were alntst 40 ymrs cxt of chte ard fcr tlose rescrs alone should be jtrked. 'Ib igtre Vat I said and to disreprd it pts t'

uts tie riblic at cntitud high ridt frun tlat facility. Te Sm druid be tirown in the trash
  1. 1ere it inicrry. Q1. p. 28, again MC is icyrrirg its own imy b - ~ Igxrts of violations. t 'Ib say I -
p. 29. I prtvided a 1ct of rew eartiquake infan:sticn ard told MCJtst of new studies by I rne.

brame NC las stipidly de-rot ptmmt any rev seimic infotnation for tie regicn is a lie.

cicid tint if an artigtake fault lam't nmed in :D,CK)0 years it is rrt "ryh19" clas ntt invalichte :

I told ?R: an a:tiw mrtiquake my cxxterrn. , tin potetial for a cingirg ertiquake is TUr nrote.

2rre las tan icirtifial in est % max in pittimlar in an arm en11rrl the &rm bicdc, ard do to canta:t about the rew stidies by t I ne. He Atlanta M=m- stocy cn it lad a hedlire :"Io }utr Sttdy,Lm=x Otake risk gemter tien tuliexd,terth Ostrgia m11M vulnerable" 4ril 29,1994

5 te fact is, cre of tie nain vaania of my 2.205 - rar:ely tint everything ainost atout ttat dLup is old, n*hM ard uauld nwer te anowed roachys -las best of a rartxr arti as the SAR igrrxtd by MC and MC just pio:otted hdc SAR infotratian which I ms qttsticning to be arthernece, I asked fcr an additicral letters I smt in u1the my 2.20$ Rtiticn to le pimi in the Rderal Ibgister tco, as they were part of it. 7b my krodsip this was rot cire ard I hereby nqr again tlat this in ctre, pts tint this atire rmrrne be pLvwl in tte Pvhm1 Dd5** so pEEple can see iht NC les (kne, as 1 ell as sert to tie atire Srvice IIst tht tie NC myrre to my 2.2 ms sxt to.

p. 27 I gwe NCI also a naintaind grmt chal of chta cn the m'1mim1 gtblers t}nt in tin SAR, tle act2al gtolo2y is rot site to MC trder tie Petiticn.

specific, p1m it stos it was pt in an instable Icmticn cwer an old drainaga path cn fill (S 17,22,23.)

I ctn't mre 101 tie MC crres up with its farny fcotzdc for restricted arms, p.28 MC supuw.

cchsicri arms ard Irpalaticn 2nles DE FACT REM 4ItB TAT TUS PDCIm IS IN TE MirrrE T 90 MITr.TrN, m A WIVEIEnY CAFRS, RTRUUD BY Ct&PIC IDEDG EIC. A*O ?CT IN A 1.D 2DE.

We radiaticn expJsure m1mlaticral teciniqm ard chta used to figure cxt exptare are still a jde ard totally ta e i W2ble (re-rmd whet I hwe writtm in this letter at tin lottcm of prp tirm, last pa y ai.h) as the SAR stuff is jtric to begin with . If tin rmatcr had not brn tsed fcr a gret length of time, tim prin;s tre would 1, be000,000 talkingcuries abatper5,000 curies , (bad slaup) ht if it tad elettrt. ard that would te a ten in un, mch fm1 elcrat utuid te ahmt.

h1miy mtastrqfe, apict frun the frt tJut you hre the <*1t-60you in tetter the rrarty an rmd real theetc. etc.

+irrt Itptrt, ard With regard to tin wird rom sitmticn ard Dr. Karats fa:cm letter,'M'.tearnimim there were ro adani rmmru:sts, tie criciptmt the violaticn of 10 GR 50.9 (VIO 50-160A501-01) rn 1crmr eKiMM. surs strome nuy tme lied. m

~p . 29 NC srys it firds to nnsan to a:rchrh tint tie _ 14rw+1ve cxntamimrts uauld te grmd ty arry ctMihla evertor otriditicn at the Otorgia Tat Itsarth Ibrtcr ard tint I travictd ro fact Ints sm, I raistd everythirg frun the sirid1 ole rakt to the rector, the fact c2rlirb otherwim.

tint if cre operrd u p bensth it an inn unld Irm)c 1rrm, Icss of coolant, stan exp1micrs, the crrpiec teirg hit by emrything frcm f?1*M Utanitra tipptd projw tuer, TIC ctes rxt teve a gemt trade reatrd (if MC wrts ne to cite exa:ples, I'n in glad to, just set asich a few days ) to say tin least, Mr did tin NC. I hope to g:cchess tlat this cirp of a rurtcr cbes not wird up ever beirg yet another of MC's najcr M --,d.s, ht, if anytning I hwe ever raised In;pem,resultirg in any typeTuofMC minupu , It'H,IE is stickirg Qi TE MC'S it's m11wtim had IDD, in a ICT 04 MDE. I AT UAST 7RIID 'ID HEVENT ANY GD4SIIUIE.

sirkhole. I did p.31 I 1&ER Infernd to a study of misnic hazarth peduwj by 'Ibt in my Riiticn. I dich't rtt kror it evm existed. Wn I rmd dat MC wrote, I miled tp law D1gineerirg. . I ms told it as !

cwtrall st2xty fcr the cn pts and tint they DID fur S1HX TE RDCIm m AS IT AIRIED 70 DE IU

!b MC las tint vrug too. radicrtim naterial is rrt tagyd with little colcr cxrid Sccticn 2. of the NC zupuu. First,timim msitm-137 are frun Onmttyi ard 113)j cwer there frun 7tria.

1h1= irdimtirg thig Ent J DD ctnitcrs aturd radicactiw sits in Ortgia hrmm it~mn be safely asstred tint noch ice crawn of Wat staus. l they fird crrm frun the facility they utnitar, they cb rxt set up ntnitats aturd ]

l l MC says stre of tie isotcpes are retutauy cacutrirq , toever au proca3 arts in the Inst.

EID nay "irdimte" tint the rMinierm lists $ cn p.6. cme frun other '

sautres, ht they au mild lum eqany crre frun tie rmatcr and nest likely did. Te FA 226 is also tie U-239.



Let's do a little comparing:

mein Ibwers Plant mtd1 of In 1986 tlere es a naasive mieam of crntanimted water frun a irrerHrg Ctsiun-137 ard appoc.141,000 cy111cra cmta'tirated with "byptectet naterials wueucicrs of radiartive naterials in these amples vem gmstly elevated as aspired to rutim switum>Lal sutples" aaxxdirq to (b. ITD, p. ap cn sp' rial Mnitairg, p.15, Dwitumial PMi*4rri Stawillarm rtpart 1985-1967 (Eld cbes go cn to say all this namive crntamimticn "did trt pm an i=vHea thrmt to the phlin 1mith" - tint is hmm it is a Icrg teon thtet - tin cpod old "rn immHen drryr" nthit rarlmr ayndes uccidwide pt at -

as all eqmme bio mmiem, tsides, yal utn't cyt the canmr cr other 111nss the day it In;;xm, ytu cpt it later, rrt 4=nNeaty.) -

nun 1978 to 1994, taanty asum amannets of emh=-137 in soil arrnr1 the 'axin rmer ennth.

lad hi@ur laels of ceshm-G tien tie IDest . level fkrm the spill fma the apst fuelfiar

====n==* grol at cashm-Plant Intrh as mwan=1 by M0 of 40 gCE/dty Ig. At Ihbth the irme1EU 137 in - , = im after tie spill ies 73 gCIAky ig, at;1tria cashm-137 in r " ins he marryd to to 3t0 TCt/dty in. Mnstnumnts at mtch by GC i.e. Cbtrqia Iber (b. At 'Itrh b/


H-3 in arfam mter frun the mtch sgrt fuel gni rr>1mm had a hicftst rm=wuTErt of 200,000 rCl/ liter . mste eter rr*1mmi frun'Ibch - which goes ultinately to the Gei.tzhulax Rimr after cpiry throttf1 tin sser im2imi plant fran shich it cm't be ruttud - which ultinately bxrrrs arfan wter ind an H-3 annre of 2,800,000 TCi/1 cn 11M5/79 and an H-3 atant of 1,100,000 rCi/1 cn 1/1541 . (Hw's lousy drinking ster dtantbrds are 20,000$1/1) and tie emhm-137 at;Ihtrin Wqr are Plart Ihtrh unwanammts rrrnlAml 'tystly elsebed" all onnsidend "bygrrtrt =dwlala" by HD, bit 1 dim it trum to the Strh Ihw*r wuwammba of a parths its frta fh11 rut errusurrus tests ard euetythirq is fine ? Wah a jche!

IccMyrd left a rassive ridimetively crztanninated site tp in Dswsm Oxnty, row krrun as tle "Dswrn Wildlife bupui Arm" (The latest fashicn is to cn11 crntamimtxd sites by str:e awh'il rate - tluy've cire it at tie Savarrah River tar 1mr Site and ent to (b it cut in ?tvah at tie umrxxs tst site cn Mitive knerican Irdian lard) Anymy, tre DIwscn site is so cmtamimted that even DD has rustricted arrrm to the phlir to arms of tin site.

Ibwstn Itrmt s overall AVEFQDirtxt Ibdiatial Mmanmut in PIYer fx t-wrrris taRE 1985 ar.$ 1986 ms 98 +/- 12 WYr. with tle hicfiest umstnutat of 302 +/- 32 Mr/2.

'Ile het mil arm s tud direct, awMaticn nmstnutmts of fran 8319 to 102 11 Mther 1

'lle crnlirg off arms had direct radiaticn mmstnutmts frun 6918 to 302 1 32 Meh e r Mnanma#, in 1985 dimi radiaticn ralcy fran 7817 to 977136 Mrher in 1986 frun 78 10 to 37E* 3Wr/gnr, in 1990 fran 68 6 to 424145 MrAmr and in 1993 to 19M frun a low rmstnutat at cre lamticn of 57 7 to 133121 Meher. Wir NN"F 1IE JHR JHIN)1EE

'IIDIIHCKR mpn 1D 'DE ImR' ? ( Csn't uttry all th e Olynpic visitocs can we tru ? Or t?nn stuints Mrm parmts a payirg through tie rme to sad than to 'Itrit. - Ard I ctn't wrt to hnr frun NC cr UD tiet are of the high nmsixutnts at 'Ibth are frun a locaticn at the rector Mern r*'irsv+4ve waste is muul ard t?crefore not frun the Itactcr. 'Ihe dmrrd waste is aim partly frun the rmctor and is part of the cruplec ard tre retainirg waste cams frun sitas cn cmps which are tardlei via tle ItuxWreral Liervroe the tar 1mr amter has.)

cke to tre nam With reprd to Mut else is writtcn cn p.6 and 7 of the MC unum to my Patition :

spills frun the reactcr into the mwers (ard ctn't give ite tint nihit ataut it all canirg frun the Im1 Milch inids the Cttne-60 ard as tie cr+ nit is lisxmed by the State the rectrr las rothirg to with it, Mm in fat th ~ ti can be uxd fac storage of spent flui and Ir. Karan sys he necds all i

tint ertn1t ard tie reactor ckpench cn tin wter in tin ptn1 as cited fcr tack-up crolirg - Cbd Ibtbh I assad for everythirg mtbr the Itactrr/lirm etc. to te testa $ as stated, which ms never ctre. In i nrrticrn3 irrprticn rqxrts it says after a spill HD did a surwy of the sewer. hbil, UD told ne rucmtly tlut tie fatas arvey was ctre in a blirdirg rairetotm, they la$ ro swerline naps ard l ;xrWy wrt ctun tie urg hole to take a grab srple. Ib nuch fcr tint. 7te tests MC ran at tie

7 R4 Claytcn seway Lmbius, plant;bEmme I ralad so nuit stirk PROE Mut I said, rately tlat trere is cutamiraticn and are of it crn frun tie Imrtnr. 02sicht : Irsprticn report of Jane 21st 1995 50-160/9541 due U-238 and W3 ms fomd in lig. tid este frun the rmrtne ( yr0 arelw fcrt;pt to rm tests fcr I-131) in tmts rtn cn tie crolirg toer 'IH-232 ms m yu ard H-3 (aglin, ?E fortpt 1-131 - arazirg, I utrdr Miy....) fiu.-Umuu:, pmst It is tests in HD cturents dm Strmtitrn-90 nittish fcr NC to say the Strtntitn-90 ms dtmpd Miicit has a talf-life of agrtx. 30 ymrs.

in tie sewer Inime mter Mtid1 cpes tulemurd is an tin result of pricr umpm test faite.

Ycu fotrd in tin clirtys/fetd caWash cesitm-137 (Miids you did rot test fcr att tie cxnlirg toer cr in tic eter Mm time mein 1 s2rple were taPm) U-238, 'Ih-232 ard a lot nrre bcsicks irritdirg I-131 hhile are of the I-131 cruid luve crre frun nMim1 waste you an kncw chrn uen its at tie rartcr ard would cp cat as a najcr cmtanirent in case of ao:icknt (rud tie SAR and In14m=1sirg agiicaticn) lEC nairtuairs its an tiny a:otnts, wen, you fcmd tint in cne ctran, the amcp, plant gumm tinrards of pxnb of m1trtyn, Mut you nultiply 1 tat is in cre gran by Mat las bem gu.umi at tint ttmbrud, plant over 'O ymrs, you win fird there is cre inntua prob 1cru in an protability. Ibsichs, that ms cre tst, cre in 30 ymrs of dtmpirg,ard,in one spin an tnkrrut a:nnt of cxinit40 utnt to the stsers ( see :"Rrblin' IEECtoC -OEtirg ott the IDttest $$ot CH CFTUS" Dy Getg Lard, Ctmtive Imfirg, Dr.17th,19M) die valtrs and variations of au ntnitated locaticns aturd tle Georgia 'Rcit itsmrch Ftactcr were typimi of swixuuudal ncnitorirg results at otinr locations" enys the fEC at p.7 'Ite otler 1ccaticns are an aturd rarler fa:ilities which au cmtammte the swircmat trrbr AINA jtst as 'Itril's Rictcr cbes, M11d1 trirty ne to articn T1. of the MC aquu: ( I'm cpiry to nove aturd a bit here ar l cp trx2 later) i l

'Ib an of Mut uas sta3 inder "17, the NC eittur rever aske3 ne fcr cbtails, cr it krows tle  !

arsers anywr jmt, as I cb. Itwawr, I did ptovich infcxmiticn in (Jreral ten:s thich you should have '

piid attcnticn to. Thre are a few greifics:


I detailed in my 2.206 tint "as lor As Rastmbly Acitievable" equals'plamed cintis,armdirg t Dr. Jdn Otran trmm it anous tie conti nrm release of radiaticn at all shryn of tie nrlme cycle as 1crg as relmsm are kqt As Icw As Rastmbly Acitievable /ALAIR deprdirg cn im nrh ntrey etc. ,

is opmt cn crntainirg releases. Ir. Jchn Qfran , as the MC uell krows, hoich pitmts cn the dimwery of tin fisicmbility of U-233 ard tm gu- fcr im1*4cn of plutcnitru he es tin nedical dmrtcr f l tie Iawture Livernate lab ard ins cruirts,ials as lay as my ann- bt MC kros an this, le is also a i najcr critic of the rtrimr sitmticn and the nMim1 effcets, which MC cbtm't like. On RW 6 tl uth 1978, tie ticimr Im1*nry nmincn , in tie p:!rars of Riett B. Mirxxyn, Dmrtxr, Offim of Stardards Develcpant and Karl ocaler, of tie ser:e offim wate to Dr. Ginan.'Ibey are dimmirg a rewsp , '

article, ircitdirg tie gmetic effcets of radiaticn e:qmne ard nany thirgs. Itte is an excerpt:

"lin evichrn nants tlat, within tie rarry of egmwe levels an]Lntered by raiiaticn utrkets, tlere is to thruttold, i.e. a level Mrich can be asstrud as safe in an absolute smm. hb teve fotrd in dis-cxmicrs with perple in both tie power irristry ard in tie prime nrrticine field tint nany peq1e in th fields tuncstly telieve tint the icw levels of eq=re peanitted are witiott risk, W11ch ruf1w" that l anda tin wtrg nessap ins toen chlimre3.....we felt it dutid be nach to c1mr to utzkers there is are ridc. . . ." MC can cp ard icxk tp tie letter. In fact, the MO:an , in this cIntext, cp ard rud a tot I wish to have altettd into this retutd in fun, as it cInactra a very fattas case agairst, tin MC, ard it's tine yuz au rmd ard re-rmd it. It's m11M "5HJID3N _, MIIDR IDE 01'IRIAL, DTERIS '1ETIFY IN IIIIRAL CIRI". It is availah19 frun 'IIE IIIE RTLISiI?G CDFAVf,156 Drakrs lare, Strrrrtown, 'IN 38483, smd than $5.00) . Or the tE (ard everycre else) mn red the same 2.206 peitian filce ty it. Itnicker my tack in icr/B cn wtich tie trxk is tastd, also cknied by MC, jtst as mire is. tbthire ins durryd ins it ? MC kruws the Musta3 a ch:nirg rqxrt cn tru MC ard EPA lud dttgod tie bin with ruprd to effa:ts of muer dtmpirg. MC krne it all and cbesn't a:t.

It's ht, I cnly luve a sinn air cIrditicner in cre rtxzu and its rot tie cre I utdc in. I'm tirud of the MC playirg garm, I cin't unt to crrpletely ruin my hnith over IEC's inwgmibility.

I dull stcp this zu+uu: ncu. I raised the terrtrian iwm tefcre I filed my petiticn with MC.

'Rrh is ruttwirg sote of tin stuff tamme of au this fuss, we an krm it. I win argte the rest in frtrt of the NFC Q:rmissioners if rad te, if Iinve to alk to mshirgtrn to cb so., ewn th2rA it is prr*nhly ttterly im1ms. In the nmntire, ruxnber I filed a tinely respJnse apinst the IE beirg Q gig:gg gg and duid te dutctun ftruver ard c1mred up. NC is i 6r St>= M G C M

  • g $ n .


wnld be mze ayusive thfattnaately E ard tie Atmic nergym WW W has crnprda$ ndstalae tpm rdstake. I fear grmtly ttat hmm of tm's irectim cn im ,

health m3 safety issms cuer the } ears, and bemuse of the *m1nm lat$c of a deep endnaticn of tie mtire rm1mr issue, fran w apons to power rmes and total lat$c of 11-amm m these le by the gms, the gmeral pihlic ard nany within the FE ard tre gammt as a Mole, in this courtry ard elswhere, we law nany crxe metrobyls in ot2r ft2ture and am the me of Israear weeptm by strne crimiral mirrh. '

I hapr tint emryone who cyt IE's aqum to my 2.205 arbiticn rme a crpy of my Petiticn fran FE(ard the letters I sent in to te wWd to it.)

In ciosirg, a few qtotes fcr the nord: m

.u.there is ro lcrrm to1ErarEE lemi fcr rxH*4m" R.M. Sievert tie fmalas _ din 1@t after gun certain radimr+ive nmeents are called. ("Iblemoe levels ard Swe$1sh bdiaticrw A tolerance level gotmticn itu$c" PrrrmHnp of tie Halth mysics Etr:iety, Jme 1955, p.181) inirg a lemi belcw dtich the:e is to danage (==*inm m11pd a MW A safety lemi b ceditarily a frmticn of the tolerants icvel. Otota$ in "2 InnwHea mnger - @ for a RvHrw+4ve Drcth" Dr. Rmlie Brtall.

"Du trrb survivor data rrw stows without doubt that there is to safe &se of radiaticn, and, furdmue, tiat the lowest cbses fave catsed the canmr iws perinit of re atim."

Fran hartbts teste News " June 13th,19]O, by the Bwimmdzil Reseerth Ebtubticn, editor Ty, Rrter Itntague. (Ph.D.) ,

" .the.hea7IuramentsItry EPD of othe:r isatepea{l.a. cesium-137, cerium-141, cerium-144 ruthah10), xirconitseM, and niobitan45) vero not from the.

Geersta Tech Research~ Reactor. Rather, EPD iridicated that the radioicotopos are fra::t other sources, such as falicut- hamnuclear unapnne testing azcund the world." p. 6 tE responos. Among e =4==N4s released frenn the Chernobyl miclear remeter are : Ceniwa-137, cerita -14t, ruthemium-103, I-131, ettentiumr40, :circontan45, niobiu:>45. I suppose.nezh the story will k that Chernobyl caused the years of contaminatiert found .

"We. began to discover efflusah reconcentration in the ::evera lo years is c. knoum phany-nam, g Know proMans8 NRC's 2 bert-Servang sluoted in Science New, p.218 Vol.146, Oct.1,1994 ' Senator Glenn still egresses ,

concern that facility operators need to be notified about the. possibility [ of radioactiw. coat-N=Fion says an aide.' Source : sane..

"The problem is breaks andleakage in Atlanta's antiquated seger pipeg, which Annually dunp ushewn thousands of gallons of raw sewage int:0 aren creeKc and streopts...little of the rency in the cit 7':: 1994 bond package. is earterked to repair cower lines such as the one. tbb cellapsed." (i.e. Orme St. trunk) At1:nta Business Onronicle, FeWEO-16,199f,nQaostions " -bout At1 ntc's q;ing sewer l'ine%" by Julie.Emirston.

":n the event of a nuclear ocursion, an observer downuind frc:r. a clow lenk in the containnont bcilding uould be e:tposed to radiation frc m airborne fi. Won cloud. lace, radioactivity could ce inhaled." 2 On m. Tech Re. actors docunents , p.L97 til:4 unde the reliscensing applic.ation l9pmir: ate reacter vacco' usi;ht : 2,000 lbc. iotel (cools.wtS wei;ht flow entering core 982,000 lbs our. Screen: suse. Tech : 2cter doctr. ente. (alf. this on top of 1*ill materid mAmter ekd.)

En:;;irte '. Nel (ssenvMic era moceA f rsm the cace. t.b the st o#qe area,u.iral A.

shielded brr.ncfar :'ask. There must be. n houv ved anew recctor shutdowwbeftyt th'..s ccn be 1:ne. " Bis en:rar:ss tbt sufficient fissinn product decay heat jus been runweit hem the. sasenhly md thak the surfatt tepaktree ni-ta fuel ICates veJ1 not reach 150 deweec,l.,e d uhen the assembly is troved into the cask." ,

Sena cource m: :.m.cVe, p.14 If 4 mistake is nude "some e<r on of the A plates within the assently could t'ama tielT..."

Ccr.;sts police have no ra11ation prntection gear, stof do firrung nu does Ge. EPL R:uliation Survei 1:nca Divi.:: ion.

W M.4. AQNw0,1.b.R, y " d N ,Os A h ~ '

o me_a

) *: ,



. satudry. June 26,1993 09 m h ..jjd

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lk la$5 tM poQ Qny M*, U l'.kee' . h JM [ .he,sha')e"d ksonMid .




b ' ' Mr ingi with former:Public r

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\ 'D^~ E hp; @pN;2Ma6e 5 5.kpp emsen'eNMdiba e ht 1*4Ji'$  :- ,

I; -: Ito'l tM ia' d aboli!t'N'a rtis


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(th'~llbleni}ih cate $ , e; Mfk:,.j pressure

  • j,' '

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!. ' rig t o.n top'of diings,,s".,o.twycreat idefee ,s., _ yc

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son s'ai . npe #esmortar . oints Ed.i m ~ - - m-v

? . f :r. d9:,

.T m~ CT .

i. gpf, $.t. ' .t,.

E' . Acting Public Works.Com- .crac , y sai GD C3M .j missioner Doug IJocker.5a'id phis' y &The erode,so powerful . lea lhCh.

u 'W V & ewey,;.ang,

.fiha e .c,o 0 3te 1 3& .; . week p 1 BGt thy pBFt! hat'Mr.'PickMoiithe hie'is no't familiar  ; 4'ger lo with et fan am t'imng$ e ja s

  • 5 ,Dou 'vy * ^

-actmg aviation;commissionsr,W . can ,,j con $ 7 g. 5(

mo #

(.k . said in(,an"iiitervieDriday thiti?l5Ea,je)_I,,a,,toundhe.s, y y,2 g


%ggn i t' hefrecalledjMr.iJackson's utg7 ult: ,,e" earth; M'/*g,gt% p,.abn;some a,sesg


.c !

wm yprep 1992$',.

ings. TheyVnly pr'o c6nfinned .

.,findlems th f, he' sal'd. a't

.- Efffdahded.w'ithiii Efven*ni6g y C 1"

9: -

W c5'is'in,itriggered

" at the Couityafd:by

- 2 lasi week s.

ESWard - "she'r. lihe;  ; sSince the cave-in 12 days ago, city officials' have demed they Marriott hotelon 14th Street'has


.Eause st w'esk's'd I toGri'sifiktioley.fy, <

moved.too slowly to correct the not been determinecf,.but Inost Methrio'r'ating a's'd 'gfitin'g'.'.cblis ' sew.dl. ' j prpblems, but the city has known engiriesFs agree'it was probably W'Ife"potehtial existi for~ariis sTise shmme

'stclrin'ddrihg'th6 IF96 OlyrE ics'Gidiie'iWithYe!. for;at>least a decade at ,the - due'to erosion around a leak in '

'ridds'6 ohs'd em ' " 'i Adierre . Orme' Street trunk w, ,,deteno- the'TheTech sewdrline '

skudy'said tE er ' l Worldwide'q6Eiic'es Ta'id;th*e's6fd {' aToppt :_


fiblici rating. A 1981 study - nducted -burdened sewer.line.sometim's' e  !

$hich"is reviele 'by'The"At! ".Dur; .; , .alsp d,e d.probt "Consti dh for;th,e, lems m the city.line,,and th{PubliE'[csdi5s n'e fodtb'all'fidld bisb- 'td2 Works Depa:rment has g bis isti."p6fT-Iips','41ib'1 "e"si of '


  • gM3/q',h['dN $" an '

MATlie}ip6 t1me extensive nage C fundmg the past two years to be- 'which'whf5 feet high'a'nd fe'ei Tsnii;e cbritAisiriatidri'dioblems'ori'tlie Geo,rg,ia ,

gin work on a new sewer hne t - across*[-Wh.1, %

.Te'ch campus,'all of thdriidiIissd bp tiid'aQand i -Su'rging stdrifikaief an faw

'liiade'qiIacy of ths Orms Strset' trunk, the sewer reh, eve the pressureffrom the.i .g g g..have'r psithd! bl'owril I

'lihe that faildd'in the'Jude 14 cife'in'."Two h'o tel Onne Street trunk. 4 Feight j j under. [.The portion of'the. sewer h. DmEnholscover's?sI

'forifie'd y~tliic~ollapse. 'ig,'tworksr* die'd Georgiagech, 'Wh'irfth'sy"pluni@e'd

,most' of inh'into streets.-

15to" thei[ j M. s liiisEr Ewho fauo.rek.g-g= th m..e 'stu j' w}ijch was constructed m 1892, A i .. g y ar,j .g dM'.@ S j wr,.u@m . ru.ns down the' center of Grant a wasn.t r.

3 ,y, r _, ,

Quested proposals for des,gning i  : i 2'11 catches one o guar bu t was no.sur,, , 7;, i.mde.r._i.'s _Pa, , the relief sewer projectfand th

%]pnsd, be6*aus,e,,(e h,(d just I , liedit k anit,"esaid ea, Birt .

l '

u v ,rst . . Public Works Department will.

3dj),I'.,Ja'cksgn III, an,e,ngmeer witli B tz E J,a,ck; f . .


. son.and Associa,tes.7.k , . .j . ., . 3 9, , . ..desname sw.a consultant er sai soon to In recent years,the stu found,the campus .  ! th'60r.mE St.reet trink fohrid th.-sa..rce.ign

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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LTR FM PANELA BLOCKEY-0'BRIEN l have been servsd upon the following persons by U.S. mail, first class, except  !

as otherwise noted and in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Sec. 2.712.

Administrative Judge Office of Commission Appellate Charles . Bechhoefer, Chairman Adjudication Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T-3 F 23 Washington, DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Jerry R. Kline Peter S.-Lam Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop T-3 F 23 Mail Stop T-3.F 23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Sherwin E. Turk, Esq. Randy A. Nordin Esq.

Office'of the General Counsel E. Gail Gunnells, Esq.

Mail stop 0-15 B 18 Georgia Institute of Technology U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 400 loth Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20555 Atlanta, GA 30332' Patricia Guilday, Esq. Glenn Carroll Assistant Attorney General Georgians Against Nuclear Energy Georgia Department of Law P.O. Box 8574 40 Capitol Square SW Atlanta, GA 30306 Atlanta, GA 30334


l l

' I Docket No.(s)50-160-REN '


Dated at Rockville, Md. this ,

22 day of August.1995-b---- _

$ _ A _d I Office of ye Secretary of the Commission j i

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(Georgia Tech Research Reactor Facility Operating License No. R-97) t CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LTR FM PAMELA BLOCKEY-O'BRIEN have been served upon the following persons by U.S. mail, first class, except as otherwise noted and in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Sec. 2.712.

Administrative Judge Office of Commission Appellate Charles Bechhoefer, Chairman Adjudication Atomic Safety and Licensing Board' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T-3 F 23 Washington, DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge  :

Jerry R. Kline Peter S. tam .

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop T-3 F 23 Mail Stop T-3 F 23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 i Sherwin E. Turk, Esq. Randy A. Nordin, Esq.

Office of the General Counsel Georgia Institute of Technology i Mail Stop 0-15 B 18 400 10th Street, N.W.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atlanta, GA 30332 Washington, DC 20555 l Patricia Guilday, Esq. Glenn Carroll Assistant Attorney General Georgians Against Nuclear Energy '

Georgia Department of Law P.O. Box 8574 40 Capitol Square SW Atlanta, GA 30306 Atlanta, GA 30334  ;

i i



i Docket No.(s)50-160-0M LTR FM PANELA BLOCKEY-O'BRIEN Dated at Rockville, Md. this '

22 day of August 1995  !

b --

_$ _ 4.d I Office o(the Secretary of the Commission ;

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