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Proposed TS LCO 3.9.A.2 Re Standby Ac Power Supply (Diesel Generators 1B,1B & 1C)
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/16/1991
Shared Package
ML20086N977 List:
NUDOCS 9112260104
Download: ML20086N979 (12)



4 s ,,

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3.9-4 3.9-4 3.9-4a 3.9-4a i

002706 HL-1982 E2-1

- 9112260104 911216 PDR- ADOCK 05000321


f, .

, llMITING CONDIT10B1 FOR OPERATION SURVEllLANCE RE0VIREMENTS 3.9.A.2. Standby AC Power Sunolv (Diesel 4.9.A.2. Standbv AC Power Sup.plv (Diesel Generators IA. 18. and IC) Generators lA. 18. and 10)

(Continued)- (Continued) a, Ooerability . a. Doerability The diesel generator itself 1. Each diesel generator shall and its auxiliaries are be manually started and operable, loaded to demonstrate operational readiness in accordance with the frequency specified in Table 4 a i on a Staggered Test Basis.* Verify that each l diesel starts from ambient condition, gradually load the generator to 1710-2000 kW** and operate for 1 60 minutes. A steady-state voltage of 41601420 volts and a steady-state frequency of 60 i 1.2 Hz will be maintained. Verify the pres-sure in both diesel air start receivers to be 1 225 psig.

2. At least once per 184 days, each diesel generator shall be started and verified to reach synchronous speed in 1 12 seconds, loaded to an indicated 2250-2400 kW** for lA and IC and 2360-2425 kW**

for IB in s 120 seconds, and-operated for 1 60 minutes.

The test will-verify the diesel generator will achieve and maintain a steady-state voltage of 41601 420 volts and a steady-state frequency of 60 i 1.2 Hz.*


  • For the IB (5 l) diesel, a single test will satisfy the requirements for Unit 1 Spec 3._ation 4.9.A.2.a.1 and Unit 2 Specification, with the diesel connected to one unit's emergency bus for one periodic test and connected to the emergency bus in the other unit during the next

. periodic test.

A ' single 6-month (184-day) test for the IB diesel will satisfy the requirements for Unit 1 Specification 4.9.A.2.a.2 and Unit 2 Specification The 6-month test will be perfonned using-

,the starting circuitry and emergency bus from one unit. The next 6-month test will be perfennerf esing the starting circuitry and emergency bus from the other unit.

    • Momentary variations outside this band shall not invalidt.te the test.

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-2 K:\wp\techsp\hi3-9ul296. pro \296-147 )



. I

. - LIMITING Cg@ITIONS FOR OPERAT10N. SURVElL[ME REQUIREMENTS l 4.9.A.2. Standby AC Power Suoolv (Diesel l Generators U.. IB. and IC)


a. Doerability (Continued);
3. At least once per 18 months duringshutdown-subject ,

the diesel to an inspection-in accordance with procedures'-

prepared in conjunction with its manufactum r's recoumendations for this class of standby service.*

4. At least once per 18 months >

during shutdate, verify the diesel generator capability _

-to reject its largest single

- shutdown (emenjency) load,-

while maintaining voltage at 4160 1 420 volts.-For diesel generator IA,.this:

would be CS pung 1A at s rated flow. . For diesel generator IB, this would be -

either the-lC or 2C Residual Heat Removal Service Water-

- (RESW) ptmo at rated flow.

For diesel generator IC.

this would be CS ptmp IB

.at rated flow. . During the :

load rejection test,- the --

diesel generator shall not

-exceed the nominal speed plus 75% of the difference between nominal speed'and the overspeed trip setpoint, 1

or 15% above nominal speed, whichever is less.* -

5. At least once per 18 months -

during shutdown, verify the diesel generator capability-to reject a load of at1

- least 2775 kW without trip .

ping. The generator voltage shall not exceed 4800 volts during and following the load rejection.*:

6. . At least once per 18 months during shutdown, verify the-

' diesel generator operates for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

During the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of this test, the =

i *For the 18 diesel generator, a single full load rejection test every

18. months will satisfy the requirements of Unit 1 Specification

- 4.9.A.2.a.S and Unit 2 Specification A single partial load rejection test every 18 months will satisfy the requirenents of Unit i Specification 4.9.A.2.a.4 and Unit 2 Specification

A single diesel inspection will satisfy the requirements of Unit l' Specification 4.9.A.2.a.3 and Unit 2 Specification

= HATCll - UNIT 3.9-2a K:\wp\techsp\3-9ul296. pro \296-147

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t. .
  • LIMITDS C0tolT10NS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REOUIREM NTS 4.9.A.2. - Standby AC Power Sucolv (Diesel Generators lA. IB. and IC)-


a. Doerability (Continued)'

diesel generator shall be iloaded to 2 3000 kW* and

.during the remaining 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> of this test, the -

diesel generator shall be loaded to 2775-2825 kW*.**

7. At least once per 18 months during shutdown, verify the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator. Do not exceed 3100 bl.-
8. At least once per 18 months during shutdown, verify the diesel generator's -

capability to synchronize '

with the offsite power source while the generator is loaded with its emergency loads upon a simulated restoration of offsite -

power, to transfer its loads to the offsite power source, and to proceed--

through its shutdown sequence.

9. At least once per 18 months during shutdown, verify that with the diesel generator operating in the -

test mode (connected to itsbus),aiimulated LOCA actuation signal overrides the test rode

. by returning the diesel generator to standby

, operatior and automat-ically energizes the-emenjency loads with offsite power. <

10. At least once per 10 years,

' or after any modifica-tions which could affect:

diesel generator inter-dependence, verify that all three diesel generators start simultaneously during shutdown, and accelerate to synchronous speed in.-

'3 5 12 seconds.

  • Mamentary variations outside this band shall not inval.dete the test.
    • For the IB diesel generator, a single 24-hour load - .t every 18 months will satisfy the requirements of Unit 1 Specification 4.9.A.2.a.6 and Unit 2 Specification 4,

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-2b K:\wp\techsp\h\3-9ul296\296-147

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.) 7 3.9.A.2 Standby AC Power Sucoly (Diesel - 4.9.A.2. Standby AC Power Sunolv (Diesel-Generators lA. 18. and IC)- Generators IA.- 18. and IC) i (Continued) (Continued)-

b. Diesel Batterv'(125 Volt)- b. . Diesel Battery 'f125 Volti Each 125-volt diesel battery Each 125-volt diesel battery is operable and capable of. :shall be subjected to the supplying the required load. same periodic surveillance as the plant batteries in Speci-fication 4.9.A.3.
c. Battery Chamer c. BAtlery Chamer An operable battery charger is Indicators shall be provided available. Each battery charger to monitor the status of shall have adequate capacity to the battery charger supply.

restore its battery to full. This instrinentation shall charge within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from a- include indication of output Edischarged condition while current and output voltage.

_ carrying the DC load.

d .- DieselFuel d. DJesel Fuel-There sbil be a minina of 99,000 gallons of acceptable l 1.' The quantity of diesel -l fuel available in each

' ~*

diesel fuel in the diesel

. ' fuel storage tanks and a - fuel storage tank and__.

minian of.900 gallons fuel day tank shall be~

in each diesel fuel day tank, measured and recorded

.. concurrently with.the

' operability test spect -

fled for the diesel in Specification 4.9 A.2.a.l.

-2. 'At least once per 92 days =ll by verifying that a suple

- of diesel fuel frtn the fuel-v orage tank, obtained in:

-a cordance with ASTM-0270-65, s within the acceptable limits specified in Table 1 .

. of ASTM 0975-74 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.

e. Fuel '011 Transfer Ptmos _ e - Fuel Oil Transfer Ptmos-
A fuel oil transfer pump - . . _

shall be operable and capable :1. The operation of the diesel'

- of transferring fuel oil

-fuel oil transfer pops to frta the storage system to- transfer fuel fran the the day tank. -storage system to the day _

tank shall be demonstrated concurmnt with the oper-

. ability test specified for

- that diesel in Specification 4.9.A.2.a.1,

2. The operation of the EIEel

- fuel oil transfer ptaps to' transfer fuel from each associated fuel storage -

- tank to the day tank of .

each diesel, via the installed cross connection,

. -lines, shall be demonstrated at least once per 18 months during shuthm.

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-2c K:\wp\techsp\h\3-9ul296. pro \296-0 m . _ .-- . - _ . . - ___ .n, , . - , _ . _-u-_.-. z

s .;

' , i a s LIMITim CONDITIONS f & OPfRATION SURVElllANCE REQUIREENTS 4.9.A.6. Emeraency 250 Volt DC to 600 Volt AC Inverters (Continued)'

b. Once every scheduled refueling j: ' outage, the emegency 250-volt DC/600-volt AC inverters shall be subjected to a load test to demonstrate operational readiness.

3.9.A.7. Loaic Systems 4.9.A.7. Lonic Systems .

The following logic systems The logic systems shall be tested in shall be operable: the manner and frequency as follows:

a. The common accident signal a. - Each divisim of the conmon -

logic system is operable. accident sipal Mr:c system shall

' be tested every scaduled refuel 1 ~

ing outege to demonstrate that it.

will function on actuation of the' ECCStoprovideanautomaticstart~l signal to all-3 diesel generators.

Each diesel generator shall-operate on standby 2 5



b. The undervoltage relays b.l. Once every 18 months and supporting system shutdown, the .

are operable, conditions under which the - 5 undervoltage logic system is -

required shall be simulated .

with an undervoltage on each start bus to demonstrate

.that the emergency busses are-1deene gized, and that the diesel generators will start,' ene gize the ememency busses with pennanently.

connected loads in d 12 seconds, ene gize the auto-connected-shutdown loads through the load sequencer, operate for 1 5.

minutes while the diesel gener-


ators are loaded with the' shut-down loads, and achieve and -

maintain a steady-state, voltage +

of 4160 420 volts and .:--

steady-state frequency c' .

60 i 1.2 Hz. .The testing of the undervoltage logic shall Lalso denonstrate the operability I.

of .the 4160-volt load shedding --.

and auto bus transfer circuits, and that the subsequent loading isL in acconlance with design requirements (i 10% of its .

design interval). The simula-

' tions shall test both the -

degraded voltage and the loss-.

of offsite power relays.

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-4 K:\wp\techsp\h\3-9u!296\296-88

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- 3.9. A,: LoaicSystems(Continued) 4.9.A.7. . Loolc Systems (Continued) b,2. %ithin 5 minutes after conplet-ing the 24-hour load test speci- -

fied in Surveillance Requirenent

. 4.9.A.2.a.6, perform Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.7.b.1 with a simulated loss of offsite power start signal and run the diesel for at least 5 minutes while .

loaded with shutdown loads.*

This test is to be performed cvery 18 months.

3. Once per month, the relays which initiate energization of the -

unergency buses by the Diesel .

Generatx s when voltage is lost

. on the energency buses and -

startup transfonner IC, will be functionally tested.

~ ' "

c. The conmon accident signal c.l. Once every 18 months during .

logic system, and undervolt - shutdown, each diesel generator

. age relays and supporting shall be riemonstrated operable-

. system are operable. by simulating a loss of offsite power in conjunction with

1 an. accident test signal-and verifying:-de-energization of the emergency buses and .

load shedding from the emergency buses, and the diesel starts on the auto-start signal with .

.pennanently connected loads in

. s 12 seconds, energizes the auto-connected shutdown .

(emergency) loads through the load sequencer, operates for 1 5 minutes d ile its generator is loaded with- ,

. the emergency loads, ard achieve; 'd maintains steady-state Witage ci V4160 1 420 . its and a "

steady-state frequency of" 60 i 1.2 Hz. m,


2. The undervoltage relays for the J start buses shall be calibrated annually.for trip and reset e- -

voltages and the measurements 1 '


3. Verify, once per 18 months- ,

. - during shutdown,'that all 2- diesel generator trips, except e.ngine overspeed,: low lube; oil pressure, and generator differential, are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage -

on the emergency bus concurrent.

with an ECCS actuation signal.

  • 1f the diesel generator fails this test, a retest may be performed after the diesel generator has been operated for 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br /> at 2 2565 kW. l 9

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-4a K:\wp\techsp\h\3-9ul296. pro \296-08

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. . . e.

'4-f s,- . ,_ LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 5URVEILLANCE REQUIRE.4ENT5 4.g.A.2. Standby AC Power Suco1v (Diesel Generators 1A. 18. and 1C1

9 (Continued)

s. Doerability (Continued) Osbe sylafle
3. At least once per 18 months)d subject the diesel to an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with its manJf acturer's recomandations for this class of standby service.* psa40 *


4. At least once per 18 months 7 verify the diesel . generator capability to reject its ,

largest single shutdown (emergency) Ioad, while maintaining voltage at 41601420 volts. For diesele generator 1A,'this would' CS pump 1A at rated 1 r s}j diesel generator 18 ti s would be either the CJr PC' Residual Heat Remon1 Service Wate ' (.RHR$W) pump at rated fl. (Fr diesel generator.

1( hJs',would be CS pump 18 -

at r ted flow. During the Icad rejection test, the diesel generator shall not anceed the nominal speed plus 15% of the difference between norainal speed and the ovsrspeed trip setpoint, or M5 above nominal speed - <

whichever is less.*- pggg, sutW~'

5. At least once per 18 monthst verify the diesel generator capability to reject a load-of et least 2175 kW without tripping. The generator voltage shall not exceed ,

4800 volts during and 1 following the load rejection.* tuf SAlli( _

6. At least once per 18 months, verify the diesel generator operates for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. During the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of this test, the
  • Forthe18dieselgene/ator,asnglefullloadrejectiontestevery 18 months will satisfy'the requirements of Unit 1 Specification A single partial 4.g. A.2.a.$ and Unit 2 Specification

load rejection test every 18 months will satisfy the requirements of Unit'l Specification 4.g.A.2.a.4 and Unit 2 Specification

A single diesel inspection will satisfy the requirements of Unit 1 Specification 4.9.A.2.a.3 and Unit 2 Specification

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-2a Proposed TS/03124/296-147

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. 4.g.A.2. Standbv AC Power SuoDIV ! Generators I A,18. and 10) >

(Continued) -.

4. Doerability (Continued)  :

diesel generator shah be loaded to E 3000 kW* ant) during the reasining 22 L hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be' loaded to 2715-2825 kW*.A"fe, rros J

7. At n i per 18 months) ve ;y t+c s .o-connected-

' m to eat 11esel genera- +

t en -' a eed 3100 kW.

f&,$J P. At least once per 18 months, verify the diesel generator's capability to synchronite with the of fsite power source  :

while the generator is loaded '

with its emergency loads upon a simulated restoration of of f site power, to transf er its loads to the offsite  :

power source, and to proceed through its-shutdown sequence. <


g. At-least once per 18 mon ths $hrf.

verify that with the diesel generator operating in the test mode (connected to its tas), a simulated LOCA actuation signal overrides the test mode by returning the diesel generator to standby. operation and automatically energites the-emergency loads with of f site power.

10. At-least once per 10 years, or af ter any modifica- 3 tions which could affect diesel generator inter-dependence, verify that all three diesel generators start simultaneously during.

shutdown, and accelerate to synchronous speed in i 12 seconds.


  • Momentary variations outsidg'this band shall not invalidate the test.

~ **For the 18 diesel genera f or, a) single 24-hour load test every 18 months will satisfy the require n's'of Unit 1 $pecification 4.g. A.2.a.6 and Unit 2 $pecification 4.8 d.2.d.g.

HATCH-~ UNIT 1 3.g-2b Proposed TS/0312q/296-141

,. - _ %:_ m , , - _, c. x ...a __ _.. . . .. mau. _ _ _ . . _ . . . .m. _ _ . . _ , _ _ . . - .

. LIMITING CDWDIT10N5 FOR OPERATION 50RVEILLAWct RIOUIREMEN15 3.9.A.F. $tandbv AC Power Sunolv : Diesel 4.9.A.2. $tandby AC Power Sursiv ? Diesel Generators 1A. 18. and 1{} 6enerators 1A. 19. and 10)

(Continued) (Continued)

Diesel Battery (17$ Volti

b. b. Diesel Battery (125 volt) lach 126-volt diesel battery (ach 12b-volt diesel battery -

is operable and capable of shall be subject:rd to the supplying the required load, same periodic surveillance as the plant battsries in $peci- r fication 4.9.A.3.


c. $1tterv Charcer c. gJt'ery Charner An operable battery charger is inoicators shall be provided .

available. Each battery charger to monitor the status of shall have adequatt capacity to the battery charger supply, restere its battery to full .This instrumentation shall tharge within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from a include indication of output discharged condition while current and output voltage.

carrying the DC load.

d. DieselF.It). d. Diesel Fuel lhtre-shall be a minimum of 99,000 gallons of acceptable l

' diesel fuel in the diesel

1. The quantity of diesel l,,

fuel available in each '

fuel storage tanks and a fuel storage tank and minimum of 900 gallons - fuel day tank shall be in each diesel fuel day tank, measured and recorded concurrently with the operability test speci- >

fied for that diesel in Specification 4.9.A.2.s.).

2. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a sample l of diesel fuel from the fuel storage tank, obtained in i accordance with A51M-D210-65
  • is within the acceptable

. limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM 0915-14 when checked' for viscosity, water and rediment.

e. fre) 011 Transfer Pumos e. Fuel 011 Transfer Pumet A f uel oil transf er pump shall be operable and capable 1. The operation of the diesel - ,

of transferring fuel oil fuel oil transfer pumps to ~ ,

from the storage system to - transfer fuel f rom the gg [

the day tank. Storage system to the day g(

tank shall bt demonstrated concurrent with the oper-ability test specified for thatdieselinSpecification}

4.9.A.2.a.1. .J

2. The operation of the diesel fuel oil transfer pumps to transfer fuel from each associated fuel storage g(p tank to the day tank of each diesel, via the installed cross connection lines, shall be demonstrated at least once per 18 months, i

, Nddb l 6daMW 4

l HATC't e - UNIT 1 3.9-2c Proposed TS/0312e/296-0 p


.m, -- _ _ ._. . _ , - . _ . . _ _ , . _ . - _ . - , _ _ _ _ , .. _ . -


  • ~~~


, 4.g.A.6. Emeroency 250 Volt DC to 600 Voit i At Inverters (Continued) ~

b. Once every scheduled refueling outage, the emergency 250-volt ,

DC/600-volt AC inverters shall be  ;

subjected to a load test to '

demonstrate operational readiness.

3.g.A.7. Lonic $vstems 4.g A.1. Lonic $vstems the following logic systems the logic systems shall be tested in shall be operable the manner and f requency as f ollows:

a. The common accident signal a. Each division of the conrnon.

logic system is operable, accident signal logic system shall '

be tested every scheduled refuel-ing outage to demonstrate that it will LCC5function onautomatic to provide an actuation start of th :

signal to all 3 diesel generators.

[ach diesel generator shall operate on standby for E $

b. The undervoltage relays I minutes. fg dp , M b kI andoperable.

are supportin', system p^ " ' ' ' ' ~ b .1. Once every 18 canths", the l

conditions under which the-undervoltage logic system is required shall be simulated with an undervoltage on each start bus to demonstrate that the 44 emergency busses are deener-r/gf' gilidelthe diesel generators will start, energize the voer-gency busses with permanently connected loads in 512 seconds, energize the auto-connected

  • shutdown loads through the load sequencer, operate for > $

minuteswhilethedieselgener-ators are loaded with the shut-down loads, and achieve and maintain a steady-state voltage of 4160 1 420 volts and a steady-state frequency of.

60 1 1.2 Hz. The testing of ,

the undervoltage logic shall also demonstrate the operability -

of the 4160-volt load sheddingr M auto bus transfer circuits and that the subsequent loading is in accordance with design requirements (+ 105 of its designinterval). The simula-tions shall test both the degraded voltage and the loss of offsite power relays.


l l

HATCH - UNIT 1 3. g -4 Proposed TS/03120/296-88

. c..__.. a. . 2 . ~ . _. . . - _ . . - - - -.__ __ .. - -


. LIMITlhG CONDITION 5 FOR OPER ATION SURv[lLLANCE At0J1FEMEN15 3.9.A.7. tonic systems (Cintinued) 4.9.A.7. tonic Systems (Cs::tinued)  !

b.2. Within 5 minutes af ter complet-ing the 24-hour load test speci- l fied in Surveillance Requirement i 4.9. A.2.a.6, perf orn Surveillance l Requirement 4.9.A.7.b.) with a simulated loss of offsite power start signal and run the diesel for at least 5 minutes while l Ioaded with shutdown loads.' l This test is to be perf ormed every 18 months,

3. Once per month, the relays which initiate energitation of the emergency buses by the Diesel Generators when voltage is lost I on the emergency buses and startup transformer IC, will be functionally tested.

tums v/aHY&

.. .c .1. Onceevery18monthsieach diesel generator shall be

c. The comon accident signal demonstrated operable by logic system, and undervolt- simulating a loss of offsite age relays and supporting power in conjunction with system are operable. an accident test signal and verifying 1 de-energira-tion nf the emergency buses and load sheddirg from the emergency

[b'uitf/ on the the auto-start diesel starts f rom signal with g/

j permanently connected loads in i 12 seconos, energizes the auto-connected shutdown (emergency) Ioads through the load sequencer, operates.for 1 5 minutes while its generator is leaded with the emergency leads, and achieves and maintains a steady-state voltage of 4160 1 420 volts and a .

steady-state frequency of 60 1 1.2 Hz.  !

2. The undervoltage relays for the start buses shall be calibrated annually for trip and reset voltages and the measurements tyg, %1AsJ
3. Verify, once per 18 months 7 that all diesel generator trips, except engine overspeed, low lobe oil pressure, and generator differential, are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the emergency bus concurrent with an ECCS actuation signal.
  • 1f the diesel generator f ails this test, a retest may be perferned af ter the diesel generator has been operated for 2 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 2 2565 kW.

HATCH - UNIT 1 3.9-aa Proposed 15/03120/296-88
