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Provides Info Correcting Figures Submitted in Author Re Cancer Rates
Person / Time
Site: Neely Research Reactor
Issue date: 03/28/1995
From: Blockeyobrien
2.206, NUDOCS 9504070225
Download: ML20082C965 (4)




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,%shirgtm D.C. 2G55- (X)01 PAMELA BLOCKEY-O'BRIEN 141rtil 28th,1972 D23 Golden Valley. Douglamile. GA 30lM

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Dear nlrrr+rr,

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.j m: My 2.206 Ittiticn to the E 0:nsrnirg tie Gaatgia Sich Nr1mr R!searth Bw+m etc.

I inm jmt fcm3 out tlat Eme liiu.mtiCH I smt you in my letter of Rb. 21st,1995 is mug. I Q1 prp two, tiere is a secticn cn tle R.M. Claytcn Sewer Plant ard carme rates. I got thom Iats 1 frun a gTm relmse cn tle subjmt issued by n=imimer Darrell (5th District) . Ettm 1dut I have bem told by arrther mimbist, thom figures vete pt try ilu frtm hospital records. In tie treenWhile, . .

I famd att ( by wrlant actmily) tint they are wrtrg. You see, tie State tses a idole cnttdnaticn of 1 souraas, and mtil fairly remntly, if Emerre FPD mrmr, ht died of pleumlia cbe to tieir veBkmEd inmre systan , tin puntnia would agmar as czme of death. 9 tis has all b en cinnged.

Accrrdirg to tie Italth huumd, Services thit /%*Mics of tie Divisicn of Public Itnith cf '

tie State of Georgia, Stsan S. Dmver, the figutm should le as follows:

Ebr 1930 to 1993 (ircitsive,ie, four years)

'Ibtal Carmr D3aths (all tody sites) 4,7R

'Ibtal Ing Crmr Daths 1,255

'1btal Btmst Ormr Daths 449

'Iblal Infrarda Dmths 193 l

'Ihis is civicusly far hitter tian tie figutm I had. Te poblem is this: the State /I myself cb rot have it row trtian dam into n=Imicn District. 'Ihis can be che, ht in cxdr to do tist, it will cost tp to '

$50 for mrri*w tine etc. I ctn't have tlat utney a' gusent. If I en get it, I will get tint chie. Of Oturm tie E mild Itquest it ard pay for it pedap.. We further grilan is this: while it is mmiMa tint tie carme chaths increase acrrrdirgly with tiese higher rutbers , in nieriet 5, it is also rrmiMa .

that it nay not in the case. It mild retain tlE EHre, mild show another arm hicfer, or this arm pits irother wird pith arm higher. I jtst ctn't know withott the chta rmhi. n=Imimer Dirne11s' office did tie ricJt thing with the infantaticn they were wodcirg to it seats, lowever it is not the cntplete staty. .In arry evmt, it is a lot of cancers.

Mth reprd to the IE-7 (rx11mr+4ve Bry111tm) crr*=ir*4m, I muld draw your attaticn to the fact tint IPA c lamifies ID4-radime+ive teryllitm cbst as a hazartbts waste , pits there are laws reprdirg ,

its dis:inttp to watets ard sewage taubad, facilitis. He fact tint what we tem is miimr+1m cnly nekEs tte pechlan wotse. De Dqt._ of Itnith and Ihtan Services and tie Intetraticral Agmcy far Iharth on Omaer I and the ITA inm cbterndred tint (ncn-radicactive) bety111un and bery111tm cxmpamds are are pettably mrcinoge

-mic, besicis mnirg a lost of othr problats. Itvlimetive tery111tm muld riwiously tem ewn watse effmts. Bry111tm is ectretely tcscic to warnster fish in soft water. Actrrdirg to the 'Itrim1mimi Profile cn Bry111tm (i.e. rx1 rwiime+ive and frcm the reactor cbvictsly) nm14mHcn of sewage nlirly cxntainirg higler tlan brigtcmd ctrostraticm of bety111tm cn land can be a bety111tm sourte in soil. i Frtm there you get the tptake to plants of course. We radinu+ive tetylliun mst Inve crre frtm tle l Imator, them is to other my to explain its guuu: in soil and vaptaticn rar the rmctor, tint I an a mre of. If it is in the soil ard wer+*1m, how (b ue krow it es tri also relmW to tie Eewers ?  ;

I umid like tint answered. If it ws, low mrty'wint cus.udaticng%n ? Tn EOil mst alSo be Cleaned j to, and extruta care he takm rot to raise cbst in cbing so. Such cist/ soil should not be incirerated either according to tie tcrim1mim1 gafiles cn bety111tm, tint vanid a; ply eum utre as this is raaimr+4ve. -

Mth reprd hildt it,cr tse to tle crntamimticn drinkirg ster guichlinm, of ulatsitrip)s frtm Etoallowing E fails perta;s taxhsLud,sewer cirping is ttat cre mst lodt (evenrxt if  :

jtst at tin effat cn haans when this cnd wirth tp in eter, ht at all aqmtic qwim, micro crtpnists ard stth, as well as aninals and birth who will drink fran cpm Irdim cf eter. E, as well as otler agncles cbes not seen to ushsiad the inter-relaLdum of g1_ life. 'Ihis is the nmt ings. Lad, thirg to truhuLsd. Ch tlat fact (kpnds the survival of the planet. Rriod. Vicm1499 all life fotns as a susptmicn tricip, tim retuve a tiny rivet in the middle of the tricip. Over tir:e, the effects cn diffetut parts of the stncture will wird ip with the idole thing milamirg into the cycge.

9504070225 950328 0 PDR ADOCK 05000160 (


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If rarlmr facilitim vem the m1y facilitis dmpiry to saers ard relmsirg to air etc. it wuld be bad angh, bt this is rrt, the mm. Rr earple, in Mtcn Cbmty, Gngia alme, of thme a2rpanies nquimd to reptrt their toxic rnlmaas (and hrdrah are not rapira$ to cb so) a total of 140,956 p2 n h 1 cf taKic cintrimla were cimpm3 to the sewage tcmbud, plants, 98,586 pourth cimped to arfa wters, and 3,189,780 patnh erdtted to the air. 'Ihis asstus tfat the reprtirg cnrEnnis am being htrest. All this is lapi cre my cr the othr. (M11ch tray be why thre is a sayirg "tte law is an ass" in ortain dtt'm*arr:m. ) LNery stata and catnty in the raticn is cbing similar. 'Ihme figures are fcr '93.

Wat mch ayrcy cbes, cbes rrt exist by itself. Iince the outracp (in part) ome MC wntirg to etclare  :

vast attmts of the raticns radioactive waste "Balcw lhlemy 0narn" so it could lave bem cimped to I sewers, landfills ard axh ,and pidic health and tie alvironment be cbrrnal . - A rardnder here -ctn't i rogurgitate tint in any form as I lave hEBU3 MC ndght. I CBQ't stIss tlat Bugh. l 1

'Ilu fact tint MC alice disfarges to sewers (Milch it struld rrt) cbes not nake it right tlat Oecrgia I

'Itril (cr any lab etc.) c1mps mliN+4ve wste to tin sewers when 1acal ordirarrm am violated. .

I wuld lile to runird the MC, tlat if there wre a najcr acticknt rwlrg nassive disiertys into the l sewer systen - possibly even of boilirg,m14m+ive water - to my tlat 'Ibch violated Ciy Otdinarres would be )

t}D 1.sE=*dM= mud, Of tin Century. 'Ulis 833rar10 is Immihisa, MC ouu1d grene av ptum.%A. p. l

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